So I said to her, “Hey, Robbie,
when are you going to marry Brock?”
她打了我一下 孩子 她让我受伤了
And she hits me.
Boy, did she give me a crack. Gin.
二十六 他不能玩游戏 他只能和你在旁边谈论这个
He can’t play the game. He just talks ya out of it.
那是游戏 下个玩家
That’s game. – Next player.
嗨 我以为你回家了
Hi. I thought you went home.
不 我就在附近
No, I’ve been around.
我在报纸上看到了有关你的报道 我认为 也许你受伤了
L-I read about you in the paper.
I thought maybe you were hurt or something.
不 我没事
No, I’m all right.
我喜欢和你说话 巴德 好
I’d like to talk to you, Bud. – Okay.
不 黏在旁边 艾丽和我没有任何秘密
No, stick around. Ellie and I don’t have any secrets.
What’s on your mind, El?
好 巴德 我们最好走吧 恩?
All right, Bud. – We’d better be going, huh?
留下来!这些是我的朋友 艾丽 他们知道我们所有的事情
These are my friends, Ellie. They know all about us.
我来这里告诉你 我很抱歉
I came here to tell you I’m sorry.
你看到了 开始 我对我自己是非常自信
You see, at first, I was very sure of myself.
Then I started getting confused and afraid and…
那个夜晚 每件事物… 忘记它!
that night the way everything- – Forget it!
不再有关系 但是真的有关系 巴德
It doesn’t matter anymore. – But it does matter, Bud.
我得到了一个机会 见到了他们真正的本质
I’ve had a chance to see things the way they really are.
重要的是你要知道 你是为了什么安顿下来
The important thing is to know what you’re willing to settle for,
to be really sure.
I’m sure now.
我想要你 我想要你回家
I want you. I want you to come home.
我回家 这是我的家 这是我所属的地方
I’m home. This is my home. This is where I belong.
哦 你回家吧!
Oh, please! You go home!
离我远一点 就当作什么也没发生过 这样对我们两个来说都会好一些
Go far away from me.
Pretend it never happened, and we’ll both be better off.
让我们去吃饭 不要感觉太沮丧
Let’s go to chow. And don’t feel bad.
You won’t even have any scars.
好吧 在这60天我们会 严格要求他来医院
Well, we can restrict him to the hospital for 60 days,
or we can vote for discharge.
是由我们决定 我听说 现在这个家伙是个麻烦
It’s up to us.
What I hear is, this guy’s been trouble right along.
我说把他踢出去!为什么? 为了省事?
I say kick him out! – For what? For being AWOL?
六十天的限制很充分 但是我们不会为这家伙 在外面做的事情负责
Sixty days’ restriction is plenty.
We’re not responsible for what the guy does outside.
我要说的就这些! 如果他杀了人?
That’s what I say! – Suppose he kills someone?
但是他没有 何况那是警♥察♥的事情
But he didn’t. – Look. That’s up to the cops.
他们没有把他抓进监牢 我们也不能 我们只能打破医院常规去医治他
They didn’t put him in jail and we can’t.
We can only try him for breaking hospital rules.
为了省事 这些是我们正式知道的
For being AWOL-that’s all we know about officially.
“正式地” 我的天! 我们又不是警♥察♥局
“Officially,” my eye! – We’re not the police department.
听着 警官把他带来这里 所以医院可以处理它
Listen. The cops brought him in here so the hospital could handle it.
也就是指我们 否则 他会立刻被抓进监牢
And that means us. Otherwise, he’d be in jail right now.
因此 他是幸运的! 对 他是幸运的!
So, he’s lucky! – All right, he’s lucky!
But we’re supposed to be a disciplinary board!
而且我知道 若我们和他好好相处 除了我们自己 我们就没有欺骗任何人!
And I know if we go easy on him, we’re not kidding anybody but ourselves!
听着 人们总是记得这些残疾人
Listen. People always remember these wheelchairs.
Don’t ever forget that.
像他这样的家伙 只会给我们带来麻烦
Guys like him just make it tough on the rest of us.
他在这里做什么? 他很好 不是吗?
What’s he doing here anyway? He’s well, isn’t he?
他是已婚的 他有自己的一个家 为什么他住在家里?
He’s married.
He’s got himself a home. Why isn’t he living in it?
也许他是有了麻烦 让他去解决吗
Maybe he’s had trouble. – Let him patch it up.
Anybody that’s married is gonna have trouble.
你知道 哼! 你说得对极了
You know, huh? – You can say that again.
但是如果他有了什么想法 我们就帮助他 把他踢出去?
But if he’s got things on his mind, are we gonna help him by kicking him out?
对他心慈手软 并不是在在帮助他
You’re not helping him by being easy on him.
那只会让他给他自己 和别人带去更多的麻烦
He’ll make more trouble for himself and everybody else.
I still think 60 days is tough enough.
我想60天是够的 那好
Let’s vote on it.
全部支持解除 请举手
All in favor of discharge, raise your hands.
