I love these guys. Zolea, what are you doing?
我超爱这几个人 祖拉 你干嘛呢
Bring my friends some tea, some baklava, huh? Come on.
给我朋友弄点茶 果仁酥 快点
Unbelievable, man. Look at this chick. Beautiful ass, no fucking brain.
真不敢相信 这女人 胸大无脑
But this is Vegas. You want intimacy, forget it. You’re gonna get sex.
不过这里是维加斯 别想有暧昧 只能上♥床♥
That’s it here, man. No problem for me, though.
这里就这样 我没问题
You want chicks? I can get you beautiful chicks…
你要妞吗 我给你找一群
…from the Eastern Bloc. No questions.
从东欧什么来的 没问题
Clean, tight. The tits like that, the nipple like that.
干净 还很紧 胸部这样 乳♥头♥这样
Obviously we were here. We’re looking for our friend Doug.
显然我们昨晚在这里 我们在找一个朋友 道格
Do you remember? Yeah, the small guy. Like a monkey.
你记得他吗 记得 那个小家伙 跟个猴子似的
Yeah. You saw him?
对 你看到他了吗
Of course.
Is there anything you can tell us about what may have happened last night?
You don’t remember nothing?
Congratulations, Stu, you got married. This… This can’t be happening.
恭喜你 斯图 你结婚了 不可能
Oh, God. Look at that.
天哪 看这个
I’ll tell you one thing, you look seriously happy here, man.
That’s it. My life is over.
就这样 我完蛋了
Stu, it’s okay. Look, shit happens.
斯图 没事 谁也不一帆风顺
Come on. Melissa’s not gonna know anything about this.
斯图 没事 大家都有倒霉的时候 梅丽莎不会知道的
This never happened. I’ll take care of it. Come on. Put it here.
这个就当从没发生过 我会处理的 这些放这里
Hey, what’s all that?
The High Roller package. It’s what you ordered. I have coffee mugs.
这是”挥霍者套装” 你们预订的 我有咖啡杯
What? You have baseball caps, huh?
什么 有棒球帽
And fancy calendars, all with pictures of Stu and Jade.
Her name’s Jade?
Yeah, and she’s beautiful, man. Clean, very tight. Tits like that.
对 她很美 整洁 身材好 胸部是那样的
But that’s because she had a baby. That explains the baby.
不过那是因为她生过孩子 这就解释了婴儿
Oh, Carlos. Carlos. Great. All right.
卡洛斯 很好
Uh, here’s the deal. We made a mistake last night.
艾迪 是这样的 我们昨晚犯了大错
We need this marriage annulled. You do annulments?
我们要立即解除婚姻关系 你们这儿也办离婚吧
Of course I do. It breaks my heart and gonna make me sad…
我们当然办了 它总会让我伤心的
…but it’s no problem. Good price for you.
但没问题的 我会给你们定个好价钱
I can’t do it with just him, though. I need the chick. I need both parties.
不过只有他不行 需要女方参加 要双方都得参加的
Oh, not a problem. That’s great. Isn’t that great, Stu?
没问题 那样很好 难道不好吗 斯图
Come on, buddy. She probably knows where Doug is.
拜托 伙计 她可能知道道格在哪
Awesome. All right, all right. Okay. Uh…
很好 好的
We need her address. She filled out some paperwork, right?
我们需要她的地址 她一定填过一些表的 对吧
Of course.
Hey. Excuse me. What is the matter with you? Go and get the paperwork, man.
抱歉 你怎么了 去拿表格
I spend my life waiting for you. Come on. Okay. I’m going.
我爱你一万年 我走了
And get the baklava, please.
Hey, Phil, what about my dad’s car? I’m sure Doug has it. We’ll get it back.
菲尔 我老爸的车怎么办 肯定在道格那里 我们会拿回的
Then I vote we torch the cop car and all this shit with it.
Torch it? Who are you? I don’t know, Phil.
烧掉 你疯了吧 我不知道 菲尔
Apparently I’m a guy who marries complete strangers.
This whole situation is completely fucked.
These mugs. This hat. This car. Hey!
咖啡杯 帽子 警车 嗨
It’s all evidence of a night that never happened.
That is why we’re torching all of it.
Whoa, I’m a schoolteacher, I got a family, okay?
我是老师 我有家庭
I’m all for secrecy, but I’m not gonna torch a cop car.
我可以保密 但我不会烧他妈的警车
Fine. I’ll do it. Can I help?
好吧 我来烧 我能帮忙吗
Yeah, thanks. And how exactly are you gonna do that?
可以 谢谢 你♥他♥妈♥到底想怎么做
Easy. You just pour kerosene over a ferret, light it on both ends, put it in.
简单 你吧汽油浇在白鼬上 两边都点着 扔进去
They’re attracted to the gas lines.
What? A ferret? Yeah. Yeah.
什么 白鼬 对
Or a tamed raccoon, but it’s a lot of trouble.
或者温顺的浣熊 不过浣熊很麻烦
If you wanna… – Does it matter if it’s tamed?
你要真那么做 还管它温顺不温顺
Yeah, because if it’s untamed, it won’t take the kerosene as well.
因为如果不温顺 它就不让你给它浇汽油
Is it Doug? I don’t have it.
