这里的“I.C.”是什么意思? – 代表“知情同意”
And what does ”I.C. ”mean? It means informed consent.
表示他们同意接受治疗 然后家人获得治疗的权利
lt means they consented to treatment and have family medical entitlement.
And that treatment is Dypraxa?
可如果他们不同意 那么就失去了治疗的权利?
But if they don’t give consent, then they lose the right to medical care?
那就是没什么选择了,不是吗? 我猜他们根本就不知道 他们正被测试一种新药?
It’s not much of a choice, is it? I suppose they’re not even informed that they’re testing a new drug?
我做不了主,奎伊先生 – 奎伊先生?
I don’t make the rules, Mr. Quayle. – Mr. Quayle?
什么事? – 请跟我们来,好吗?
Yes? Will you please come with us?
科科,你的卡片 谢谢
Kioko, there’s your card. Thank you.
#他只是问我要卡片看 我不认识他#
为什么那个孩子被问话? – 没关系的
Why is the child being questioned? lt’s okay.
为什么你过来 和那孩子说话?
[ Man’s Voice ] Why did you come to talk to this boy?
他参加了我妻子的葬礼 所以我来感谢他
He attended my wife’s funeral, so l came to thank him.
作为一个外交官 你可不善于撒谎
For a diplomat, you’re not a very good liar.
Well, l haven’t risen very high.
We know about your wife, Mr. Quayle.
He was her lover- this, uh, Bluhm.
So people are pleased to tell me.
These men you hired to kill them-
他们强♥奸♥,然后杀了她 放走了情夫
They rape and kill her, and they let him go.
Where did you find them?
呃,或许我问了某位警♥察♥ 你能告诉我,我是来干吗的?
Well, perhaps l asked a policeman. Can you tell me what l’m doing here, please?
有人让我们… 把你留在这
We’ve been asked to… keep you here.
对,互相行个方便(喝杯茶) – 对不起,你说什么?
Right. Help us help you. l’m sorry. Could you explain?
l have not acquired a taste for Kenyan tea, l’m afraid.
瞧,我们是想帮你 你帮我们,我们也帮你
Look, we’re trying to help you. You help us, we help you.
给我们些的好处 我们就可以说没找到你
lf you give us something small, we can always say we didn’t find you. [ Foreign Language ]
Don’t you believe l have the power to let you go?
需要帮忙? – 是的
Can l help you? Yes.
我的名字是伍德罗 女王陛下的特使团团长
My name is Woodrow, Acting Head of Mission for Her Majesty’s government.
这位是苏格兰厂(警♥察♥机关) 的迪塞探长
This is Detective lnspector Deasey of Scotland Yard.
迪塞先生将负责调查 奎伊先生的太太死因
Mr. Deasey will be inquiring into the death of Mr. Quayle’s wife.
如果你有问题 问他好了
lf you have any questions, ask them of him.
Is that clear?
没有为难你吧? – 没
You weren’t mistreated? No.
你知道你是在谁的土地上吗? 你刚说你叫什么来着?
You know whose territory you are in, Mr.- What did you say your name was?
And your name is?
The, uh-The boy Kioko who l came to see-
你们把他怎么了? – 他跑了
What have you done with him? He ran away.
l hope nothing’s happened to him.
贾斯汀,你的车呢? – 在市场旁边
Where’s your car,Justin? lt’s near the market.
阿诺德杀死了苔莎 这就是官方的想法?
[Justin ] ls that the official thinking then- that Arnold killed Tessa?
[ Sandy ] l’m afraid that’s looking likely.
Do you think that he was her lover?
l’m afraid that’s looking likely too.
What were they doing up at Lake Turkana?
共度浪漫 抱歉这么说了,老友
Romantic setting. Sorry to have to say it, old chap.
那为什么要怀疑布鲁呢? 我的意思是,或许还有别的…
But why suspect Bluhm then? l mean, there may have been others-
other lovers.
如果她是一个不忠的妻子 为何只留在阿诺德身边?
If she was an unfaithful wife, why stop at Arnold?
l wouldn’t listen to rumor
unless you’ve evidence?
对,证据 总是个难题
Yes, evidence. That’s always the problem.
听话些 把事情交给我们
be a good chap and leave this to us.
There are proper channels for these things.
[Justin’s Voice ] Ghita, hi. Thanks for coming.
为什么选这里见面? 有什么不能让别人知道的?
So why did you want to meet here? Something that we shouldn’t be seen talking about?
我知道苔莎和阿诺德撰写了 一份关于三蜜蜂公♥司♥试验的报告
l know that Tessa and Arnold wrote a report on the ThreeBees trials
and l need to know what happened to it.
What makes you think l know?
因为他们信任你 我也是
Because they trusted you, and so do l.
Help me, please, Ghita.
我只知道苔莎给了 桑迪一份复本
All l know is that Tessa gave Sandy a copy.
Sandy? Why him?
