“When I’m walkin’ with my darlin’
“And we’re holdin’ hands
“And life is fine
“’cause she understands
“Walkin’ down the sunny street
“GiVin’ pretty flowers
“To the people that we meet
“And I giVe a flower to the big, fat cop
“他拿起他的警棍, 毒打我一顿
“He takes his club, and he beats me up
“I giVe a flower to the garbage man
“He stuffs my girl in the garbage can
“And I giVe it to the landlord when the rent comes ’round
“He throws it in a toilet
“And he flush it down
“It goes into the sewer
“With the yuck runnin’ through her
“And it runs into the riVer that we drink
“World, you stink
“It’s later than you think
“So you got just one more chance
“来吧, 宝贝, 当我在跳舞
“Come on, baby, while I dance
“爱, 爱力量
“LoVe, loVe power
“I’m talkin’ ’bout
“LoVe power
“The power of a little flower
“You don’t think about those little flowers
“不. 你想到的只有枪
“No. All you think about is guns
“If everybody in the world today
“Had a flower instead of a gun
“There would be no wars
“There would be one big smell-in
“Just a flower!”
…my flower.
你对我的花做了什么, 哥们?
What’d you do to my flower, man?
你伤害它. 和别的一样.
You hurt it. Like everything else.
别的那些. 不是花.
EVerything else. No flower.
That’s our Hitler!
Your Highness.
There’s the Times’ drama critic.
靠近看看麦克斯比亚韦斯托克 钉进棺材的最后一个钉子.
Watch closely as Max Bialystock puts the last nail into the coffin.
Good evening.
晚上好, 先生.
Good evening, sir.
总是乐于迎接 新闻媒体的嘉宾.
Always delighted to greet the gentlemen of the press.
给你, 先生.
Here you are, sir.
靠通道的两个位置, 管理方请客.
Two on the aisle, compliments of the management.
等等… 等一下. 好像有什么错误.
Wait… Wait a moment. There seems to be some mistake.
There’s a $100-bill wrapped around these tickets.
That’s no mistake.
Enjoy the show.
比亚韦斯托克先生, 你以为你在做什么?
Mr. Bialystock, just what do you think you’re doing?
I’m bribing you.
合作点, 以后还有更多的.
Just play ball, there’s a lot more where that came from.
Keep this buttoned.
立正! 站直! 站直! 始终站直!
Straight! Up! Up! Always up!
先生们, 魔力时刻到了. 祝你好运.
Gentlemen, it is magic time. Good luck.
Good luck.
今晚, 百老汇, 明天…
Tonight, Broadway, tomorrow…
So much for Nazi failure.
He’ll kill us.
麦克斯, 来吧, 序曲开始了.
Max, come on, the oVerture’s started.
This is it!
抱歉. 我有点紧张.
Sorry. I’m a little nerVous.
放松. 两小时后, 我们就不用担心了.
Relax. In two hours, our worries will be oVer.
“Germany was haVing trouble
“What a sad, sad story
“Needed a new leader
“To restore its former glory
“哪里, 他在哪?
“Where, where was he?
“Where could that man be?
“We looked around and then we found
“The man for you and me
“And now it’s…
“Springtime for Hitler
“And Germany
“Deutschland is happy and gay
“We’re marching to a faster pace
“小心, 这里来了
“Look out, here comes
“The master race
“Springtime for Hitler
“And Germany
“Winter for Poland and France
“Springtime for Hitler
“And Germany
“来吧, 德国人
“Come on, Germans
“Go into your dance
“I was born in Dusseldorf
“And that is why they call me Rolf”
“别犯傻, 放聪明
“Don’t be stupid, be a smarty
“Come and join the Nazi party!”
“Springtime for Hitler
“And Germany
“Goose step’s
“The new step today
“Bombs falling
“From the skies again
“Deutschland is on the rise again
“Springtime for Hitler
“And Germany
“U-boats are sailing
“Once more
Talk about bad taste!
“Springtime for Hitler
“And Germany
“Means that
“Soon we’ll be going
“We’Ve got to be going
“You know we’ll be going
“To war”
Let us repair to the bar across the street.
We don’t want to be here during intermission.
They’ll stone us to death.
“我亲爱的. 我亲爱的, 宝贝. 我亲爱的!
“I lieb you. I lieb you, baby. I lieb you!
“Now lieb me alone.”
哈里, 他好有趣.
Harry, he’s funny.
– 来吧! – 来吧!
– Come on! – Come on!
“If you need me so much…
“…why don’t you pay attention to me…
“…you big dictator?”
“You chicks!
“你这小妞! 你也一样!
“You chicks! You all alike!
“All you think about is…
“…做♥爱♥, 做♥爱♥, 做♥爱♥, 做♥爱♥!
“…lieben, lieben, lieben, lieben!
“是不是忘记了, 宝贝, 我发过誓.
“Don’t you forget, baby, I took an oath.
“Deutschland uber alles!”
“所以, 冷静点, 我要在地图上策划战役.”
“So, cool it, while I map out my campaign.”