糟糕 是道格吗 不是我的
It’s Doug, it’s Doug.
一定是道格 -是梅丽莎
Uh, it’s Melissa.
Don’t answer. I have to. She’s called twice already!
别接 我必须接 她已经打过两次了
Can I ride shotgun? Don’t touch me.
我能玩枪吗 别碰我
Hey, sweetheart, how are you?
喂 宝贝 你好吗
There you are. This is the third time I’m trying you.
终于接电♥话♥了 我已经给你打了三次了
I know. The reception up here’s crazy.
我知道 这里的信♥号♥♥很差
I think it’s all the sequoia trees, block the signal.
Ugh, I hate that. So how was it last night?
真讨厌 那昨晚上过的怎么样
Ah, it was really fun, actually. It was quiet, but it was a good time.
真的很有意思 很安静 一段美好时光
That sounds nice.
I’m learning all kinds of vino factoids. Hi.
我们尝遍了那些传说中的美酒 嗨
It’d be so cool if I could breast-feed, you know?
Well, listen…
…we’re about to go for a tractor ride. – What the fuck?
我们要去开拖拉机 放什么屁
I should get going. So pretty. A tractor ride?
我马上就要出发了 真好 开拖拉机
Go, out of the car! What was that?
快走啊 滚出来 那是什么
They started up the tractor. I think it backfired.
他们开始发动拖拉机了 可能有点逆火
Where the hell is he? Hey, easy, easy.
他到底在哪 别紧张
I think we’re looking for the same guy, okay?
Hey! What the hell, man?
你♥他♥妈♥干什么 老兄
What the fuck, Stu? Is that a baby?
你到底在哪 那是个婴儿吗
Why would there be a baby? We’re at a winery. That’s a goat.
怎么说是婴儿呢 我们在酒厂 那是山羊
Where is he? I don’t know! What are you talking about?
他在哪 我不知道 你在说什么
Sir, can you please start the tractor so we can get out of here?
先生 你就不能发动拖拉机赶快离开这里?
I’m trying to, but we’re fucking blocked.
我也想 但是我们卡住了
Oh, my God! What the hell is happening, Stu?
到底发生什么事了 斯图
Hey! There’s a baby on board! Someone just said “baby.”
喂 车上有个孩子 有人说孩子了
Get out of the car! It’s a baby goat.
下车 是小羊羔
Why you making trouble for my business, man?
Go away from here. Get out of the car!
现在就离开这里 现在就从车里滚出来
Phil, he’s got a gun! No shit he’s got a gun!
菲尔 他有枪 不骗你 他有枪
I gotta call you back. Bye. Come on.
我一会给你回电♥话♥ 拜托
Fuck! Shit. He shot me!
他妈的 他们打中我了
He shot Eddie! Fuck this shit!
他们射伤艾迪了 该死的
Fuck! Fuck!
Go, go, go!
快走 快
Okay. Oh, that was some sick shit!
Who were those guys?
We’re gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be okay.
我们会好的 一切都会好的
What the fuck is going on?!
I have no idea.
Why don’t you just let that go to voicemail?
That’s a fake laugh, by the way.
说实话 那只是假笑
It’s got, uh, Ted Danson and Magnum P.I. And that Jewish actor.
有泰德·丹森 大酒桶P.I.(美国电视剧)和那个犹太演员
Shut up, Alan.
闭嘴 艾伦
What room was it again? It’s 825.
哪个房♥间? 825号♥房♥
I know, I did. I already checked with her.
I found him, I’ll call you back. Thank God, he’s with his father.
我找到他了 一会回电♥话♥ 谢天谢地 他和他爸爸在一起
I was freaking out. I missed you, sweetie.
把我吓坏了 好想你啊 小宝贝
And I miss you.

What the hell happened to you guys? Actually, we were hoping you could tell us.
你们到底怎么了 我们正希望你告诉我们呢
What do you mean? I got up this morning, I went to get coffee…
什么意思 我今早醒来 给你们去弄咖啡
…and I came back and you were gone.
回来的时候 你们就不见了
Why are you being so quiet? I’m not being quiet.
你现在怎么这么安静了 我一直都不安静吗
Ha, ha. You’re so cute.
Yeah, I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside, you guys.
我要喂一下泰勒 你们也进来吧
Did you hear that? Baby’s name is Tyler.
听见了吗 孩子的名字是泰勒
Yeah. I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, bud.
我觉得他长得更像卡洛斯 老兄
Okay, what’s up? You guys are acting weird.
怎么了 你们怎么这么怪
Look, it’s Jade, right? Very funny, Phil.
听着 你是杰德 你真搞笑 菲尔
Right, Jade, uh, ahem, you remember our friend, Doug.
是的 杰德 你还记得我们的朋友 道格
Are you kidding? He was the best man.
开玩笑嘛 他是我们婚礼的伴郎
Exactly. Well, we can’t find him, and we’re getting worried.
对 我们找不见他了 有点担心
Oh, my God, that is so Doug.
天啊 这真是我们的道格
Oh, sweetie, I’m… I’m gonna go clean him off.
It’s all right, Daddy didn’t mean it.
没事 爸爸不是故意的
