你的移♥动♥ 相进马四
Your move: bishop to knight four.
我的移♥动♥ 马进车三
My move: knight to rook three.
可怜的孩子 你快要输了 不是吗
Poor baby, you’re startin’ to lose it, aren’t ya ?
你的移♥动♥ 王进车一
Your move: king to rook one.
我的移♥动♥ 车进马六
My move: rook to knight six.
将死 将死
Checkmate. Checkmate.
You cheatin’ bitch.
乔德斯 他在干嘛
Childs, what’s he doin’ ?
Circlin’ the camp.
Who is he ?
-上面写着诺格什么的 -那是挪威人
-Said Norge or something on the side. -That’s Norwegian.
-乔治 你没事吧 -还好 还好 我没事
-George, are you okay ? -Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.
Yeah. What’s goin’ on down there ?

Watch it !
放松 放松
Easy. Easy.
放松 好
Easy. Yes.
First goddamn week of winter.
哦 快点 只缝四针 只不过是轻微的擦伤
Oh, come on. Four stitches. Barely grazed ya.
他们飞这么低 到底要干什么
What were they doing flying that low,
-向狗还有我们射击 -嗯 发疯了吧
-shooting at a dog, at us ? -Hmm, stir-crazy,
“幽居病” 谁知道呢
cabin fever, who knows ?
美国31号♥ 呼叫麦克马都 请回话 完毕
U.S. Number 31, calling McMurdo. Come in, over.
美国31号♥ 呼叫麦克马都 紧急情况
U.S. number 31, calling McMurdo, urgent !
请回话 完毕
Come in, over.
-快点 快点 -没有人
-Come on, come on. -Nobody !
没有人 一定要与人联♥系♥上 任何人都行
Nobody ? Get ahold of somebody. Get ahold of anybody !
We gotta report this mess !
看 在两星期内我办不到
Look, I haven’t been able to reach shit in two weeks !
我怀疑在这整个大♥陆♥上是否 有人对其他人说话
I doubt if anybody’s talked to anybody on this entire continent,
and you want me to reach somebody !
Maybe we at war with Norway.
I was wondering when
El Capitan能有机会使用他的玩具枪
EI Capitan was gonna get a chance to use his popgun.
-他们在那儿驻扎了多长时间了 -据说只有8个星期
-How long they been stationed there ? -It says here only eight weeks.
-那还不足以使人变疯 -胡说 布瓦纳
-That’s not long enough for guys to go bonkers. -Bullshit, Bwana.
Five minutes is enough to put a man over down here.
-真可恶 -我是说 你们看帕尔马
-Damn straight. -I mean, look at Palmer.
自从第一天开始 他就这么独来独往
He been the way he is since the first day.
-他们一共有多少人 -最初是有十个
-How many in their party ? -They started with ten.
-现在还剩八个 -你怎么知道
-There’d be eight others left. -How do we know ?
Guys as crazy as that could have done a lot of damage
他们就都疯了 自相残杀
to their own before they got to us.
-我们什么也做不了 -哦 当然能 我去他们那
-Nothing we can do. -Oh, yes there is. I want to go up.
-在这样的天气吗 -我们开始吧
-In this weather ? -Bennings ?
-风稍后会停止一小会儿 -一小会儿
-Winds are gonna let up a tad next couple of hours. -A tad ?
我不能容忍♥这种事 去挪威基地只有一小段路
Can’t condone it much myself, but it is a short haul.
一小时去 一小时回来
An hour there, an hour back.
-妈的 博士 我会载你的 -算了吧 帕尔马
-Shit, Doc, I’ll give you the lift. No problem. -Forget it, Palmer.
Thanks for thinkin’ about it though.
装着煤油 15罐
Loaded with kerosene. I count 15 cans.
-麦克瑞德 -麦克 带上装备
-MacReady ! -Mac, get your gear on.
大概有一个星期天气会不太好 我们是离他们最近的
It may not clear up for a week, and we’re the closest to ’em.
我飞过去也没什么 博士
It’s all right by me, Doc.
我只想让你知道 我们这是在冒险
I’m just letting you know we’re taking a chance.
别唱反调 麦克瑞德
Quit griping, MacReady.
如果我们遇上大暴风雪 你就来挖你的博士和飞行员吧
If we get caught in a white-out, you can scratch one doctor and one pilot.
这天就是这样 你一起飞 天气就会变好了
This is real thin. It’ll clear as soon as you get up.
你决定吧 麦克
It’s up to you, Mac.
如果你不想飞 我们就不飞过去
If you don’t wanna fly, we don’t fly.
