And I mean, that was one of the things that I was attracted to,
is that he had a lot going on inside him.
史蒂夫很浪漫 而且他真的很爱克里斯安
Steve was a romantic, and he really loved Chrisann.
我认为她是他人生中 很大的动力
I think she was a seductive force in his life,
and there was a part of Steve that didn’t want to push that away.
但在史蒂夫的人生中 排在第一顺位的
But the main thing in Steve’s life, number one,
was getting Apple off the ground.
他当时真的无法 兼顾其它事情
And he just really could not focus on anything else.
I came out in June of ’77,
我们三个人来到库比蒂诺 并在这租♥房♥♥子
and the three of us went and rented a house in Cupertino.
苹果正在起步 史蒂夫和我再次陷入爱河
Apple is beginning. Steve and I are falling in love again.
But we’re going back and forth big time now.
但我很没有安全感 因为他实在太刻薄了
It’s just like I’m insecure because he’s so unkind,
and then we connect.
我不太懂得应对 史蒂夫的脑袋转太快了
But I don’t know how to handle how fast Steve’s mind is
and how fast he throws negative stuff at me.
And by the time I figure out, “I’ve got to get out of here…” Um…
“This is not working.”
“我不想待在他们的俱乐部里 不管丹尼尔有没有一起”
Um… “I don’t want to be in their club, Daniel’s or just even with Steve.”
“真的行不通的” 然后我就发现我怀孕了
“It’s just not working.” That’s when I got pregnant.
你告诉史蒂夫你怀孕之后 他有什么反应
What happened when you told Steve that you were pregnant? Um…
I told Steve in the dining room.
Steve’s jaw clenched.
And searing anger…
然后他跑出家里 就像一个青少年一样
And he runs out the door, kind of like a teenager,
slams the door.
她怀孕了 史蒂夫的反应是”不是我的”
She got pregnant. And Steve just was, “Not… not… not me.”
“不是我的 不是我的” 懂吗
“It’s not me. It’s not me,” right?
Even though that was not a reasonable thing to say.
丽莎出生后三天 史蒂夫来找我
After Lisa was born, Steve came up three days later.
我们坐在田野间 然后他…
And we’re sitting in a field, and he…
We’re like, trying to negotiate…
要为女儿取一个 我们两个都喜欢的名字
…what name we both feel good about for her.
He knows he’s the father.
他想到一个点子 想要将她取名做克莱儿
He comes with the idea of wanting to call her Claire,
但我不喜欢克莱儿这名字 因为听起来很像克莱拉
and I don’t want Claire because it’s too much like Clara,
his mother’s name.
所以 我们继续翻著书
So, we’re looking through the book,
我们想了一阵子 前前后后的想
and we’re thinking and going back and forth,
想要与众不同的名字 最后我说”丽莎”
trying different names, and finally I go, “Lisa!”
他说”好啊” 我们都喜欢这个名字
He said, “Yeah!” We both loved that name.
但随后我发现他想要 为下一系列的电脑
But later I realized he wanted to name a line of computers
or the next computer the “Claire.”
I only knew this later.
他之后回到苹果 才改回”丽莎”
He went back to Apple and changed it to the “Lisa.”
It says a lot about somebody
一个机智有想像力 又大胆的人
that they would have the wit, the imagination, the audacity,
用史蒂夫这样时髦的方式 命名这台电脑
to name a computer in the fashion that Steve named this
and believe that you’re going to be able to get away with it.
That is the sort of very telling anecdote
用这样的故事 鲜明了那个人的个性
that helps illuminate somebody’s personality.
我的生母是一位 大学毕业的年轻单亲妈妈
My biological mother was a young, unwed graduate student,
and she decided to put me up for adoption.
原本 大事抵定
So, everything was all set
for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife.
Except that when I popped out,
最后一刻他们才决定 想要一个女儿
they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl.
所以 本来还在等候清单上的养父母
So, my parents, who were on a waiting list,
got a call in the middle of the night, asking,
“We’ve got an unexpected baby boy. Do you want him?”
They said, “Of course.”
My biological mother found out later
我的养母 并不是从大学毕业的
that my mother had never graduated from college
and that my father had never graduated from high school.
因此她拒绝签下 最后的领养同意书
She refused to sign the final adoption papers.
She only relented a few months later
因为我的养父母承诺 会让我去上大学
when my parents promised that I would go to college.
This was the start in my life.
你知道 他另一个矛盾的点是 就是 这个人
You know, another paradox for him, you know, here’s a guy,
非常生气 因为他被养父母抛弃
you know, being pissed off that he was left for adoption,
那时他还是个孩子 他想要走别条路
and when he has a child, he wants to run the other way.
没错 这是最大的矛盾
Yes, that’s a huge paradox.
