And all of them are sitting at the Napa Valley Community Bank.
You mean, you don’t think she even really likes him?
我哪知道 不过我告诉你一件事
Eh, what do I know? But I’ll tell you one thing.
This one’s got your father eating out of the palm of her hand.
他们老泡在一起 一起骑马
They do everything together. They ride together.
一起游泳 一起出去吃晚餐
They swim together. They go out to eat dinner every night.
你自己去评断 别受到我的影响
But, you know what? Meet her. See for yourself. Don’t let me influence you.
我的好女儿 亲爱的 我要你见见我的朋友
There’s my girl. Honey, I want you to meet a friend of mine.
荷莉 这位是梅莉黛·布莱克
Hal, this is Meredith Blake.
嗨 梅莉黛·布莱克
Hi, Meredith Blake.
Wow. I can’t believe I’m finally meeting the famous Hallie.
I have looked forward to this all summer.
是吗 我来了
Really? Well, here I am.
尼克 她真可爱
Oh, Nicky, she’s adorable!
You know, the way your father talked about you…
我还以为你只是个小女孩 但现在看起来是个个大人了
I expected to meet a little girl, but you are so grown up.
我快满12岁了 你几岁
I’ll be 12 soon. How old are you?
Twenty six.
只比我大15岁 你几岁了 爸
Only 15 years older than me. How old are you, again, Dad?
Wow! Suddenly, you’re so interested in math.
我进去 进去拿一些
Look, I’m gonna go inside. I’m gonna get some more chili…
maybe a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
-庆祝什么 -当然庆祝你回家啊
-What are we celebrating? -Your homecoming, of course.
Be right back.
Meredith Blake.
你好 莫斯牧师
Hello, Reverend Mosby.
Of course. No, I understand it’s for a local charity?
当然 我正在抄呢
Oh, yes. I am writing it all down.
Okay, it sounds very worthwhile, I agree.
可惜不凑巧的是 听说帕克先生
But, unfortunately, I see that Mr. Parker…
is going to be out of the country on those days.
当然 我会跟他说的
Yes. Absolutely. I will be sure to mention it to him.
Thank you.
So, how was camp, Hal? Was it fabulous?
My dad’s going out of the country?
Oh, no. I just had to tell a little white lie to get him out of something.
知道吗 尼克跟你说话的时候 我没看过这么疼爱女儿的父亲
You know, I have never heard a man talk about his daughter the way Nicky talks about you.
You two are obviously incredibly close.
Well, you know, we’re closer than close.
We’re all each other has.
抱歉 把你弄湿了
Sorry. Did I get you wet, Mer?
Just a little, Hal.
Hey. Guess what?
Your daddy took me riding the other day, and he let me ride your horse.
I hope that’s okay with you.
不会 它很习惯让怪女人骑
Oh, sure. She’s probably used to strange women riding her.
Not that you’re strange or anything.
事实上比起其他的 你算正常了
Actually, compared to the others, you are relatively normal.
其他的 什么其他的
Others? What others?
-你要411吗 -411是哪个号♥码
-Do you want the 411? -What’s the 411?
查号♥台 查其他女人的资料
The information the lowdown on other women.
Can’t say I blame you.
I’d wanna know if I was number 28 I mean, 29 in a man’s life.
I’m number 29?
Yeah. It’s always the same routine
horseback riding through the vineyards…
浪漫的晚餐 配上特别珍藏的红酒
romantic dinners with his special reserved label wine…
moonlight swims.
好了 我珍藏的红酒
Here we go a bottle of my special reserve label.
So, did you girls find something to talk about while I was gone?
-那是有了 -当然有
-Does that mean yes? -It sure does.
Will somebody grab that, please
这是詹姆斯一家 安妮
James residence. Annie?
-干嘛 马丁 -她听起来好像你
-Yes, Martin. -Oh, dear. It sounds just like you on the phone.
I’m sorry. To whom did you wish to speak?
安妮 好
Annie? Of course.
One moment, please.
A Mildred Plotker for you.
Sounds just like your twin.
双胞胎 你真会说笑
My twin? Very funny.
真是个好笑的玩笑 喂
Good one, Martin. Hello.
米尔德 你好吗
Oh, Mildred, darling. Hi. How are you?
-你还好吧 -一切都很好
-Hey, how’s it going over there? -Oh, everything’s quite lovely here.
We’re expecting a bit of rain today.
