1916年 西部前线
主演 乔治·佩帕德 饰 史达卡中尉
George Peppard
詹姆斯·梅森 饰 弗兰兹上将
James Mason
乌苏拉·安德丝 饰 凯蒂夫人(第一任邦女郎)
Ursula Andress
杰瑞米·肯普 饰 威利中尉
Jeremy Kemp
卡尔·迈克尔·沃格 饰 海德曼上尉
Karl Michael Vogler
The Blue Max(1966)
导演 约翰·古勒米
John Guillermin
1918年 法国 德国前线后方
快点 推
Come on! -Push!
让开 让条道出来
Move out of the way! Clear the way!
走 走
Move! Move!
那还是一满瓶 中尉
That was a full bottle, Herr Leutnant.
你刚碰见的是威利·左可曼 –是吗
You’ve just met Willi von Klugermann! -Yes!
你应该听说过他 –是的 听说过
I see you’ve heard of him! -Oh! Yes, I have!
看看他 总是得意忘形
Look at him! -You must be the new…
他就不怕摔掉翅膀 –让他臭美去吧,兹葛
He’s tearing the wings off that plane!-Let him celebrate, Ziegel!
他把他们打了下来 你的工作也是和他一样
He shoots them down! Your job is to keep him up there!
你一定是新来接替的人 史达卡
You must be the new replacement… Stachel!
Bruno Stachel, Herr Oberleutnant.
你是飞官吗 -我现在在办公桌上飞
Are you the adjutant? -I fly a desk now!
Anti-aircraft fire!
可能会让我自在些 不是吗
Still, it could’ve got me higher up, couldn’t it?
在这等着 我去告诉长官你来了
Wait here! I’ll tell the C! O! You’ve arrived!
如果我是你 我会扣好衣服扣子
And if I were you,I’d button up that jacket!
兹葛 多快能让我们又准备好
Ziegel! How soon can you have us ready again?
得取决于它的损坏程度 海德曼
Depends on how many of the others have been hit, Herr Hauptmann.
I wasn’t the only one!
我不能让飞机永远都能飞 我是机械师 不是魔术师
I can’t keep these barges flying forever! I’m a mechanic, not a magician!
不 你就是魔术师 不管你喜不喜欢
No, you are a magician, whether you like it or not!
只回来11个 上尉 -是 莫伦被击落了
Only 11 back, Herr Hauptmann. -Yes! Mueller went down!
He didn’t last long!
法比亚 我们怎么失去他的
Fabian, how did we come to lose him?
I gave him the usual instructions!
But he wouldn’t stay with me!
我是不是太 过于热心了
Too, uh! Too keen!
还有 史哥特的替换人员也到了
By the way, Scholte’s replacement’s here!
中尉-布鲁·史达卡 从104训练学校向你报告
Leutnant Bruno Stachel reporting from 104 Training School.
你的长官 海德曼上尉
Your commanding officer… Hauptmann Heidemann.
啊 是的 史达卡 进来
Ah, yes! Stachel! Come inside!
史达卡 -是 长官
Stachel! -Yes, sir!
Two years in the infantry!
有军衔吗 –下士 海德曼上尉
Any rank? -Corporal, Herr Hauptmann.
What made you transfer to the Air Corps?
要飞行 上尉先生
To fly,Herr Hauptmann.
Are you a good flyer?
I am!Comfortable in the air!
“很自在” 是吗
“Comfortable!” Are you?
有意思 –威利
Interesting! -Willi!
Very pretty flying!
我希望你不要这样 你会长命点
I wish you would stop it! You’ll live longer!
Sorry about that!
I see you are from Wiesbaden!
I’ve done some hunting around there!
你的家人做什么 –上尉同志
Who are your people? -Herr Hauptmann?
I want to know something of your background!
What does your father do?
在一家小酒馆工作 上尉同志
He works in a small hotel, Herr Hauptmann.
Five bedrooms!
下士 把新来的包袱卸下来 装到车里
Corporal, see the new officer’s bags are taken up to the mess!
来我的办公室 史达卡
Come into my office, Stachel!
Close the door, please!
对不起 说你父亲工作让你难堪
I’m sorry if it bothers you about what your father does!
没有 海德曼上尉
It doesn’t bother me, Herr Hauptmann.
Then why are you so touchy about it?
