我不能接受你的40美元 但是你可以通过接受这件外套来取悦我
I can’t accept your $40, but you can please me by accepting the coat.
I shall expect you at my office in the New Amsterdam tomorrow…
…as I want to engage you for the Follies.
Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.”
范妮 是他! 是齐格飞!
Fannie, it was him! It was Ziegfeld!
How do you like that?
I like it.
范妮! 范妮! 你晕倒了吗
Fannie! Fannie! Have you fainted?
你看不到我有吗 你在干嘛? 给我倒点威士忌!
Can’t you see I have, you chump? Get me some whiskey!
哦 布莱斯小姐? -是的先生?
Oh, Miss Brice? -Yes, sir?
我们为你准备好了 我马上下来
We’re ready for you. -I’m coming right down.
是的 先生 我马上就下来 我要尽快来
Yes, sir, I’ll be right down. I’m coming as fast as I can.
I thought I had more time.
小子 别紧张 这是你的大机会
Don’t lose your nerve, kid. This is your big chance.
Be a trouper!
看着你 你正在为齐格飞工作
Look at you. You’re working for Ziegfeld now.
And you look like a million dollars.
这是你人生中的第一次 是阶级
For the first time in your life, you’re class, you mug.
Wait a minute! Ho!
到底是什么? 范妮! 你到底在找补什么?
What in the–? Fannie! What in the world are you made up for?
维罗妮卡? 克拉伦斯?
Veronica? Clarence?
齐格飞先生 我能做些什么?
Anything I can do, Mr. Ziegfeld?
是的 过来吧
Yes. Come here, will you?
是的 齐格飞先生?
Yes, Mr. Ziegfeld?
Will you rip off that train?
但是 齐格飞先生! -继续
But, Mr. Ziegfeld! -Go ahead.
摘下帽子 摆脱这个蟒蛇收缩器
Take off the hat. Get rid of this boa constrictor.
现在 你能给我披肩吗? 一条旧披肩
Now, will you get me a shawl? An old shawl.
Yes, sir.
你如何期待布莱斯小姐 为她的男人唱一首悲伤的歌♥…
How do you expect Miss Brice to sing a sad song about her man…
…dressed up like a nightingale?
我发现了个性 而你试图摧毁他们
I find personalities, you try to destroy them.
I didn’t engage Miss Brice as a showgirl.
齐格飞先生 可以吗? 好吧 现在就可以了
Is that all right, Mr. Ziegfeld? -Well, that’s all right for now.
Tomorrow, buy her another outfit.
Go to a secondhand store and get her an old dress.
她应该是一个阿帕奇部落的 一个可怜的法国女孩 一个野孩子
She’s supposed to be an apache, a poor French girl, an urchin.
因此 要为齐格飞工作 我必须成为一名顽童
So to work for Ziegfeld, I gotta be an urchin.
即使是在滑稽表演中 我也是中产阶级
Even in burlesque, I was middle class.
…让我看看这个 范妮
…let me see this, Fannie.
唱这首歌♥ 现在!
Sing the song. Now!
维克? 好的 我们走吧
Vic? All right. Let’s go.
如果她能在观众面前流下眼泪 那将是一种轰动
If she can turn those tears on in front of an audience, she’ll be a sensation.

Look at the girls.
齐格飞先生 我们可以回到那个会议上吗?
Mr. Ziegfeld, shall we get back to that conference?
孩子们还在等着 你知道
The boys are still waiting, you know.
是啊 告诉他们我会上来的
Yeah, yeah. Tell them I’ll be right up.
她没事 她会很棒
She’s all right. She’s gonna be great.
那是谁? -布莱斯 范妮·布莱斯
Who’s that? -Brice. Fannie Brice.
我在这个节目中为她赢得了一个好位置 我发掘了她!
I’ve got a great spot for her in this show. -And I discovered her!
是的 山姆 你应该加薪
That’s right, Sam, and you deserve a raise.
我会把钱给他 但恐怕他不会批准这笔费用
And I’d give it to him, but I’m afraid he wouldn’t approve of the expense.
看起来怎么样 吉恩? -这是我们做过最好的
How’s it look, Gene? -It’s the best we’ve ever done.
你是最好的作家 赫伯特是最好的作曲家
You’re the best author. Herbert’s the best composer.
朱利安是最佳导演 乔是最好的艺术家 山姆是最好的书♥记♥员
Julian’s the best director. Joe’s the best artist. Sam’s the best bookkeeper.
我渴望听到它 他写的每一行都是笑
I’m dying to hear it. Every line he writes is a laugh.
We open on a street in Cairo.
Didn’t I tell you every line was a laugh?
我们弄一条开罗的街道 随之而来的是一个领着大象的人
We open on a street in Cairo. Along comes a man leading an elephant.
等一下 吉恩
Wait just a minute, Gene.
你们能接受这种震撼吗? 嗯 你是什么意思 弗洛?
