Take your hands out of my pocket, thief.
吉米 别激动
Jimmy, now take it easy.
怎么 这活儿见不得人 但我付的钱是干净的
Why? It’s a dirty job, but I pay clean money for it, don’t I?
没什么干净的 这么激动干嘛
No more, you don’t. What is this?
做给这姑娘看的 还是想让全世界都听见
Showing off for the girl? They supposed to hear you in Korea?
他真机灵 知道要被炒鱿鱼了
Ah, he’s clever. He knows when he’s being fired.
詹姆斯 你要当这是幽默 我都是上帝了 去死吧
If you’re funny, James, I’m a pretzel. Drop dead!
-你好吗 法科先生 -不错 他在吗
-How are you tonight, Mr. Falco? -I’m fine. Is he here?
-当然 -一个人还是有伴
-But of course. -Alone or surrounded?
有个参议员 一个经纪人 还有个金发美女
There’s a senator, an agent, and a thing with blond, wavy hair.
-谢谢 -晚上好
-Thanks. -Good evening.
-亲爱的 帮我接汉塞克先生 -是
-Honey, get me Mr. Hunsecker. -Yes, sir.
-他就在里面 法科先生 -看来不是长途啊
-Oh, he’s right inside, Mr. Falco. -So it isn’t long distance.
-喂 -杰哥 我是希尼
-Hello? -J.J., it’s Sidney.
Uh, c-could you come out for a minute?
我能出来吗 不行
Could I come out? No.
我有话要跟你说 杰哥 所以才找你
I have to talk to you, J.J., that’s why.
You had to do something for me. You didn’t do it.
Could I come in for a minute?
不行 你被踢出局了 自生自灭去吧
No. You’re dead, son. Get yourself buried.
等一下 我正在打
Just a moment. I’m ringing.
他没接 要我传口信吗 好的 记下了 谢谢
He doesn’t answer. Shall I take a message? Yes, I have it. Thank you.
-希尼…-回见 山姆
-Oh, uh, Sidney… -Later, Sam.
哈维 我总希望自己 是个戴助听器的聋子
Harvey, I often wish I were deaf and wore a hearing aid.
With a simple flick of the switch,
I could shut out the greedy murmur of little men.
-杰哥 就听我说几句 -麦克
-J.J., I need your ear for two minutes. -Mac.
-什么 -请让这人离远点
-Yes? -I don’t want this man at my table.
I’ve got a message from your sister.
对不起 哈维 我们刚才被打断了
Forgive me, Harvey. We were interrupted.
我正跟你说的高等法♥院♥的事 司法黑暗
The Supreme Court story I was telling you Justice Black.
是的 但我的专栏已经写过了
Oh, yes, Justice Black. But I believe I had it in my column.
去年七月 头版
Last July, the lead item.
I believe that’s precisely where I read it too.
杰哥 我是出了名的…
You see, J.J., where I get my reputation…
for being the best-informed man in Washington.
Now, don’t kid a kidder.
好像还不知道你的名字啊 小伙子
Oh, I don’t think we caught your name, young man.
希尼·法科 大家都认识并很敬重您 沃克参议员
Sidney Falco, sir. But everybody knows and admires you, Senator Walker.
每到六年一届的选举时 我就越发不信这点
Every six years I become less convinced of that.
这位年轻的女士 是琳达·詹姆斯小姐
Oh, this young lady is Miss Linda James.
She’s managed by Manny Davis.
I know Manny Davis.
Everyone knows Manny Davis…
except Mrs. Manny Davis.
说吧 比利
Go ahead, Billy. Shoot. Uh-huh.
Sports cars are getting smaller and smaller in California.
那天你穿过好莱坞大道时 就被一辆撞了
The other day, you were crossing Hollywood Boulevard and you got hit by one…
只好去医院 才能把它拿掉
and you had to go to the hospital to get it removed.
比利 你没看专栏吗 我上周就写了
Billy, you’re not following the column. I had it last week.
参议员 您赞成死刑吗
Senator, do you believe in capital punishment?
-干嘛 -正巧有人刚被判了死刑
-Why? -A man has just been sentenced to death.
曼尼 告诉我 你的这位漂亮客户…
What exactly are the unseen gifts…
有些什么 深藏不露的才华
of this lovely young thing that you manage?
她会唱歌♥ 她…
Well, she sings a little. You know, she sings…
曼尼对我总是大加赞誉 汉塞克先生
Manny’s faith in me is simply awe-inspiring, Mr. Hunsecker.
-不过 其实我仍在学 -学什么
-Actually, I’m still studying. -What subject?
当然是唱歌♥了 准备办音乐会还有…
Singing, of course. Straight concert and…
为什么说当然 你也可能学政♥治♥啊
Why “of course”? You might, for instance, be studying politics.
-我 -其实 杰哥 她…
-Uh, me? -Well, you see, J.J., she…
你一定是开玩笑吧 汉塞克先生
I mean, I… You must be kidding, Mr. Hunsecker.
