好 年轻人 你大声说 我要听清楚
OK, kid, out loud now, so as I can hear what you’re sayin’.
I’m checkin’ the passengers, getting on and off.
Uh-huh. Yeah. – Front and back.
然后关门 先关前面的 再关后面的
Shuttin’ the doors. Rear section first. Then the front section.
And the doors are closed.
我立即检查指示灯 确定门都锁上了
Now I’m checkin’ indicator lights to make sure the doors are locked.
接着取下开关的钥匙 再探身车外
I remove my key, go back out the window for a distance of three oar lengths
to make sure no one’s bein’ dragged. – [indistinct chatter]
51街是下一站 下一站 51街
51 st Street next stop. Next stop, 51 st Street.
How’d I do?
年轻人 给你一个建议
Now you take my advice, kid.
六个月的培训期你要好好干 然后去报考司机
You serve your six months, and then you put in for the motorman.
看好 要进站了
Watch it now, we’re comin’ in.
59街 – 不 不对
59th Street. – No, it ain’t.
51街 对不起 这站是51街
[man over PA] 51st Street. Sorry, this station is 51st Street.
[man 2] Never say you’re sorry, kid.
不然可能会有人跑过来 扁你鼻子!
Someone may come back here and hit you in your damn nose!
大环站是下一站 下一站 大环站
Grand Central Station next stop. Next stop, Grand Central.
如果我是你 我现在就开始准备司机考试了
If I was you I’d start studyin’ for that motorman exam right now.
说真的 马特森先生 我早就在准备了 想听点吗?
Tell you the truth, Mr. Mattson, I have been. Wanna hear some?
纽约地铁IRT线的车箱 每节长72英尺
Every car in the IRT is 72 feet long.
造价15万美元 重7.5万磅
Costs $150,000, weighs 75,000lbs.
我要在这儿下车 继续努力 你表现不错
This is where I be getting off. Hang in there, you’re doin’ fine.
Yeah, I’ll see ya.
嘿 你急什么 老大? 你没上车 我们是不会走的!
Hey, what’s the rush, chief? We ain’t gonna leave without ya!
33街是下一站 下一站是33街
[man] 33rd Street next stop. Next stop is 33rd.
怎么了 老兄? 没看过帅哥啊?
What’s wrong, dude? Ain’t you never seen a sunset before?
Hey! How am I supposed to see with you…?
天啊!你要干什么? – 我要抢你的列车
Holy God! What do you want? – I’m taking your train.
You’re takin’ my train?
转过来 我让你看样东西
Turn around. I got s-s-somethin’ to show ya.
怎么回事? – 闭嘴!
What’s goin’ on? – Shut up!
我只讲一次 把门打开 否则打爆你的头
I won’t tell you again. Open the door or I’ll blow your head off.
借过 行吗?
May I get by, please?
不行 你不会想进去的
No, you don’t wanna go in there.
Suppose I do anyway?
Then I’ll shoot your pee-pee off.
现在再探出窗外 告诉我你看到了什么
Now just go back out the window and tell me what you see.
Someone leanin’ against the head car.
The second he comes aboard, you sh-sh-shut the doors.
手不要碰麦克风 老兄
Keep your hand off the microphone, buddy.
怎样 绿色先生? – 十全十美 蓝色先生
All right, Mr. Green? – 100 percent, Mr. Blue.
Get moving, will you?
队长 – 喔!
谢利 麻烦你 把这交给楼上那个笨蛋
Shelley, give that to the meathead upstairs, will ya?
请这边走 跟我来
[woman] Right this way. Just follow me.
谢利 有没有看到加伯队长? – 在那里
Shelley, have you seen Lieutenant Garber?
喔!队长 你真好 把休息时间挪出来
Oh! Lieutenant, it’s so nice of you to leave your duties long enough
to escort our distinguished guests around the facilities.
我来介绍一下 吉村先生
May I present to you Mr. Yashimura. – [exchange greetings]
Mr. Matsumoto.
Mr. Tomashita.
And Mr. Naka… Nakabashi?
Uh, these gentlemen are all directors of the Tokyo Metropolitan Subway System.
各位 这位是扎卡里·加伯队长
And gentlemen, I’d like you to meet Lieutenant Zachary Garber
of our own New York Transit Authority Police.
幸会 各位
A pleasure, gentlemen.
结束后 请带他们上13楼
When you’re finished, send them up to 13.
The chairman would like to say goodbye to them personally, OK?
Sayonara! – [foreign language]
跟我来 各位 纽约市地铁的规模 是世界上最大的
Follow me, gentlemen. New York City Subway is the largest in the world,
铁轨总长237英里 7,000节…
with 237 miles of track, 7,000…
各位 请 纽约市地铁的规模是世界上最大的
Gentlemen, please. New York City Subway is the largest in the world.
有7,000节车箱 铁轨总长237英里…
7,000 cars, 237 miles of track…
好就说一声 蓝色先生 – 你继续 好吗?
