There’s no punch line.
只是很佩服你俩的本事 你和法科
Yeah, I was just admiring your know-how, yours and Falco’s.
干嘛老把我和他 放一起说事儿
Why do you keep coupling me with Falco?
Why is he here?
告诉我 先生 你觉得他死后是上天堂还是下地狱
When he dies, do you think he’ll go to the dog-and-cat heaven?
Look, let’s forget about dogs and cats and all that pseudo-literary junk.
I’m gonna lay it right on the line.
今天下午 在我办公室算怎么回事
What about that ruckus in my office this afternoon?
你也在的 弗兰克 照达拉斯这圣人的说法…
You were there, Frank, where, according to St. Dallas here…
J.J. was responsible for the Elwell smear!
别发疯 希尼
Don’t go wild, Sidney.
发疯 你看看他们 告诉我谁疯
Wild? Take a look at them and tell me who’s wild.
What about it?
史蒂夫当时过于激动 他不是那个意思…
Steve was overexcited. He didn’t mean…
-杰哥 -我…
-J.J. -Look I was…
Quiet, all of you!
苏茜 坐下 事情还没弄清
Susie, sit down. This requires investigation.
Well, how did you mean it?
快说快说 我等着呢
Well, come on, come on. I’m waiting.
我不需要你和法科来 教我大道理
Look, I don’t take kindly to you and Falco teaching me ethics.
现在受害者是谁 你吗
Who’s the injured party here? You?
现在你无权提问 而且你的讽刺…
Right now, you have no right to ask questions, and your snide…
等等 我还没把惩罚的权力交给你
Wait a minute! I haven’t handed over punishing privileges to you yet!
先别急着教训人 也许那样我会尊重你所说的
Just lay the whip down. Maybe I’ll respect what you’re saying.
-史蒂夫 -闭嘴
-Steve -Shut up!
苏茜 你知道他这些指控吗
Susie, did you know about this accusation?

在你走之前 小子…
Before you leave, son…
I’ll answer your question…
Susan Hunsecker’s the injured party here.
Or perhaps next you’ll be telling me
I don’t have my sister’s welfare at heart.
汉塞克先生 您的确不是省油的灯
Mr. Hunsecker, you’ve got more twists than a barrel of pretzels.
听见没 苏茜
Did you hear that, Susie?
Continue, please.
我跟他们无法相处 就这样
Well, I can’t cope with them, that’s all.
你太过精明了 所以我只能说句真心话
You’re too shrewd for me, so I’ll just be honest.
苏茜和我相爱 我们想结婚
Susie and I are in love. We want to get married.
那就信他吧 这小子恨得都这么来劲
Give him credit. The boy’s gall is gorgeous.
Why don’t we hear what Susie has to say?
你是有种 达拉斯…
That’s stout of you, Dallas…
but perhaps Susie may not care to air her views in public.
苏茜和往常一样 想说什么都行
Susie, as always, is free to say anything she wants.
说吧 说出你的心里话
Go on, dear. Say exactly what’s on your mind, dear.
Those “dears” sound like daggers.
-别再逼她了 -你想做什么
-Why don’t you stop daring her to speak? -What are you trying to do?
I’m trying to get Susie to stand up to you,
但你有意威吓 让她不敢讲话
but your manner is so threatening, she’s afraid to speak!
-小子 你再跟我这么喊叫 -拜托你们…
-Son, you raise your voice once more -Please, please st…!
-哥 能不能…-对不起 苏茜
-J.J., can’t you… -I’m sorry, Susie.
好吧 天色已晚 今天只能到此为止
Well, son, it looks like we may have to call this game on account of darkness.
要是眼神能杀人 我已经死了
If looks could kill, I’d be dead.
No, I don’t care about you.
如果还有机会 我只关心苏茜…
My whole interest, if it’s not too late, is in Susie…
and how to undo what you’ve done to her.
我除了最近没给她买♥♥大衣 到底怎么她了
And what have I done to her except not buy her a new fur coat lately?
你是对的 希尼 这小子真是个人物
You were right, Sidney. This boy is a dilly!
为什么 就因我不喜你那种 戏耍别人的方式
Why? Because I don’t like the way you toy with people?
Your contempt and malice?
对不起 弗兰克 你心里只有自己和你的专栏
I’m sorry, Frank. You think about yourself and about your column.
T-To you, you’re some kind of a, a national glory…
but to me and a lot of people like me…
你那些虚伪的丑闻 和虚假的爱国主义…
your slimy scandal and your phony patriotics…
在我看来 你是国家的耻辱
To me, Mr. Hunsecker, you’re a national disgrace.
