噢那个人啊 上个礼拜还自称查尔斯·福斯特·凯恩呢
Oh, that guy. Last week he said he was Charles Foster Kane.
A week before that it was Rhett Butler.
Why would they think l would kill my own sister’s husband?
l was in love with him.
-格里芬 -马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 很高兴见到你
-Griffin? Griffin. -Malcolm McDowell, good to see you.
听着 下次你再想说我什么坏话
Listen. The next time you want to badmouth me…
have the courage to do it to my face.
You guys are all the same.
-喜欢这里吗 -很喜欢 这里很棒
-You love it there? -l love it. lt’s wonderful.
你很喜欢这项事业的对吧 这事情是怎样呢
You love your career, don’t you? What is it?
这就是完完全全的灾难 看看《天堂之门》最后怎样了吧
lt was a complete disaster. Look what happened in Heaven’s Gate.
We both are concerned…
about your career.
我的家乡那边 我很清楚人们的想法
Where l live, l know how people think and feel.
蒙大拿州就会终结你的事业 你看《天堂之门》就毁了西米诺
Montana will end you. lt ended Cimino in Heaven’s Gate.
-格里芬·米尔 你好啊 我是安迪·西维拉 -安迪 你好吗
-Griffin Mill, hi. Andy Civella. -Andy, how are you?
安迪·麦克道威尔正跟我坐一起呢 你也知道她吧 真是正啊
l’ve got Andie MacDowell sitting over here. You know her. She’s so hot.
-过来见个面吧 -现在还住纽约吗
-Come over and meet her. -Still living in New York?
我不能住这儿 我对幸福过敏似的
l couldn’t live here. I’m allergic to happiness.
安迪 很高兴又见到你 孩子们还好吗
Andie, it’s good to see you again. How are the kids?
很好 谢谢 他很棒 谢谢你
Great, thanks. He’s wonderful, thank you.
你们这群天才都互相认识啊 我是汤姆·奥克利
You geniuses know each other. Tom Oakley.
-你好汤姆 -你好吗
-Yes, Hi, Tom. -How are you?
-真有意思 我刚刚才碰到马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 -真的
-Funny. l just saw Malcolm McDowell. -Really?
罗迪·麦克道威尔 跟我表哥的姐夫还是亲戚呢
Roddy McDowall is related to a cousin of my brother-in-law.
Well, I’m not related to either one of them.
lf l write it, l direct it.
The last three pictures you directed were bombs!
谢谢你的饮料 我得走了
Thank you for the drink. l’ve got to go.
就要走了 我们送你去车子那
You’ve got to go? We’ll walk you to the car.
不 没事 不用劳烦了
No, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.
We’d like to buy you a drink.
不了 我还要见个人 是生意的事
l can’t. I’m meeting someone. Business.
We should tell him about Habeas Corpus.
当然了 但他是大忙人
Of course, but he’s a busy man.
-有人在等我吗 -没有
-ls there anyone waiting for me? -No one’s asked.
我要等个人 在外面泳池那边等
I’m expecting someone. l’ll be out by the pool.
但他会回复我们的 是吧格里芬
But he’ll get back to us. Right, Griffin?
噢 抱歉
Oh, sorry.
-天哪 安迪 是你啊 -当然是我了
-Jesus, Andy, it’s you. -Of course it’s me.
我现在不能跟你一起 刚才也说了 我在等人
l can’t ask you to join me. l told you. I’m meeting somebody.
那是啊 你要见我嘛 我们有大生意要谈
Yeah. You’re meeting me. We got some big business.
你 是你
You? You?
-为什么不能是我 -你♥他♥妈♥的觉得这很好玩
-Why not me? -You think this is fucking funny?
What are you talking about?
Wouldn’t she make a great Nora?
I’d love to write another Doll’s House for her.
Did you meet Tom Oakley?
-见过 你的意思是你没打电♥话♥给我 -没有
-Yes. You mean you didn’t call me? -No, l didn’t call you.
对不起 真的对不起
I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
听着 我真的在等人
Listen, l really am meeting somebody.
现在真的没时间听故事 明天打电♥话♥给我吧
There’s no way l can hear a pitch right now. Call me tomorrow.
明天不行 我跟派拉蒙和环球都有会面
No, l can’t do it tomorrow. l’ve got a meeting at Paramount and Universal.
-如果现在不听 你就错过了 -那就错过好了
-lf you don’t hear it now, you’ll lose. -Then l lose it.
只要20秒 等你朋友到了
lt’ll take 20 seconds. When your friend gets here…
-什么朋友 -你在等的人啊
-What friend? -Whoever you’re gonna meet.
Twenty-five words or less.
