But the event was not self-sustaining. We went back home to salads.
当时我不太满意 但现在我知道了差别
They satisfied me less now that I knew the alternative.
-NeXT发生什么事 -苹果将它买♥♥下了
-What eventually happened to NeXT? -Apple purchased it.
-好 什么时候 -我记得是1997年
-OK, when? -I believe 1997.
苹果买♥♥下NeXT后 简直一团乱
When Apple bought NeXT, Apple was pretty messed up.
It was pretty easy to see.
苹果电脑 个人电脑级及软件产业的先驱
Apple Computer, a pioneer in the personal computers and software business,
has fallen on hard times.
Over a three-month period,
苹果的利润 暴跌超过五千万美元
Apple’s profits plunged by more than $50 million.
在最后一季的大惨败 在利润紧缩之下
With big losses in the last quarter, with profit margins shrinking,
Apple seems destined for a takeover.
史蒂夫乔布斯和 史蒂夫沃兹尼克一起创办苹果
Steve Jobs co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak,
礼拜五 苹果重新整顿
and on Friday, Apple went to the well once again,
bringing Jobs back as a consultant,
写下了历史上 最不可能的一篇章节
writing one of the most unlikely chapters ever
in the lore that is Silicon Valley.
I joined the company in February ’97.
After a couple of days there, I was in complete shock.
公♥司♥几乎面临破产 一切都陷入混乱
The company was close to bankruptcy, and it was total chaos.
The NeXT acquisition had just occurred,
and there were major changes going on.
史蒂夫此时被找回来 但非核心位置
And Steve was involved at that point in time, but on the margins.
I haven’t been back here in over ten years,
所以 没错 很耐人寻味的感觉
so, yeah, it’s an interesting feeling.
有一点点奇怪 但也不是那么奇怪
It’s a little strange, but not too strange.
At some point in time,
the process was started to look for a full-time CEO.
在那个时候 史蒂夫变得更加融入
And at that point in time, Steve got much more involved.
现在 他仍然不是执行长
Now, he still wasn’t the CEO.
我不觉得他有百分之百的把握 能够救回这间公♥司♥
I don’t think he was 100% sure the company was savable yet,
我也觉得他当时 拿着筹码在观望
and so I think he was hedging his bets a little bit.
他必须做出决定 是否要接下这份重担
He had to make a decision whether he really wanted to take on that role
因为成为苹果的执行长 是一份劳心费神的工作
because being CEO of Apple is an all-consuming role,
我不太确定史蒂夫 认为这是件…
and I’m not sure Steve thought that that’s something
that he wanted to do for what turned out to be the rest of his life.
我接下了暂时执行长的职务 并答应在90天内回来
I took the title of Interim CEO and agreed to come back for 90 days
to help recruit a full-time CEO.
-招募工作执行得如何 -我失败了
How did that recruitment effort go? I failed.
苹果执行团队 1988年
这故事早期的真英雄是 弗莱德安德森
You know, the real hero of that early part of the story is Fred Anderson.
弗莱德在经济层面 重建了这间公♥司♥
Fred restructured the company financially
并为我们争取了时间 打造了今日的苹果
and bought us the time to build the foundation for today’s Apple.
而且弗莱德甚至也对 产品策略产生影响
And then Fred even had an impact on the product strategy
because when Steve came back,
我们开始着手的新专案 是网路电脑
the first major project we started was a network computer.
在当时风靡一时 但它完全不是一台消费产品
That was kind of the rage at the time, but it wasn’t a consumer product at all.
弗莱德说”等一下 你知道的”
Fred kept going, “You know, wait a minute,
we got to have a consumer product.”
“你们要专注在 发表低阶电脑”
“You guys have to focus on a low-end Mac
because that’s what’s going to turn the company around.”
所以 执行团队和史蒂夫 决定了要做出改变
So, the executive team and Steve decided that we would switch
from doing the network computer and make that the iMac.
就在这里 这边 你有看到吗
There you go, right here. Can you see it?
在电脑的世界里 只有打败别人或被打败
In the world of computers, it’s kill or be killed.
And the original whiz kid was thought to be dying an early death.
我们采用了最能代表 机械精神的颜色
We went for colors that really expressed the spirit of the machine.
这非常的…强大 但好玩
And that is… you know, it’s powerful, but fun.
我有任何想法 就会马上告诉你
And the first thing I thought I’d do is give you an update.
那年我们设法要 停止数亿元的亏损
We’ve managed to go from losing a billion dollars the year before
而实际上在前三季 我们就赚回了两亿
to actually making over $200 million during the first three quarters.
