你真冷酷 汤姆
Oh, you’re cold, Tom.
你认为是我 对吧?
You think it’s me, don’t you?
Your wife was 100 miles away…
而你那久经世故的导演朋友 似乎十分冷静
and your sophisticated director friend here seems cool enough…
but, I’m a little nervous.
除此以外 你太讨厌我了 -我没理由讨厌你
Besides, you dislike me too much. – I have no reason to dislike you.
但我能感觉得到 -安东尼 我想现在不是时候
I feel it, though. Anthony, I don’t think this is the moment.
我觉得是时候 我的时刻 我的推理时间
I think it’s the moment. My moment. Time for my theory.
今天 我们第一次看到所有卡片
Now, today, we saw all the cards for the first time.
It didn’t take us long to find the truth in three of them.
And your mind worked fast.
我几乎能听到你迅速给李贴上 前科犯标签时 脑袋转动的声音
I could almost hear it ticking over as you quickly labeled Lee…
the ex-convict, arrested in some anti-war rally.
被判拘留什么的 至于菲利浦
Sentence suspended sort of thing. And Philip here?
他可以信手拈来地 说些诙谐的猥亵儿童笑话
Oh, he can kid his way along with some witty child-molester jokes.
And that leaves me.
Well, I’ve done time.
我进过两次监狱 罪名是攻击他人 我可以证明
I’ve been in prison twice, for assault. And I can prove it.
Can anyone else here make that particular claim?
失望吗 汤姆?
Disappointed, Tom?
事实上 几年前我曾经被逮捕过
Actually, I was arrested some years ago.
不 -是的 我被逮捕过
No. No, no… I was. I was arrested.
不 不仅仅是被捕 看到这张卡片了吗?
No. No, no, luv… Not just arrested. You see that card? ”
Arrested” is quite different.
事实上 我…
As a matter of fact, I…
At this point, I don’t think we can go any further.
什么? -我的意思是…
What? What I mean is,
we’ve established what we set out to prove.
What is this?
I mean, we can’t… we can’t…
We all agreed to this…
我们无法下定论 这一切只是推断
We can’t draw any ironclad conclusions. It’s all theoretical.
没关系 这是推断 但现在停止很不公平 对吧?
That’s just fine. It’s theoretical. But it’s hardly fair to stop now, is it?
对吧 菲利浦?
Is it, Philip?
I mean, you want to choose from what’s left?
We’ve got…
dented fenders, or…
how about a little petting in the playground?
大家都别说了 拜托
Stop, everybody, please.
我的意思是让我来结束这一切 -亲爱的
By which I just mean, let me get this over with.
我当时喝醉了 醉得无法开车
I was drunk. I was too drunk to drive.
不 汤姆 别过来 求你了
No, Tom, stay there, please.
I am so sorry I didn’t tell you.
我知道你会帮助我做正确的事情 但我就是做不到
I know you would’ve helped me do the right thing, but I just couldn’t.
我沿海岸开车去参加派对 我的车打滑 滑出了车道
I drove down the coast to the party. I overshot the driveway. My car skidded.
I didn’t even see her.
我在惊慌之下调转车头 一路开回圣巴巴拉
I panicked. So I turned around and drove all the way back to Santa Barbara.
第二天早上 我写了那愚蠢的字条 说我要去探望一个同学
The next morning I wrote that silly note about having to visit my school friend.
我尽量把车开得远远的 拉斯维加斯
And I took the car and I drove as far away as I could. Las Vegas.
我在租车公♥司♥换了一辆车 然后在当天下午开车回家
I traded cars at the car rental place, and then, that afternoon, I drove home.
And I thought I was safe.
Until the game.
是你说的一些话 汤姆
It was things that you said, Tom.
让我开始思考 然后…
I started to think, and then…
I was the one who looked at the card.
I know the point of the game.
我觉得这很恶毒 希望你能停下来
I think it’s vicious and I’d like you to stop it.
Go away.
Why did you wait so long?
I only found out last week.
拉斯维加斯的哈里租车公♥司♥ 还记得吗?
Harry’s Rent-A-Car, Las Vegas. Remember?
那是… -我碰巧遇见了哈里
It was… – I happened to meet Harry.
那是意外 纯属意外
It was an accident. It was only an accident.
我发誓 克♥林♥顿♥ 很抱歉 我不是…
I swear, Clinton, I’m sorry. I didn’t…
他说他希望你 不会还在担心那辆车的损坏
He said he hoped you weren’t still worried about the damage to the car.