All against?
诺姆? 解除
你投票要踢我出去? 很好地 你真的做得不错
You voted to kick me out?
Well, you’re a nice bunch of fellas.
你以为你是谁? 你凭什么确定你可以这样做?
Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can do it?
这是退伍军人的医院 你这无名小卒
This is a veteran’s hospital, and you’re nobody, you’re nothin’.
你看到没有? 我们还要看看布洛克怎么说
You see?
And we’ll just see what Brock has to say about it.
在你进去之前 我想要你了解一些事情
Before you go in there, I want you to know something.
我想要你知道 我是投的解除票 谢谢
I want you to know I voted for discharge.
我想要你知道为什么 不要烦扰 朋友
– I want you to know why. – Don’t bother, friend.
谢谢你 谢谢你
Thank you. Thank you for calling.
他们把我踢出来了 是的 我知道
Well, they kicked me out. – Yes, I know.
那也太疯狂了吧 不是吗? 你这么认为吗?
Well-Well, that’s crazy, isn’t it? – Do you think so?
在这周围的每个人都怎么了? 我说我这么认为是什么意思?
What’s the matter with everybody around here? What do you mean do I think so?
听着 你是我的医生 你要把我留在这里
Listen. You’re my doctor, and you’re gonna keep me here.
I’m not going to overrule the board.
哦 我知道了 那样对你来说比较容易一点 是吗?
Oh, I get it. It’s easier for you that way, isn’t it?
是的 但是这样对你比较好
Yes. But it’s better for you.
你很好 肯恩 我要做什么? 我可以去哪里?
You’re well, Ken.
Wh-What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna go?
去闯世界 我不能再离开那里
Into the world. – I can’t go out there anymore.
你仍然不能接受它 是吧? 是的
You still can’t accept it, can you? – No.
我做了什么? 为什么必须是我?
What did I do? Why’d it have to be me?
有答案吗? 我还没有找到
Is there an answer? I haven’t got it.
Somebody always gets hurt in a war.
看 肯恩 你是已婚的男人 你已经有了一个家
Look, Ken. You’re a married man. You’ve got a home.
那是你应该去的地方 我没有拥有任何东西
That’s where you ought to be. – I haven’t got anything.
发生什么事? 你为什么逃走? 没有发生任何事情
What happened? Why did you run away?
Nothin’ happened.
她无法接受这个 就是这么回事
She couldn’t take it, that’s why.
她看着我 就好像我是一条虫子
Sh-She looked at me like I was a bug.
你希望大家想要什么 思想的平和?
You want what everyone wants- peace of mind.
有时候的确是 非常难去接受一个事实
It’s pretty hard sometimes to accept the truth instead,
even though that’s where real peace of mind lies.
而事实是 你是什么 你就是什么
And the truth is that you are what you are.
事实是 你的妻子是一个普通人
The truth is that your wife is a human being with all the weakness…
她有人类所有的弱点 也有人类所拥有的力量
and all the strength that human beings have.
是的 这样和你说会容易一点 哦 是的 我知道
Yeah, it’s easy for you to talk. – Oh, yes. I know.
这样对我来说也容易一点 我知道 今天结束的时候我会离开这里的
It’s easy for me to talk.
I know, I can walk outta here when the day is over,
and I’ve got a good job.
我从没有见到任何病人离开过这里 从来没有
Only I can never see a patient walk outta here, never.
我能让一个人活着 但是在他的心里 他感觉我已经抛弃了他
I can keep a man alive, but, in his heart, he feels I’ve failed him.
You feel that way, don’t you?
Took me a long time to get used to that.
Peace of mind.
为什么她不在一开始的时候 就让我一个人?
Why didn’t she leave me alone in the beginning?
为什么她非要来这里 让我幻想我们可以做到?
Why’d she have to come around here and make me think we could make it?
Suppose it were just the opposite.
假如你很健康 而她是要坐轮椅
Suppose you were on your feet, and she were in the chair.
Would you have come around?
我不知道 我可以告诉你一些事情吗?
Well, I don’t know. – Shall I tell you something?
我也结过一次婚 在我们的第三个结婚周年
I was married once.
On our third anniversary,
we- we were in an accident.
半身不遂 在当时是一个新兴的领域
Paraplegia was a new field then.
至少 她没有遭受太长时间的痛苦
At least, she didn’t have to suffer too long.
That was 18 years ago.
And I’d give anything I’ve got to know…
当我回家的时候 我发现她在那里等我…
that when I go home that I’d find her there waiting for me…
in a wheelchair.
我马上要参加一个会议了 我想你应该回到你妻子身边 肯恩
I’m due at a meeting.
I think you ought to go back to your wife, Ken,
if she’ll take you.
I can’t guarantee that she won’t ever look at you like that again.
但是 如果她爱你 而且你自己争取
But, if she loves you, and if you behave,
the chances are she won’t.
无论如何 你还有很长的一段人生去经历
