他和沃兹走了进来 史蒂夫的长发已经长到背了
He and Woz came in. Steve had long hair down his back.
他留着胡志明市的那种胡子 剪破的裤子和勃肯鞋
He had a Ho Chi Minh beard, cutoffs, Birkenstocks.
而沃兹尼克可能比他好一点 但也没好多少
And Wozniak was maybe a little bit upscale from that, but not much.
I used to like Intel’s advertising,
有天我打给他们 我说”你们的广♥告♥是谁做的”
So I called them up one day, and I said, “Who does your advertising?”
他们说”这个嘛 是麦金纳”
They said, “Well, Regis McKenna.” “What’s a Regis McKenna?”
“麦金纳是什么东西” 他们说”不 他是一个人”
They said, “No, it’s a person.”
沃兹尼克写了一篇 苹果二代的技术文章
Wozniak had a technical article on the Apple II.
他希望我们试着 将这篇文章刊在杂♥志♥上
He wanted us to try to get it placed into a magazine.
结果没人要读 都是技术专业用语之类的
Nobody could read it. It was all technical jargon and so forth.
所以我告诉他 我必须重写
And so I told him I’d have to rewrite it,
and he wasn’t happy about that.
他说”没有人可以 重写我的东西”
He said, “No one’s going to rewrite my stuff.”
我说”好吧 那么 没什么我能够帮你的了”
I said, “Well, then there’s nothing I can do for you,
so you might as well leave.”
史蒂夫后来打给我 他差不多将我说服
Steve called back, and he pretty much convinced me
that he would be the person that we’d be dealing with
所以沃兹尼克只会负责 设计以及建立相关事务
and that Wozniak would be designing and building things,
which is the way it happens in most businesses.
The engineers are more back room
你只能跟创业家或是 行销人才合作
and you work with either the entrepreneur or the marketing people.
早期你曾经想过 史蒂夫能成就大事吗
Did you think early on that Steve could be the guy?
毫无疑问 和他相处几分钟后 你就会知道了
Oh, definitely. You just had to spend a few minutes with him and you knew it.
He had the ability
侃侃而谈他的电脑 未来能有哪些可能性
to talk about the possibility of what this computer could be.
我认为关键并非只有 对产品高谈阔论而已
And I think the key is not just talking about the product,
而是提出一个点子 一个怎么使用这产品的点子
but giving you an idea of what is possible using this product
and what the next generation is going to be like.
所以可以说是 他给了人们下一步的可能性
So he gives people this feeling of forward movement.
-你有几台电子计算机 -两台 大概吧
-How many calculators do you own? -Two, maybe.
好 那你有用过 电子出纳机器吗
Right, and do you use the automatic bank-telling machines?
-当然有 -在你学习这些事情时
-Sure. -Life is already seducing you
人生就己经在诱惑你了 这种事情不会只发生一次
into learning this stuff. It’s not going to happen at once,
而且这完全不是1984年代 预料到会发生的事
and it’s certainly not a 1984-ish vision at all.
It’s just going to be very gradual and very human
and will seduce you into learning how to use it.
Transitioning from a hobby to a personal computer,
that whole idea was driven by Steve.
他总是说着 我们必须改变自身
He was trying to say we need to differentiate ourselves
and really move out of this hobbyist realm.
It ended up coming out of the room saying,
“We’re going to call ourselves the personal computer.”
Industry experts say
我们再也不是处于 个人电脑的革命边缘
we’re no longer on the verge of the personal computer revolution.
我们现在正处在中心 谢谢你
We’re right in the midst of it, thank you.
And it’s gathering steam
with more and more people jumping aboard every day.
我现在会使用我的电脑 主要是用来处理文字
I use my computer right now for mostly word processing.
I use it for solar evaluation programs.
我们把所有会计系统 都放在电脑里
We put our entire accounting system on it.
家庭主妇可以用它来 储存发♥票♥及开支
The wife can use it to store recipes.
To balance my checkbook for me.
We do the computer club’s bulletin.
-打电动 -在网路上购物
-Playing games. -Shopping by mail.
-编制预算 -计算保龄球联赛的得分
-Budgeting. -Bowling-league type scores.
-电子邮件 -电脑在手 创意无穷
-Electronic mail. -A guy can be creative on it.
我的意思是 有了电脑 想做什么都没有问题
I mean, he can use it for whatever he can dream up.
This is a 21st-century bicycle
that amplifies a certain intellectual ability that man has.
The effects that it’s going to have on society
are actually going to far outstrip
even those that the petrochemical revolution has had.
时代杂♥志♥ 应该是吧
Time magazine, I think,
他们说因为他是无情的人 他一手创造了这荣景
said single-handedly he created the industry because he was relentless.
The powers that be of “Time” magazine
decided that they would make the Man of the Year that particular year
the Computer of the Year.
