lf you say no, they’ll arrest you.
就算你被指认了 我也会把你保释出去
Even if you get identified, l’ll get you off on bail.
This witness lives across the street from the parking lot.
Even if she makes an identification…
指认说是你 那天晚上也是非常晚了
a positive l.D., it was very late at night.
By the time I’m finished with her,
we’ll have a new legal standard for blindness.
This is like they do on TV.
不用担心 你可以看见他们 但他们看不见你
Don’t worry. You can see them, but they can’t see you.
Just tell the truth.
l saw him clearly.
Fire it up.
一号♥请向前 向右转
Number one, step forward. Make a quarter turn to the right.
-你的眼镜是专业医师配的吗 -你不能问这个
-Are those prescription glasses? -You can’t ask her that.
-你也知道的 这很难 -是啊我知道
-lt’s very hard, you know. -Yeah, l know.
-我不想指错人 -不会的 上帝也不会让你这么做
-l wouldn’t want to pick the wrong one. -No. God forbid.
-慢慢来 -有没有其中一个
-Just take your time. -Anybody look…
vaguely familiar?
呃 你也知道
Well, you know…
Take your time.
-这很不容易 -从来都不容易
-This is not easy. -lt never is.
-我在努力 -嗯 慢慢来
-l am trying. -Yes, just take your time.
And l did see him clearly.
-我不知道 -好好看 看清楚
-I don’t… -Look hard. Take a good look.
l did. l am.
嗯 我能再看看三号♥吗
Um, could l see number three again?
-叫三号♥出来 -等等
-Call number three. -Wait.
-我能不能 -她就不能叫自己认出的那个吗
-Could l… -Could she call her own numbers?
-不好意思 -谢谢
-Excuse me, excuse me. -Thank you.
几号♥ 五号♥
Which number? Number five.
苏珊 我觉得她有权利叫自己认出的号♥码
Susan, l think she can call who she’s interested in.
-你是对的 -不 另一个
-You’re right. -No, the other one.
That one.
Which one?
-不是六号♥ -不是六号♥
-lt’s not number six. -Not number six.
-三 -三号♥什么意思
-Three. -What do you mean number three?
l think she can request who she wants to see.
-等等 你想看那个人 -是他
-Wait. You want to see what number? -Him.
就是他 我以我母亲的坟墓发誓
That’s him! I’d swear on my mother’s grave.
Number three.
-三号♥ -三号♥
-Number three? -Number three.
Number three on her mother’s grave.
We heard what she said.
Yeah, l would say so.
-带他们出去 -三号♥ 谢谢
-Take them out. -Number three. Thank you.
夫人 我能私下跟你说一句吗 你妈埋在哪啊
Ma’am, may l be personal? Where the fuck is your mother buried?
Let’s get out of here.
I don’t know who got to that witness.
她指认了那个警♥察♥ 把案子给搞定了
She wrapped up my case picking that cop.
你这个幸运的家伙啊 米尔先生 什么事都没有
You’re a lucky man, Mr. Mill. Goddamn, no ramp again!
证人不一定可信 记得《控方证人》吗
Witnesses can’t be relied on. Remember Witness for the Prosecution?
Marlene Dietrich and Tyrone Power?
你像鸟儿一样自♥由♥了 没证人 没案子
You’re free as a bird. No witness, no crime.
That Avery woman thinks you got away with murder.
每个人都这么想了 米尔先生
Everybody does, Mr. Mill.
Our Father who art in heaven…
hallowed be Thy name.
你的王朝会降临 一切都会结束
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…
在人间 就像在天堂
on earth as it is in heaven.
赐予我们今日 和每天的食物
Give us this day our daily bread…
and forgive us our trespasses…
你的这部片真是太棒了 完美
You have made a wonderful movie. lt’s perfect.
奥斯卡时间了 拉里
lt’s Oscar time, Larry.
太迟了 快来
Too late. Come on.
Get back!
-你怎么这么久才来 -堵车了
-What took you so long? -Traffic was a bitch.
-太出色了 -观众会很爱这片子的
-lt’s outstanding. -The audience will love it.
You sold it out!
你怎么能让他就这么耍了你 真♥相♥呢 事实呢
How could you let him sell you out? What about truth? Reality?
What about the way the old ending tested in Canoga Park?
大家都很讨厌 所以我们重拍了 然后现在大家都很喜欢
Everybody hated it. We reshot it, now everybody loves it.
-这才是事实 -但你本有一个真正说出真♥相♥的结尾
-That’s reality. -But you had an ending which was true.
Who is this person?
