-We don’t have beer. -Red wine, please.
当然最后是有人被杀了 政♥治♥惊悚片通常都是这样的
Someone gets killed at the end. They always do in political thrillers.
-格里芬·米尔办公室 -能让他听电♥话♥吗
-Griffin Mill’s office. -Can you put him on?
-请问是谁来电 -我要跟格里芬·米尔说话
-May l ask who’s calling? -I’d like to speak to Griffin Mill.
他正在开会 我可以记下你的名字
He’s in a meeting right now. l can take your name
and have him get back to you.
-什么 -他会给我回电
-Excuse me? -He’ll get back to me?
-你知不知道我听这句话听了多少次 -你是谁
-Do you know how often l’ve heard this? -Who is this?
-如果他不给我回电♥话♥ -谁打来的
-lf he doesn’t get back to me… -Who was that?
-我不知道 他没说 -这什么意思
-I don’t know. He didn’t say. -What do you mean?
I don’t know how you’ll cast it.
The lead is a 50-year-old circus performer.
Let me read the coverage.
Are we still having lunch with Aaron Camp?
-什么时候 -我订了1点
-What time? -l made it for 1:00.
-今天不顺心 -他写作遇到瓶颈了
-Bad day? -He’s having writer’s block.
你下午3点跟哈特 和弗兰克·萨斯有约
You have a meeting with Hutter and Frank South this afternoon at 3:00.
我会去的 把今天早上的会面输入电脑 谢谢
l’ll be here. Put this morning’s meetings on the computer. Thanks.
-你现在去吗 -我要先去见列维森
-Are you going now? -I’m going to see Levison.
Order me a Caesar salad and a Crystal Geyser.
大概5点 谢谢 珊迪
About 5:00? Thanks, Sandy.
嗨 珊迪
Hi, Sandy.
你不能进去 他在开会
You can’t go in there! He’s in a meeting.
没关系 西莉亚
lt’s all right, Celia.
我想你还没见过列吉·古德曼吧 你认识他的父亲哈维
I don’t think you’ve met Reg Goldman. You know his father Harvey.
是的当然 你好列吉 从波士顿的银行来啊
Yes, of course. Hi, Reg. From the bank in Boston.
-列吉到这里呆几周 -挺好 是来出差还是来找找乐子
-Reg is out here for a few weeks. -Great. Business or pleasure?
两种都有一点吧 我希望
A little of both, l hope.
Reg is thinking of producing.
是啊 很有劲的工作 是不是啊格里芬
Yeah. Beats work, doesn’t it, Griffin?
我想打网球 你想打吗
I’d like to play some tennis. Do you play tennis?
网球 不
Tennis? No.
-我太忙了 -我刚才正在问沃特
-I’m too busy. -l was asking Walter.
Do you know Meg Ryan?
ls she seeing somebody?
是啊列吉 她结婚了
Yeah, Reg. She’s married.

What about Winona Ryder?
你知道吗 其实呢 你应该问沃特的
You know, actually, Walter is the guy to talk to.
Walter’s got everybody’s number.
-有事吗 -没 你还真是相当忙啊
-Was there anything? -No. You’re real busy.
我要她的电♥话♥ 该死 我要她的电♥话♥
l want that number, goddamn it. l want that number.
天哪 这个呢 她拍了什么电影
Oh, boy. What about this one? Has she done anything?
格里芬 别问了
Griffin, don’t ask.
“别问了 因为你不知道”还是”别问了 因为我不会想知道”
Don’t ask, you don’t know? Or don’t ask, I don’t want to know?
Just don’t ask.
如果你是在担心列吉·古德曼 那还是算了吧
lf it’s Reggie Goldman you’re concerned about, forget it.
但是对他态度好点 他可是捏着给公♥司♥的一大笔钱
But be nice to him. He represents a lot of money to this company.
lt’s not Reggie Goldman I’m worried about.
-是拉里·李维 -拉里·李维
-lt’s Larry Levy. -Larry Levy?
拉里·李维是福克斯的 不是吗
Larry Levy’s at Fox, isn’t he?
拜托 西莉亚
Come on, Celia.
There’s a call for Celia on line one.
-我是不是该开始找工作了 -西莉亚 你在听吗
-Should l be looking for a job? -Celia, are you there?
乔尔·列维森办公室 噢 布拉德 嗯
Joel Levison’s office. Oh, Brad. Yeah.
不 我们不能让安杰丽卡·休斯顿签
No, we couldn’t sign Angelica Huston for that.
She’s booked for two years.
是个说鬼魂的故事 但不像《人鬼情未了》
Like a ghost story, but it’s not like Ghost.
lt’s a supernatural thing.
乔尔 我是格里芬·米尔 詹妮弗的朋友
Joel, Griffin Mill. A friend of Jennifer’s.
不是吧 你就是格里芬·米尔 真的
No. You’re Griffin Mill? Really?
很高兴见到你 我是你的粉丝
Good to see you. I’m a big fan of yours.
-我也有这条领带 -是吗
-l have that tie. -You do?
Did you order for me?
嗨 跟敌人共进午餐啊
Hi. Lunching with the enemy.
