兄弟们 货到了 开始干活
All right, fellas, here they come. Let’s get with it.
快点 别磨蹭 开始吧
Come on, we haven’t got all night. Let’s get going.
你装满了 那就开走 走
You loaded? Move it out of here. Move!
快点 出去 你进来
Come on, move it out. You pull in here.
号♥外号♥外 新鲜出炉的报纸
Read about the trouble, folks. Get these papers while they’re hot.
-最新的报纸 -来吧
-Latest paper here. -Come on, come on.
别着急 希尼 最新的报纸
Keep your sweatshirt on, Sidney. Hold it latest paper here.
-你想看看汉塞克专栏的新消息吗 -不用
-You want a hot item on Hunsecker’s column? -No.
-新鲜出炉的烤面包 -给
-Two rolls got fresh with the baker. -Here.
最新的报纸啊 谁要看报纸
Hey, the late paper just came in. Who wants the late paper?
burn a hole in the rug.
汉塞克专栏 好莱坞之眼
希尼·法科 公♥关♥
等一下 威尔顿先生 好像…
Uh-huh. Just a minute, Mr. Weldon. I think…
对不起 我还以为是法科先生回来了
I’m sorry. I thought I heard Mr. Falco.
是 他一回来我就告诉他
Yes, I’ll tell him when he returns.
I know he’s been trying to get in touch wi…
It’s the third time he’s called today.
-大概想让我断条腿吧 -不 他说是手
-Probably wants me to break a leg. -No, an arm, he said.
I told him you were sure the item would be in Mr. Hunsecker’s column…
-就是明天的报纸 -不会了
-in tomorrow’s paper. -It isn’t.
And I saw the early edition.
-But, Sidney… -“But.” But-but-but what?
也就是说汉塞克先生连续五天 都没让你上专栏了
That makes five days in a row Mr. Hunsecker’s cut you out of his column.
May I rent you out as an adding machine?
Get me Joe Robard.
Anybody else call?
Uh, the renting agent and your tailor.
交房♥租 让裁缝等等
Pay the rent, and tell the tailor to wait.
It won’t leave much balance in the bank.
喂 罗巴德先生
Hello, Mr. Robard?
Could you locate him, please?
Here. Gimme.
Watch me run a 50-yard dash with my legs cut off.
乔啊 我是希尼
Hey, Joe. Joe, it’s Sidney.
你觉得呢 我都没借口可用了
How do you like this? I’m running outta alibis.
不是的 我让杰哥先别写
Oh, no. No, no. I asked J.J. to withhold the item
until he could give you a fine, fat paragraph.
-你是个骗子 希尼 -什么意思啊
-You’re a liar, Sidney. -What do you mean, a liar?
Oh, it’s a publicity man’s nature to be a liar.
你要不会骗 我就不请你了
I wouldn’t hire you if you wasn’t a liar.
I pay you a C and a half while you, you plant big lies…
about me and the club all over the map.
Oh, if that’s the way you mean it…
我就这意思啊 但同时…
Yeah, I mean in that sense, but also…
in the sense that you are a personal liar too…
because you don’t do the work I pay ya for.
等一下 乔 我昨晚和杰哥谈了 他说…
Wait a minute, Joe. When I spoke to J.J. last night, he said…
真希望我能帮到你 希尼
I wish I could help in some way, Sidney.
那你帮帮忙 安静两分钟
You could help with two minutes of silence.
我不想看到你这样子 如果你紧张…
I hate to see you like this. Sidney, if you feel nervous…
So what’ll you do if I feel nervous?
Open your meaty, sympathetic arms and…
希尼 你这样会让我不知所措
Oh, Sidney, you got me so I don’t know what to do.
莎莉啊 到现在你也该了解我了
Ah, Sally, you oughta know me by now.
-我了解你 -你不了解
-I know you. -Nah. No, you don’t.
You think I’m a hero.
Well, I’m no hero.
I’m nice to people where it pays me to be nice.
Look, I do it enough on the outside,
so don’t expect me to do it in my own office.
I’m in a bind right now with Hunsecker.
希尼 也许我是笨 但…
Sidney, maybe I’m dumb, but…
why does Mr. Hunsecker want to squeeze your livelihood away?
What do you stand for that kind of treatment for?
他在惩罚我 他妹妹跟个吉他手好上了
He’s punishing me. His kid sister’s having a romance with some guitar player.
