who talks to someone, who talks to a friend of someone.
最后在一间租来的 办公室的电♥话♥答录机上
Finishes up with an answering machine in a rented office
授意传达给几个开 蓝色卡车的人
a couple of sensitive gentlemen in a blue pickup truck.
他们也永远不知道 谁下的任务
They will never know who ordered the hit.
l can get you out of Kenya.
这是仅有的几件 我们还能做好的事之一
lt’s one of the few things we still do well.
就此罢手 让它结束吧
Drop it now, and it’s over.
我保证会把话 传到合适的人那里
l’ll make sure word gets to the right people.
Go home… and live.
But l don’t have a home, Tim.
Tessa was my home.
Know about Bluhm?
What about Bluhm?
我来告诉你 你将面对些什么
Let me tell you what you’re facing.
他们把他拖进沙漠 割下舌头
They dragged him into the desert, cut out his tongue
把他的性器切下 塞进嘴里
chopped offhis manly apparatus and stuffed them where his tongue had been.
最后把那可怜人 钉在十字架上
Then they crucified the poor bugger.
病态的是,他是被 活活钉上去的
Pathologist’s opinion is he was still alive when they nailed him up.
Of course,you might be lucky.
也许将你弄成自杀 符合他们的需要
It might be in their interest to make yours look like suicide.
Which it is.
心智失常 没人♥大♥惊小怪,没人调查
Balance of mind disturbed. No fuss, no inquiry.
什么也没 – 那好
Nothing. Right.
Well, thank you for the warning.
You’ve been very kind.
l was afraid you’d say that.
ln case you meet any bandits.
我,呃,我想拜托您帮个忙 – 什么事,先生?
l, uh- l wondered if you could help me. Yes, sir?
Thank you for agreeing to take me, Mr.-
对不起,我听不到你说什么 请把这个带上
Please. l can’t hear you. Please put these on.
l said thank you for taking me, Mr. Andika.
Jonah. No formalities up here.
[Jonah ] Do you know about Southern Sudan, Mr. Black?
The place we’re going to is a food camp
但在途中我们还得 向一些村庄投放
but on the way we must drop to some villages.
马上就要现场表演了 你看好了
We’rejust about to do a live run. Take a look.
你要找的那个人 他的名字叫勃兰特
[Jonah ] His name is Brandt, this man you want to see.
He works at the clinic up there.
他是个好人 可他拿上帝同药片一道推广
He’s a good man, but he pushes God with the pills.
[ Laughs ] Don’t get him started.
最好系上安全带 我们要在月球表面着陆了
Better strap yourself in. We’re landing on the surface of the moon.
嗨,呃,罗伯特 布莱克 自♥由♥记者
Hi. Uh, Robert Black, freelance journalist.
l’m looking for Dr. Brandt.
勃兰特医生?啊,他就在这里 他刚从村里赶来 -谢谢
Dr. Brandt? Yeah, he’s just here. He’s traveling over from the village. Thank you.
勃兰特医生? – 我在帐篷那里等你
Dr. Brandt? – l’ll see you over by the tent.
我叫罗伯特 布莱克,自♥由♥记者 – 嗯哼
My name is Robert Black. I’m a freelancejournalist. Uh-huh.
朋友说你就是我要找的人 – 这我可不知道,布莱克先生
l’m told that you’re the man to talk to. l don’t know about that, Mr. Black.
但我能告诉你这里发生了什么,行吗? – 很好
But l can tell you what’s happening around here, yeah? Good.
Meet my self-appointed assistant, Abuk.
阿布 – 嗨,你好吗?
Abuk. Hello. How are you?
嗨,你好吗? – 我很好
Hello. How are you? l’m very well. [ Laughing ]
[ Native Language ] Follow me. Come this way.
你们得马上去诊所 越快越好
Youse need to go all to the medical center, quickly as possible.
[ Brandt ] I only give the food to the women, Mr. Black.
女人建立家园 而男人只挑起战争,还有贩酒
The women make the homes. The men make the wars… and hooch.
亚当是上帝的初稿 造夏娃的时候他改进了很多
Adam was God’s first draft. He got it right with Eve.
你该把这些告诉 你的读者,布莱克先生
You tell that to your readers, Mr. Black.
这是我从我妻子身上 学到的真理
lt’s a philosophy that l learned from my wife.
珍惜她,兄弟,珍惜她 她是上帝的杰作
Cherish her, man. Cherish her. One of God’s finest creations.
现在我要领你去看看 恶魔打算做些什么
Now l’ll show you what the devil’s up to.
我们的治疗中心 惨不忍♥睹,不是吗?
Our treatment center. Pretty crude, isn’t it?
我在内罗毕见过的医院 好不了多少
Well, l’ve seen hospitals little better. ln Nairobi.
我也是,这个月他们 给我们发了些什么?
So have l. Gharan, what surprises have they got in store for us this month?
你查过那些东西没有? 应该有40箱
Have you checked those things? Ja? Should be 40 boxes.