但是 米尔德 你等一下好吗
But, Mildred, can you can you hold on for a moment?
快点 我得跟你谈谈
Okay, but hurry, Hal. I’ve got to talk to you.
可以了 老天 妈真棒
Okay. Now I can talk. Oh, my God! Mom’s incredible.
I cannot believe I lived my entire life without knowing her.
她美丽大方 风趣聪明
Sh She’s beautiful and fun…
-她设计的婚纱也好美 -但是
-and smart, and I love the gowns she designs. -But.
她提到她跟爸认识的经过 如果你问我
And I got her talking about how she and Dad first met. And, if you ask me…
-有很大可能 -别说了 麻烦可大了
-there’s like a whole possibility, like -Hallie, stop!
大♥麻♥烦了 你得马上把妈带来
We’ve got a major problem.You’re going to have to bring mother out here immediately.
马上 你疯啦 我才来一天
Immediately? Are you nuts? I’ve only had one day with her.
正开始认识她呢 不行 我不要
I’m just getting to know her. I can’t. I won’t.
事态紧急 爸在谈恋爱了
But this is an emergency! Dad’s in love.
少来 他才不会呢
Get out of here! Dad doesn’t fall in love.
I mean, at least not seriously.
Trust me. He’s serious about this one.
他老是牵她手 亲她的脖子 伺候她团团转
He’s always holding her hand and kissing her neck… and waiting on her hand and foot.
-真的吗 -好恶心
-He is? -It’s disgusting.
你得设法搞破坏 拆散他们 用尽所有的办法
Well, you’ll just have to break ’em up. Sabotage her. Do whatever you have to.
我在试 不过我很吃亏
I’m trying, but, I mean, I’m at a slight disadvantage.
I only met the man 12 hours ago.
荷莉 你得回来帮我
Hal, you’ve got to get back here to help me.
不行 我想多陪妈
Annie, I can’t. I want more time with Mom.
What’s going on?
安妮 你还在吗 我听不到你 安妮
Ann, are you still there? I can barely hear you. Ann.
-我还在 怎么了 -总机 总机
-I’m here. What do you -Operator. Operator.
-失去讯号♥了 -喂
-I think I lost you, Ann. -Hello?
多谢你的帮忙了 荷莉
Thanks for all the help, Hal.
Hi. I had a phone call from a friend at camp.
是的 这是夏令营的老传统了
Yeah. I it’s an old camp tradition.
躲在衣柜里面打电♥话♥ 我知道看起来有点傻 但是
Talk to your friend from inside a closet. Kinda stupid, I know, but.
那么 要吃早点吗
So, breakfast anyone?
好 我们走吧 一天中最重要的一餐
Okay. Here we go. Most important meal of the day.
荷包蛋 培根 吐司
Eggs sunny side up, bacon, side of toast
and, in case you’re really hungry…
超大的巧克力松饼 这闻起来好香喔
a stack of humongous chocolate chip pancakes, which smell incredible…
-要我说的话 -谢了 雀西
-if I do say so myself. -Thanks, Chessy.
You’re not hungry again?
你不吃辣豆酱 它可是这个世界上你最爱的食物
You hardly touched your chili, your favorite food in the world.
现在也不吃早餐 你生病了吗 亲爱的
And now you don’t want breakfast? Are you sick, honey?
我没事 我发誓
I’m fine. I promise.
Where’s Dad?
He and Miss “I’ll Just Have Half A Grapefruit, Thank You…” left about an hour ago.
你起晚了 他不想吵醒你
You overslept, and he didn’t want to wake you.
我当然会赖床啦 如果我半夜起来
Of course, I’d probably oversleep, too, if I were up until midnight…
making mysterious phone calls from my bathroom.
Oh. That.
我是打给夏令营的朋友 米尔德
I was calling a friend from camp, Mildred.
She lives in New York.
这样啊 所以你只到半夜打给米尔德
Oh, I see. So, you wanted to wait and call Mildred…
是为了照顾她的时差 让她舒服点
at a time that was convenient for her because of the time difference.
完全正确 就是因为时差
Exactly. Because Because of the time difference.
Uh huh. So, you waited until it was 3:00 in the morning her time?
-蛮合理的嘛 -其实
-That makes perfect sense. -Actually
it was 7:00 at night her time.
You see, she lives in New York, but she was on vacation…
with her family in Bora Bora.