Doesn’t she know anything about working with grown-ups?
邦妮 该死的 这会是大热门啊 我们在这就是做这个的
Bonnie, goddamn it. This is a hit. This is what we’re here for.
lt didn’t have to end this way.
-你可以走了 -好主意 拉里
-l want you out of here. -Good thinking, Larry.
我这是爬到你头上了是吧 拉里
I’m going over your head, Larry.
邦妮 你可以走人了
Bonnie, you’re fired.
Fuck you!
讲脏话是容易 做生意可难多了
lt takes more to make it in this business than a dirty mouth.
The campaign.
我有要事 我得跟他谈谈
lt’s very important. l must talk to him.
-他很忙 -拜托了
-He’s very busy. -Please?
是我 邦妮啊 我们是朋友啊
lt’s me, Bonnie. We’re friends.
你不明白 我不仅仅代表我 我还有工作
You don’t understand. l am not just me, I’m also the job.
求你了 拜托
Please? Please?
好吧 我试试 好吗
All right. l’ll try. Okay?
沃特 不要闹了
Walter, stop that nonsense!
格里芬 是邦妮
Griffin, it’s Bonnie.
She’s here.
-李维是不是炒了她 -是的 我猜是
-Did Levy fire her? -Yes, sir, l guess he did.
l can’t see her now.
l promised I’d be home early.
Tell her l’ll get back to her.
-别把你那该死的脚放沙发上 -你自己跟她说
-Get your foot off the fucking couch. -Tell her yourself.
喂 请等一等 格里芬 是拉里·李维
Yes. Could you hold, please? Griffin, it’s Larry Levy’s…
拜托了 格里芬 求你了 我们能谈谈吗
Please! Griffin, please, can we talk about it?
邦妮 我知道你能自己站稳脚跟的
Bonnie, l know you’ll land on your feet.
是拉里·李维打来的 说是要紧事
lt’s Larry Levy’s office. He says it’s very important.
等一下 接到他车子的电♥话♥上
Give it a minute, then transfer it to the car phone.
-喂 -拉里·李维打电♥话♥来了
-Yeah? -l have Larry Levy on the line.
试映会如何 我的新结局怎样
How did the screening go? How’s my new ending?
太棒了 秋风扫落叶啊 正是这样所以你才一直票房♥大红吧
Fantastic! Worked like gangbusters. That’s why you get the big bucks.
那是 别拍我马屁了 你有什么事 不能等等吗
Yeah. Stop kissing my ass. What do you want? Can’t this wait?
我觉得不能等 这个正红呢
I don’t think it should. This is hot.
You should hear this writer’s pitch.
-我们应该接手这个伟大的想法 -哪个编剧
-We should go for this great idea. -Who’s the writer?
我开免提 等一下
l’ll put him on the speaker. Hold on.
嗨格里芬 记得我吗 我就是那个做明信片生意的混♥蛋♥
Hi, Griff. Remember me? I’m the asshole who was in the postcard business.
-是你啊 -悬疑片之王 你记得了吧
-You. -The king of suspense. You remember.
l haven’t heard from you for a while.
-我正忙着写剧本 -给我说说故事梗概
-l’ve been busy writing a script. -Give him the pitch.
你会很喜欢的 很棒的故事
You’ll love this. lt’s great!
是个发生在好莱坞的故事 真实的惊悚片
lt’s a Hollywood story, a real thriller.
是关于一个混♥蛋♥制片人 制片厂负责人
lt’s about a shit-bag producer, studio exec…
他谋杀了一个编剧 以为那个人在骚扰自己
who murders a writer he thinks is harassing him.
问题来了 他杀错人了
The problem is, he kills the wrong writer.
Now he’s got to deal with blackmail and the cops.
但是故事的转折来了 这个混♥蛋♥竟然逃过了
But, here’s the switch. The son of a bitch gets away with it.
拉里 把免提关了 我想单独跟他谈
Larry, get off the speaker. l want to talk to him privately.
没问题 这故事会是大赢家的
Sure. This is a winner.
-他逃脱了 -当然了
-He gets away with it? -Absolutely.
A Hollywood ending.
他娶了那个编剧的女朋友 从此幸福地生活在一起
He marries the dead writer’s girl and they live happily ever after.
-你能保证结局是这样 -价钱公道的话 我保证
-Can you guarantee that ending? -lf the price is right, you got it.
-你保证是这个结局 我们就好谈 -我保证
-Guarantee that ending, you got a deal. -l guarantee it.
-这片子叫什么名字 -《大玩家》
-What do you call this thing? -The Player.
The Player.