绝对的 你坐这里汤姆 说吧
Absolutely. You sit here, Tom. Go.
-一个站在道德十字路口的检察官 -汤姆 我的天哪
-The D.A. is at a moral crossroads. -Tom! Jesus Christ.
We open outside the largest penitentiary in California.
是一个下雨的晚上 一辆加长豪华车从大门进来
lt’s night. lt’s raining. A limousine comes through the gate…
past demonstrators holding a candlelight vigil.
The candles under the umbrellas glow like Japanese lanterns.
挺不错的 我还没见过这种场景 不错
That’s nice. l haven’t seen that before. That’s good.
一个孤独的示♥威♥者 一个黑人妇女 进到了这辆车里
A lone demonstrator, a black woman, steps in front of the limousine.
The lights illuminate her like a spirit.
Her eyes fix upon those of the sole passenger.
The moment is devastating between them.
男的是检察官 而这妇女是即将行刑的人的母亲
He’s the D.A. She’s the mother of the person being executed.
了不起啊 我跟你说了吧 他很厉害
You’re good! l told you he’s good.
Go on.
The D.A. believes in the death penalty.
这次处决也是个艰难的案子 19岁的黑人少年 罪证确凿
And the execution is a hard case. Black, 19, and definitely guilty.
The greatest democracy in the world,
and 36% of people on death row are black.
穷苦的 处在劣势的黑人
Poor, disadvantaged black.
He swears the next person he sees to die…
will be smart, rich and white.
-就跟你我这样的一样 -多好的开头啊
-You, me, whoever. -What a hook! Beauty hook.
Cut to the chase.
Cut from the D.A. to an up-market suburban neighborhood.
一对夫妻在争吵以后 丈夫驾车离开
A couple have a fight. He leaves in a fit, gets in a car.
lt’s the same rainy night.
车子翻了 掉到山沟里
The car spins out and goes into a ravine.
The body is swept away.
When the police examine the car, they find the brakes have been tampered with.
这是谋杀案 检察官决定追查到底
lt’s murder, and the D.A. decides to go for the big one.
He’s going to put the wife in the gas chamber.
But the D.A. falls in love with the wife.
当然 但他还是让她进了毒气室
Of course! But he puts her in the gas chamber anyway.
Then he finds that the husband is alive.
That he faked his death.
检察官冲进监狱 冲向死刑犯
The D.A. breaks into the prison, runs down death row…
but he gets there too late.
The gas pellets have been dropped.
She’s dead.
这么跟你说吧 在场没人不会哭的
l tell you, there’s not a dry eye in the house.
She’s dead?
她死了 因为这就是现实
She’s dead. She’s dead because that’s the reality.
The innocent die.
-谁来演检察官 -没谁
-Who’s the D.A.? -No one.
No one?
这片子里不用大明星 这次我们打算做得不一样
No stars on this project. We’re going out on a limb on one.
Like unknown stage actors…
或者英国演员 比如那个谁谁
or maybe somebody English like what’s-his-name.
-为什么 -“为什么”
-Why? -Why?
这个故事本身太重要了 不能被演员本身影响
This story is too damned important to risk being overwhelmed by personality.
动作片可能无所谓 但这个很特殊
That’s fine for action pictures, but this is special.
We want real people.
We don’t want people coming with any preconceived notions.
-我们是要展现一个真实的检察官 -布鲁斯·威利斯吧
-We want ’em to see a district attorney. -Bruce Willis.
不能是布鲁斯·威利斯 也不能是凯文·科斯特纳
Not Bruce Willis or Kevin Costner.
This is an innocent woman fighting for her life.
-茱莉亚·罗伯茨吧 -如果能请到的话
-Julia Roberts. -lf we can get her.
We can!
如果真要让我说 这甚至都不是美国电影
lf I’m perfectly honest, this isn’t even an American film.
-不是吗 -嗯 不能有明星
-lt’s not? -No. There are no stars.
没有大团圆结局 没有施瓦辛格 没有老段子
No pat happy endings, no Schwarzenegger, no stickups…
no terrorists.
这是一个难受的故事 一个悲剧 无辜的女人死去了
This is a tough story, a tragedy in which an innocent woman dies.
为什么 因为现实就是这样
Why? Because that happens!
Habeas Corpus.
我们起的片名 副标题”死亡在这里诞生”怎么样
That’s what we’re calling it. ‘Produce the Corpse.’ What do you say?
That pitch was more than 25 words.
但这很棒啊 你觉得怎样
But it’s brilliant! What’s the verdict?
-米尔先生 给你的 -谁给你的
-Mr. Mill, for you. -Who gave this to you?
-我在前台收到的 -这是什么
-l received it at the front desk. -What is it?
