lt’s me, the writer. Still want to buy my story?
我跟你说了 可以谈谈 来制片厂一趟 我们可以想个解决方案
l told you I’d deal. Stop by the studio. We’ll work something out.
And who will l ask for?
Larry Levy?
What’s Larry Levy got to do with this?
-你怎么会认识拉里·李维 -你就没了解了解行业新闻吗
-How do you know about Larry Levy? -Don’t you read the trades?
《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》的商业版 他要入主了 你要滚了
New York Times business section? He’s movin’ in, you’re movin’ out.
你做不了主了 他们说 这都是昨天的新闻了
You can’t make a deal, they say. Yesterday’s news.
Wait a minute.
Can l borrow your mobile phone?
拉里·李维吗 拉里 我是大卫·卡恩
Larry Levy. Larry, David Kahane here.
猜猜谁在这里下承诺 可以帮我拍片
Guess who’s making promises about getting pictures made…
在个停车场 给编剧下承诺
to writers in parking lots?
Guess what dumb son of a bitch executive…
is trying to take advantage of me?
你认没认识到 这家伙有多来势汹汹
Do you realize how unstoppable this guy is?
你知道吗 我都等不及了
You know, l cannot wait…
to tell the world that
when Griffin Mill can’t cut the pressure at work…
he drives out to Pasadena…
to pick fights with writers.
Tell Larry Levy to call me.
已经有消息说 他要拍摄更有意义的电影
The word is out that he’s going to start making meaningful pictures
for a change.
先别管这个 别写那些该死的明信片了
Let’s forget this. Just stop all the postcard shit!
我不是写明信片的 我写的是剧本
I don’t write postcards! l write scripts!
-我们都错了 -不 你才搞错了 兄弟
-We’re both wrong. -No, you’re wrong, buddy!
现在你的情况有点火烧眉毛啊 所以你才要丢饭碗
You’re in over your head. That’s why you’re losing your job.
Then what are you gonna do?
我还会写作 你能干嘛
l can write. What can you do?
我说了 别管这些
l said, let’s forget this.
啊 该死
Ah, shit.
米尔 你没事吧
Mill, you okay?
Keep it to yourself!
Keep it to yourself!
有意思 剧本是谁写的
That’s interesting. Who’s writing this movie?
谁来写《致命吸引力》的新结局 观众来写
Who wrote the new ending to Fatal Attraction? The audience.
A million screenwriters from the audience wrote that.
谁说过假如我们保留原结局 应该早就写好了
Who’s to say what it would have done if you had left the original ending?
的确 但是你也可以说 世界范围内的3亿人
You’re right, but you can say that it’s done almost 300 million worldwide…
with the new ending.
拉里·李维 我想你还没见过我的助理吧 惠特尼·戈什
Larry Levy, I don’t believe you’ve met my assistant, Whitney Gersh.
-的确没见过 -很高兴见到你
-No, l haven’t. -lt’s a pleasure to meet you.
邦妮 你的片子怎样了 听说上周刚刚检查了一次
How’s your picture? lt just tested last week.
挺好的 是第一次检查
lt’s doing well. lt was our first test.
打扰了 沃特
Excuse me, Walter.
乔尔 格里芬还是没人影 但我真的觉得会议应该开始了
Joel, Griffin isn’t in, but l think we really have to start this meeting.
好的 西莉亚 谢谢
Okay, Celia. Thank you.
Remember a movie called D.O.A.?
当然记得 主演是埃德蒙·奥布莱恩和帕米拉·布里顿
Sure l do. Eddie O’Brien and Pam Britton.
Disney did a remake in ’87 or ’88.
我觉得我们现在的情况 十分相似
l think we’ve got pretty much the same situation here.
我们可不能惹麻烦 沃特
Keep our noses clean, Walter.
lt’s a shame to waste a picture.
谁说我们在浪费电影了 这话是从何说起呢
Who said we’re wasting the picture? Where did that come from?
你知道最有意思的是什么吗 我们都太忙
You know what’s interesting? We’re all too busy…
格里芬 你真的迟到很久了 他们已经在里面等了
Griffin, you’re really late. They’re waiting inside.
To actually rub shoulders with the great unwashed?
We need to give them the kind of pictures they want…
not the kind writers want to give them.
-大家好 抱歉我迟到了 -迟得厉害
-Hello. Sorry I’m late. -You certainly are.
A few minutes in the office would be fine.
格里芬 你错过了正式的欢迎仪式
Griffin, you missed the formal welcoming ceremony.
You know Larry Levy.
当然 你好 拉里
Of course. Hi, Larry.
你好 格里芬
Hi, Griffin.
Larry was able to leave Fox a week earlier than he thought…
and has come aboard as of this morning.
