That is not people’s connection to him.
In Be Here Now by Ram Dass,
这么多年来 我仍然记得一件事情
one of the memories I still have after all these years
was when someone goes into a state of enlightenment…
…but they do it while they’re still attached to their ego…
他们称之为…我想起他说的 他们说这是”金链”
They call that, as I recall him saying it, “the golden chain.”
这就是我在 乔布斯身上看到的
And that’s what I feel happened to Steve.
他来到了雄伟的地方 走进启蒙之地 但他…
He went into magnificence and into enlightenment, but he…
He just…
He blew it.
Steve Jobs blew it?
全世界有多少人 会相信这件事
How many people in the world believe that?
He made products everyone loved.
他是电脑时代 最成功的企业家
He was the computer era’s most successful entrepreneur.
How could anyone think he blew it?
企业家是那种 想要动摇事情的人
The entrepreneur’s a person who wants to shake things up,
想要有所改变 看得见更好的办法的人
who wants to change things, who sees a better way of doing that.
但那个人却更倾向于 让大家讨厌他
But he or she tends to be a royal pain in the neck.
Apple computer has sued its co-founder
以及前任总栽 史蒂夫乔布斯
and former chairman,
Steven Jobs, to stop him from starting a rival company.
乔布斯在上周和委员会 苦战后辞去他的工作
Jobs quit Apple last week in a bitter fight with his board and management.
所以 苹果面临制度改编
So, Apple is reorganizing.
约翰斯卡利从 史蒂夫乔布斯手中夺得掌控权
John Sculley is taking control from Steven Jobs.
跟我们聊聊 你从苹果离开的事情
Tell us about your departure from Apple.
十分痛苦 我不确定我想聊
Oh, it was very painful. I’m not even sure I want to talk about it. Um…
我能说什么 我聘请了一个错的人
What can I say? I hired the wrong guy.
-你在说斯卡利吗 -没错
-That was Sculley? -Yeah.
他就这样毁了一切 我花了十年苦心建造的一切
And… he destroyed everything I’d spent ten years working for.
你1985年离开苹果后 做了些什么
What did you do after you left Apple in 1985?
I started two companies.
One was started
是从卢卡斯影业手上 买♥♥下电脑动画部门
by buying the computer-graphics division of Lucasfilm.
We christened it Pixar.
Pixar was acquired by Disney.
我是迪士尼公♥司♥的 董事会成员之一
I’m on the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company.
And the other was called NeXT.
自从离开 或者说被踢出苹果后
From having left or been bounced from Apple,
did he have a kind of a chip on his shoulder?
Was there some… Was this Steve in the wilderness?
I don’t think he felt he was in the wilderness at all.
我认为他感到自己正在正轨上 他有任务要做
I think he felt he was on a path. He was on a mission.
Where are we going to?
1986年 他离开苹果之后
In 1986, after he had left Apple
and was in the process of starting this new company,
君子杂♥志♥说服他 进行每周访谈
Esquire” convinced him to give a journalist a week of his time.
所以基本上 我每个礼拜都会跟他见面
So, I basically spent that week with him,
跟他大聊特聊 一起吃晚餐 在会议中见面
talked to him a lot, went to dinner, sat in on meetings,
可以看到乔布斯 十分融入人生的这个时期
and got to see Jobs as he was at that moment in his life.
But, I mean, I agree that… Let me back up a bit.
因此 有人会说
So, somebody’s got to say,
“这是我们能做的 我们能让它成真”
“Here’s what we can do, and we can make it happen,
“这就是我们16个月内 能交出来的成果”
and here’s the level of thing we can ship in 16 months.”
And what I hear him saying is,
“Well, anything more than a port
能力所及的事情 就算了吧”
of Mac author, forget it.”
And boy, that just makes me smoke.
如果他在开会时 有人说”我有一个点子”
If he was in a meeting and somebody said,
讲出来之后 如果他不喜欢
“Here’s a great idea,” and put the idea out there and he didn’t like it,
he’d just chop the person into mincemeat.
但我想提出问题 第一
The problem I’ve got, though, is one,
有人会相信 他真的迈出第一步了吗
will everybody believe that the stake is in fact in the ground,
然后第二 当软件又开始流行
and, secondly, when software comes back
然后表明在87年夏天或春天前 它们能够做到哪些
and says what they can do by summer or spring of ’87,
will they be telling us the truth?
这个嘛 乔治 我无法改变世界 你知道的
Well, George, I can’t change the world, you know.
你要我怎么做 解决办法又是什么
What do you want me to do? What’s the solution?
但你知道 我们能学到…
But you see, what we can learn is…
What I want is probably irrelevant.