小子 我这高射炮 不屑用来打蚊子
Son, I don’t relish shooting mosquitoes with elephant guns.
不如你就知趣点 今天就到此为止吧
Suppose you just shuffle along and call it a day.
But my day with Susie isn’t over yet.
你又没死 急什么
Here’s your head. What’s your hurry?
你成功了 杰哥 干得漂亮
You did it, J.J. You did it good.
苏茜 如果你再敢见那小子…
Susie, I’d have to take it very much amiss…
if you ever saw that boy again.
I’ll never see him again.
玛丽 打这个号♥码找范·克里夫 和他说他是对的
Mary, call Van Cleve at this number. Tell him I said he was right.
Those Dallas boys are not worthy of his club.
-出租车 -苏茜
-Taxi! -Susie.

汉塞克先生 这个要亲手交给您本人
Mr. Hunsecker, this was to be delivered to you personally.
-酒怎么没冰过 -您之前吩咐放在桌上的
-This drink is warm. -You said you like to have ’em at the table, sir.
-用你指手画脚 -我去换
-What are you, a critic? -I’ll change ’em.
算了 算了
Forget it, forget it.
差点就演变成闹剧 真正的闹剧
We’re on the verge of a farce, a real farce.
依我看 如果苏茜坚决站在他一边
As I see it, if Susie woulda stood behind him today,
he might’ve proved a threat.
可既然他选择对工作忠贞 那这就没他份儿了
But since primarily he’s wedded to his work, he’s not gonna be able to take it.
别搅和了 那些山葵不会跑的
Stop tinkering, pal. That horseradish won’t jump a fence.
简而言之 都结束了 那小子随时会放弃她
In brief, J.J., it’s all over, because any hour now, that boy will give her up.
真是场闹剧 是不是
Now, is it a farce, or is it?
希尼 你的甜言蜜语…
Sidney, this syrup you’re giving out with…
留着自己享用 别想蒙我
you pour over waffles, not J.J. Hunsecker.
What do you mean, this lousy kid’ll give up my sister?
谁的妹妹无所谓 总之他们成不了了
How does it matter whose sister? The main thing is that they’re through.
I mean that, uh, uh…
难道要我忘了 他今天怎么跟我说话的
Am I supposed to forget how that kid talked to me today?
杰哥 他这种人值得您一般见识吗
J.J., is he worthy of a second glance from a man like you? I mean that…
Bite on this.
Steamship tickets?
下一班玛丽号♥ 苏茜正情绪消沉
The next sailing of the Mary. Susie’s run down.
That’s good.
Now that louse is outta Susie’s hair for good.
I want that boy taken apart.
杰哥 干嘛要…
J.J., why do something…
that’s gonna drive them right back into each other’s arms?
我知道怎么处理苏茜 你…
I know how to handle Susie. You just…
You just handle the boy.
Preferably tonight.
怎么一定要今天 明天就不行吗
What’s tomorrow, a holiday?
Your fat cop friend.
我得回去了 也许我的幽默感落家里了
I think I’m going home. Maybe I left my sense of humor in my other suit.
老天赐你的脑瓜 希尼 多用用它
You’ve got a God-given brain, Sidney. Use it.
You think this is a personal thing with me?
Are you telling me I think of this in terms of personal pique?
Don’t you see that today that boy wiped his feet on the choice…
and the predilections of 60 million men and women…
in the greatest country in the world?
要是你还有道德感 就会明白…
If you had any morals yourself, you’d understand the immorality…
of that boy’s stand today.
他批评的不是我 是我的读者
It wasn’t me he criticized. It was my readers.
Don’t remove the gangplank, Sidney.
You may wanna get back on board.
杰哥 被你套上项圈我还能接受
J.J., it’s one thing to wear your dog collar.
但要是变成枷锁 那我宁愿要回自♥由♥
When it turns into a noose, I’d rather have my freedom.
The man in jail is always for freedom.
-可恕我冒犯 我不是囚犯 -你就是 希尼
-Except, if you’ll excuse me, J.J., I’m not in jail. -You’re in jail, Sidney.
You’re a prisoner of your own fears,
贪婪和野心中 不得自♥由♥
your own greed and ambition. You’re in jail.
醒醒吧 短视鬼 这是我的底线
You’re blind, Mr. Magoo. This is the crossroads for me.
我不会去找凯洛 就算你让我上天堂
I won’t get Kello. Not for a lifetime pass to the Polo Grounds.