天啊 看看这一年改变了多少
Boy, what a difference a year makes.
你猜怎么着 苹果回来了
Guess what? Mac is back.
He was the kind of person that could convince himself of things
that weren’t necessarily true.
他会向人们求助 请他们做事
He could go to people and ask them to do something
并让他们觉得 这件事非常重要
that they thought was impossible.
Steve did create reality distortion around him.
你知道 如果他告诉你 天空是绿的 过一阵子
You know, if he told you the sky was green, for a while,
你也会开始想”好吧 好像真的是绿的”
you’d kind of go, “Yeah, OK. Yeah, the sky’s green.”
To me… marketing is about values.
这是一个很复杂的世界 一个很喧哗的世界
This is a very complicated world. It’s a very noisy world.
And we’re not going to get a chance
让人们记住我们 没有公♥司♥做得到这点
to get people to remember much about us. No company is.
And so, we have to be really clear
关于我们想要 他们得到什么样的讯息
on what we want them to know about us.
我们的客户想知道 苹果代表着谁
Our customers want to know who is Apple
and what is it that we stand for.
我们所拥有的是 我觉得…
What we have is something that I am…
…I am very moved by.
Here’s to the crazy ones.
乔布斯对他委任制♥作♥的广♥告♥ 感到感动不已
Jobs was so moved by the ad he’d commissioned
他制♥作♥了一个版本 由他自己重新配音
that he produced a version where he did the voiceover himself.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
他们不喜欢规则 也不愿安于现状
They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo.
你可以引用他们的话或不同意 赞扬他们或是诋毁
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
你唯一无法做的 就是漠视他们
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them
because they change things.
他们可能是别人眼里的疯子 我们则视其为天才
While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
因为那些疯狂到 以为自己能改变世界的人
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world…
…are the ones who do.
It honors those people who have changed the world.
有些已逝 有些仍然活着
Some of them are living, some of them are not.
对于那些己经过世的人 如果他们有机会使用电脑
But the ones that aren’t, you know that if they ever used a computer,
it would have been a Mac.
The theme of the campaign is “Think different.”
Think different.
In one brilliant, ungrammatical phrase,
乔布斯说了一个叛逆的故事 破除以往天才的胜利模式
Jobs told a story of rebellion, the triumph of the iconoclastic genius.
藉由”不同凡想” 乔布斯想要说出他自己的故事
With “Think different,” was Jobs trying to frame his own story?
不仅仅是执行长 他将自己定位在一个象征
More than a CEO, he positioned himself as an oracle,
a man who could tell the future of technology.
你知道 大部份时候
You know, a lot of times,
好的产品就是 科技正确的组合在一起
great products are sort of convergence of the right set of technologies.
乔布斯很擅长 在交叉路口做出选择
And Steve was brilliant at getting to a fork in the road
and choosing the right fork.
我们曾经有机会能够 玩玩音乐播放器的多元性
We got a chance to play with a variety of music players,
and they sucked.
所以我们决定 史蒂夫说”我们自己做一台”
So, we decided, Steve said, you know, “Go build a music player.”
我聚集了一个小团队 研究看看需要做些什么
So, I assembled a small team to take a look at what it would take to do it,
结论就是科技技术 尚未到那一步
and the conclusion was the technology really wasn’t ready yet.
Then in February of 2001,
the Toshiba guys brought out the 1.8-inch hard drive.
So, as soon as I saw that I go,
这就是我们需要用来 做音乐播放器的东西
“That’s what we need to build the iPod.”
我接着去找史蒂夫说”好 我现在知道怎么做了”
So, I went to Steve, and I go, “OK, I know how to do it now.”
“I need $10 million.”
史蒂夫说”好 我写一张 一千万支票给你”
And Steve goes, “OK, I’ll write you a $10 million check.”
我接着去找弗莱德 确保支票不会跳票
I went to Fred to make sure the check wouldn’t bounce,
弗莱德说”没错 你知道怎么做 去吧”
and Fred said, “Yeah, you know, go.”
And so I started ramping the team up,
然后你就知道了 一年后我们的播放器问世
and, you know, we delivered the iPod later that year.
乔布斯的天才在于 他如何卖♥♥出这播放器
Jobs’s genius was how he sold the iPod.
这机器并非为你而做 它就是你本人
It wasn’t a machine for you. It was you.
有时候人们会忘记 他们是非常独特的
People sometimes forget that they’re very unique
他们有非常独特的 感受与观点
and that they have very unique feelings and perspectives.
你知道 整个电脑产业