Say “when”, Mr. Blue. – You just keep going, will you?
你还在支线 为什么不上主线? 这样就一路都是绿灯了
You’re still in switchin’. Why don’t you peg it up? You’re green all the way.
我们不急 啊啾!
We’re in no hurry. [sneezes]
Your cold sounds pretty bad.
I woke up in the middle of the night with it.
怎么了? – 剧烈车震
What happened? – Must’ve bucked.
你不是说会开吗 – 不是我的问题
You told me you could drive this thing.
是列车的问题 它常常晃来晃去的 像只狗一样
It wasn’t me, it’s the train. She bucks all the time. She’s a dog.
This is the headquarters of the Transit Police,
这大楼的二楼 整个都是
which occupies the entire second floor of this building.
We call it the nerve center.
Right over here, the status board pinpoints the disposition
of every Transit Authority patrolman presently in the field.
对了 好好拍一张
That’s it. Get a good shot of that.
Things are usually jumpin’ pretty good in here.
我想你们东京地铁 也有各式各样的犯罪 是吗?
I suppose you gentlemen have your share of crime in the Tokyo subways, right?
Right? Well, that’s the way it goes.
勤务调动在这里进行 每台桌子负责一条线路 有BMT线 IRT线
These are the assignment desks. One for each of the lines: the BMT, the IRT,
here’s the IND.
There’s our artist in residence.
里面那个是行动队长 里科·帕绰尼先生
And right through here is our operations lieutenant, Mr. Rico Patrone,
每到周末 他就忙着打击犯罪
who, on weekends, works for the Maia.
里科 你来会会董事长的好朋友
Rico, I’d like you to meet some good friends of the chairman.
大家好 – 非常好的朋友 里科
[Rico] Hiya. – Very good friends, Rico.
里科 他们都是东京地铁的高阶主管
Rico, these are the directors of the Tokyo subway.
Why don’t you tell these gentlemen about some of the exciting things
你何不说给大家听听 里科
that have happened in the New York City Subway System lately, Rico.
Well, we had a bomb scare in the Bronx yesterday.
But it turned out to be a cantaloupe.
我在忙 扎克 可以了吗?
I’m busy, Zach, OK?
In the course of a normal work week,
一般的地铁警♥察♥ 要经常面对各种犯罪活动例如 抢劫 攻击
the average TA policeman deals with such crimes as robbery, assault,
谋杀 酗酒
murder, drunkenness,
疾病 破坏公物
illness, vandalism,
漫骂 性骚扰
abusiveness, sexual molestation,
你叫什么名字 司机? – 丹尼·多伊尔 先生
[Green] What’s your name, motorman? – Denny Doyle, sir.
被罚过吗? – 一次
Ever been written up? – Yes, sir. Once.
为什么? – 闯红灯 你呢?
What for? – Runnin’ a red signal. How about you?
两次 一次是在卡纳瑞萨…
Twice. Once on the Canarsie…
好了 绿色先生 告诉多伊尔先生 你要怎么做
That’s right, Mr. Green. Tell Mr. Doyle all about yourself, will you?
好 停在这里
OK. Stop it about here.
我要拿你的制动手把和反向匙 丹尼
I’m takin’ your brake handle and the reverse key, Denny.
I want your cuttin’ key also.
That’s it.
再过一两分钟 行控中心会呼叫你
You’ll be hearing from Command Center in a minute or two.
不要理会 听到没 多伊尔先生?
You won’t answer, you will ignore the call. Is that clear, Mr. Doyle?
听到了 先生 随他们去呼叫 我都听不见
Yes, sir. They can call all they want. I’m deaf.
谢谢 灰色先生 – 不客气 呃…绿色先生 对吗?
Thanks, Mr. Grey. – Don’t mention it, Mr. Green, right?
对 驾驶室钥匙给我 车长
Right. Let’s have your cab key, conductor.
不行啊 我不能这样做
I can’t do that. I ain’t supposed to do that.
我数到三你就完了 车长 一 二…
You got three seconds to live, conductor. One, two…
好 好 好
我这工作要飞了 他要做什么?
It’ll mean my job. What’s he gonna do?
我讲出来就一点都不刺…刺…激了 你说是不是?
You wouldn’t want me to spoil the s-s-surprise, would you?
原地待命 等通知再恢复正常速度
Until then, stay where you are. Go back to normal speed when…
行控中心呼叫佩勒姆 123 请回答
Command Center callin’ Pelham One Two Three. Come in, please.
对不起 我的习惯动作 忍♥不住的
Sorry, I couldn’t help it. It was automatic.
佩勒姆 123 听到回答
[man] Pelham One Two Three, do you read me?
听到回答 佩勒姆 123
Come in, Pelham One Two Three.
佩勒姆 123 你死到哪去了?
Pelham One Two Three, where the fuck are you?
喂!这么急 干嘛呀?
Hey! What’s the goddamn hurry?
我不是说过吗 我塔台的人把婚戒掉到马桶里了