-好极了 那我们开始吧 -拉里刚才正说到一半
-Great. Let’s start. -Larry was in the middle of something.
我没有 只是为了等格里芬消磨一下时间
No, l wasn’t. l was just killing time waiting for Griffin.
不 说完吧 你刚才在说什么
No, finish. What were you saying?
我在说 我至今还未碰到一个
l was saying l’ve yet to meet a writer
who could change water into wine…
and we have a tendency to treat them like that.
在这制片厂 不可能
Not at this studio.
150万这样的剧本 疯了吧
A million and a half of these scripts. lt’s nuts.
And l think avoidable.
这么问你吧 你上一次买♥♥票去看电影是什么时候
Let me ask you. When was the last time you bought a ticket to see a movie?
-自己掏腰包的 -就昨晚
-You actually paid your own money? -Last night.
在帕萨迪纳 看了《偷自行车的人》
Pasadena. The Bicycle Thief.
-你看了《偷自行车的人》 -我爱死了 很棒的电影
-You saw The Bicycle Thief? -l love that. lt’s a great film.
这是艺术电影 不算 我们在说好莱坞
lt’s an art movie. lt doesn’t count. We’re talking about movie movies.
天哪 这群人
Jesus, people.
我只是说 我们可以节省时间和投资
I’m just saying there’s time and money to be saved…
if we came up with these stories on our own.
-那故事要从哪里来 -随便什么地方 没所谓
-Where are these stories coming from? -Anywhere. lt doesn’t matter.
比如说报纸 选个故事
The newspaper. Pick any story.
‘lmmigrants protest budget cuts in literacy program.’
Human spirit overcoming human adversity.
听上去像霍雷肖·阿尔杰 巴里奥的时候
Sounds like Horatio Alger in the barrio.
让吉米·斯密茨来演 你就会有一出更精彩的《为人师表》
Put Jimmy Smits in it and you’ve got a sexy Stand and Deliver.
-下一个 继续 -拉里 我不是干这个的
-Next. Come on. -This isn’t my field.
没关系 试试看 这可不能输吧
lt doesn’t matter. Give it a shot. You can’t lose here.
How about ‘Mud slide kills 60 in slums of Chili’?
很好 悲壮的胜利 听上去像约翰·保曼的电影
That’s good. Triumph over tragedy. Sounds like a John Boorman picture.
改一个快乐的结局 剧本自己就出来了
Slap a happy ending on it, the script will write itself.
-到邦妮了 把报纸给我 -我可不知道了 拉里
-Bonnie. Give me the paper. -I don’t know, Larry.
Give it a shot.
背面 男子被发现死在停车场
“债券持续亏损让道琼斯指数下挫7 15%”
‘Further bond losses push Dow down 7.15.’
-我仿佛看到肖恩·康纳利扮演的邦德 -有意思
-l see Connery as Bond. -That’s funny.
还好奥利弗·斯通没有听你的 不然我们现在会怎样
lt’s a good thing Oliver Stone wasn’t listening to you. Where would we be?
We would have been spared sitting through Wall Street.
-《华尔街》全球票房♥多少 -七千万 七千五百万 或者八千万吧
-What did Wall Street do worldwide? -70, 75, maybe 80.
八千万啊 还有几个奥斯卡奖
$80 million, a couple Oscars.
我觉得拉里的意思我们都理解了 继续吧
l think Larry’s point is well taken. Let’s move on.
能不能跟我们说一下 那个泰勒·哈克福德的项目
Can you give us an update on the Taylor-Hackford project?

l was thinking what an interesting concept it is…
艺术创作的过程中 把编剧这个角色完全取消
to eliminate the writer from the artistic process.
或者把演员和导演一起取消了 我们还真能拍出大♥片♥呢
lf we can get rid of the actors and directors, maybe we’ve got something.
你好啊 沃特
Hello, Walter.
宾至如归 不要客气
Make yourself at home.
米尔先生 我理解你为什么今天来晚了
Mr. Mill, l understand you were late coming in this morning.
You all right?
I’m fine.
l appreciate your concern.
What can l do for you?
Don’t tell me you came here to pitch me a story?
That’s exactly what l’ve come to do.
是个很好的故事 可以说是关于一个编剧的
lt’s a good one, too. lt’s about a writer, sort of.
David Kahane.
Who’s David Kahane?
-你见过他 -我见过大把编剧
-You met him. -l meet a lot of writers.
但是这个编剧昨晚 在里亚托戏院后面被谋杀了
But this writer was murdered last night in back of the Rialto Theater.
想想看啊 帕萨迪纳 跟别的地方没什么不同
Come to think of it, Pasadena’s as good a place to die as any.
What’s the story?
在好莱坞 制片人经常要求编剧用25字以下描述自己的故事
