Oh, my God.
What the fuck, man, you gotta hold it together.
你怎么了 老兄 你得忍♥着
Holy shit. She is super hot.
该死 她很性感 你应该为自己骄傲
You should be proud of yourself. She’s wearing my grandmother’s ring!
你应该为自己骄傲 她带着我奶奶的戒指呢
What? The ring I’m gonna give to Melissa.
什么 我要给梅丽莎的那个戒指
You remember, my grandmother’s Holocaust ring?
Fuck. Okay. She’s wearing it.
我靠 她戴上了
I didn’t know they gave out rings at the Holocaust.
He’s okay. Oh, good.
他没事 好
He was just hungry, he’s fine. Oh, good.
他只是饿了 没事的 很好
About last night, uh, ahem, do you remember the last time you saw Doug?
关于昨晚上 你还记得最后一次见道格
Uh, I haven’t seen him since the wedding. The wedding. Okay. Great.
婚礼就没有见他了 婚礼 好的
And, uh, we can’t re… What time was that at?
Well, it was, um…
I guess it was around 1, because I had to go back to work and finish my shift.
我猜是一点左右 因为我要回去工作 去轮班
And then when I got out I headed over to the hotel with Tyler.
下了班以后 我就带着泰勒就直奔宾馆
And was Doug there then?
I didn’t see Doug because you guys were passed out. The room was a wreck.
我没见道格 因为你们喝的烂醉 房♥间一片混乱
So I just curled up next to Stu. Uhhuh.
I got a question. Um, you said when your shift ended.
我有个疑问 你说你换班结束
Does that mean you’re a nurse? Or a blackjack dealer?
你是说你是护士吗 还是赌场发牌的?
You know this. I’m a stripper. Mmhm.
你知道的 我是脱衣舞♥女♥ 额
Well, technically I’m an escort, but stripping’s a great way to meet the clients.
严格上讲我是陪伴 不过脱掉衣服可以更好的与客户沟通
Smart. Savvy.
真聪明 我知道了
But that’s all in the past, now that I married a doctor.
不过那都是过去的事了 我现在嫁给医生了
I’m just a dentist.
Las Vegas Police! Freeze! Okay.
加州警♥察♥ 不许动 好
Shut that baby up! Shut that baby up!
Oh, God! Okay, okay, okay.
天哪 好的
After we take the mug shots, we bring them down here…
在给他们拍完了脸之后 带他们来这里
…where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers.
Trust me, kids, you do not wanna be sitting on these benches.
相信我 小子们 你们是不愿意坐在这张椅子上的
We call this place Loserville.
Follow me. All right, let’s do it. Come on.
跟着我 好 现在开始 快点
Hey, Tracy! It’s Phil. Hey, Phil.
你好崔西 我是菲尔 你好 菲尔
Where are you guys? We are at the spa at the hotel.
你们在哪 我们在宾馆做SPA
Cool. We’re just getting some sun. Is Doug around?
不错啊 我在日光浴 道格还好吗
Of course. Why wouldn’t he be?
当然在 他怎么会不在
I’m just wondering why you’re calling me.
We made a deal, no talking to girlfriends or wives.
我们说好了的 不能同女朋友和妻子通话
So we’re all calling each other’s.
Okay. What’s up?
好啊 怎么了
Uh, you are not gonna believe this. We got comped an extra night at the hotel.
你不会相信的 我们要在宾馆多住一天
You did?
Yeah. The suite is… It’s ridiculous. It’s out of control.
套房♥好极了 让我们爽翻了
There’s, like, room service and a butler. I mean, just the works.
客房♥服务 还有服务员都很棒
We’re thinking of spending the night…
…and we’re gonna come back in the morning.
You wanna stay an extra night? But the wedding’s tomorrow.
再住一晚上吗? 可是婚礼明天早上就要举♥行♥的
That’s why we’re gonna get up early, and we’ll be back in plenty of time.
所以我们会早起的 有充足的时间回去
Okay. Are you sure that’s a good idea?
好吧 你们真的要这么决定吗
Wenneck, Price, Garner. Room 3.
维尼克 普瑞斯和盖尼 来3号♥房♥间
Okay, Trace, I gotta go. We’ll talk to you later.
好了崔西 我该挂了 一会再聊
Come on, chopchop. Okay, spin around.
快点 过来 过来 转过来
That’s it. Goddamn it.
那就是 他妈的
Wait a second. I’ll go over. I’ll go over.
等一下 我过去
Stop pulling. Can you just…? Hold on.
不要再拉了 你就不能等等吗
We got it. Alan, just relax. And then just… There we go.
