I’m not here to try to sell anything, and I’m not gonna peddle anything.
But when I tell a client…
I can get him space in Hunsecker’s column…
it’s not talk.
Excuse me.
你这个混♥蛋♥ 你以为可以勒索我…
Listen, you bull artist, if you think you can blackmail
算了吧 艾尔
Let him alone, Al.
喂 希尼…
Hello. Sidney…
喂 玛丽 我能和杰哥说句话吗
Hello, Mary? Could I talk to J.J., please?
没人请你 我们什么交易都没谈
Now, look, nobody hired you. We didn’t talk any deal.
别激动 笨蛋
Relax, lump.
I told ya I wasn’t peddling any fish today.
杰哥 你好 我是希尼 你好啊
J.J., hi. Sidney Falco. How are you, sweetheart?
很好 谢谢
Fine. Just fine, thanks.
我知道现在有点迟 但是…
Uh, look, I know it’s late, but, um…
还来得及在专栏里 加点内容吗
is it too late to add something to your column?
No, no.
不相关 但非常重要
No relative, but very important.
如果你手边有纸笔 我告诉你怎么写
If you got a piece of paper and pencil, I can suggest a word or two. Good.
“If there’s a more hilariously funny man around than, uh…
than Herbie Temple at the Palace, you’ll, uh…
you’ll pardon us for not catching his name.
We were too busy laughing.”
No, make that, “We were too busy screaming.”
好的 谢谢 一会儿在”21″ 俱乐部见了
Right. Thanks, J.J. Probably see you at “21” later.
不 是晚餐时 对
No. Supper. Right.
拜拜 再次感谢
Good-bye, and thanks again. Bye.
跟他谈谈 艾尔 等一下 别急着走
Speak to the man, Al. Uh, wait a minute. Hold it, will ya?
-艾尔 你跟…法科先生说 -来我办公室吧
-Al, speak to the Mr. Falco. -See me in my office.
艾尔负责所有生意 我不行…
Al makes all the deals, doc. I can’t…
I don’t like a fella that’s quick with his hands.
坦普 这20年来你一直混得不怎么样
You know, Temple, you’ve been three passes behind for the last 20 years.
但这能让你蹿红 上电视拍电影 什么都行
This could start you off real big. T.V., movies, anywhere.
Probably cost us a pretty penny too, huh?
你说吧 我…我结巴
You tell him. I st-st-st-stutter.
Look, why don’t we wait until tomorrow?
Wait as long as you like.
You know where my office is.
-我们去俱乐部吧 -好了 别激动 史蒂夫
-Let’s go to the club. -All right, take it easy, Steve.

这是怎么了 一脸哭丧的
Well, what is here, a wake?
-你喜欢边走边看是吧 -我的习惯
-You read as you run, don’t you? -It’s a habit with me.
我大概知道了 想怎样
So now I’m briefed. So what?
弗兰克认为我不该来 但我认为的是…
Frank thought I shouldn’t come here, but I thought…
对不起 史蒂夫 我说的是你不该…
Excuse me, Steve. I said, namely, you shouldn’t go around wild…
blamin’ people without justification.
但我认为的是 你应该大致了解这事的来龙去脉
But I thought you might have a faint idea how that item originated.
-为什么是我 -为什么不是
-Why me? -Why not you?
Wha… Oh, that’s your idea of logic, huh?
就好像我对法官说 杀人的不是我
I go to the judge and say, “I didn’t murder the man”…
法官却对我说 为什么不是你
but the judge says to me, “Why not you?”
There’s only two men in this town that could be responsible for that smear:
你或汉塞克 或你们都有份
you or Hunsecker or both!
汉赛克和埃维尔是 不共戴天的死敌
Hunsecker and Elwell are enemies to the knife…
-怎么可能劝得动他帮杰哥 -所以这真是帮忙了
-so how do you get him doing J.J. a favor? -It is a favor, isn’t it?
达拉斯 你真是大嘴巴又没脑子
Dallas, your mouth is as big as a basket and twice as empty.
我真不喜欢你 就这样
I don’t like you, period!
But neither do I go along with this column…
你会抽大♥麻♥ 还是赤色分子
saying you smoke, uh, marijuana and belong with the Reds.
Also, since we’re talking repulsive…
J.J. won’t like this for two se… Don’t give me that look, Dallas.
杰哥不会玩阴的 还有…
J.J. believes in fair play. And secondly…
this could splatter his sister with rotten egg by implication.
Uh, you’re the boyfriend.
-你想说的蛮多啊 -我告诉你吧
-You’re talking very fast. -Well, I’ll tell you what!