他让我去拆散他们 我以为做到了 结果没有
He asked me to break it up. I thought I did, but maybe I didn’t.
Now I gotta go find out.
And Hunsecker’s the golden ladder to the places I wanna get.
希尼 你现在衣食无忧 还想怎么样呢
Sidney, you make a living. Where do you want to get?
爬到顶层啊 进入上流社会
Way up high, Sam, where it’s always balmy.
Where no one snaps his fingers and says, “Hey, shrimp, rack the balls”…
or “Hey, mouse, go out and buy me a pack of butts.”
我不想只赚些小钱 我要跟上等人混
I don’t want tips from the kitty. I’m in the big game with the big players.
以我的经验 一言以蔽之…
My experience I can give you in a nutshell…
and I didn’t dream it in a dream either:
弱肉强食 所以从现在起…
Dog eat dog. In brief, from now on…
除了我自己的好处 别的我全不顾
the best of everything is good enough for me.
希尼 我不是想告诉你该做什么…
Sidney, I’m not trying to tell you what to do. It…
只是不高兴看到 汉塞克先生欺负你
It’s just that it makes me feel bad when Mr. Hunsecker hurts you.
会风水轮流转的 如果找我就说不在
Every dog will have his day. If that’s for me, tear it up.
希尼·法科办公室 你穿上大衣啊
Sidney Falco office. Take your topcoat.
然后每到一处 都要给服务员小费
And leave a tip in every hatcheck room in town?
一 二 三 四
One, two, three, four, yeah.
你不查电♥话♥留言的吗 帅哥 我打过两个电♥话♥
Don’t you get messages, Eyelashes? I called you twice.
别这样 我正烦着呢
Hey, man, I’ve been up to here.
你认识苏茜·汉塞克吧 杰哥的妹妹
Look, you know Susie Hunsecker, J.J.’s sister?
她来了吗 我是说最近这两天
Has she been in? I mean lately. In the last couple of days.
-好像没来 -你确定吗 帮我查查
-I don’t think so. -Are you sure? Find out for me.
Sidney? Sidney, can I talk to you a minute?
Have you seen Frank D’Angelo around?
在吧台呢 希尼…
At the bar. Sidney…
I’m in trou…
乔 给我侄儿上杯酒
Joe, give my nephew a drink.
Your nephew doesn’t want a drink.
That’s a lollipop, that boy. The kid’s only great.
你要能有他十分之一的前途 也就不错了
With 10 percent of his future, you’re great too, Frank.
弗兰克 你好像没跟我说实话啊
Frank, I think maybe you lied to me.
听着 希尼
Look, Sidney…
you’re my own sister’s son…
但不等于你有资格 指责我是骗子
but where does that give you the right to call me a liar?
I thought you said that your boy was washed up with Susie Hunsecker.
是啊 没错 据我所知是这样…
Yeah, and it’s the truth, to the best of my knowledge…
而且说实话 我也乐于这样 为了史蒂夫 而不是你
and frankly, I’m glad for Steve’s sake, not yours.
I handle these boys with their best interests at heart.
Steve shouldn’t get mixed up with no bimbo at his age.
弗兰克 你最好别骗我啊
Listen, Frank, you better be telling me the truth.
I don’t like this threatening attitude.
该说的我都说了 你去好好玩玩吧
I told you what I know. Now go make yourself a holiday.
Come to think of it,
what business is it of yours what they do, this boy and girl?
If you knew Hunsecker as well as I did…
you might understand why it is my business.
你现在是瞎子摸象 搞不清状况
You’re walking around blind, Frank, without a cane.
And in case you didn’t know it…
Susie Hunsecker’s out in the back right now.
Ladies and gentlemen,
我代表五重奏乐队的 齐克 弗莱德…
thank you Chico Hamilton, Fred Katz…
保罗 卡森和本人感谢诸位光临
Paul Horn, Carson Smith, and myself.
-你好啊 苏茜 -你好 齐克
-Hiya, Susie. -Hi, Chico.
保罗 我去找史蒂夫 你陪陪这位小姐
Hey, Paul, cool this chick here while I go get Steve, will ya?
This is such an interesting fusion of the traditional
form with the new progressive style.
I just wanted to ask how you came to form the group.
Well, we just sort of got together.
不如你问弗莱德 歌♥都是他写的
Why don’t you ask Fred Katz? He writes all the stuff.
-嗯 -卡兹先生…
-Huh? -Mr. Katz…
I’m very interested in music, in jazz.
What’s the answer?
