Actually, I was wondering if you had any villas.
We’re not even gonna be in the room. It’s unnecessary.
菲尔 我们在房♥间里又待不了多久 那没必要
No big deal. We can share beds. It’s one night.
没什么大不了的 我们一起睡 就一晚上
If we’re share beds, I’m bunking with Phil.
如果我们要选个床友的话 我就挑菲尔
You good with that? No, I’m not.
你愿意吗 不 我才不愿意呢
Guys, we are not sharing beds. What are we, 12 years old?
我们不能一起睡 我们还只有12岁吗
Lisa, I apologize. How much is the villa?
丽萨 我想你道歉 别♥墅♥多少钱一晚
Well, we have one villa available, and it’s 4200 for the night.
我们只有一座别♥墅♥ 一晚是4200元
Is it awesome? It’s pretty awesome.
里面好吗 很好
We’ll take it. Give her your credit card. I can’t give her my credit card.
我们定了 把你的信♥用♥卡♥给她 不能用我的卡
We’ll split it. Are you crazy? No, this is on us.
我们平摊 你干嘛 就应该我俩掏
You don’t get it. Melissa checks my statements.
你不能用 梅丽莎会查到我们的位置
We just need a credit card on file.
We won’t charge you until check out, so you can figure it out then.
在你退房♥之前我们不会刷♥卡♥ 你可以退房♥的时候结账
That’s perfect. Thank you, Lisa. We’ll deal with it tomorrow. Come on.
很好 太好了 谢谢你 丽萨 我们明天再结账 快点
Can I ask you another question? Sure.
我能问个问题吗 当然
You probably get this a lot.
This isn’t the real Caesars Palace, is it?
What do you mean?
Did Caesar live here? Um, no.
凯撒大帝住在这吗 不
I didn’t think so.
Holy shit.
Now, this is Vegas.
Oh, my… This place is enormous.
Now we’re talking.
Is this all one suite?
Thank you, guys.
谢谢你们 兄弟们
Or should I say, “Thank you, Stu”?
或者我该说谢谢你 斯图
You’re welcome. It’s only because I love you.
别客气 我爱你才这么做的
Hey, guys. Look, free almonds.
哇 你们看 免费杏仁
Oh, no, no, no. Please put those back. Wait, I’m just hungry.
不不 放回去 我只是肚子饿嘛
Well, I know, but… Stu, what the fuck?
我知道 可是 斯图 你♥他♥妈♥干嘛
It’s a pressure-sensitive plate. When you pick it up, you have 30 seconds to put it back…
那是压力感应盘 拿起来以后 有30秒时间给放回去
…or they bill you. – That’s pretty neat.
或者酒店就和你收钱 挺赞的
It may be neat, but it’s also very expensive, so…
的确挺赞的 也挺贵的
Those almonds are probably, like, $14.
这几颗杏仁可能就是 14块钱
Stu, relax.
斯图 放松点
Phil, Melissa is like a forensic accountant, okay?
菲尔 梅丽莎法律会计是吧
She scours my statements. If you want nuts…
她很仔细地勘我的银行账单 你们要想吃杏仁
…put your own credit card down. – Watch this.
用你自己的信♥用♥卡♥ 看这个
Problem solved. Alan, enjoy your almonds.
问题解决了 艾伦 好好你的吃杏仁
I don’t want them. He ruined it.
你不想吃 根本就是浪费
All right, let’s pick a room, let’s get dressed. Be ready in 30 minutes.
好了 选个房♥间 换好衣服 我们半小时后出发
I just wish you could see this place, because you, of all people, would love it.
我真希望你能到这来 因为你 所有人都会爱上这的
Yeah. No, it’s so quaint.
不 很安静
Yeah, no, there’s no TVs, no phones.
不 这里没电视 没电♥话♥
They just have these cute little antique radios in all the rooms.

What else? Um…
We met the, uh, proprietor.
Oh, I bet you… What’s his name?
我打赌你 What’s his name?
Um, Caesar. Palace.
Yeah, like the salad.
是的 有点像菜名
Okay. Well, listen, I gotta go, because we’re gonna hit this wine tasting.
好了 我得走了 我们要去品葡萄酒
Wait, wait. I love you. Okay. Bye.
等等 我爱你 再见
I’m not even gonna say anything, it’s so embarrassing.