抱歉我喘气儿都碍着你了 你觉得这弹琴的小子如何
Excuse me for breathing, will ya? How do you like this two-bit banjo player?
-He comes into my office… -Look!
-别自作聪明…-两位 两位
-Wise guy… -Boys, boys, boys.
This gets nobody nowhere.
-你过于激动了 史蒂夫 -不用替我道歉
-You’re overexcited, Steve. -Don’t apologize for me.
我想说的是 激动是有原因的
And with good reason, I wanted to say.
-这会影响整个乐队的前途 -要我哭吗
-This endangers the future of the whole quintet. -Should I cry?
People catch on very quick to such an item.
范·克里夫已经联♥系♥我 要炒掉乐队
Van Cleve already called me. He’s firing the quintet.
那你还在我这儿干嘛 去他那儿闹啊
So what are you doing here? Go over there and fight.
如果范·克里夫炒了你的人 大家就更会信以为真了
Look, if Van Cleve fires your boy, that’ll give that lie a ring of truth.
I want to speak to Miss Hunsecker, please.
-喂 -苏茜 我是史蒂夫
-Hello? -Susie, this is Steve.
Don’t be alarmed,
but I want you to take a look at Elwell’s column in The Record.
不 是说我的 是诽谤
No, it’s about me. A smear.
诽谤 哪种诽谤
A-A smear? What… What kind of a smear?
-你在哪儿 -正要去俱乐部找老板理论
-Where are you? -We’re on our way to the Elysian to dicker with Van Cleve.
He’s fired us already.
我一会儿再和你联♥系♥ 再见
L-Look, I’ll call you later, dear. Good-bye.
走吧 弗兰克
Come on, Frank.
如果我告诉史蒂夫我的真实想法 他会把你的头拧下来
If I told Steve what I really think, he’d tear your head off.
-那就说啊 -不
-Tell him. -No.
I’m interested in his future.
-你这是怎么了 -没事
-What’s the matter with you? -Nothing.
莎莉 有时我觉得…
Y-You know, Sally, I sometimes get the impression…
you think you live in Starbright Park.
但这是现实 赶紧习惯吧
This is life! Get used to it!

杰哥 我猜埃维尔的文章你看了吧
J.J., I presume you saw the Elwell smear.
不 先别急着论功行赏
U-Uh, no. No, no medals. Not yet.
It’s a lot worse than that.
Auntie Van Cleve is firing him.
我听他们亲口说的 他们刚才在这惊慌失措
I just got it from the horse’s mouth. They were just here in a panic.
你是说 他们查到了是你爆的料
You mean to say they’ve already traced the smear to you?
那你美什么 苏茜可不是笨蛋
Then what are you so smug about? Susie isn’t dumb.
她只要稍动动脑筋 我就成瓮中之鳖了
All she does is put two and two together, and I’m a chicken in a pot.
杰哥 一切顺利 万事大吉
Uh, J.J., peace on earth and goodwill to men.
Everything’s working out just the way I planned.
I guarantee the bomb’ll pop right on schedule.
Get him back his… You said get him back his job.
For what?
希尼 我不喜欢这样被人蒙在鼓里
Look, Sidney, I don’t like this. This is traveling in the dark.
You better get over here as fast as you can.
不 等一下 苏茜起来了
No, wait a minute. Susie’s up and about.
I’ll have to do a fine song and dance.
Meet me at the T.V. about 3:00.
苏茜 过来一下
Susie? Come in a minute, dear.
Susie, you’re very much in my thoughts today.
-为什么 -为什么
-Why? -Why?
你手上拿着报纸 还问我
What a question, dear, with that newspaper in your hand.
Did Sidney tell you about it?
是的 他打了电♥话♥
Yes, he phoned.
苏茜 我不太了解这小子
Susie, I don’t know this boy too well.
Anything in these charges?
-你没在偏袒他吧 -没有 我没有
-You’re not being partial, are you? -No, I’m not. I’m not.
别激动苏茜 你不用表示抗♥议♥
Now, take it easy, Susie. You don’t have to protest with me.
I’ll trust your judgment.
过来我抱抱 可怜的丫头 你脸色很紧张
Come into camp, ya poor kid. You look so nervous.
You’re trembling, dear.
-希尼的电♥话♥来得这么快 -当然啊
-Sidney didn’t take long to phone you, did he? -Naturally.
Anything that touches you touches me… doesn’t it?
亲爱的 我们的关系日渐疏远…
You know, dear, we’re drifting apart, you and I…
