You’re gonna get up in front of the whole student body and sing?
-我喜欢唱歌♥ -我对你了如指掌
-I love to sing. -I’ve known you my whole life.
我从没听你唱过 从来没有
Never heard you sing. Not once.
-你什么时候喜欢唱歌♥了 -懂事以来就喜欢
-Since when do you love to sing? -Ever since I can remember.
听着 可能…
Look, maybe…
我不知道 可能诺尔曼是对的
I don’t know. Maybe Norman’s right.
像别人一样 我有权唱歌♥
I have a right to sing, just like anybody else.
你没看过警♥匪♥片吗 你有权保持缄默
Don’t you ever watch cop shows? You have the right to remain silent.
你喜欢唱歌♥ 洗澡的时候唱唱就好
You wanna sing? Do it in the shower.
你为什么不找个乐队伴奏 为什么一定要清唱
Why don’t you sing with a band? Why sing by yourself?
我唱的是一曲阿卡贝拉 我的声音就是我的乐器
I sing a cappella. My voice is my instrument.
Oh, my God.
怎么不买♥♥把枪 然后让 里基·布朗冲你眼睛开一枪
Why not just buy a gun and let Ricky Brown shoot you in the eye?
我知道你不会明白的 所以没跟你说
I knew you wouldn’t understand. That’s why I didn’t tell you.
你在那个愚蠢的表演上唱歌♥ 我们怎么办
What about us? You sing in that stupid show…
…and it’s gonna make it worse for the rest of us.
It doesn’t matter what they do to us.
你自己说的 诺尔曼 他们无论如何都会这么做
You said it yourself, Norman. They’ll probably just do it anyway.
I think you should sing if you want to.
不好意思 诺尔曼 但是我是一定要去的
I’m sorry, Norman, but I’m going to sing.
该死 为什么你总是要把事情搞复杂
Damn it. Why do you have to make everything harder than it is?
-用不着抱怨 诺尔曼 -见鬼
-You shouldn’t swear, Norman. -Go to hell.
You deserve whatever you get.
I think he’s just worried about you.
来吧 还有几分钟 就上课了
Come on. There’s a few more minutes before the bell rings.
Hey, Andy.
Mary Clear likes you.
Mary Clear likes me?
That’s what I said.
-为什么 -为什么
-Why? -Why?
我不知道 她差不多和每个人都约会过 所以…
I don’t know. She’s pretty much gone steady with everybody else, so…
She told you that she wanted to go steady with me?
当然 她是我最好的朋友
Of course. She’s my best friend.
她说 觉得你很可爱 不要问我原因
She said she thinks you’re cute and don’t ask me why.
我们可以认为这是 她用排除法作出的选择…
Let’s just say that selection by process of elimination…
…lacked a certain romance…
换了别人 对此可能会很兴奋
…one might otherwise have found exciting…
…even at the age of 13.
At the end of every month,
I had to collect money from all the customers on my route.
It was a task I relished for its simplicity…
…in what was becoming an increasingly complicated world.
扔中门口 顾客便已知足
Hit the porch and the customer was satisfied.
顾客满意 便有工资
And a satisfied customer meant payoffs.
Ranging anywhere from cash tips to assorted snack foods.
下一站 玛丽·克莉家
Next stop, Mary Clear’s house.
Regardless of her sudden and mysterious interest in me…
从实际出发 我必须敲她家的门
…coupled by the fact that I had yet to hit her porch…
…I wasn’t expecting much.
嗨 安迪 过得怎样
Oh, hi, Andy. How’s it going?
-不错 你呢 -很好
-Good. How’s it going with you? -Great.

So how’s it going?
You asked me that already.
Oh, yeah.
-你说很好 对吧 -是的
-You said great, right? -Yeah.
好的 你♥爸♥爸或者妈妈在家吗 我来收订报费
Okay, so is your mom or dad home? I’m collecting for the paper.
好的 拿着
Oh, yeah, here you go.
好的 谢谢
Okay, thanks.
-这是给你的 -谢谢
-Here you go. -Thanks.
-就这样 好了 我得走了 -好的 学校见
-All right, well, I gotta get going. -Yeah, I’ll see you at school.
好的 好的
Yeah. Yeah, okay.
I’ll see you.
尼克尔 在收报纸费哈
Hey, Nichol. You’re collecting for the paper.
为什么非得这么做 里基
Why’d you have to do that, Ricky?