你现在是一名军官了 你的私人问题不是我们所关心的
Well, you’re an officer now! Your social problems are no concern of ours!
看这地图 史达卡
Take a look at the map, Stachel!
我们的行动区域在阿瑞斯 和圣昆廷
Our operating area is between Arras and Saint-Quentin!
英国人也在此区域 你是知道的
The British also operate the area, as you’ll find out!
Uh, what did you train on?
很普通的机器 来自法尔兹
The usual machine, Herr Hauptmann… an out-of-date Pfalz!
所以你到这儿飞行 -但在飞行学校他们告诉我们
That’s what you’ll fly here! -But, at flying school, they told us…
“Flying school!”
飞行学校 他们告诉你一切
At flying school, they’ll tell you anything!
Up-to-date machines go to experienced pilots!
Those are in short supply!
残忍♥的世界 史达卡 是吗
It’s a cruel world, Stachel, huh?
是的 海德曼上尉
Yes, Herr Hauptmann.
欢迎来到飞行队 卡车将把你送到队里
Welcome to the squadron! The truck will take you to the mess with the others!
还有 史达卡
And, Stachel!
Let’s hope you get to like us!
当然 他能躺在五间卧室里
Of course, he could’ve been lying about the five bedrooms!
His father was probably only a waiter!
事实上 只是一个开门人
Just another snob, in fact.
威利 我有话告诉你
Willi, there’s something I haven’t told you!
I have an uncle in the hotel business!
我承认那酒店豪华 有500间卧室
I admit he’s a baron and the hotel has 500 bedrooms!
你看我 所以就到这了
But you do see the position it places me in!
♪ There was a town in Poland ♪
♪ And there a girl we found ♪
Want a cigarette?
Thank you!
♪ That ever we beheld ♪
♪ But do not kiss me please, she said ♪
♪ I never kiss ♪
你有击落18架了 是吗
You’ve got 18, haven’t you? -??
飞行队第一条规矩 史达卡
Squadron rule number one, Stachel…
gentlemen never parade their military achievements!
♪ She was the loveliest maid that ever we beheld ♪
不管什么规则 我想说 你花了多久时间
Any rule against saying how long it took you?
我要说 我们都得遵守规则
I would say that was covered by the same rule!
Wouldn’t you?
不 我没明白 那里有许多规则吗
No, I wouldn’t! How many rules are there?
我不知道 他们没有记下来
I don’t know! None of them have been written down!
♪She was the haughtiest maid that ever we beheld ♪
♪But do not kiss me, please, she said ♪
♪ I never kiss ♪
♪ She was the haughtiest maid that ever we beheld ♪
♪ But do not kiss me, please, she said ♪
♪ I never kiss ♪♪
你住斯科·特的房♥间 似乎就在我隔壁
Seems you’re next to me in Scholte’s old room!
是11号♥房♥ 斯科·特
That’s, uh, number 11! -Scholte?
哦 你的前辈 他 呃 不幸的是 他英年早逝
Oh, your predecessor! He, uh… He didn’t last long, unfortunately!
不幸的年轻人 -是的 他忘了注意他的右肩上方
Unhappy young man! -Yes! He forgot to keep looking over his shoulder!
值得谨记 他们来的很快 从太阳之中突然窜出
It’s worth remembering! They come fast, out of the sun!
Thank you!
威利 你觉得他怎么样
Willi, what do you think of him?

Gonna have a drink?
哦 他们没有拿掉可怜的 斯科·特 的卡牌
Oh! They haven’t removed poor Scholte’s card!
Very tactless of them!
我只是想 你应该了解我们 别在这了 去吃饭吧
I just thought you should know we, uh, don’t dress for dinner here!
万·维奇特 我觉得是
Von Richthofen, I see!
Your hero?
He’s done it all!
打下很多架 你也很快会像他这样
Two more kills, and you’ll have one of those!
蓝色的勋章 很漂亮
Hmm! A pretty medal, the Blue Max!
他是一个值得拥有它的人 人们尊敬他
It’s the only one worth having! People respect it!
The medal or the man?
像往常一样 法比亚
The usual routine, Fabian!
You know what they are like the first time in combat!
当然 –盯着他
Of course! -Keep your eye on him!
嘿 又听到鸟叫了是吗 上尉
Here! Isn’t it nice to hear the birds again, Herr Hauptmann?
Listen to that!
