“全世界所有人的感情 倾泻而出”
“The outpouring of feelings from people all over the world
“起初我很吃惊 渐渐的就觉得很合理”
was a bit of a surprise to me at first, and then it seemed natural.”
“He was for them a combination of James Dean,
“戴安娜王妃 约翰蓝侬
Princess Diana and John Lennon
and maybe Santa Claus.”
“What is in that bag of goodies?”
“音乐播放器 手♥机♥ 还有平版电脑都十分个人化”
“The iPod, the iPhone and the iPad are so personal.”
“拿在手上是如此温暖 你孤单的时候唱歌♥给你听”
“They are warm in your hand. They sing to you when you’re alone.”
“They are caressed.”
“In those three years together,
“我拥有的是 十年或二十年的回忆”
I packed in a decade or two of experience.”
“史蒂夫在他56年的人生中 拥有了两世纪的份量”
“Steve packed in a couple of centuries in his 56 years.”
“他做了所有他想做的事情 全部按照他的方式来做”
“He did everything he wanted, and all on his own terms.”
“他这辈子活得很好 活得很充实”
“It was a life well and fully lived,
“虽然对曾与他如此熟悉的我 代价是如此昂贵”
even if it was a bit expensive for those of us who were close.”
你其实是有朋友的 你知道吗 即便他们是怪胎
You do have friends, you know? Even if they’re bizarre people.
没错 他是其中 最谜样的人物
Yes. He is. He’s one of those mythic characters.
是的 而且和他们一起的时候 并没那么有趣
Yeah, and they’re not that much fun on the ground most of the time,
but there are those moments when suddenly…
他们是做出一番创举 不可或缺的人物
They’re the only person who could’ve ever done it.
-对 他们改变了我们 -是的
-Yeah, and they change us. -Right.
没有死亡 就没有进步
Without death, there would be very little progress.
一开始我确信 生命没有死亡也能进化
I’m sure that life evolved without death at first
接着我发现没有死亡 生命就无法做到最好
and found that without death, life didn’t work very well.
Because it didn’t make room for the young
那些年轻人并不知道 世界在50年前是什么样子
who didn’t know how the world was, you know, 50 years ago,
但他们将以前视为今天 不带任何偏见
but who saw it as it is today without any preconceptions
然后以此为基准 梦想着未来会是如何
and dreamed how it could be based on that.
你了解到 你能够摸摸你的生命的那刻
The minute that you understand that you can poke life,
你就能改变它 为它塑型
you can change it, you can mold it,
你就会想要改变你的生命 将它变得更好
you’ll want to change life and make it better
因为它很容易 从很多方面搞砸
cos it’s kind of messed up in a lot of ways.
一旦有了前车之鉴 你就不会重蹈覆辙
Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.
Just be here.
别评论 别尝试 别停下来
Don’t judge, don’t try, don’t stop,
也不要开始 在那里就好
don’t start. Just be here.
It’s all just enough.
It’s enough to know that I love you.
史蒂夫和我在里德学院 大一入学两周后认识
Steve and I met two weeks into our freshman year at Reed College.
We had both happened to buy “Be Here Now.”
看起来就是不寻常的书 我就只是想要…
And it was such an unusual book. I just wanted…
拿着它到处走 希望有人能跟我聊聊它
I was carrying it around and wanted somebody to talk to about it,
而史蒂夫就是那个 也有读过这本书的人
and Steve was the one person who also had read it.
朋友 苹果技术员 1977年到1984年
我们去印度的时候 我们想要难忘的记忆
When we went to India, we were looking for remarkable experiences.
我们没有大♥师♥领进门 也没有去那些专门学校
We didn’t have a guru. We didn’t have a particular school.
And so we traveled around for four months.
有一些很有趣的经验 没什么特别的启蒙事件
Had some interesting experiences. No major enlightenment experiences.
Steve’s quote later was,
“我们都弄清了 我们不会遇到…”
“We had figured out that we weren’t going to meet somebody
who was going to make us enlightened.”
If you think about Hindu spirituality,
你会想到泰瑞莎修女 喂养穷♥人♥的事情
you think of Mother Teresa feeding the poor.
That’s not really the path that Steve took.
Those weren’t Steve’s values.
It was the next year, after India,
when he connected with the Zen Center in Los Altos.
禅修说的是纯粹 简约和净化
Zen is about clarity, simplicity, cleanliness.
终结自尊的二重性 将人生变得更单纯
Ending the duality of your ego and simplifying your life.
And that really appealed to Steve.
这基本上是一种 蜕变后的再造
It’s based on taking off and creating something for yourself.