I didn’t have to.
只是觉得这很有意思 袋子里是什么
It was my treat. What’s in the bag?
不许起来 我会再把你打趴下
Don’t get up. I’ll just have to knock you back down again.
Chocolate chip.
我的最爱 学校见 尼克尔
My favorite. See you in school, Nichol.
So she paid you the money?
付了 也就是说 玛丽得事先拿到钱 这是预谋好的
Yeah, which means Mary had to ask for the money in advance. It was a setup.
Barbara Foss wasn’t blowing smoke.
Mary likes me.
And this is a bad thing?
我不知道 很奇怪
I don’t know. It’s weird.
I’m no different than I was at the beginning of the year and…
我只是…我是说 我甚至没和她说过话
I just… I mean, I’ve never even talked to her.
What does that have to do with anything?
我不知道 只是觉得应该有关系
I don’t know. It just seems like it should.
You gonna kiss her?
当然 我会亲她
Yeah. Of course, I’m gonna kiss her.
-笨蛋 -你知道的 她是个接吻高手
-Idiot. -You know, she’s a real good kisser.
你怎么知道 你可是学校里唯一还没亲过她的男生
How would you know? You’re the only guy in the school that hasn’t kissed her.
是的 说得好像她和大基约会过一样
Yeah, right. Like she made out with Big G.
I doubt it.
-他都可能先你一步 -闭嘴 安迪
-He’s probably up before you are. -Shut up, Andy.
You and Big G are real bosom buddies now, huh?
You shut up.
我打赌 你从没吻过女生 是吧 尼克尔
I bet you never kissed a girl in your life, have you, Nichol?
Hey, Freel’s back from suspension.
-尽管我放弃了 -我们会找到些东西的
-I ran out, though. -We’ll find something.
Hey, Nichol.
How’s that paper coming in Simon’s class?
记得你跟我说过 西蒙先生是你最喜欢的老师吗
Remember you told me Mr. Simon was your favorite teacher?
-是的 -还这么认为么
-Yeah. -Still think so?
After he stuck you with Big G?
我不知道 我想是的
I don’t know. I guess so.
我真搞不懂你 安迪
I don’t get you, Andy.
你知道吗 我爸说西蒙是个同性恋
You know, my dad says Simon’s a homo.
I had no idea what Modak meant.
但是我能从他的音调里 感觉出同性恋的味道…
But I sensed from his tone that this homo thing…
…was not something Mr. Simon should include on his resume.
-说说我不知道的 -所以你是说你喜欢同性恋者
-Tell me something I don’t know. -So you’re saying you like homos?
是的 对
Yeah, right.
看开点 安迪
Take it easy, Andy.
Another thing you never do
is believe a guy like Bruce Modak.
I decided to investigate the allegation myself.
-戴尔 -什么
-Hey, Dyer. -Yeah.
你知道西蒙先生是个同性恋 对吧
You knew Mr. Simon was a homo, right?
你刚去哪混了 尼克尔
Where you been, Nichol?
I hear Simon’s a homo?
尼克尔 真的吗 你脑子里成天装了什么
Nichol, seriously? What’s it like to go around with your head up your butt?
-下午好 同学们 -下午好 西蒙先生
-Good afternoon, everyone. -Good afternoon, Mr. Simon.
I have an announcement to make.
The car I won in the newspaper contest has arrived.
我已经问过凯尔纳校长 能不能让你们每个人坐上兜兜风
And I’ve asked Principal Kelner if I could give each of you a ride.
And she said yes.
我梦想着这样的世界 无论你是什么人种
The world I dream where black and white Whatever race you be
都能平等地共享这片土地 并且人人生而自♥由♥
Will share the bounties of the earth And every man is free
不幸将远离我们 而快乐犹如珍珠
Where wretchedness will hang its head And joy, like a pearl
全世界的人类都能称心如意 这就是我梦想的世界
Attends the needs of all mankind Of such a world, I dream
So the poem’s about not being prejudiced?
Well, Mr. Simon says we can pick only one word.
-而针对该词 我们必须理解一致 -偏见有什么问题
-It has to mean the same to us. -What’s wrong with prejudice?
-这首诗主题是关于偏见的 -是的
-The poem’s about being prejudiced. -Yeah…
…but prejudice can mean different things to people.
-不 不可能 -确实 它可以
-No, it can’t. -Sure, it can.
它可以有所变化 取决于你…
