I’ll try to make you a good wife.
Where’s the cat?
-谁 -达拉斯啊 他在吗
-Who? -Dallas. Is he around?
应该在某处吧 或许是楼上
He’s around somewhere. Upstairs… maybe.
Thank you.
我们等下出去玩 来吧 我去叫他们
Look, let’s go out later. Come on, I’ll get the boys.
史蒂夫 在我告诉我哥前你最好别声张
Steve, I’d rather you didn’t say anything to anybody until I tell my brother.
Oh… you haven’t told him yet.
I’m telling him in the morning at breakfast.
苏茜 要不要我陪着你一起说
Susie, don’t you want me to be with you when you tell him?
史蒂夫 我哥也没大家说的那么坏 他是不完美…
Steve, my brother isn’t as bad as he’s painted. He’s not perfect…
但他不会喜欢这件事的 他会为难你 而不是我
But he isn’t gonna like this, and he makes you nervous, not me.
我 我收回这句话 他也会为难我的
No, I take that back. He makes me nervous too.
史蒂夫 别说我哥了
Oh, Steve, let’s don’t talk about my brother.
I missed you the last few days.
I have a message for you.
I love you.
我把下一首曲子献给你好吗 还有下下一首
May I dedicate the next number to you, and the next, and the next?
-每个星期天我都送你一顶帽子 -如果商店开门的话
-And every Sunday I’ll buy you a new bonnet. -If the stores are open.
然后星期一我把帽子脱掉 抚摸你棕色的秀发
And on Monday I’ll take it off and stroke your light brown hair.
星期二呢 亲爱的
And on Tuesday, Hasenpfeffer?
When do you think I realized I loved you?
When I helped you write a beautiful song?
You had me eating that Chinese food.
Can more than two enjoy this?
Where are those glossy prints you promised me?
I can’t place ’em later than tonight.
再次感谢 但这事就算了吧
Thanks very much just the same. Let’s forget about it, huh?
走吧 苏茜 这里太冷
Come on, Susie. It’s cold out here.
Let me apologize for getting you a press spread.
It’s been an honor serving you gratis!
法科 我感觉你就在不停地打探消息
You know, Falco, I get the feeling you’re always snooping around.
You know…
兄弟们 吵什么呢
Boys, what are ya fightin’ about?
杀了我吧 把我从窗子推出去
Kill me! Push me through a window somewhere!
I walked into this hallowed ground without knocking.
You know, I feel too good to fight with you,
我没说你别的 只是说你爱打听
but that isn’t what I said. I said you snoop.
比如 那天晚上你在我酒店附近干嘛
What were you doing around my hotel the other night?
你说什么啊 我都几年没去包厘街那边了
I beg your pardon. I haven’t been in the Bowery in years.
得了 别吵了
Come on, boys, break it up.
你下次想知道些什么 不用像条狗一样鬼鬼祟祟
Look, the next time you want any information, don’t scratch for it like a dog.
像个人一样 开口问就是
Just ask for it like a man.
你要是回家 苏茜 我送你
If you’re goin’ home, Susie, I’ll drop ya off.
史蒂夫 我们该表演了
Steve, it’s time for us to hit again.
-马上来 齐克 -好的
-In a minute, Chico. -Okay.
-头疼 -只是太兴奋了
-Headache? -It’s all the excitement.
我回家早点睡觉 你去工作
I’ll go home and go to bed early, and you go to work.
好的 但是别心情低落着离开
Okay. Just don’t leave me in a minor key?
别跟我说 你竟敢耍了李奥·巴萨
Don’t tell me you’ve been playing around with Leo Bartha.
不 这就是我要说的 我是因为自己没做的事被炒
No, that’s what I mean. I’m bein’ fired for what I didn’t do.
上周一个阴雨的晚上 他来这里
He came in last week on a real dull, rainy night.
我知道他是谁 但没表现出来
I knew who he was, but I didn’t let on.
他整晚都盯着我 你在听吗
He kept starin’ at me all night. Are you listenin’?
-当然…他盯着你 然后呢 -一直盯着
-Avidly, avidly. Um… he was staring. -Starin’.
后来他出去时来找我搭讪 我当然不奇怪
Consequently, when he approached me on his way out, I wasn’t surprised.
He was doing a special Sunday piece on…
关于香烟女郎 所以很自然…
Cigarette girls. And naturally…
You were thrilled about being interviewed.
那么…你”接受采访” 了吗
And, uh, were you… “interviewed”?
In his apartment.
-他老婆呢 -不知道 房♥子挺大的
-Where was his wife? -I don’t know. It’s a big apartment.
Only I wasn’t interviewed.
In fact, I was totally unprepared for what happened.
