There we go.
Some of these big boys, you gotta give them two shots.
体积较大的 我们要打两枪
All right, kids, who wants to get their fingerprints done, huh? Come on, let’s go.
好了孩子们 现在谁想去看看自己的指纹 快点来
Fuck those guys, you hear me?
该死的 你能听见我说话吗
That was bullshit. I’m telling everybody we stole a cop car.
太他妈离谱了 我要告诉每个人我们偷了一辆警车
They let us go, who cares? I care!
他放我们走了 那就行了呗 我在乎
You can’t just do that. You can’t just tase people because you think it’s funny.
你不能因为好玩就这么干 就去戏弄别人
That’s police brutality.
I’m getting a soda. Do you guys want anything?
我要去买♥♥苏打水 你们要什么吗 不要
My man doesn’t shut up. Jesus Christ.
这样一个喋喋不休的家伙 我滴神啊
Alan, you okay?
艾伦 你还好吗
I’m just worried.
What if something happened to Doug? Something bad.
如果道格真出什么事 不好的事怎么办
Come on, you can’t think like that.
别这样 不要那样想
I mean, what if he’s dead?
I can’t afford to lose anybody close to me again. It hurts too much.
我不能再失去身边的任何人了 那太伤心了
I was so upset when my grandpa died. Oh, I’m s… How’d he die?
我爷爷死的时候 我痛苦极了 真对不起 他怎么去世的
World War II. Died in battle?
二战 死在战场上吗
No, he was skiing in Vermont. It was just during World War II.
不 他在符蒙特州滑雪死的 当时正是二战的时候
…Doug is fine. – Well, why hasn’t he called?
道格会没事的 他怎么不打电♥话♥
I don’t know, but we’re gonna figure it out.
不知道 但是我们会弄明白的
I’ll tell you another thing, 6-1 odds our car is beat to shit.
还有件事 我一赔六压我们的车被砸烂了
Stu, not now.
斯图 现在别谈这个
No, how much do you wanna bet it’s fucked beyond recognition?
真的 你想打赌我们肯定都认不出它来了
That’s enough. Alan’s seriously worried, okay? Let’s not freak him out any more.
够了 艾伦现在很焦虑 不要再吓唬他了
Sorry, Alan.
对不起 艾伦
You know what?
We’ll search the car for clues and everything’s gonna be okay.
我们会找找车上的线索 一切都会没事的
Oh, shit. I can’t watch. Just tell me what it looks like.
该死 我不敢看 告诉我是什么样的就行
Not looking. Not looking.
不看 不看
Wow. All right. Oh, thank God.
哇 还好 谢天谢地
You see?
It’s gonna be all right.
Anything? Hmm, I got a cigar.
有什么线索吗 有根雪茄
Oh, I found, uh… These are some black shoes.
我找到 这里有几只黑鞋
They women’s shoes? I don’t know.
我发现一只黑鞋 女人的吗 不知道
Whose are those? I don’t know. It’s a men’s size 6.
这是谁的 不知道 6号♥男鞋
That’s weird. What is this, a snakeskin?
真奇怪 这是什么 蛇皮吗
Oh, come on! Ew!
That’s a used condom, Alan. Oh, God. Blech!
那是用过的避孕套 艾伦
Get it out of the car. Gross, it’s wet.
扔出去 真恶心 还湿着呢
I don’t want the thing. Hey! Come on.
我可不要那玩意 拜托
I got jizz on me. Jesus Christ, guys!
精♥液♥流到我身上了 我靠 老大
Get it out. Fuck!
扔出去 靠
Oh, my God.
All right, what the fuck, man? We gotta get this shit together, guys!
你们干毛呢 伙计们 我们得齐心协力
What was that?
It’s in the trunk.
Doug’s in the trunk. Oh, fuck! Holy shit!
道格在后备箱里 我靠 真该死
Holy shit!
Open it! Open it! Open it! Okay, okay, okay.
打开 打开 好好
Okay, okay, okay.
Oh God!
Please! Please! Please stop!
拜托拜托 别打了
Whoa. I’m with you, I’m with you!
You gonna fuck on me? Nobody’s gonna fuck on you!
你要跟我打吗 没人要跟你打
We’re on your side. I hate Godzilla! I hate him too. I hate him!
我跟你一伙的 我讨厌哥斯拉 我也恨哥斯拉
He destroys cities! Please!
This isn’t your fault. I’ll get you some pants.
这不是你的错 我给你拿条裤子
What the fuck was that?
I have internal bleeding. Somebody call 911.
我内出血了 打911报♥警♥
That was some fucked up shit.
Who was that guy? He was so mean.
谁干的 那么狠
Guys, there’s something I need to tell you.
