Hey guys. Check it out. He’s got a Chinese boner.
艾伦 得了 别闹了
Alan, come on! Cut it out!
-这太不尊敬人了 -别停啊猴子 继续咬
– That is so wrong! – Don’t stop monkey, keep doing it.
要是猴子咬上老二 什么人都会笑
When a monkey nibbles on a penis, it’s funny in any language!
Keep doing it!
好了 谢谢
Alright, thank you!
再见莎伦 再见小维恩
Bye Shannon! Bye Little Wayne!
Wow! So beautiful!
这是啥 中菜馆吗
What is this, a PF Chang’s?
Ah, they’re meditating.
-真是一群平和的人 -是啊
– Such a peaceful people! – Yeah.
-敲敲门 你们好 -艾伦 放尊重点
– Knock, knock! Hello! – Alan! Show some respect!
-不用起来 各位 -我们把你们中的一员带回来了
– Don’t get up guys. – We brought one of your guys back.
他真的很搞笑 人好又酷
He’s really funny. He’s really nice and cool.
你好 你是管事的人吗
Hi, how you doing. You the one in charge?
-不好意思 等等 -别打了 淡定
– Excuse me… ow… Wait! – Stop it! Calm down!
等会 因为我们在说话
Hold on. It’s because we’re talking.
该死的 别打了
God damn it! Oh! Stop!
等等 是我
Wait, it’s me!
Oh I get it.
安静 安静
No talk! No talk! Shh.. Ok…
昨天深夜 你们越过寺院高墙
Late last night, you climbed the walls of our monastery.
大声喧嚣 嚷着关于爱
Shouting out questions about love,
婚姻 以及生命意义的问题
marriage and the meaning of life.
Poor brother Han was meditating alone in the garden.
-你们却把他掳走了 -我的天
– And you took him. – Oh my god!
-我们绑♥架♥了一位僧侣 -我们活着另一种人生
– We kidnapped a monk. – We live an alternative life style.
我们对此很抱歉 但是昨晚我们都喝高了
We are so sorry about that, but we weren’t ourselves last night.
是的 事情有点失控
Yep, things kinda spun outta control a little bit.
But there’s a boy who’s missing and hurt.
您能不能帮我们问问韩长老 看他知不知道我们的朋友在哪
Can you find out if he knows where our friend is?
Brother Han took a vow of silence many years ago.
It would be useless to try.
那让他在纸上写下来 可以吗
Well maybe he can write down what happened, on a piece of paper?
实际上 菲尔 这是作弊
Actually Phil, that would be cheating.
是不是 大♥法♥师
Isn’t that right, Grand Wizard.
-艾伦 -肥仔说的没错
– Alan! – I’m afraid fatty is right.
看到没 你说我啥
See?… What?
None of us will ever know what brother Han knows.
行 真好 太谢谢你们这些圣人了
Oh, alright. Well, so much for holy people.
一帮混账秃驴 来 我们走
Bunch of bald assholes. C’mon, let’s go.
知道吗 仅供参考
Hey you know what! FYI,
You may want to put some signs up that say no talking…
before you unleash your dragon.
Yeah, that was a little rough.
还有 不用谢我们把他平安带回来
And “You are welcome” for bringing him back safe.
你知道 我们在醒酒室发现他
You know we found him in the drunk tank.
是啊 但一开始也是我们把他掳走的
Yeah well, we did take him in the first place.
-伙计们 走了 -等等
– C’mon guys, let’s go. – Wait!
佛家有云 每段记忆都根植在内心深处
The Buddha teach, every memory lives somewhere deep within.
Perhaps you should bring your question
to the Garden of Meditation.
Did you understand a word he just said?
Yeah, yeah. About two thirds.
He said something about the Garden of Meditation?
不 他说自己因为冥想放了个屁
No, he said he’s farting because of his medication.
I get that.
这真是浪费时间 我什么都记不起来 你呢
It’s a waste of time. I don’t remember anything. Do you?
我也一样 艾伦你呢
No. I got nothing. Alan?
“Every memory lives somewhere deep within”
-亲爱的 -干嘛
– Sweetie. – What?
You have visitors.
-你好 艾伦 -你们好
– Hey, Alan! – Hey, guys!
