Liam found out who killed him.
是UVF(IRA的死对头)的一支暗♥杀♥小队干的 有四个人
A UVF death squad. Four men.
I told Liam to kill them before they got to court.
But he said no.
That the time for revenge is past.
So, my Patrick is dead and buried,
and they’re sitting in jail now, all four of them,
taking classes at the open university.
不该这样 这是不对的
It’s not right. It’s not.
Hugh McGrath’s here.
I heard you’re checking my dumps.
所有人的都要检查 概不例外
We’re checking everyone’s. No exceptions.
有四个军♥火♥库的炸♥药♥数目对不上 其中两个是你的
Four came up short. Two were yours.
Ten kilos of Semtex missing.
你这是要干什么 我的军♥火♥库是禁区
What in God’s name are you doing? My dumps were off-limits.
之前我们俩就说清楚了 你记得吧
We were clear in that. Remember?
You were at the meeting.
你清楚军♥火♥少了 就要自己处理好
If you knew they were short, you should’ve handled it.
我的军♥火♥库一切正常 我已经亲自检查过了 确实如此
They were in perfect order. I checked ’em myself, and that’s a fact.
我的天 莱姆 委员会那边已经知道了那些炸♥药♥来自我的军♥火♥库?
Christ, Liam, so the committee knows it’s my Semtex?
Don’t know who we can trust anymore. Do we?
你是信任我 还是怕我
Trust, or fear?
In your case, mostly fear.
就像我爸爸当年教我的那样 用简单粗暴的办法
Simple and brutal, like my da taught me.
莱姆 如果你能站出来 就能把握住这个机会
Look, we have an opportunity here, Liam, if you take the lead.
This Chinaman isn’t helping matters,
但我能找些熟悉地形的当地人 把他逮住
but let me get some locals to hunt him down.
你能找到多少?- 足够多
How much do you know? – Plenty.
他炸了你的办公室 你的农场 你的车
Bomb in your office. Your farm. Your car.
玛丽和你女儿躲在伦敦一家酒店里 一团糟
Mary and your daughter hiding out in a London hotel, a bloody mess, it is.
而且 这些人和UVF组织当年一样 能抓住人的弱点
And the men sense weakness, as do the UVF.
你应该回贝尔法斯特 站出来 掌控局面
You should be back in Belfast, out in front, taking charge.
我不是一个政♥治♥家 你什么意思?
Look, I’m no politician… – What’re you trying to say?
The bombing.
说几句鼓励的话 就能安抚各位成员
A few quiet words of encouragement would soothe the ranks.
They kill civilians by the buckets.
我知道他们有点过头了 但他们也给我们造了很大的势
They went a bit far, I know, but they have given us real momentum.
The Brits are on the ropes.
我的天 我之前说袭击一些金融目标 就行了
Jesus Christ, I said hit a few financial targets. That’s it.
别让人受伤 我们达成了一致的
No one gets hurt. That’s what we agreed to.
你答应的 我没反对
You gave me your word. – And by God, I kept it.
我不知道他们的真实身份 更不知道幕后主脑是谁
I don’t know who they are, don’t even know who’s controlling ’em.
而且 本来就应该这样
And that’s the way it has to be.
因为如果出事的话 他们就能直接找到我们头上
Because, if something goes wrong, they could trace ’em straight back to us.
出事?计划他妈的不是这样的 我是要通过这个计划把我们的人救回来
Go wrong? This wasn’t the fuckin’ plan. I needed this to get our people back.
你和我都为此奋斗一生了 – 你根本不在乎他们
You and I have spent our whole lifetime… – You don’t give a shit about those men.
You needed the bombing to shore up the election,
to prop up your weakness in the ranks.
可你没想到 局势复杂 计划瞬息万变
Well, guess what? In the fog o’ war, plans fuckin’ change.
当你打击那帮小伙子的时候 我支持你
Now, I stood by you when you put fire into the lads.
M62, Aldershot, Mountbatten.
你以前一直呼吁我们要闹出点大乱子 那挺正确的
You were calling for an escalation then, right enough.
Those days are long gone!
几个月之前 你可不是这么说的
That’s not what I heard a few months ago.
几个月之前 莱姆又变回了老样子 还提出了一个计划
I heard the old Liam, a man back on track with a plan.
You haven’t forgotten what we’re fighting for, have ya?
You question my loyalty?
我先后埋葬了我的爸爸 我的两个表哥 还有我的大舅哥
I buried my brother-in-law, before that my da and my two cousins.
我们浴血奋战 为爱尔兰的统一而奋斗
We spilt our fair share of blood struggling for united Ireland,
not profiting off a divided one.
所以 别再问我是不是忘记了我们的奋斗目标
So, don’t fucking go asking me again if I’ve forgotten what we’re fighting for.