就像是为自身注入新生命 用任何你期许的方式进行
You know, giving life to your own life in whatever way you wish to do it.
At the time he was starting Apple,
Steve was very actively looking for a mentor.
乙川弘文成为了乔布斯的 灵魂向导
Kobun Chino would become Jobs’s spiritual advisor.
乙川鼓励乔布斯 不需要进到寺庙中
Kobun encouraged Jobs not to retreat into a monastery,
而是藉由禅修中心 继续保持人生与工作
but instead to find Zen in his life and work.
有时他们也会为了启蒙之路 而争论不休
But they would argue over the path to enlightenment.
史蒂夫总是说”让我出家 请让我出家”
Steve always says, “Make me monk. Please make me monk.”
I say, “Not until proof.”
当时我住在加州 大约23年前
When I was living in California, 23 years ago…
我去应门 他站在门口
I answered the doorbell and there he is.
18 years old, he was.
And he wanted to see me.
我看着他的眼睛 然后…
And I looked into his eyes, and…
他的双眼看起来很糟 但他并没有疯
They looked terrible, but he is not crazy.
I must talk with him.
我和他去散步 走过洛思阿图斯的小镇
I took him for a walk through the downtown of Los Altos.
All stores closed.
One bar called The Teacup was open.
We sat down at the counter.
我喝了爱尔兰咖啡 他喝了果汁
I had Irish coffee and he had juice.
喝了几口后 他开始说话
After sipping, he started to talk.
He said, “I feel I’m enlightened.”
“I don’t know what to do with this.”
太美妙了 实在太奇妙了
That’s wonderful. That is very wonderful.
I need proof of it.
A week later he came back
with a little metal sheet in his hand.
上面有很多东西 到处都是电线
Many things were going, wires going around…
I didn’t know what it was.
It was a chip of a personal computer.
他说”这是我设计的 我的朋友沃兹帮了我的忙”
He said, “I designed it. My friend Woz helped me.”
“This is called Lisa.”
“I named it Lisa.”
Which is the name of his daughter.
That was the origin of Apple Computer.
但我仍然不是很确定 这算不算是证明
And I’m still not quite sure that was a true proof or not.
他聪明过人 但我认为有点太聪明了
He’s brilliant, but too smart, I think.
当你破解了丽莎的故事 想想它为何如此重要
When you broke the Lisa story, why was that important?
There was a computer called “Lisa.”
每个人都在想 这台电脑究竟是以谁命名
And everybody wondered who the computer was named after.
我并非选择 将它命名为”丽莎”
I didn’t choose to name the computer “Lisa.”
我非常困惑 还是不懂它为何叫丽莎
I was obviously curious about why it was named “Lisa”.
不管公平不公平 我认为这就是
Fair or unfair, I think that was,
对我而言 这就是最贴近这故事的部份
to me, that was a germane part of the story.
我当时17岁 坐在一个方台上
I was 17, sitting in the quad.
那时候是早春 又温暖又冷冽
Early spring, warm and cold at the same time.
我到处看了看 看到一个没看过的男生
And I look over, and there’s this guy I have never seen.
我在这里待了三年 我不敢相信这个人有多出色
I’ve been there for three years. I can’t believe how gorgeous he is.
接着他走离方台 我跟了上去
And he starts to walk out of the quad, and I followed him
cos I thought, “I’ve got to introduce myself to him.”
然后我又想”我要说什么” 我完全想不到要怎么说
And I’m going, “What do I say?” I had no idea what to say.
几个月后 我在一间公♥司♥上班
A few months later, I was working on a film.
我们常常加班到很晚 然后他从黑暗中走了出来
We worked all night long, and he walks up out of the dark.
他看起来很有自信但有点尴尬 他就是一个反差很大的人
He was confident and awkward. He was a study in contrasts.
他的牛仔裤上有很多洞 所以看起来垂垂的
And he had jeans on that drooped because they had so many holes in them.
他看起来很有目标 也非常紧张
And he was very intentional, very intense.
然后他拿给我一首诗 是鲍伯狄伦做的
And then he handed me a poem by Bob Dylan.
“Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands.”
他会改编狄伦的歌♥ 更符合他的生活
He would re-write Dylan’s songs to fit his life.
And then he… he just scanned the quad
and the darkness that went over his face…
脸的边缘 那抹担忧 充满了不和谐的感觉吓到了我
The edge, the worry, the dissonance, was shocking to me.
我那时候还太年轻 想着”我有做错什么事吗”
And I was young enough where I thought, “Did I say something wrong?”
但稍后我了解到 事情不是这样
But later I realized that wasn’t what it was.
That was part of who he was.
我觉得 这也是 我被他吸引的其中一部份
