I had a date with Laverne.
The corporal’s getting married.
结婚 很好 非常美妙
Getting married.
Well, that’s nice.
Did you know I’ve been planning on getting married too?
我有没有告诉你 今晚我和拉维内有个约定吗?
Did I tell you I had a date with Laverne tonight?
我做到了 只是她没有出现
I did.
Only she didn’t show up.
Maybe you got your wires crossed.
是的 我得到 越过 所有的权利
Yeah, I got ’em crossed, all right.
Of all people, me- the wise guy,
the spectator on the scene of life.
你怎么这么愚蠢 而且居然还活着?
How stupid can you be and still be alive?
你有没有想过 其实是你把自己扣到半击发位置 所以她没有出现?
Don’t you think you’re going off half-cocked ’cause…
she didn’t show up once?
哦 一个非常好的问题! 的确非常好
Oh, a very good question! Very good indeed.
我喜欢你的风格 年轻人
I like your style, young man.
而且 我会给你答案
What’s more, I’ll give you the answer.
You know why Vernie didn’t show up tonight?
Because she’s in Canada.
Do you know how much she took me for?
Nine hundred bucks!
很好 你不觉得很好笑吗?
Well, don’t you think that’s kind of funny?
去睡觉 诺姆
Go to sleep, Norm. – “Go to sleep, Norm.”
To sleep.
“To sleep…
在睡梦中 我们说再见
“and by a sleep to say we end…
“the heartache…
“and a thousand natural shocks…
“that flesh is heir to,
“’tis a consummation…
“devoutly to be wished.
去死 去睡觉
“To die, to sleep;
睡觉 偶尔做梦
“to sleep, perchance to dream.
啊 有摩擦
Ay, there’s the rub.”
那是威廉·莎士比亚写的 一个非常优秀的男人
That’s by William Shakespeare. A very nice man.
好吧 艾丽 我愿你幸运
Well, Ellie, I wish you luck.
当然 我们俩都做 哦 是的 亲爱的
We both do, of course. – Oh, yes, dear.
你看起来并不那么高兴 你们两个都这样
You don’t sound very happy about it, either of you.
你不喜欢这个主意 对吗?
You don’t like the idea, do you?
我们没有这么说 不 一切都很明显
We haven’t said so. – No. But it’s pretty obvious.
即使是真的 那也不重要
Even if that’s true, it’s not important.
那是你的生活 你也不再是一个婴儿
It’s your life, El. You’re not a baby anymore.
不 我不是一个婴儿
No, I’m not a baby.
是我的生活 但是我对你们两个都很失望
It’s My Life.
But I’m disappointed in you, both of you.
你们把它想的好像任何人都会 好像你们什么都不了解
You’re taking it like just anyone would, as if you didn’t understand.
You think I’m a silly young girl…
who doesn’t know the difference between pity and love.
You could at least be honest about it.
如果诚实是你想要的 我想那你就错了
If honesty is what you want, I think you’re making a big mistake.
Is that what you think too?
你意思是说 我应该冷酷和现实地 对待这件事情吗
What you mean is, that I ought to be very cold and practical about this.
That even though Bud and I love each other,
我应该挣脱它 并且找到一个…
I ought to break it off and find a-
那是唯一解脱的方法 无所谓公平不公平
That’s one way of putting it, not necessarily the fair way.
看 艾丽 我爱巴德
Look, Ellie. I like Bud.
我非常爱他 我一直爱着他
I like him a lot. I always have.
我会很自豪地给他生一个儿子 我就是那个意思
I’d be proud to have him for a son.
I mean that.
但是重点是 现在事情不同了
But the point is, things are different now.
是的 我知道 尽管他没有过失
Yes, I know, through no fault of his.
But he’s different too.
He’s not the same man.
对我 他是!
To me, he is!
我爱他! 你爱他
I love him! You love him.
Love can be very fragile, El.
甚至健康的人都不能掌握它 或者视为理所当然
Even healthy people can’t always hold on to it or take it for granted.
我告诉你这些 是为了你们好
I’m telling you this for his good as well as yours.