I was transferred to the bureau in San Francisco.
And gradually I began to cotton on to the fact
that there were a lot of stories in this part of California
between San Jose and San Francisco
about these odd, little companies
that people on the East Coast at that point
尚未听说过什么 而且他们也不太在意
hadn’t heard about and really didn’t care about.
And then I got very interested in Apple
而史蒂夫则是 这间公♥司♥早期的一个角色
and Steve was, of the early characters in the company,
他是口齿最清晰 最有趣和最奇怪的那个
the most articulate and the most interesting and the oddest.
史蒂夫乔布斯在他的车♥库♥里 协助建造了第一台苹果电脑
Steven Jobs helped build the first Apple computer in his garage.
他今年26岁 他现在是董事长
He is now 26 years old and is chairman of the board.
当时他们仍对”苹果”这名字 争论不休
There was some debate over whether or not they should use the name “Apple.”
你知道的 整个电脑产业的模型
You know, the whole model of the computer industry
and the computer business was IBM.
IBM在明日的企业服务 成就了今日的可能性
Another business service of tomorrow made possible today by IBM.
IBM was an anonymous organization.
没有人知道总栽是谁 他们什么都不知道
No one knew who the president was. They probably had no idea.
他们的商标看起来 就像用罗马大理石刻成的
The IBM logo looked like it was carved out of Roman marble, you know?
It was just this monolithic kind of thing.
但我们往反方向思考 也就是
And we took just the opposite, which was,
“不如我们把史蒂夫捧红 让我们来说我们的故事”
“Let’s make Steve very high profile. Let’s tell our story.”
在这间车♥库♥工作时 乔布斯和他的高中同学
Working in this garage, Jobs and a high-school classmate
quit their positions at large electronic companies,
利用这些微小的矽胶芯片 创造了这个小小的电脑主机板
and using tiny silicon chips, built this small computer board.
It later on became more of a look back
就是人们开始做生平事蹟 之类等等
when people started doing stories on the background, and so forth.
你知道 我告诉史蒂夫 和我大部份的客户
You know, I told Steve this, and most of my clients in fact,
有首歌♥叫”屋顶上的提琴手” 是泰维唱的
there’s a song in Fiddler on the Roof that Tevye sings.
He says, “If I were a rich man.” And he said, “I’d sit in the temple,
and I’d lecture to the wise men all day long,
“你说得有没有道理 一切都不再重要”
and it wouldn’t matter if you’re right or wrong.”
“只要你口袋里有钱 他们就觉得你知道一切”
“When you’re rich, they think you know.”
所以 在科技产业中
So, in a technology business,
你要表现得你很成功到 可以有自己的平台
you have to show that you are successful in order to have a platform.
就可以到达 二点五亿美元的境界
It led to a quarter-billion-dollar business
and the most popular typewriter-sized computer on the market today.
史蒂夫乔布斯 我知道这是你的结晶和事业
Steve Jobs, I realize this is your baby, and you’ve made a career out of it,
but you’re also something of a philosopher.
你觉得接下来可能会有 什么负面的影响发生吗
Do you see the inherent possibility of bad coming out of all of this?
这个嘛 我觉得你一定要看看
Well, I think one of the things you really have to look at
就是你要观察 孩子们怎么使用东西
is you have to go watch some kids using these things.
有时候你会发现 大肆破坏之外的事情
And what you find is far from something quite harmful.
实际上 你看到的是
In effect, what you see
is an instantaneous reflection of a part of themselves,
接着开始出现他们 有创意的那部分
the creative part of themselves being expressed.
他埋首于电脑之中 仿佛那就是他自己的延伸
He was going for a computer that really felt like an extension of the self.
那正是人们想要的 我认为他也感觉到了 他懂的
That’s what people wanted, and I think he sensed that. He knew that.
我的第一本电脑书 就叫做”第二个自己”
My first book on the computer culture was called “The Second Self.”
The key quote that gave me the title was,
“When you think of a computer,
“你将你自己一部分的心思 放进电脑之中”
you put a little piece of your mind into the computer’s mind,
“然后你开始用 不一样的方式思考自己”
and you come to think of yourself differently.”
我们整间公♥司♥ 最基础的哲学思想
Our whole company, our whole philosophical base,
都建立在一个准则之上 而这个准则
is founded on one principle. And that one principle
就是总有一些特别的事 具有非常独特的历史意义
is that there’s something very special and very historically different
只要一个人加上一台电脑 这些事情就会发生
that takes place when you have one computer and one person.
Did you have an opportunity to meet Jobs?
有的 我曾经在不同场合 见过他几次
Yes, I met him on several occasions.
那么在和他谈话过程中 你感觉得到
And did you sense from talking to him
that he really did understand what he was doing?
I think he understood what he was doing.
He knew he had created something intimate