-你真的想救这些发了疯的瑞典人 -是挪威人
-You really wanna save those crazy Swedes, huh ? -Norwegians.
-哪条路 博士 -西南方向
-Which way, Doc ? -Southwest.
我腾不出手 只好由你来看地图了
You have to read the map ’cause I’m gonna be busy.
Mac’s really taking it up, huh ?
He knows what he’s doing.
诺斯 你能不能把那该死的东西关上
Nauls, will you turn that crap down ?
我正准备睡会儿觉 我今天中了枪
I’m trying to get some sleep. I was shot today.
-好吧 布瓦纳
-Oui, Bwana. Will do.
Anybody there ?
嗨 瑞典人
Hey, Sweden ?
他们不是瑞典人 麦克 他们是挪威人
They’re not Swedish, Mac, they’re Norwegian.
Mac !
上帝 这里到底发生了什么
My God ! What the hell happened here ?
快点 博士
Come on, Doc.
Portable video unit.
-什么事 -都是用挪威文写的
-Anything ? -It’s all in Norwegian.
你在干什么 博士
What are ya doin’, Doc ?
这可能是很重要的东西 我想把它带回去
It could be important work. I wanna take it back with us.
要来不及了 我们快点儿
It’s gettin’ late. Let’s hurry it up.
I’ll check out the last few rooms.
嗨 考柏 到这儿来
Hey, Copper, come here !
也许他们找到了化石 冻在冰层中的动物残骸
Maybe they found a fossil, the remains of some animal buried in the ice,
他们把冰破开 取了出来
and they chopped it out.
可那东西在哪 看这个
But where is it ? Look at this.
What is that ?
Is that a man in there or something ?
不管它是什么 他们匆忙中烧焦了它
Whatever it is, they burned it up in a hurry.
帮我找个铲子 博士
Help me find a shovel, Doc.
-我们找到了这个 -上帝啊
-We found this. -Jesus Christ !
布莱尔 我希望你马上 作一下尸体解剖
Blair, I’d like you to start an autopsy right away.
-联络到什么人了吗 -联络谁
-Did you reach anybody yet ? -Reach anybody ?
数千公里方圆内都 没有什么人啊 老兄
We’re a thousand miles from nowhere, man,
在情况转好之前 也许会变得更糟
and it’s gonna get a hell of a lot worse before it gets any better !
好 坚持住 温都思 坚持住
Well, stick to it, Windows, stick to it.
从生理学角度来看 这个挪威人 没有什么问题
Nothin’ wrong with this Norwegian, physiologically anyway.
-没有吸毒 没有喝酒 什么都没有 -嗯
-No drugs, no alcohol, nothin’. -Hmm.
好吧 不管怎么说 就像我们所见的这样
Well, what we got here is what appears to be, anyway,
a normal set of internal organs.
肺 肾 肝
Lungs, kidneys, liver,
Seem to be normal.
-I know how this one ends.
克拉克 你能把这杂毛狗 牵到它该去的地方吗
Clark, will you put this mutt with the others where it belongs ?
好的 没问题
Yeah, okay.
Go ahead.
走吧 你还在等什么
Go ahead. What are you waiting for ?
我不知道 那里究竟发生了什么
I don’t know what the hell’s in there.
-不管是什么 太怪了 -本宁斯 去找乔德斯
-It’s weird and pissed off, whatever it is. -Bennings, go get Childs.
这是什么 怎么了
What is this ? What’s goin’ on ?
-嗨 帕尔马 这是什么 -我不知道
-Hey, Palmer, what is this ? -I don’t know.
乔德斯 麦克想要喷火器
Childs ! Mac wants the flamethrower !
-麦克想要什么 -不是说了吗
-Mac wants the what ? -That’s what he said !
-现在去 -妈的
-Now, move ! -Damn it !
-退后 -麦克 那是什么
-Stand back. -Mac, what is it ?
-不 不 上帝
-No ! No ! God !
-不要 不要 不 -回来 回来
-Don’t ! Don’t ! No ! -Get back ! Get back !
-到这儿来 烧它
-Get your ass over here ! Burn it !
妈的 乔德斯 烧了它
Damn it, Childs, torch it !
哦 我的上帝
Oh, my God.
哦 哦
Oh ! Ohh !
看 婊♥子♥养♥的♥
Look. Son of a bitch.
What we’re talking about here is an organism…
它模仿其它生物的形态 而且可以非常完美的模仿
that imitates other life-forms, and it imitates them perfectly.
When this thing attacked our dogs,
它试图去消化它们 吸收它们
it tried to digest ’em, absorb them.
And in the process shape
its own cells to imitate them.
这是举个例子 那不是狗

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