-你好 菲尔 -你好 老兄
– Hey, Phil. – Hey buddy!
Stu would like to invite you to his wedding.
-是真的吗 斯图 -是啊 当然了 会很有意思的吧
– Is this true, Stuart? – Yeah, why not. It’ll be fun.

-敬罗伦和斯图 -干杯
– For Lauren and Stu! – Cheers!
-周 -我们昨晚玩得可嗨了 贱♥人♥们
– Chow! – We had a sick night, bitches!
艾伦 我肏
Alan, what the fuck!
Is that person coming to the wedding?
-别提什么狼♥友♥ -艾伦 艾伦 别那样
– There is no wolfpack. – Alan, Alan, don’t do that!
最后 三个全世界最好最好的哥们儿
And finally… The three best friends anyone could have.
Fuck the Police!
I know where to go.
-你觉得呢 艾伦 -就是这儿
– What do you think, Alan? – This is the place.
来吧 咱们进去
C’mon. Let’s go.
I don’t remember any of this!
-是啊 艾伦 你确定就是这吗 -对 没错
– Yeah Alan, you sure this is the place? – Yeah, pretty sure.
小玫 小和
Rose! Harmony!
他还来不 我都等他一整天了
Is he coming or what? I’ve been waiting all day for him.
-不好意思 等谁 -周那傻屄♥♥
– I’m sorry. Waiting for who? – Chow, that dick ass fuck!
-怎么 出什么事了 -没出什么事
– Why? What’s wrong? – Nothings wrong.
好吧 看这个
Ok, good. Look at this.
看我给他弄了个什么 看看
Look what I bring for him. Check it out, huh.
-不是吧 -六千美刀
– No, no! – $ 6,000 American.
Wow looks so real!
没事 这枪 很好用
It’s ok. The gun, it’s very sensitive.
Everybody ok?
好 那就他♥娘♥的♥该干嘛干嘛去 放音乐
Ok, then get the fuck back to work! Come on. Music, please!
Where is my 6,000 dollars?
六千 不 不 这是周的生意
6,000? No, no, no. This is Chow’s deal.
We got nothing to do with that.
Un-fucking believable.
这家伙 要是他又怂了
This guy, if he backs out again,
the shits gonna catch up with him.
He’s made a lot of enemies in this town,
and now they’re gonna be your enemies.
That’s not fair!
听着 我们就想找个孩子
Ok listen. We’re just looking for a little kid.
-两千块 -什么
– 2,000 dollars. – What!
不清楚 可能还要贵点 你要多大的小孩
I don’t know, maybe more. How young you want this kid to be?
不 不好意思 你误会了
No, no! Sorry, you misunderstood.
我们是想找个朋友 十六岁
We’re looking for our friend… 16 years old.
-泰迪 -泰迪
– Teddy. – Teddy?
-对 他昨晚和你们一起来的 -是吗
– Yeah he was here with you guys last night. – He was?
Do you know if he left with us?
不知道 你们一晚上都在拐角和吉米一块
I don’t know. You were in the corner all night with Kimmy.
-我没注意你们走了 -吉米
– I didn’t see you leave. – Kimmy?
-她现在在吗 -在 她在后台
– Is she here? – Yes, she’s in the back.
She just came for her shit.
Go and talk to her.
好吧 听着 我很抱歉这些事情
Alright, listen. I’m sorry about everything that happened.
听我说 行吗
Listen to me, ok?
Pay attention to what I’m going to talk to you know.
你们见到周之后 告诉他 萨米尔说”你好啊”
When you see Chow, you tell him Samir says “Hello”.

照这样说 明白吗 威胁的那种 “你好啊” 说反话那种
But do it like that, ok! “Hello” Like threatening. Like, ironic.
-“你好啊~” -行
– “Hellooo” – Okay!
Go away! Go away!
我当然记得他 他给所有人买♥♥酒喝
Of course I remember him. He was buying shots for everyone.
好孩子 他爸妈肯定可骄傲了
Nice kid! His parents must be so proud.
You have no idea.
Ok, so do you remember if he left with us?
对 你们都是一块儿走的
Yeah, you were all leaving together,
but you almost forgot this one right here.
对吧 大帅哥
Right, super star?
