The confessional… – Hey, “Loose lips sink ships.”
这时候谁还在乎那游戏 有点不对劲 他在哪?
Who cares about the game at this point? Something’s flooey. Now, where is he?
That’s funny.
出去 快出去
Out! Just out!
显然 上帝确实存在
Apparently, there is a God.
别碰任何东西 -我不会碰的
Don’t touch anything. – I won’t.
It must have been the storm.
Loosened the stone.
如何安置女士们? -叫她们等着
What do we do with the ladies? – Tell them to wait.
Shouldn’t we notify the authorities?
在一个只有两间小餐馆 和一个织布工的小岛上?
On an island with two cafe and a weaver?
有些不对劲 -希望你带了指纹工具箱
Something’s wrong. – I hope you brought your fingerprint kit.
看来克♥林♥顿♥终于打开了这扇门 一如既往地把门给弄坏了
I see Clinton finally got this door open, breaking it in the process, as usual.
爱丽丝在吐 -天啊
Alice is sick. – Oh, dear.
We’re going back.
Ah ha!
A vital clue?
Clinton didn’t smoke cigarettes.
There’s no seaplane.
警♥察♥会今晚深夜或明天一早 坐小艇过来
The police will arrive late tonight or early in the morning by craft.
大概要六到八个小时 在此之前 我们会依靠在这里
It takes six to eight hours. We will harbour here until.
很好 非常感谢你 船长
Good. Thank you very much, Captain.
I guess that means an inquest and reporters.
你最好准备好你的左侧脸 -闭嘴 克莉丝汀
You better get your left profile ready. – Shut up, Christine.
他们不能给他安排海葬 对吧?
They can’t very well bury him at sea, can they?
不行 地中海的污染已经太多了
No, there’s too much pollution in the Mediterranean already.
可怜的克♥林♥顿♥ 真可惜
Poor Clinton. It’s such a shame.
这本可能是他的一大卖♥♥座电影 《最后的希拉》
It would have been such a big grosser for him: The Last of Sheila.
Hey, now, he’s dead.
他都死了 你怎么能坐在这 谈论一部该死的电影
How can you sit around here and talk about some goddamn movie…
and he’s dead… Will you stop hawking that ice bucket?
I’m just gonna have my Bloody Mary straight up.
我也是 波旁酒
Me, too. Bourbon.
克莉丝汀 听着 虽然克♥林♥顿♥的遭遇非常不幸
Christine, listen, Clinton’s misadventure is unfortunate…
但意外归意外 电影归电影
but an accident is an accident, and a film is a film.
Has it occurred to anybody that this isn’t the first accident?
昨天是螺旋桨 昨晚是石块
Yesterday, the propeller. Last night, the stone.
What do you mean?
假设螺旋桨一事并非意外 而是弄错了
Suppose the propeller wasn’t an accident. Suppose it was a mistake.
You mean someone was trying to kill Clinton?
为什么会有人想杀克♥林♥顿♥? -对 我们又不是在好莱坞
Why should anyone want to kill Chris? – Yeah, we’re not in Hollywood.
别胡说了 汤姆
Come off it, Tom.
我以为克♥林♥顿♥在螺旋桨附近游泳 我听到他的叫喊声
Look, I assumed Clinton was swimming near the propeller. I heard him yelling.
你不是吗 我们都是吧? -你在构筑什么空想?
Didn’t you? Didn’t we all? What fantasies are you building?
Who did not solve the game last night?
我们站在祷告室外的时候 你为什么说”真有趣”?
Why did you say “that’s funny” when we were standing outside the chapel?
因为我昨晚离开的时候 门是锁着的
Because it was locked when I left last night.
那为什么今早会开着 克♥林♥顿♥为什么挂出游戏结束的牌子
Then why was it unlocked this morning, and why did Clinton put the sign out?
Because the game was over.
没错 但游戏不应该结束
It was, but it shouldn’t have been.
同性恋卡片在我手上 在我找到他之前 游戏应该继续
I had the homosexual card, and the game should have gone on until I found him.
没错 祷告室里有些有趣之处
Exactly. There were some interesting points in the chapel.
怎么有趣 很明显 他当时正要离开
Interesting how? Obviously, he was leaving.
暴风雨晃动了那个地方 导致石块坠落在他身上
The storm shook the place and the stone fell on him.
Not unless he was crawling.
Why would he be crawling?
落在克♥林♥顿♥头上的石块 来自石柱的底部 那是有凹槽的
The stone that fell on Clinton’s head came from the base of the column. It was grooved.
石柱顶部呈叶形 底部有凹槽
The tops of the columns are shaped like acanthus leaves, the bottoms are grooved.
Interesting point number one.
Then, there was that piece of wood.
What’s that?
I found it in the folds of Clinton’s robe.
It’s from the grille on the door to the priest’s box.
Interesting point number two?