桑迪是中间派 半官方的
Sandy was a compromise- semiofficial.
阿诺德想把事情公开 而苔莎不想如此
Arnold wanted to go public with it. Tessa wouldn’t.
因为? – 因为她想以你的方式行事,通过渠道
Because? Because she wanted to do it your way, through channels.
But,Justin, l wouldn’t bother looking for it.
如果报告损害了英国的商贸利益 那就会被雪藏 – 她可以给我
lf it threatens British commercial interests, it would’ve been shredded. She could’ve brought it to me.
她不想把你给卷进来 – 为什么?
She didn’t want to get you involved. Why?
基塔,为什么她不想把我卷进来? – 为保护你
Ghita, why didn’t she want me involved? To protect you.
Do you know if she showed the report to anyone else?
肯尼 科蒂斯
Kenny Curtiss.
Time of the month, Kenny?
Fuck off.
若你把他妈的旗子拔掉 可能会好些
Might help if you took the fucking flag out.
要是离他妈的球洞更近些 没准我会
Well, get closer to the fucking hole, and maybe l will.
lnteresting man you got there, Crick.
Must be the only white caddy in Africa.
听着,KDH(公♥司♥)正等着 我搞砸关于Dypraxa的承诺
Look, KDH are waiting for me to default on my Dypraxa commitments
and l have a cash flow problem.
What are you lot going to do about it?
我们从未承诺 要保护你在商业上的利益
We never promised to protect you commercially.
You protect me? That’s fucking rich.
A word or two from me in the right black ear, a couple of cases of Krug
and you’d be on the next plane back home.
我每年花在香槟上的钱 都比你那破烂部门年度预算还要多
l mean, l spend more money on champagne in a year than your shop’s annual fucking budget.
哦,来咯 你的现金流麻烦
Oh, there you go- Cause of your cash-flow problem.
You’re in my eyeline, old chap.
You’re what passes forJames Bond around here.
张罗女王陛下的特勤去干点 秘密活动,就是你们特务的作为,不是吗?
Get Her Majesty’s secret service to pull a few strings. lt’s what you spies do, isn’t it?
ls it?
Never really sure what it is we do.
Don’t even think about bullying me, old man.
我可不是你们绅士俱乐部的成员 我不必依规矩游戏
l’m not a member of your gentlemen’s club. l don’t have to play by the rules.
So it seems.
Call that one in, shall we?
科蒂斯先生,很抱歉 打扰你打球
Mr. Curtiss, l’m sorry to disturb your game.
我是特使团的贾斯汀 奎伊
My name is Justin Quayle from the High Commission.
l believe you knew my wife, Tessa.
贾斯汀,不知道 你也是这的会员
Justin. Didn’t know you were a member here.
是的,我在一次聚会上 见过她
Yes, l met her at one of your parties.
She came to see you, l think.
她给过你一份她写的 关于Dypraxa的报告
She gave you a report that she had written on Dypraxa.
贾斯汀,我觉得现在不是 讨论这个的时候…
Justin, l really don’t think this is the time or the place-
我希望你不觉得她很烦 因为她发现线索时,就会紧追不放
l hope you didn’t find her too troublesome, because she could be a terrier when she had a scent.
Huh, sounds like you’re describing a bitch.
l’m sorry about your loss
but l don’t remember being given any report.
那就古怪了 因为她把这事写进日记了
Well, that’s odd, because she noted it in her diary.
Then you know more than l do.
我不知道,呃 不知道苔莎记日记的
Didn’t know, uh- Didn’t know Tessa kept a diary.
那,我想苔莎是对的,蒂姆 你并非事事知晓
Well, l think Tessa was right then, Tim. You don’t know everything.
l know where you’re going on Tuesday.
Next, please.
Sorry about the weather.
lt’s hardly your fault.
Oh, dear. We’ve had some forgeries on the diplomatics.
l’m gonna have to keep this, l’m afraid, sir.
什么? – 外♥交♥部♥会在几日内签发你一份新的护照
What? – The F.C.O. will issue you with a new one in a few days.
那我要旅行怎么办? – 最多两三天
What if l want to travel with it? Just two, three days at the most.
你是说我的护照是假的? – 确实有类似的现象,即便是外交官
Are you saying that’s a forgery? It does happen, sir, even on diplomatics.
可那是1年前外交办事处签发给我的 – 先生,外♥交♥部♥会来处理的
But that was issued to me a year ago by the diplomatic office- Sir, the F.C.O. will take care of that.
lt’s just here on the right.
下午好,先生 – 下午好
Good afternoon, sir. Good afternoon.
让我来帮你拿 – 哦,我自己拿着好了
Let me take that for you. Oh, l’d rather keep it with me.
啊,俱乐部的规矩,贾斯汀 对不起
Uh, club rule,Justin. I’m sorry.
不,不要带行李进 进饭厅
No- No luggage in the, uh- in the dining room.
把它放到旁边,好吗?吉米,谢谢 – 好的,先生
