I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later.
一开始只有我一人 然后道格加入了
And six months ago…
…when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought:
‘Wait a second. Could it be? ‘ And now, I know for sure.
我想 等等 可能是… 现在我很确信
I just added two more guys to my wolf pack.”
All right. All right.
好 好
“Four of us wolves…
…running around the desert together in Las Vegas…
…looking for strippers and cocaine.”
So tonight…
…I make a toast. – Whoa.
What…? What do you got there?
什么 你拿的是什么
Dude, what the fuck? DOUG: What the hell are you doing?
他妈的搞什么 你在干什么
What is that? Blood brothers.
什么意思 歃血为盟
Don’t… Why did you…? Damn it.
不要 你为什么 妈的
Here. Alan…
这里 艾伦
No. No, I’m not doing that.
不要 我才不干呢
Go ahead, Stuart. Make him stop.
斯图 快上 让他快住手
Alan, we’re not gonna cut ourselves. Give me the knife.
艾伦 我们才不会割自己呢 把刀给我 慢点 谢谢
Slowly. Thank you. Okay. Thank you very much.
慢点 谢谢 很感谢
You all right? Are you okay?
你没事儿吧 需要叫医生吗
Do you need a doctor? He’s good.
需要叫医生吗 他没事
You sure? I’m good.
你确定 我没事
All right, good, because I need everybody to focus.
好了 大家都注意一下
I wanna take a moment, I wanna talk about some… I wanna talk about memory.
给我点时间 我优化要讲 我得讲讲我们的记忆
No, better yet, I wanna talk about selective memory.
不是 或者讲讲选择性的回忆
You see, whatever happens here tonight may as well never have happened at all…
…because this circle’s about as far as it’s ever gonna go.
In other words, forget everything.
或者说 过了就忘
Doug, I’m serious. I got a wife and kid.
道格 我是认真的 我有老婆和小孩呢
Okay, good or bad, we don’t remember so we got nothing to talk about.
不管好事坏事 我们什么都不要记得
Nothing, guys. Nothing.
Deal. Deal.
一言为定 一言为定
Perfect. Alan, come here, buddy. Get in here, crazy.
很好 艾伦 这边来 伙计 过来点 疯子
All right, to a night we’ll never remember…
好的 为了这个我们永远不记得的晚上
…but the four of us will never forget.
There it is. Hear, hear.
它在这里 听
Hey, thanks, guys.
Stupid tiger.
What the fuck?
Control yourself, man. Goddamn, will you put on some pants?
管好自己 哥们 该死 你能穿上裤子吗
Phil, do not go in the bathroom. AI, just calm down. It’s me.
菲尔 别进浴室 艾伦 别紧张 是我
Phil, there is a tiger in the bathroom.
菲尔 浴室里有只老虎
What’s going on? There’s a jungle cat in the bathroom!
怎么了 浴室里有只丛林大猫
Okay, okay, Al. Al, I’ll check it out. Don’t go in.
好 我去看看 别进去
Don’t go in, don’t go in. Be careful. Don’t, don’t.
小心点 别进去
Oh! Holy fuck! He’s not kidding. See? See?
我靠 他没开玩笑 你看
There’s a tiger in there. No, there isn’t.
里面真有只老虎 不是老虎
It’s big. Gigantic. You okay, buddy?
真大 超级大 你还好吗 伙计
No. I am in so much pain right now.
不 我现在好疼
Goddamn. Look at this place.
该死 看看这地方被我们搞得
I know. Phil, they have my credit card downstairs. I am so screwed.
我知道 菲尔 我的信♥用♥卡♥还在他们手里呢 我死定了
How does a tiger get in the bathroom? It almost killed me.
老虎怎么跑进浴室里的 差点吓死我
Hey, bro? You mind putting on some pants?
I find it a little weird I have to ask twice.
Pants at a time like this? I don’t have any p…
裤子 这样的吗 我没有
What the fuck happened last night?
Hey, Phil, am I missing a tooth?
菲尔 我是不是少了颗牙
I can’t… Oh, shit.
我不能 我靠
Oh, my God.
It’s okay. Okay, okay. Just calm down. We’re fine. Everything’s fine.
行了行了 冷静点 我们很好 没事的
Alan, go wake up Doug.
艾伦 去叫醒道格
Let’s get some coffee and get the fuck out of Nevada before housekeeping shows.
我们去喝点咖啡 然后在管家出现之前离开这该死的内华达
What am I gonna tell Melissa? I lost a tooth. I have no idea how it happened.
我要怎么和梅丽莎说 我没了一颗牙 我都不知道怎么搞没的
You’re freaking me out, man.