Can you boys stand a shock? -Well, what do you mean, Flo?
我不愿意告诉你这件事 因为我知道你的工作努力…
I hate to tell you this because I know how hard you’ve worked….
但是我决定不做另一个愚蠢的… -什么?
But I’ve decided not to do another Follies. -What?
I’m going on with this new edition with Brice…
…但是之后 我想讲一个故事 有情节的东西
…but after that I wanna do a story. Something with a plot.
带有甜美 简单的故事 充满了弗里斯的魅力
Something with all the glamour of the Follies, around a sweet, simple story.
Something that will fit this little girl Sally Manners.
We might call it Sally.
Oh, Jerry.
你好 弗洛 你好吗?
Hello, Flo. How are you?
我只是在想你 -很高兴想到
I was just thinking of you. -It’s nice to be thought of.
嗨 小子们 -你好
Hello, boys. -Hello.
Remember that melody you played at my house a few weeks ago?
我弹了几段 -它们都很好听
I played several. -And they were all beautiful.
但是这个… 你还记得吗? 你打算将其发送给我
But this one was…. You remember? You were going to send it to me.
哦 我知道 “寻找银色衬里”
Oh, I know. “Look for the Silver Lining.”
那就是那个 来吧 弹吧 你介意吗?
That’s the one. Come on, play it. Do you mind?
当然 我这里有歌♥词
Sure, I will. I’ve got the lyrics right here.
好极了 拿着这个
Fine. Get this.
“Look for the Silver Lining.”
明白了吗? 那就是我想要的
See what I mean? That’s what I want.
A story just as simple and sweet as that tune.
唱出来 杰瑞 好吗?
Sing it, Jerry, will you?
…这些先生们在缠着我 要我花钱买♥♥布景 服装和诸如此类的东西
…these gentlemen are pestering me about money for scenery, costumes and whatnot.
我想告诉你他们的出现 我对此节目没有兴趣…
And I wanna tell you in their presence, I have no interest in this show…
…and in no way am I concerned with it.
我们的协议是针对齐格飞弗里斯的 仅此而已
Our agreement is for Ziegfeld Follies and nothing else.
你们知道吗 先生们? 没有其他的
You understand that, gentlemen? Nothing else.
齐格飞先生 这在排练时非常不愉快
Mr. Ziegfeld, this is very unpleasant at a rehearsal…
…但是我们坚持 在首映之前至少要拿出我们资金的一半
…but we insist on at least 50 percent of our money before opening.
我们卖♥♥很多票 -桑普斯顿 这是我们最好的办法了
We are selling a lot of tickets. -Sampston, that’s our best proposition.
齐格飞先生 我们已经准备好压轴了 -好的 本尼
Mr. Ziegfeld, we’re ready for the finale. -All right, Benny.
男孩们 你在担心什么?
Boys, what are you worried about?
我开始我无法完成的事情了吗? 难道我的窗帘不总是拉开的吗?
Have I started anything I couldn’t finish? Don’t my curtains always go up?
为什么 如果我欠你一倍于我的欠款 你会得到它的
Why, if I owed you 1 00 times the amount I do, you’d get it.
明天到我这里 我会付钱给你 -百分之五十 齐格飞先生
Come to me tomorrow, I’ll pay you. -50 percent, Mr. Ziegfeld.
百分百 如果你想要的话
A hundred percent if you want it.
Maybe I can give you an advance on the Eddie Cantor show.
I’m doing a story with him too.
Eddie Cantor?
How are you gonna do it?
我不知道 -大结局
I don’t know. -Finale.
齐格飞先生 奥黛丽·戴恩正在后台…
Mr. Ziegfeld, Audrey Dane is visiting backstage…
…and she brought a lot of champagne with her.
嗯 -先生
Well…. -Yes, sir?
Never mind.
表演很好看 是吗? 是的 真的很棒
It looks very good, the show, huh? -Yes, it’s wonderful, really.
我会回来的 亲爱的 -好的
I’ll be back in a moment, darling. -All right.
I wanna see every one of you in my office in the morning.
Get out.
奥黛丽 你知道我禁止在更衣室里喝酒
Audrey, you know I’ve forbidden drinking in the dressing rooms.
哦 弗洛 别生我的气
Oh, Flo, don’t be mad at me.
I just asked the girls up to have a drink.
这不是她们的错 你看 那是我的
It isn’t their fault. You see, it’s my f–
现在 请给奥黛丽 请站起来
Now, Audrey, please. Please stand up now.
我不行 我想下车 但我不能下车
I can’t. I wanna get down, but I can’t get down.
提起我 弗洛
Lift me, Flo.
哦 别让我失望 不要让我失望
Oh, don’t put me down. Don’t put me down.
奥黛丽 你违反了对我的最后一个诺言
Audrey, you’ve broken your last promise to me.
You should have at least closed the door.
安娜 请不要误会我 我无能为力
Anna, please don’t misjudge me. I couldn’t help it.