We’re completely alone.
Jebel Toubkal.
Nice mountain in North Africa.
Stephen was searching for something all of his life.
I did it!
He had found something he loved
and somebody who shared his dream.
Alessia and the sea.
They were all he needed.
He will always be with me.
I remember his eyes…
and try to remember all the things he’d tell me.
‎好好活着 快乐下去
To live, to be happy.
To believe in myself.
Enjoy yourself to the max!
Okay? Kiss.
I try and remember his hugs.
‎是他让我懂得了 ‎拥抱别人究竟意味着什么
He’s the person who made me realize what it really means to hug someone.
‎从拥抱中 你能明白他有多关心你
From the hug, you’d understand how deeply he cared about you
and all the feelings you could share together.
He gave his life
for Alessia.
A pain like this stays with you.
You go on.
‎但那个伤口永远敞开着 无法愈合
But that wound is there, and it won’t heal.
He will always be in my heart.
He’s going to be with me forever,
because I want him to stay with me for the rest of my life.
‎(为了纪念史蒂芬 ‎人们创设了“基南”奖)
‎(以表彰那些在工作中 ‎展现出杰出奉献精神的安全潜水员)
‎(史蒂芬死后 阿莱西娅 ‎已在泳池和海上创下23个世界纪录)
‎(以此悼念史蒂芬·基南 ‎纳塔利娅·莫尔查诺娃)
‎(尼克·梅沃利 ‎卡拉`汉森、木下纱佑里)