我们知道了 艾伦 冷静点 然后…完了
We’ve got some good news, and we’ve got some bad news.
The good news is we found your Mercedes.
That’s great news. That’s great. See?
真是好消息 太好了
Yeah, it’s over at impound right now. We picked it up at 5 a.m. This morning…
现在已经扣押了 我们今早上5点找到的
…parked in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard.
In the middle. That’s weird. Yeah, that is weird.
街中♥央♥ 很奇怪 是啊 很奇怪
There was also a note.
It says, uh, “Couldn’t find a meter, but here’s 4 bucks.”
上面写着 没找到在哪儿交停车费 但这里有4美元
The bad news is…
…we can’t get you in front of a judge until Monday morning.
Oh, no, uh, officer, that’s just impossible.
长官 这样可不行
No, we need to be in L.A. Tomorrow for a wedding.
You stole a police car. We didn’t steal anything. Um, we found it.
你偷了一辆警车 我们没有偷 是我们找到的
Yeah, if anything, we deserve a reward or something, like a trophy.
I see assholes like you every day. Every fucking day.
我每天都和你们这些混♥蛋♥打交道 每天都烦死了
“Let’s go to Vegas, we’ll all get drunk and laid!
我们去维加斯 我们都喝倒
Let’s steal a cop car, because it’d be really fucking funny.”
我们偷个警车 那多好玩啊
Think you gonna get away with it? Not up in here.
你以为你们会拍拍屁♥股♥走人吗 不行!
Not up in here! Oh.
…if I may, um…
…l’m assuming that that squad car belongs to one of you.
恕我直言 那辆车是你们的
Yeah. Yeah.
是啊 是啊
Look, I’m not a cop.
I’m no hero. I’m a schoolteacher.
我不是英雄 我是学校老师
But if one of my kids went missing on a field trip…
…that would look really bad on me.
What are you getting at? Yeah, Phil, what are you getting at?
你想说什么 对啊 菲尔 你想说什么
No one wants to look bad. We gotta get to a wedding…
没有人想不开心 我们想去参加婚礼
…and you guys don’t need people talking about…
…how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your squad car last night.
But look, the point is, I think we can work out a deal.
Discreetly of course, ma’am.
当然啦 私底下 女士
What do you say?
Let me ask you a question:
Do, uh, any of you gentlemen have a heart condition or anything like that?
Uh, no.
Okay, kids, you’re in for a real treat today.
好的 孩子们 你们今天可真走运
These gentlemen have kindly volunteered to demonstrate…
…how a stun gun is used to subdue a suspect.
That’s right. Wait a sec. What?
对 等等 什么
Now, there’s two ways to use a stun gun. Up close and personal.
看着 眩晕枪有两种使用方式 近距离射击
What the fuck? Or you can shoot it from a distance.
搞屁啊 或者远距离射击
Do I have any volunteers? You wanna come up here and do some shooting? Huh?
All right, how about you, young lady? Come on up here. All right.
你 小姑娘 来这里
Let’s go, handsome, come on.
过来帅哥 快点
Not you, fat Jesus, slide it on back. You, pretty boy.
不是你 大胖子 靠边站 你 靓仔
Fat Jesus. All right, now, it’s real simple.
天哪 非常简单
All you gotta do is point, aim and shoot.
你要做的就是指向目标 瞄准 射击
All right?
Okay, look. You don’t really wanna do this.
You can do this. Just focus.
你可以成功的 集中注意力
Don’t listen to this maniac. Let’s think this through.
不要听这个疯子 好好想想
Finish him!
Oh, fuck. Yeah!
我靠 哦耶
Right in the nuts! That was beautiful.
正中小弟 干得漂亮!
Well done. Give her a hand, everybody. Good job. Good job.
非常好 大家鼓掌 好了 很好
Good job. Well done. Good job. That was great.
做得很好 很棒 非常棒
Good. Hey, we got one more charge left. Anybody wanna do some shooting up here?
我们还有一个目标 还有谁想来?
How about you, big man? Come on up here.
你 小伙子 上来
Okay, same instructions. Just point, aim and shoot.
好了 指导一下 指向目标 瞄准 射击
There you go. That’s the stuff.
好了 就这样
I like the intensity.
Eye of the tiger. Good.
盯着目标 很好
You’re holding 50,000 volts, little man. Don’t be afraid to ride the lightning.
你手持五万伏高压的亮银枪 你胯着闪电般奔驰的草泥马
In the face! In the face!
Oh, he’s still up. He’s still up.
All right, everybody relax, take it easy.
大家不要紧张 放松
We’ve seen it before. He just needs a little extra charge.
我们以前也经常见 还需要再多加一点电