如果要说我们当中有投机分子的话 那就是你
If there’s anyone profiteering around here, it’s you,
坐在你的豪♥宅♥里 讨好英国人
sitting in your fancy houses, cozying up to the Brits.
You’re not the Liam I once knew.
你想要我变回以前的样子 是么?
You want the old me, huh?
专门搞爆♥炸♥袭击的屠夫 你就想让我变成这个样子?
The Butcher of the Bogside, is that what you want?
Well then, hear this.
你♥他♥妈♥的找出肇事者 结束这一切
You reel in those fuckin’ cunts and end it,
or by God, I’ll bury the lot of yas.
好吧 我要走了 如果有事
Right. I’m going now.
I’ll be at my farm if you need me.
And take care of that Committee issue.
我可不希望他们因为塑料炸♥药♥的事做出误判 你也应该不希望吧
We don’t want them jumping to the wrong conclusion about that Semtex. Do we?
Do you or any of the men know where Mary’s staying in London?
不知道 只有墨菲一个人知道
No. No one, but Murphy.
Hmm. McGrath knows where she’s hiding.
我要查清楚 他是怎么知道这消息的
I wanna know how.
多美好的一天 查理
What a day, Charlie.
来吧 来吧
What a day. Come on now, let’s go.
来吧 查理 起来
Come on, Charlie, up you get.
You killed my dog?
你的狗没事 在睡觉
Dog’s fine. Just sleeping.
I’m wearing a bomb.
有人进来的话 我一按 然后我们同归于尽
Anyone comes in, I touch it one, then we die.
现在 告诉我他们的名字
Now, give me the names.
他们自称是IRA 但我不知道他们的真实身份
They claim they’re the IRA, but I don’t know who they really are.
我正竭尽所能 找出幕后元凶
I’m doing everything I can to find out who’s responsible.
你在撒谎 是谁杀害了我的女儿?
You’re lying! Who killed my daughter?
我很抱歉 我现在真的不知道
I’m sorry. I truly don’t know yet.
恐袭分子用的炸♥药♥ 是塞姆汀-H吗?
The explosives the bombers use, it’s Semtex-H?
是的 是的 你知道塞姆汀炸♥药♥?
Yes. Yes. You know about Semtex?
I know Semtex-H.
战争时期 捷克人做的 用来对付军队
During the war, Czechs make for the Viet Cong.
Good for bombs and traps.
In Vietnam? – Yes.
Many American people died by Semtex-H.
Now, IRA use to kill my daughter.
That’s ironic.
我看了你的简历 我们都了解战争
I’ve read your history. We both know about war.
我们都试图摆脱战争的磨难 你和我 我们很像
We’ve both tried to put it behind us. You and me, we’re alike.
我们一点都不像 你们不干好事 你们残杀妇女和孩子 快告诉我名字
We are nothing alike. You’re nothing! You kill women and children! Names!
我向上帝保证 我不知道
To Almighty God, I don’t know!
等一下 等一下 我给他们设了一个陷阱
Wait! Wait. I’ve set a trap for them when they use the next bomb.
他们下次搞爆♥炸♥袭击的时候 在袭击承认承担责任时侯
When they claim responsibility for the next bombing,
会使用暗号♥ 告诉警♥察♥他们就是IRA
they’ll use a code word, telling the police they’re IRA.
I’ve changed that code word.
所以 他们说出暗号♥时 我就知道是谁了
So, when they use it, I’ll know.
You have one day.
如果他们没有发动爆♥炸♥袭击 怎么办?
What if they don’t set off a bomb by then?
Twenty-four hours.
天呐 我的天呐
Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Sweet Jesus.
We missed it the first time…
But ran a reconfiguration through RAPTOR,
and the image’s anomalies and architecture became more apparent.
看这 他的手背
Now there, look, the back of his hand.
Hmm. – Looks like a burn or a birthmark.
We’re running comparatives now.
可能还要多花些时间 但会有结果的
So, it’s a bit more time, but we’ll get it.
Come on. Come on.
There you go.
早上好 肖恩 你能来真是太好了 – 你身体没事儿吧?
Good morning, Sean. Thanks for coming. – Are you all right?
还好 我已经好多了 又发生了一起爆♥炸♥案
Well, I’ve been better. There’s been another bombing.
是啊 我刚听说了 – 是的 一辆伦敦的巴士
Yeah, I just heard. – Aye, a London bus.
布罗姆尼打电♥话♥来了吗? – 没有 还没有
Has Bromley phoned? – No. Not yet.
迈格拉会带着一些当地人赶过来 他们会帮你的
McGrath’s on his way with some locals. They’ll give ya a hand.
我不需要他们的帮忙 我自己能够处理
No, I don’t need them. I’ll handle it.