我在告解室的门上 没有看到任何格栅
I didn’t see any grille on the priest’s door.
对了 你说你没找到他 -“他说”是什么意思?
Right. You never found him, you said. Now, what do you mean, he said?
昨晚是有格栅的 但今早没有
There was a grille last night, but not this morning.
格栅被移除了 为什么 其余部分在哪?
That grille was removed. Why? Where’s the rest of it?
还有 告解室里为什么会有这个?
And what was this doing in the priest’s box?
Clinton didn’t smoke cigarettes.
I’m not the only one who smokes Newports.
拜托 船上到处都是这种烟盒
Come on. There are cartons all over the ship.
我也正在吸 -这有何区别?
I’m smoking one. – What’s the difference?
你有在里面吸烟吗? -没有
Did you smoke in there? – No.
你呢? -我一直没找到他
You? I never found him.
没错 我忘了
Of course. I forgot.
亲爱的 你呢? -我不知道 我忘了
Honey? – I don’t know. I don’t remember.
但肯定不会在告解室里吸烟 -当然不会
But surely not in the priest’s box. – No, of course not.
有趣点之三 没有人吸过的香烟
Interesting point number three. A cigarette nobody smoked.
我觉得克♥林♥顿♥并非在柱子旁死去 而是在告解室里面
I don’t think Clinton died near the pillar at all. I think he died in the priest’s box.
And not from a stone falling or otherwise.
So what do you think happened?
我觉得在他准备离开之际 有人进来
I think he was about to leave when somebody came in.
I am not saying one of us.
有人进来 砸穿格栅
Somebody came in, smashed through the grille…
用什么 忏悔吗?
With what, pray tell?
我不知道 也许是他带来的东西
I don’t know. Maybe something he brought with him.
他或她 -可能是烛台
He or she. – The candleholder, perhaps.
Crossed my mind.
Maybe it was an accident.
也许 但不管怎样 他想把它伪装成意外
Maybe. But at any rate, he decided to make it look like an accident.
I’m theorizing that he or she stood there for a moment…
评估情况 这解释了香烟的存在
assessing the situation, which would account for the cigarette.
把牌子塞到门下 确保不会再有人来打扰
Slipped the sign under the door so there wouldn’t be any more interruptions.
把克♥林♥顿♥拉过来 放到石柱附近
Dragged Clinton over, placing him near the pillar…
把石块撞下来 因此犯下了第一个错误
smashed the stone down, thereby making his first mistake.
他以为那石块来自石柱顶部 其实不然
He assumed the stone was from the top of the column. It wasn’t.
但当时光线不足 现在他得处理木块的问题
But then, there was very little light.Now, he had the problem of the wood.
What problem?
亲爱的 他不能放着那破格栅不管
Darling, he couldn’t very well leave the grille broken.
He hoped, with the frame empty, it would go unnoticed.
不幸的是 第二个错误 其中一块木屑卡在克♥林♥顿♥的僧袍上
Unfortunately, second mistake: One piece had lodged in Clinton’s robe.
此时他唯一要做的是扔掉碎片 大概扔到海里了
The only thing left then was to get rid of the splintered pieces: probably in the sea.
And the game was over.
我想我们都同意 凶手不在我们之间 对吧?
Hell, I think we can agree that none of us did it, can’t we?
I mean, who would?
我的真正意思是 谁都想杀他 但谁会真的这么做?
I really mean, who wouldn’t? But who really would?
没错 毕竟附近并非只有我们
Right. After all, we’re not the only people around.
What about some of the weirdoes on this ship?
What about Vittorio?
Oh, no. No no, no no…
这不是汤姆的意思 汤姆的意思是
That’s not what Tom has been saying. Tom has been saying…
凶手是我们其中一人 你们都没认真听吗?
that one of us did it. Or, haven’t you been listening?
等等 -我不在乎 这是你的问题
Hold it. – I don’t care, that’s your problem.
Hold it, please.
抱歉 我只是在研究分♥析♥ 我没有指控任何人
I’m sorry, I was only exploring. I haven’t accused anyone.
听着 我把话说清楚
Look, let me just get this out.
五分钟后我就喝五杯苏格兰威士忌 好好睡一觉
Five minutes, and then I’m gonna have five scotches and take a long nap.
你知道谁是凶手吗? -不知道
You think you know who? – No.
那就别再说些你不知道的事 告诉我们你知道的
Then stop telling us what you don’t know and tell us what you do.
Well, there is someone who might clear this up for us.
谁? -克♥林♥顿♥
Who? – Clinton.
上帝助我 如果这是恶作剧 他从那扇门走进来
So help me God, if this is a hoax and he comes waltzing through that door…
I’m gonna throw this cut glass ashtray right in his face.
这不是恶作剧 克♥林♥顿♥确实死了
There’s no hoax. Clinton’s dead all right.