得了 小妞 咱俩可是互相知根知底
Oh, come on, chickie. We’re friends from way back.
A big columnist comes into this club without his ball and chain…
and you make like a delicatessen counter.
还跟他回家 你说他会怎样
What did you expect he was gonna do in his apartment?
可是希尼亲爱的 那人当时一定是疯了
But Sidney, sweetheart, the man musta been out of his mind.
It was only 11:00 in the morning.
我当时很惊讶 正犯困时说什么胡话都有可能
I was so taken aback, I said anything that popped into my sleepy head.
没记错的话 我甚至让他滚出他自己家
If I’m not mistaken, I think I even ordered the man out of his own house.
他气坏了 等我的神志稍微清醒后…
He was furious. And by the time I coulda been put in a tropical-island mood…
I was out on the street.
That night Van Cleve calls me into his office.
他说 他不是针对我
He’s got nothing against me, he says…
only he can’t afford to antagonize columnists.
于是我告诉他 我还要供桑尼上军校
So I tell him how I still have Sonny at the military academy.
希尼 你可以想办法吗
Sidney, do you think you could do something?
我正在想 丽塔 可能吧
Uh, that’s what I’m thinking, Rita. Maybe.
希尼 你的钥匙还放在门毯下面
Sidney, do you still keep your key under the mat?
Can you be there at 2… 30?
你太敏感了 希尼 别这么敏感
You’re touchy, Sidney. Don’t be so touchy.
放过这小子吧 以后路还长着呢
Do a guy a favor. Well, live and learn.
-你想不想吃点东西 -不用
-You want a bite? You want something to eat? -No, no.
1619 Broadway.
I wish you and Steve could like each other.
We, uh… We stick in each other’s craw.
Yes, but why?
一方面 他认为杰哥是个怪物
For one thing, he thinks J.J. is some kind of a monster.
Don’t you?
苏茜 杰哥是我最好的朋友之一
Susie, J.J. happens to be one of my very best friends.
我知道 但我想知道你那聪明的脑瓜里…
I know, but someday I’d like to look into your clever little mind…
and see what you really think of him.
Where do you come off makin’ a remark like that?
Who could love a man who makes you
jump through burning hoops like a trained poodle?
Do you think J.J. really likes Steve?
说实话 是的 我也很惊讶
Frankly, yes, much to my surprise.
他认为他很有才华 他们几人前途无量
He thinks he’s a big talent, and those boys’ll go a big mile, he thinks.
-你对达拉斯一往情深吧 -是的
-You feel pretty strong about Dallas, don’t you? -Yes.
-要结婚了 -我明早会跟我哥谈的
-Wedding bells? -I’m discussing it with J.J. in the morning.
我很开心 有人爱的是我这个人…
Makes me feel good to know that some people want me for myself…
not just because I’m my brother’s sister.
拜托 别逗我发笑了
Come on, I’m just gonna have to laugh at that…
an attractive girl like you.
希望他是真喜欢史蒂夫 而不是假装
I hope J.J. likes Steve, that he isn’t just putting on an act.
Why should he put on an act for him?
小妞 他对总统都可以发号♥施令
Chickie, he’s told presidents where to go and what to do.
那假装大概是为了我吧 而不是史蒂夫
The act would be for my sake, not for Steve’s.
等等 我马上回来
Wait for me. I’ll be back in a minute.
Look, I want to talk to you a minute.
苏茜 别瞧不上你哥哥
Susie, don’t sell your brother short.
跟他好好谈 你会发现和他是能像朋友般交心的
Talk this over with him. You’ll find him a real friend.
-假如我见到他 你要带什么话 -告诉他我说…
-In case I see J.J., any message? -Tell him from me…
that Steve is the first real man I’ve ever been in love with.
去”21″ 俱乐部
抱歉让下 等等…吉米
Excuse me. Hey, wait… Hey, Jimmy!
这么巧啊 我正要找你…
What a coincidence! I was just on my way…
是啊 碰上你整周都在躲的人的确很巧
Yeah, a coincidence running into the very man you’ve been ducking all week.
这是我的媒体经纪人 琼
This is my press agent, Joan.
我打了你两次电♥话♥ 但你的线路…
You know I tried to call ya twice, but your line…
每周一百块雇你用来干嘛 让你搞砸啊
What do you do for that hundred a week? Fall out of bed?
吉米 我正要去…
Jimmy, I was just on my way…
琼 报♥警♥吧 把这个小偷抓起来
Joan, call a cop. We’ll have this kid arrested for larceny.
-乐队在罗斯兰的时候 是我…-那是两个月前了
-Listen, when the band was at Roseland… -That was two months ago.
把你的手从我口袋里拿出去 小偷