Free medicines, Mr. Black.
Most of them well beyond their sell-by date.
那些药厂捐出来 就获得免税
The drug companies donate them. It’s a tax break for them.
Disposable drugs for disposable patients.
到了这里它们 就完全没有保质期
Out here they have absolutely no shelf life.
Safest thing to do is incinerate them.
大药厂在这和军♥火♥商 是一丘之貉
Big pharmaceuticals are right up there with the arms dealers.
整个世界就是这样 糟蹋非洲的,布莱克先生
This is how the world fucks Africa, Mr. Black.
沾满鲜血的双手? – 就是他们的赎罪方式
Blood on their hands? lt’s how they expiate their guilt.
Pharmaceuticals, the aid agencies, everybody.
This whole machine is driven by guilt.
ls it?
现在你得来尝尝我的炖羊肉 跟我来
And now you will sample my goat stew. Come with me.
[ Brandt ] So tell me, Robert
你相信一个人可以通过行善 来赎回自己的罪孽吗?
do you believe an individual can redeem himselfby good acts?
[ Clears Throat ] I do,yes.
Maybe the redemption is in the struggle, huh?
上帝给我头脑 恶魔给我胆量
God has your head. The devil has your balls.
So which particular devil had yours?
Oh, you don’t want to know about that, Robert.
What’s your paper really interested in?
ln the big pharmaceutical companies.
非洲小白鼠 危险药物的廉价试验品
African guinea pigs. Cheap trials for unsound drugs.
对儿童不知情的勒索和恐吓 – 你究竟是谁?
Uninformed consent extorted with threats against children. Who are you?
老天! – 贿赂收买♥♥,遮掩事实
Christ! Payoffs, cover-ups.
内罗毕那医院,你在场 – 无名坟地
You were in Nairobi. At the hospital. Unmarked graves.
我就知道我以前在哪见过你的 – 谋杀
l knew l’d seen you somewhere before. Murder.
你是那个丈夫 – 没错,洛比尔医生
You’re the husband. That’s right, Dr. Lorbeer.
Markus.! Markus.! [ Shouting In Native Language ]
外面好像发生什么事了 – 为什么我妻子会来这里?
Something’s going on out there. Why did my wife come here?
She-They had written this report.
Sixteen pages of inspired guesswork.
l was supposed to provide the missing clinical data.
在录音带上作证 – 你作证了?
Testify on tape. And did you?
This could be a raid.
其他部落的,凶残无比 他们来抢牲口、食物和孩子
Tribesman. Nasty. They steal cattle, food, children.
我们得马上离开 – 你在录音带上作证了吗?
l think maybe we should leave. – Did you testify on tape?
奎伊先生,你的妻子 她是个非常有说服力的女人
She was a very persuasive woman, your wife, Mr. Quayle.
但是,我没有那盘带子 他们把带子拿走了
And, no, l do not have the tape. They took the tape.
但你还保留了报告的复本,对吗? – 是的,我有,你随时可以拿走
But you kept a copy of the report, yes? Yes, l did. You’re welcome to it.
四级警报! 五分钟之内离开
Level four alert! They’re leaving in five minutes.
如果你不想死,朋友 你最好和我一起去跑道
If you don’t want to die, my friend, you’d better come with me to the airstrip.
我们还来得及 – 苔莎和布鲁去图卡那湖干嘛?
We can still make it. – What were Tessa and Bluhm doing at Lake Turkana?
你疯了? 我们得赶紧逃命
Are you crazy? We’ve got to get out of here, man.
这帮人见人就杀 抱歉
l mean, these people, they kill anybody. Sorry.
[ Grunts ] Have you lost your senses?
还有样东西! 还有封信!
[ Girls Screaming ] – There was something else! There was a letter!
听着,你这个疯子 你知道你在干嘛吗?
Look, you’re a lunatic. Do you know what you’re doing?
你会把我们俩都害死 – 那我们就碰碰运气
You’re killing us both. We’ll take our chances with them.
Get down! – [ Gunshots ]
阿布!你怎么样? 跟着我们,快点,跑!
Abuk.! You okay? Come with us, quick. Run.
Wait. Wait!
当心! 阿布,当心!
Be careful! Abuk, be careful!
快点上来! 你们去哪里了?
Hurry on up! Where have you guys been?
Sorry about that,Jonah.
对不起,不能带这个女孩 – 我不能丢下她
I’m sorry. I can’t take the girl. – l’m not leaving her.
我们的规定是只撤走救援人员 – 让规定见鬼去吧
We’re only allowed to evacuate aid workers. – Well, to hell with what’s allowed.
l’ll- How much do you want for her?
看,这里有800美元 – 不要羞辱我
Look, there’s $800. – Don’t embarrass me.
你不要买♥♥通我,定规矩 是有它的道理的
You can’t buy this. The rules are made for good reason, please.
这事关一个孩子的生命!! 没有规矩可以比生命更重要!!