就连我第一次遇到史蒂夫时 他被养父母抛弃的事实
Even when I first met Steve, the fact that he was given up for adoption
在他人生中仍是 很大的情绪议题
was a huge emotional issue in his life.
我记得 我就在 这草坪上
I was, I remember, right here on the lawn
告诉丽莎麦克莫伊勒 她就住在我被领养的对街
telling Lisa McMoyler, who lived across the street, that I was adopted,
然后她说”所以这表示 你的亲生父母不要你吗”
and she said, “So, does that mean your real parents didn’t want you?”
一句话惊醒梦中人 我记得我跑回房♥子
Ooh, lightening bolt. I remember running into the house.
我好像开始哭了 问我的父母 他们叫我坐下
I think I started crying, asking my parents, and they sat me down.
他们说”不 你不了解”
They said, “No, you don’t understand.”
They said, “We specifically picked you.”
那成了他人生中 很鲜明的一个画面
That was clearly a very defining image in his life,
就是他被拒绝了 但他又很特别
both that he was rejected and that he was special.
首次公开募股 是在1980年十一月
The IPO was November 1980.
1980那年的夏天 我们都很清楚这即将发生
By the summer of 1980, it was clear it was going to happen,
史蒂夫那时的身价 已经差不多达到1000万美元
and so Steve’s net worth was going to go from $10 million
to around $200 million.
而我认为他有机会 能够再出发
And I think he had the opportunity to completely reinvent himself.
在他的重生中 有些帮助过他的人被抛在脑后
In his reinvention, some people who helped him were left behind.
Woz had no taste for management,
所以他带着很多股票离开苹果 和终身津贴
so he left Apple with a big stock package and a lifetime stipend.
丹尼尔卡堤是 苹果的第一名员工
Daniel Kottke had been one of Apple’s first employees.
在首次公开募股中 苹果执行长提供了
In the run-up to the IPO, an Apple executive offered
和史蒂夫要给的一样多股票 给丹尼尔
to give Daniel the same amount of stock that Steve would give.
史蒂夫回覆”好 那我一毛都不给他”
Steve replied, “Fine. I’ll give him zero.”
乔布斯也找到了机会 能重写他和克里斯安之间的历史
Jobs also saw an opportunity to rewrite his history with Chrisann.
他捏造了一个故事 暗示她有许多性♥伴♥侣♥
He composed a fiction which implied she had many sexual partners,
and he claimed he was sterile
因此他不具有 让女人怀孕的生理功能
and therefore did not have the physical capacity to procreate a child.
一个带着孩子的女人 我对他们竟然是这么大的威胁
A woman with a baby, and I was that threatening to them.
If he’d said, “I can’t do this, but let me help
“但我可以养她 我可以派上一点用场”
because I can be practical here,”
that would have been… …made for so much.
但现在看来 当时他只想要背弃诚信
But it almost seemed that the point was to be out of integrity.
当法♥院♥认证的基因测试 证明乔布斯是孩子的父亲
When a court-ordered DNA test proved Jobs’s paternity,
he stopped fighting Chrisann in court.
She was on welfare at the time,
所以乔布斯很不情愿的同意 每个月付给孩子500元
so Jobs reluctantly agreed to pay $500 a month in child support.
苹果上市之后 他身价高达两亿美元
When Apple went public, he was worth nearly $200 million.
Steve is so hugely successful,
and yet he treated so many people so badly.
到底要多么讨人厌 才可以这么成功呢
How much of an asshole do you have to be to be successful?
What is the moral of the story here?
你好 我是麦金塔
Hello. I am Macintosh.
我非常骄傲的 向大家介绍这个人
It is with considerable pride that I introduce a man
他对我来说就像父亲一样 史蒂夫乔布斯
who’s been like a father to me. Steve Jobs.
他不知道 真实的沟通是什么
He didn’t know what real connection was.
所以他比较像是 和世界接轨的科技面
So he was a part of the technology that connected the world.
Does that make sense?
He made up another kind of connection.
你知道 我昨晚彻夜未眠
You know, I didn’t sleep a wink last night.
这是史蒂夫乔布斯 介绍苹果手♥机♥的影片
There’s a version of Steve Jobs presenting the iPhone
where you can see his own feeling of “I love this object.”
Isn’t this awesome?
他的产品大受欢迎 但不代表他也大受欢迎
His stuff was beloved, but it wasn’t that he was beloved.
He wasn’t a nice guy.
第一 他有花♥花♥公♥子♥的称号♥
First, he had a reputation as a womanizer,
and then he had a reputation
不懂得关心他人 是一个很难相处的人
as sort of not caring about anybody and as being kind of a tough guy.
因为个性使然 人们很难和他建立连结
People are not connected to him because of his character.