伙计们 我得告诉你们件事
Last night on the roof, before we went out…
昨晚上在房♥顶上 我们出去之前
…I slipped something in our J?germeister.
What? I’m sorry, I fudged up, guys.
什么 对不起 我晕了 伙计们
You drugged us? No, I didn’t drug you.
你给我们下药 不是 我不是给你们下药
I was told it was ecstasy.
Well, who told you it was ecstasy?
The guy I bought it from at the liquor store.
Why would you give us ecstasy?
I wanted everybody to have a good time and I knew you guys wouldn’t take it.
因为我想让所有人都开心 我知道你们不会嗑这个的 就每个人只放一份
It was just one hit each. I used to do three hits a night.
就每个人只放一份 我以前晚上都磕三份的
But it wasn’t ecstasy, Alan, it was roofies!
可那不是摇♥头♥丸♥ 艾伦 那是飞魂
You think I knew that, Stu?
你以为我知道吗 斯图
The guy I bought it from seemed like a real straight shooter.
我买♥♥的时候 那个人看起来说得都是实话
You mean the drug dealer at the liquor store wasn’t a good guy?
这么说是我该说对不起了? 你说那个卖♥♥酒的不是好人了
Let’s just calm down.
You fucking calm down! He drugged us. I lost a tooth. I married a whore.
镇静个屁 他给我们下药 我丢了颗牙 和妓♥女♥结婚
How dare you! She’s a nice lady. You are such a fucking moron.
你怎么能那么说 她人很好 你♥他♥妈♥傻♥逼♥
Your language is offensive. Fuck you!
你的话真难听 滚你♥妈♥的♥
All right, let’s just take a deep breath, okay?
我们深呼吸 静一下心
Seriously, this is a good thing.
At least it’s not some stranger who drugged us for God knows what reason.
至少不是什么别的人 出于别的目的给我们下药
Yeah, you’re right, Phil, it’s totally a good thing.
你说得对菲尔 这完全是件好事
We’re so much better off now.
Here’s something I would like to remind you two of:
Our best friend Doug is probably facedown in a ditch right now…
…with a meth-head butt-fucking his corpse.
That’s highly unlikely. It’s true.
那不可能 那是真的
Does not help. All right, let’s get our shit together, guys.
这没有用 让我们齐心协力 伙计们
Let’s go back to the hotel, and I’m gonna make a couple calls.
一起回宾馆 我要打几个电♥话♥
Maybe Doug’s back there. Maybe he’s asleep.
说不定道格已经回去了 说不定他现在睡觉呢
Come on. Let’s go.
快点 我们走吧
Stu? Little help? Shut up.
斯图 拉我一把? 闭嘴
Ow. Oh, God. Oh, God, are you okay?
哦 老天 你还好吗? 艾伦 真对不起
Yeah, I’m fine. Alan, I’m sorry.
我还好 艾伦 真对不起
Wait, guys. Guys.
等等 伙计们
What about the tiger? What if he got out?
那头老虎怎么办? 万一它跑出来了?
Oh, fuck. I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger.
How the fuck did he get in there?
I don’t know, because I don’t remember. Shh. Stu. Stu, keep it down.
我不知道 因为我不! 记! 得! 了! 斯图 小点声
Because one of the, uh, side effects of, uh, roofies is memory loss.
飞魂的副作用之一 就是失忆
You are literally too stupid to insult.
Thank you. Hey.
谢谢你 喂
Hey, come on.
Did we leave the music on?
Don’t make any sudden movements.
Who the hell are you? No, who are you?
你究竟是谁? 你们究竟是谁?
Quiet, quiet.
安静 安静
Mike Tyson?
Shh. This is my favorite part coming up right now.
嘘 现在放的是我最喜欢的那段
Need a chorus line, guys.
合唱 伙计们
One more time, guys.
再来一次 伙计们
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, fuck!
Why did you do that?
Mr. Tyson would like to know why is his tiger in your bathroom.
泰森先生想知道 为什么他的老虎会在你们的浴室里
Hold on, that was completely unnecessary.
等等 这完全是个误会
I’m a huge fan. When you knocked out Holmes, that was…
我是你的忠实拳迷 当你打败霍姆斯…
All right, look, we were drugged last night. We have no memory of what happened.
好吧 我们昨晚被下药了 什么都不记得了
It’s true.
We got in all kinds of trouble last night and now we can’t find our friend.
我们昨晚惹了N多麻烦 现在我们连我们的朋友都找不到了
If you wanna kill us, go ahead because I don’t care anymore.
如果你想杀了我们 悉听尊便 因为我已经不在乎了
What are you talking about? I don’t care.
你在胡说什么? 我不在乎
Why the fuck would you wanna steal his tiger?