How long do you think that love is going to last…
在你了解你已经 签署了一份契约以后
after you realize you’ve signed a contract…
to be his nurse the rest of your life?
那根本不可能 你是个年轻又健康的女孩
It won’t work. You’re a young, healthy girl.
并不一定会那样 还是有希望
It doesn’t have to be that way. There’s hope.
因此 你要倚赖希望生活
So, you’re going to live on hope.
哦 我没有责备你 我知道你爱他
Oh, I’m not blaming you. I know you love him.
如果你是有其他想法 那应该感到羞愧
I’d probably be ashamed of you if you felt any other way.
但是实际上我责备巴德 是的!
But actually I blame Bud. Yes, I do!
他比我们任何一个都 了解事情的实质
He knows the score better than any of us.
He ought to let you go.
If he loved you as much as you love him,
he’d make you go.
你是如此聪明 如此理性
You’re being so clever, so logical.
我从来不知道你会 把语言运用得如此好
I never knew you could handle words so well.
That’s not an answer, El.
You weren’t quite so logical a few years ago,
当我们需要一些男孩到 并且让他们大出血的时候
when we needed some boys to go out and get killed…
或者迷惑他们… 够了 艾丽
or paralyzed! – That’s enough, Ellie.
I can’t let you talk to your father like that.
不公平 因为他并不冷酷自私
It’s not fair, because he’s not cold or selfish.
他已为军队的麻烦男孩做了很多… 哈里特 请
He’s done more for army boys in trouble-
好吧 你有! 这不是重点
Harriet, please.
我不关心 我不能允许艾丽那样和你说话
Well, you have! – That’s not the point.
I don’t care. I can’t allow Ellie to talk to you like that.
艾丽 我没有说任何事 因为的确很难
Ellie, I haven’t said anything because it’s so hard.
But you’re all we have.
宝贝 我们想要一个孙子 难道也错了吗?
Baby, is it so wrong for us to want a grandchild?
I’m going to marry Bud.
对不起 我不知道 我真的不知道
I’m sorry. I don’t know. I just don’t know.
Well, why don’t you know?
你是他的医生 谁在那里? 我们还在学习
You’re his doctor. Who else is there?
We’re still learning.
I’ve told you that before.
你想看看我们在生产力上的研究吗? 我会节省你的时间
Would you like to see our research in fertility?
一些半身麻痹者是有能力生育孩子 有些却不行
I’d save your time.
Some paraplegics are capable of having children, others aren’t.
我们一直不知道是为什么 至于肯恩的情况 他的情形?
We don’t always know why. In Ken’s case-
In his case?
真的不可能 但是它还是包括在可能性里
It isn’t very probable, but it is within the realm of possibility.
I don’t think-
I’d rather say, “I don’t know.”
对于这件事情 的确是相当迟了
It’s pretty late in the day for this sort of thing.
不 还没有迟 因为它真的没关系
No it isn’t.
Because it really doesn’t matter.
谢谢你 医生
Thank you, Doctor.
好 再见
你要尝试做什么 从这里出去吗? 是的
What are you tryin’ to do, walk outta here?
And I’m going to be married standing up.
“Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife,
“to have and to hold from this day forward,
可能更好 也可能更坏
“for better, for worse,
可能更富有 也可能更贫困
for richer, for poorer-”
你确定你想实现这件事情? 加油!
You sure you want to go through with this?
Come on!
深爱的 我们一起站在这里 站在上帝的面前
Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God…
and in the presence of this company…
一起参加这位男士 和这位女士神圣的婚礼
to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony,
值得尊敬的不动产 因此…
an honorable estate, and therefore…
not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly.
进入这个预示着这位男士 和这位女士结合的神圣礼堂
Into this holy estate come now these two persons present…
如果任何一个男人能够 证明这个原因
to be joined together.
If any man can show just cause…
让他现在就说出来 否则就要永远地保持和平
why they may not be joined together,
let him speak now or else, hereafter, forever hold his peace.
The bride and groom will join hands.
你喜欢吗? 是的 很美好
Do you like it? – Yeah, it’s nice.