Me, with my Jersey City brains?
The brains may be Jersey City…
but the clothes are Traina-Norell.
你是演员吗 法科先生
Are you an actor, Mr. Falco?
我也是这么想的 你是吗
That’s what I was thinking. Are you, Mr. Falco?
何出此言啊 詹姆斯小姐
Well, how did you guess it, Miss James?
他…很帅啊 所以才问
He’s so… pretty, that’s how.
我告诉你吧 法科先生是千面人
Mr. Falco let it be said at once… Is a man of 40 faces, not one.
分寸拿捏得好 绝对能唬住人
None too pretty, and all deceptive.
看见这笑容了吗 这是…
You see that grin? That’s the, uh…
That’s the charming street-urchin face.
是他装可怜的手段之一 完全能博取来同情
It’s part of his helpless act. He throws himself upon your mercy.
He’s got a half dozen faces for the ladies.
但我喜欢的 也是最可爱的…
But the one I like -the really cute one…
is the quick, dependable chap.
Nothing he won’t do for you in a pinch…
so he says.
Mr. Falco, whom I did not invite to sit at this table tonight…
是如饥似渴的媒体经纪人 手段高明…
is a hungry press agent and fully up to all the tricks…
of his very slimy trade.
帮我点个火 希尼
Match me, Sidney.
现在不行 杰哥
Not right this minute, J.J.
我知道你想说什么 你的得力爱将下周在拉丁区开业的事
I know. That wonder boy of yours opens at the Latin Quarter next week.
-杰哥 我…-走好不送 莱斯特
-J.J., I… -Say good-bye, Lester.
能问个幼稚的问题吗 法科先生
May I ask you a naive question, Mr. Falco?
Exactly how does a press agent work?
-呃 -回答他啊 希尼
-Uh… -Well, answer the man, Sidney.
He’s trying to take you off the hook.
You just saw a good example of it, Senator.
媒体经纪人依附在专栏作家身上 当寄生虫
A press agent eats a columnist’s dirt and is expected to call it manna.
难道不是你们 帮专栏作家找素材吗
But don’t you help columnists by furnishing them with items?
当然 专栏作家没有我们也不行…
Sure. A columnist can’t do without us…
只是我们了不起的杰哥 刚才忘了提…
except our good and great friend J.J. forgets to mention that.
You see, we furnish him with items.
什么素材 无聊的八卦
What? Cheap, gruesome gags?
-你不也照样刊登 -是啊 还有你客户的名字
-You print ’em, don’t you? -Yes, with your clients’ names attached.
That’s the only reason the poor slobs pay you…
to see their names in my column all over the world.
-你这是帮我忙 -我没那么说
-Now you’re doing me a favor? -I didn’t say that.
要是哪天我不靠媒体经纪人就 活不下去…
The day I can’t get along without a press agent’s handouts…
我就卷铺盖走人 搬去阿♥拉♥斯加隐居
I’ll close up shop and move to Alaska lock, stock, and barrel.
记得清扫好冰屋 我随你去
Sweep out my igloo. Here I come.
曼尼 你是参议员的跟班 最好闭嘴
Manny, you rode in here on the senator’s shirttails, so shut your mouth!
喂 杰哥 这话过分了
Now, come, J.J. That’s a little too harsh.
Anyone seems fair game for you tonight.
这人不适合你 哈维…
This man is not for you, Harvey…
别让人瞧见 你和这种人一起
and you shouldn’t be seen in public with him.
因为媒体经纪人 还有另一副嘴脸…
Because that’s another part of a press agent’s life:
They dig up scandal about prominent people…
and shovel it thin among columnists who give them space.
There seems to be some allusion here that escapes me.
我们是朋友 哈维
We’re friends, Harvey.
你刚进国会时我们就认识了 不是吗
We go as far back as when you were a fresh kid congressman, don’t we?
Why is it that everything you say sounds like a threat?
也许只是直率吧 我从不威胁朋友
Maybe it’s a mannerism, because I don’t threaten friends.
但你为何蠢到 让竞争对手有机可乘
But why furnish your enemies with ammunition?
你是有家室的人 哈维
You’re a family man, Harvey,
and someday, God willing, you may want to be president.
And here you are, out in the open…
这里人可全看出来 这位先生…
where any hep person knows that this one…
is toting that one around for you.
Are we kids, or what?
下次你来时 也许能上我的电视节目
Next time you come up, you might join me on my T.V. show.
谢谢了 给我这种忠告
Thanks, J.J., for what I consider sound advice.
离开吧 别再干傻事了
Go thou and sin no more.
-参议员 -晚安 法科先生
-Senator. -Good night, Mr. Falco.
麦克 别让参议员买♥♥单
Mac, don’t let the senator pay that check.
我会处理好的 汉塞克先生
I’ll take care of it, Mr. Hunsecker.
-你好啊 杰哥 -比尔