我是说 我们有现实要面对
I mean, there are certain realities here,
both psychological and market,
就我个人的判断 它正要开始发挥作用
that are going to come into play, in my own personal judgment.
这是我们另外开启的窗口 我们被赋予的
And I think this is a window that we’ve got. We’ve been given it.
感谢老天开启这扇窗 除了我们没人办得到
And thank God we’ve been given it. Nobody else has done this.
这扇完美的窗户 我们共有十八个月
It’s a wonderful window. We have 18 months.
这篇文章是在描述 对工作着魔的人
The article was about people who are maniacal about work.
而史蒂夫乔布斯是我想得到 最疯狂的人
And Steve Jobs was the most maniacal person I could think of,
这也是为何 我想写他的故事
which is why I wanted to write about him.
You made the connection in that first piece a bunch of times,
你知道 教士中的僧侣
you know, the monk among priests.
What was the relationship between that extreme
of working 24/7 and that monastic life?
我是说 他看起来将它 看做某种有趣的奉献
I mean, he did seem to have that rather interesting dedication.
好 你发下豪愿 要做出某种东西
OK, so, a monomaniacal commitment to something
那东西是现在 大部份人都没有的
is something that most people don’t have.
然后僧侣要求你 摆脱那些外来的事物
And that, like the monk, requires you to kind of shed extraneous things,
而史蒂夫乔布斯 肯定有一堆想要摆脱
and Steve Jobs absolutely, positively had that.
Jobs talked about becoming a monk
就在一个遥远的禅修中心 就是乙川弘文在的地方
at this remote Zen temple where Kobun Chino had studied.
我在想他为什么 会喜欢这主意
I wonder what he liked about the idea of it.
是因为僧侣的守则吗 它们恪守的重点
Was it the discipline of the monks? Their unwavering focus?
打坐冥想的时候 乔布斯很喜欢检视内心
In meditation, Jobs loved inspecting his own mind
and changing the way it worked.
He focused on the spirit of things
and sought perfection in the machines he made.
但是乙川认为 乔布斯搞错重点
But Kobun thought Jobs was missing the point.
对于完美的渴求 并不会让内心平静
A search for perfection would never bring him peace
or harmony with those around him.
不过也许和谐感是乔布斯 想要在日本找到的东西
But maybe harmony is what Jobs was looking for in Japan.
他去了那里好几次 并不只是为了出差
He went there dozens of times, and not just for business.
他会住在豪华饭店 而不是禅修中心
He stayed in fancy hotels, not Zen temples,
但是到最后 他会一直回来
but right to the end, he kept going back.
After he met and later married Laurene Powell,
他会带着四个孩子中的三个 去日本 包含丽莎
he would take three of his four children there, including Lisa.
乔布斯和丽莎的关系 充满了冲突
Jobs’s relationship with Lisa remained full of conflict,
但乔布斯在过世前 丽莎记录了一些亲子时光
but a few years before Jobs’s death, Lisa wrote about a moment of peace.
我并没有跟他同住 但他有时候会来我们家
I didn’t live with him, but he would stop by our house some days,
不舒服的时刻 来这里求神慰藉
a deity among us for a few tingly moments or hours.
他比我和我母亲 更像个极端素食者
He was a more extreme vegetarian than my mother and I
and sharp-focused.
有天 他听到汤里有加奶油 就一口吐了出来
One day, he spit out a mouthful of soup after hearing it contained butter.
With him, one ate a variety of salads.
He believed that great harvests came from arid sources.
Pleasure from restraint.
他知道大部份人 都不晓得的方程式
He knew the equations that most people didn’t know.
Things led to their opposites.
But once, he took me with him on a business trip to Tokyo
我们来到一家寿司店 在大仓饭店的地下室
where we went to a sushi bar in the basement of the Okura hotel
那里有着高高的天花板 和低沙发 像希区考克电影
with its high ceilings and low couches, like a Hitchcock set.
He ordered great trays of unagi sushi, cooked eel on rice.
他点太多份了 我们根本吃不完
He ordered too many pieces, knowing we wouldn’t be able to finish them,
但我们不想要 浪费这些美食
but that we didn’t want to feel they would run out.
这是和他在一起 我第一次感觉到
It was the first time I’d felt, with him,
so relaxed and content over those trays of meat.
The excess, the permission and warmth
after the cold salads
就像是一处曾经到不了的地方 已经敞开了大门
meant a once inaccessible space had opened.
He was less rigid with himself,
成就再大 他和我在一起时 也只是个平凡人
even human under the great ceilings with the little chairs,
with the meat and me.
但这种情况并没有持续下去 回家后我们继续吃沙拉