我无法控制 我当时喝了酒
I couldn’t get control. I was drinking!
The police never checked on out-of-state cars.
请不要告诉他们 求求你 克♥林♥顿♥
Please don’t tell them. Please, Clinton!
Shh! You want to let the whole world know?
See, that’s what gave me the idea for the game.
因为你越是努力隐瞒一个秘密 它就越是往外泄露
Because the harder you try to keep a secret in, the more it wants to get out.
周六见 -不
See you Saturday. No!
克♥林♥顿♥ 克♥林♥顿♥
求求你 求求你
Son of a bitch!
克♥林♥顿♥ 有人在吗?
Clinton? Is somebody there?
[ Alice ] What’s going on?
You’re so smart.
You didn’t think it could be me.
他一直不停地低语 一遍又一遍地奚落我
He kept whispering. He kept taunting me over and over again.
亲爱的 他太刻薄了 -李 你没必要…
Darling, he was so mean. – Lee, you don’t have…
我只想 我会独自到楼下 干干净净地离开
I would like to go downstairs and make a clean exit by myself.
别担心 各位 我没事
Don’t worry, everybody, I’m okay.
抱歉 汤姆 但她那句 “干干净净地离开”让我觉得不安
Sorry, Tom, but that “clean exit” line bothers me.
李 李
李 开门
Lee… Lee… Lee, open up.
该死的 李 打开这扇门 否则我就撞门了
God damn it, Lee, unlock this door or I’ll break it down!
我喜欢你 但你走开
Please, I like you but go away.
I want a nap.
然后我们再谈论各种事情 我没事
Then we’ll talk about all kinds of stuff. I’m okay.
我对天发誓 我没事
I swear to God, I’m okay.
好吧 亲爱的 既然你这么说
All right, darling, if you say so.
I’ll come back in a little while.
Is she all right?
门上锁了 但她有跟我说话
The door is locked, but she talked to me.
She just wants to be alone.
我只是从未想过 -你以为是安东尼
It just never occurred to me. – You thought it was Anthony.
I don’t even know what I thought.
很抱歉 -不必道歉
I’m sorry. – Oh, don’t be.
You got other things on your mind.
你觉得怎样 有什么是我们能帮忙的吗?
What do you think? Think there’s anything we can do to help?
Let me know what you come up with.
天啊 好恶心的行业
My God, what a sick business this is!
你没事吧? -我有事
Are you all right? – I am not.
I am in a deep state of shock.
安东尼刚刚告诉我 爱丽丝的前经纪人
Anthony just told me…the deal that Alice’s ex-agents
帮她签订的道格拉斯电影合约 我永远都无法接受 你要吃蛋糕吗
made for her on the Douglas picture… and I will never get over it. Would you like some cake?
好的 -汤姆怎么样
Yes, please. – How’s Tom?
他说他什么都不想吃 -李怎么样?
He says he doesn’t want anything to eat. – What about Lee?
毫无动静 他已经下去六次了
Not a sound. He’s been down half a dozen times already.
She’s probably passed out.
I never knew she was a boozer.
偶尔复发 -她有段时间参加嗜酒者互戒协会
In and out. – She was AA for a while.
门依然锁着 她没应答
Still locked. She doesn’t answer.
船长肯定有主钥匙 -我拿到了
The captain must have a master key. – I got it.
我该叫醒她吗 我不知道
Shall I wake her? I don’t know.
需要我跟你一起去吗? -不必了 谢谢
You want me to go with you? – No, thank you.

李 亲爱的
Lee, darling?
怎么了- Uhmm hmm? What?
我在祷告室见到她的时候 她的脸上写满了谋杀
When I saw her in that chapel, murder was scrawled all over her face.
等我写自传的时候 那句话得修改一下
When I write my autobiography, that line is gonna need a little help.
我整晚都觉得情绪涌动 -你现在才觉得情绪涌动
Well, I felt undercurrents all evening. – So, now you felt undercurrents.
我就知道 有些东西告诉我 令人不快的事情
You know, I knew it. Something told me it was gonna be a bummer in there.
我还没碰它 那扇门就嘎吱一声打开了
That door creaked open even before I touched it.
克♥林♥顿♥变得行死气沉沉 还有那可怕无神的双眼
And then Clinton getting so physical, and that awful, faraway look in his eye.
