‎世界纪录是重点 ‎没错 这对我来说非常重要
A world record, that’s the main point. So, I mean, it’s super important for me.
‎很显然 ‎阿莱西娅是冲着世界纪录去的
It was clear that Alessia was after the world record.
So she was going to push her limits.
‎不幸的是 阿莱西娅害怕黑暗
Unfortunately, Alessia had a problem with the dark.
‎而在蓝洞深度挑战赛中 ‎这个坍塌的洞穴正是其独特之处
And Vertical Blue is unique in that it’s this collapsed cave.
It’s like going into space.
She’s on her way back.
We’ve got Stephen Keenan, who’s our deep primary safety,
and he’s going to meet her.
‎好样的 阿莱西娅
Well done, Alexia.
‎-呼吸 ‎-呼吸
Breathe. – Breathe.
Breathe, breathe, breathe. – Breathe. Breathe.
Breathe, breathe.
I’m okay.
I’m okay.
The judges are conferring.
‎抱歉 阿莱西娅 红牌
I’m sorry, Alessia, red card.
‎抓住她 让她浮在水面上
Grab her. Keep her up.
‎扶住她 支撑她
Support her. Just support her.
Just support her head.
‎扶着她 谁帮我扶着她
Somebody hold her.
‎帮我扶住她 抬头
Hold her for me. Up.
‎抬头 你还好吗?
Up. You okay?
‎来吧 扶住她
Come on. Hold her.
She was really pushing hard,
experiencing blackouts several times.
A lot of free divers were not approving her way.
‎我在检查阿莱西娅 ‎有没有可能出现肺挤压伤
I’m checking Alessia for potential lung squeeze.
So I did ask her, “Are you coughing up any blood?”
And, um… and she said no.
And, um…
‎老实说 我不相信她
And, in all honesty, I kinda… I didn’t believe her.
You can’t do that again.
Not here.
I want you to succeed.
That is why I want you to plan.
You– you gotta quell the horses.
‎我们和她说 这一两天都不能潜水
We told her she couldn’t dive for a day or two.
‎她很生气 于是跑去游泳穿越海湾
She gets mad, and she goes and swims across the bay.
And being that she just blacked out,
‎我们不希望她 ‎在离得很远的地方再出事
we don’t want her to have an issue, you know, a mile away.
‎因为这样的行为 ‎没人愿意和她交朋友
She didn’t win too many friends with that behavior.
Some people saw it as…
yeah, the wrong kind of reaction.
‎阿莱西娅脾气很大 ‎而且一下子就能看出来
Alessia had a very high temper, and, boy, you knew it.
‎你究竟在生什么气 ‎
Why the hell are you getting angry?
你只是开局不利而已 冷静点
You had a bad start. Chill out.
There were hecklers
‎说她看起来太瘦弱 ‎根本不可能征服那么深的深度
who said she didn’t look like she could muscle up these depths.
The Internet trolls were robust in their criticism.
‎大家好 我拍这个视频
Hello. I’m making this video
‎是想让关心我的人放心 我没事
to reassure everyone who cares about me that I’m fine.
‎也是为了反驳Facebook上说 ‎我在20米深处就丧失意识的谣言
And to disprove the rumors on Facebook that I passed out at 20 meters.
I had no problems with a lung squeeze.
‎那次潜水总体而言 ‎挺顺利的 希望你们不要传播谣言
The dive overall went well, and I ask you not to write lies.
‎让头部保持在自然位置 不要超伸
Keep the head in a neutral position, not letting it hyperextend.
The tongue and liquids and fluids can go down into the larynx
and cause more of a spasm.
‎我们每天早上都会开会 ‎讨论每个潜水员的表现
We would have a meeting every morning to go over every single diver.
‎她丧失意识了一会儿 ‎但她什么都不记得
She was out for a while but remembered nothing.
‎她说自己就出水了 就这样 好吧?
She just said she came up and there she was. Okay?
‎史蒂芬特别擅长 ‎了解哪些人可能有危险
Stephen was so good at knowing the ones that could be in danger.
‎他会研究这些人 知道他们的弱点
He studied them, and he knew their weaknesses.
He would say, “We gotta watch out for this one.”
And he was dead-on every time.
Kind of freakishly so.
With Alessia, it was driving Stephen absolutely crazy,
‎因为他能看到 ‎她做错的每一个小地方
because he was seeing all of these little things that she was doing wrong,
and that it was probably contributing to her blackouts.
‎因此 他开始 ‎在比赛休息时间训练阿莱西娅
And so he started training with Alessia during the competition break.
‎(阿莱西娅 ‎接受史蒂芬训练的第一天)
‎(阿莱西娅 ‎接受史蒂芬训练的第二天)
‎(阿莱西娅 ‎接受史蒂芬训练的第三天)
‎-你没事吧? ‎-我没事
Are you okay? – I am okay.
He inspired trust straightaway.
‎我在他身上看到 ‎他是唯一能训练我的人
I saw in him the only one who could coach me.
Are you okay?
The thing that struck me most were his eyes.
‎湛蓝色的 太蓝了 就像大海一样
They were blue, so blue, like the sea.
His gaze was enough.
‎在下潜之前 我们会互相望着彼此
Before diving, we would look at each other.
And this gave me strength.
‎感觉到他的存在 ‎让我在黑暗中也有了安全感
Feeling his presence made you feel safe in the darkness.
We see a special relationship
between the safety diver and the athlete.
‎举个例子 每次深潜时 ‎阿莱西娅都会问起你
For example, Alessia asks about you in every deep dive she does.
‎是的 这确实非常重要
It’s massively important, because
um… free diving is a very psychological sport.
‎明白吗?每次潜水 ‎都会受很多细小的方面影响
Okay? There’s many little facets that can affect a dive.
And if somebody, when diving, wants to feel secure,
‎他们会很乐意和那些 ‎与自己熟悉的人一起潜水
they’re very happy if they’re diving with someone they’re familiar with,
and they know that the safety diver is familiar with them.
‎熟悉他们潜水的方式 ‎他们的速度 还有他们的习惯
How they dive. The speed they go at. The habits they might have.
Things to look out for that we know.
There was a relationship that went beyond free diving.
‎和某些人在一起时 会有这种默契
With some people, you have an understanding.
‎不需要语言 也不需要时间磨合
You don’t need words or time.
I saw this connection.
‎你第一次做的时候就是这样 ‎然后你开始这样大喊:“不…”
The first thing you did– And then you went, like, “No…”
Oh my God.
‎(阿莱西娅想要挑战世界纪录 ‎她只剩两次潜水机会)
‎你想要打破世界纪录 ‎最大的竞争对手是日本选手
Your biggest opponents for breaking the record are the Japanese.
Do you fear them?
I certainly fear my Japanese opponents.
One hundred meters. It was a big number.
A Japanese record.
And I was nervous.
‎史蒂芬走过来 ‎非常认真地抓住了我的肩膀
And Stephen came and he grabbed me by the shoulders in a very serious way.
‎我记得他和我说:“没事的 有我在”
I remember him saying, “It’s going to be okay. I’ve got you.”
Second safety.
She’s with both the safeties now.
She’s slowing down a bit. – She’s slowing down a little.
‎(花子想要尝试成为继纳塔利娅后 ‎第一位完成100米潜水的女运动员)
Here she comes.
Got it.
Okay… – I’m okay.
Oh, yeah!
And the judges say… white card!
Hanako Hirose of Japan,
‎第一位继纳塔利娅之后 ‎在正式比赛中成功下潜100米的女性
first female after Natalia to make 100 meters in competition.
This is a huge dive!