我都无言了 你太能装了
Where’s Alan? He, uh, he went downstairs.
艾伦呢 他在楼下
He said he had to grab a few things.
Good, because I have something to show you.
很好 给你看样东西
What the hell is that? What do you think?
这他妈什么玩意 你说呢
If it’s what I think it is, I think it’s a big fucking mistake.
I’m gonna propose to Melissa at your wedding. After the ceremony.
Stuey, congratulations! Thank you, Doug.
斯图瑞 恭喜你 谢谢 道格
That’s a beautiful ring. Yeah. It’s my grandmother’s.
戒指真不错 我奶奶留给我的
She made it all the way through the Holocaust with that thing.
Wait, have you not listened to anything I have ever said?
我就不明白 我的话你一点都没听进去
Phil, we’ve been dating for three years. It’s time. This is how it works.
菲尔 我们在一起3年了 我们该结婚了
A, that is bullshit. And B, she is a complete bitch.
第一 你在胡扯 第二 她根本就是个荡♥妇♥
Hey, that’s his fiancee.
What? It’s true. It’s true. You know it’s true. She beats him.
是真的 你知道是真的 她伤害了他
That was twice, and I was out of line.
大家都有责任 我做的也不对 她只是有点固执而已
She’s strong-willed. And I respect that.
她只是有点固执而已 我理解
He’s in denial. Not to mention, she fucked a sailor.
Hey, he wasn’t a sailor.
He was a bartender on a cruise ship. You know that.
是船上的酒保 你知道的
Guys, I’m standing right here. So I can hear everything that you’re saying.
伙计们 我还在这呢 你们说的我都听见了
Hey, guys. You ready to let the dogs out?
伙计们 你们准备把狗放出去吗
What? Do what?
什么 干嘛
Who brought this guy?
Yes, Alan, we are ready to let the dogs out.
好的 艾伦 我们会把狗放出去的
Hey, congrats. Thank you.
恭喜你 谢谢
I love this fucking town.
You’re not really wearing that, are you? Wearing what?
你不是真打算背着这玩意出门吧 背着什么
The man-purse.
You’re actually gonna wear that or are you guys fucking with me?
It’s where I keep all my things. I get a lot of compliments on this.
我要用它装东西 它颇受赞誉
Plus, it’s not a man-purse. It’s called a satchel.
另外说一句这不是钱包 它叫背包
Indiana Jones wears one.
So does Joy Behar.
We’re going up, guys. Yeah, that’s perfect.
我们要上去 好啊 我们也去
We’re going up?
I’m just saying, it’s clearly marked, okay?
We are definitely not supposed to be up here.
Come on, we’re paying for a villa. We can do whatever the fuck we want.
斯图 别♥墅♥要住的物有所值 我们想干什么就要干什么
Yeah, but… Just wedge the door open.
对 但是 把门顶住
Guys, come on up here. Fine.
伙计们 跟我来 好
How the hell did you find this place?
Don’t worry about it.
You all right? Yeah.
行吗 当然
Look at the view up here. You happy?
瞧瞧这的景色 你喜欢吗
This is great. Whoa!
真没 哇
Are you kidding?
Alan, how we doing, buddy? – Good.
艾伦 你在那干什么
What do you got over there, Alan? That’s the Eiffel Tower.
艾伦 你在那干什么 是埃菲尔铁塔
Right? A little J?germeister.
不是吗 来点野格利酒
Good idea. There it is. Good call.
好主意 在那里 好名字
On the roof.
Um, no, this is good. I’d like to make a toast.
真不错 让我们举杯
To Doug and Tracy.
May tonight be…
…but a minor speed bump…
…in an otherwise very long and healthy marriage.
是为了让婚姻更加长久 美满
Cheers. Cheers.
干杯 干杯
Short and sweet.
Oh, it’s like college.
All right. I wanna talk about something. All right.
我来说两句 好
I want to… I’d like to…
我想 我想
I’d like to say something…
…that I prepared…
…tonight. – All right, Alan.
为了今晚 好了 艾伦
How about that ride in?
旅程如何 我猜这就是罪恶之城的意思
I guess that’s why they call it Sin City.
You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner.
你们也许不知道 我总是独来独往
I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack.
But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own.
当我妹妹带道格回家时 我就知道他是自己人
And my wolf pack, it grew by one.
So were there two… So there were two of us in the wolf pack.