噢 拜托
Oh, come on.
所以我们听说了拉里·李维 到底怎么回事
So what’s this we hear about Larry Levy?
拉里·李维 如果他有哪怕半边脑子 那他才会是威胁
Larry Levy? lf he had half a brain, he’d be dangerous.
Aaron says he’s coming to the studio.
阿伦说的 你干嘛要相信他说的话
Aaron says? Why would you believe anything he says?
He said it with authority.
他就在那边 跟安杰丽卡·休斯顿和约翰·库萨克在一起
He’s over there with Angelica Huston and John Cusack.
他又越权乱说话了 他完蛋了
He’s in over his head. He’s gonna drown over there.
He’s the golden boy at Fox these days.
Did you see that thing on him in Variety last week?
Two pages.
安杰丽卡 我是格里芬·米尔 很高兴见到你 你看上去真不错
Angelica, Griffin Mill. Good to see you. You’re looking great.
约翰 我是格里芬·米尔 我是你的大粉丝
Johnny, Griffin Mill. A big fan of yours.
特柳赖德在科罗拉多州 帕克城在犹他州
-你今年会在特柳赖德 -应该是帕克城吧
-You gonna be in Telluride this year? -Probably in Park City.
太好了 我们那里见
Great. We’ll see you there.
-《玻璃盒》怎样了 -我们不要谈什么好莱坞了
-What’s happening with Glass Box? -Let’s not talk about Hollywood.
We’re educated people.
l’ll call you later.
我告诉了你我的想法 你说会给我回复 结果呢
-难道不应该跟别人说说这件事吗 -什么
-Talk to somebody about this. -What?
-你两周之内收到了5张明信片 -其实有7张了
-You’ve gotten 5 postcards in 2 weeks. -Seven, actually.
Why don’t you talk to Studio Security?
我给沃特·斯塔克尔打电♥话♥ 然后说什么呢
l should call Walter Stuckel and say what?
“有人给我寄恐吓信 我想让你帮我
‘Someone’s sending me poison letters and l would like for you to make me…
干脆弄得更讽刺一些 我本人情况实在是摇摇欲坠”
the object of more ridicule now that things are really shaky for me here.
I don’t think so.
l think they’re coming from a writer.
-哪个呢 -只能你自己挑了
-Which one? -Take your pick.
-还有别的事吗 -是的 你的律师来电♥话♥了
-ls there anything else? -Yes, your attorney phoned.
He wants you to attend a party at his house tonight.
-跟他说我要去试映会 -不是哪个律师 是迪克·梅伦
-Tell him I’m at a screening. -Not that attorney. lt’s Dick Mellen.
What time?
鸡尾酒会七点半 晚餐八点 带上女伴
Cocktails at 7:30, dinner at 8:00. Bring a date.
And Bonnie Sherow is here to see you.
让她进来吧 噢 已经来了呀
Send her in. Oh, here she is.
Can we go to the Springs this weekend?
我想来个按♥摩♥ 在热水池子里好好泡一泡
l want to have a massage, a long soak in a hot tub…
and have Margaritas administered intravenously.
晚上在迪克·梅伦家有派对 你想来吗
l have a party at Dick Mellen’s. You want to come?
天哪 又是电影明星加权贵人士
God, movie stars and power players.
-还有伏特加 -好吧
-And Vodka. -Sure.
晚餐会很早结束 我们之后可以直接去我家
lt’ll be an early dinner, and we’ll go to my place afterwards.
-真的 -嗯
-Can we? -Yeah.
Brokaw looks like he has absolutely no intensity.
泰德·可佩尔看上去很放松 并且他穷追不舍地
Ted Koppel looks loose, and he goes after it…
and he digs in.
嗨 你好吗
Hi. How are you?
玛丽 这是邦妮·雪洛
Marlee, this is Bonnie Sherow.
She read Tales of Fury.
我很喜欢 我觉得这故事很好
l loved it. l thought it was wonderful.
我觉得你很适合演艾瑞尔 为你量身定制的角色
l think you’re perfect for Ariel. You’re perfect for the part.
We’re going to make a couple changes in the third act.
You should set up a meeting.
是啊 当然
Yeah, sure.
-你有我的电♥话♥号♥码吧 -当然
-You have my number? -Absolutely.
失陪一下 我去跟他们打声招呼
Excuse me. I’m going to say hello to those people.
-在派对就不要说什么要改剧本的事了 -对不起嘛
Don’t talk about script changes at parties.
-你能来真好 -你看上去真棒
lt was good of you to come. Don’t you look beautiful!
-你认识邦妮·雪洛吧 -当然 你好吗
-You know Bonnie Sherow. -Of course. How are you?
-三星工作室的 -是在我们制片厂的
-Tri-Star, right? -She’s at the studio.
我就是这个意思 给米尔先生来杯马蒂尼 邦妮呢
That’s what l meant. Bring Mr. Mill a martini. And, Bonnie?
-我还是要朗姆罗萨的纯水吧 -我要马蒂尼
-l’ll take a Ramlosa. -l’ll have a martini.