你让我很抓狂 伙计
I got a massive headache, okay? Let’s just calm down.
我头很疼 我们都冷静点
How am I supposed to calm down? Look around you.
我怎么冷静得了 看看你周围
Hey, guys, he’s not in there. Did you check all the rooms?
伙计们 他不在那里 你所有房♥间都看过了吗
Yeah, I looked everywhere. Plus, his mattress is gone.
是啊 我哪都看过了 而且他的床垫也不见了
He probably went to the pool to get something to eat.
I’ll just call his cell.
I look like a nerdy hillbilly.
Hello? Alan.
喂 艾伦
It’s Phil. Oh, hey, Phil…
我是菲尔 噢 菲尔 你好
This is Doug’s phone. This is Doug’s phone.
No shit. Yeah.
没错 是的
What the fuck is that?
Whose fucking baby is that?
Alan, are you sure you didn’t see anyone else in the suite?
艾伦 你确定没其他人在房♥间里吗
Yeah, I checked all the rooms. No one’s here.
是的 我所有房♥间都检查过了 没人
Check its collar or something.
It’s okay, baby. Stu, we don’t have time for this.
没事没事 小宝贝 斯图 我们没时间哄小孩了
Let’s go hook up with Doug, we’ll deal with the baby later.
我们去和道格联♥系♥ 晚点再来处理婴儿
Phil, we’re not gonna leave a baby in the room.
菲尔 我们不能把一个婴儿留在房♥间里
There’s a fucking tiger in the bathroom. It’s not our baby.
他妈的有只老虎在浴室里 又不是我们的婴儿
Yeah, I gotta side with Stu on this one.
是啊 我这次站在斯图这边
All right, fine. Okay, we’ll take it with us.
好吧 我们带着他吧
Could you at least just find some pants?
Why can’t we remember a goddamn thing from last night?
Because we obviously had a great fucking time.
Why don’t you just stop worrying for one minute?
Be proud of yourself.
I don’t know, Phil. Maybe it’s because I’m missing a tooth.
我不知道 菲尔 可能是因为我掉了颗牙
Or maybe it’s because there’s a tiger in our hotel room…
…which, incidentally, is completely destroyed.
顺便说句 房♥间也完全被糟蹋了
Oh, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, I know.
不不等等 我知道
Maybe it’s because we found a baby, a human baby.
可能是因为我们见了个婴儿 一个人类婴儿
That’s it. That’s it.
就是 就是
It’s because we found a fucking baby.
You shouldn’t curse around the child. Really? You shouldn’t be around a child.
你不应该在小孩旁边乱诅咒 真的吗 你还根本不该在小孩旁边呢
Oh, how cute. What’s his name?
真可爱 他叫什么
Ben. Carlos.
本 卡洛斯
Thank you.
Hey, Phil, look.
菲尔 看
He’s jacking his little weenis.
Pull yourself together, man. Not at the table, Carlos.
别扯淡了 伙计 在桌边这么干可不行 卡洛斯
I looked everywhere.
Gym, casino, front desk. Nobody’s seen Doug. He’s not here.
健身房♥ 赌场 前台 没人看见道格 他不在这里
He’s fine. He’s a grown man.
他没事儿的 他都是成年人了
Seriously, Stu, you gotta calm down. Here, have some juice.
真的 斯图 你得放松一下 喝点果汁吧
I can’t have juice right now.
Okay. All right. Let’s just track this thing.
好吧 我们一起来回想下
What’s the last thing we remember doing last night?
Well, the first thing was we were on the roof…
…and were having those shots of Jager.
And then we ate dinner at The Palm. Right?
然后我们在帕姆餐厅吃饭 对吧
That’s right.

And then we played craps at the Hard Rock, and I think Doug was there.
然后在硬石餐厅玩牌 我想道格应该在那里
That sounds right. No, no. He definitely was.
听起来有道理啊 不 他肯定在那里
You know what, guys? I don’t even remember going to dinner.
What the fuck? I don’t think I’ve ever been this hung-over.
他妈的这是怎么了 我从没喝酒这么难受过
After the Hard Rock, I blacked out. It was like emptiness.
在硬石餐厅玩完之后我就晕了 后面的就啥都不知道了
Okay. We have up until 10 p. M…
我们晚上10点还跟他一起 那么…
…so that gives us a 12-hour window where we could have lost him.
What is this? Oh, my God. That is my tooth.
这是什么 天啊 那是我的牙
Why do you have that? What else is in your pockets?
怎么在你那里? 你口袋里还有什么?
This is a good thing. No. Check your pockets. Check your pockets.
这是好事啊 都检查下你们口袋
Do you have anything?
