It felt like being in a movie.
一个令人兴奋的 奢侈的 浪漫冒险
an exciting, extravagant, romantic adventure.
The Yellow Rolls-Royce.
I can be quick when I pack.
I have a messenger group with my girlfriends.
My friends are freaking out.
“这人是谁 你是怎么认识他的 你可能会被绑♥架♥”
“Who is this guy? How do you know him? You can be abducted.”
我当时说 “我都没想过这种事 我就是在约会”
I was like, “Oh, I didn’t even think about that. I’m on a date, you know.”
到了机场 有一整个团队都在等着我们
At the airport, there is the entire team waiting for us.
一个很高的人 我猜他就是保镖
A really tall guy, which I presume is the bodyguard.
有几个司机 还有他的小女儿
There’s a couple of drivers, and you have his little daughter.
I see this woman that’s with Simon’s daughter.
Simon tells me that that’s the baby’s mother
and that they’re going to be on the plane with us.
His ex is joining us on our first date together,
我心里想 “好吧 这一定很有趣”
and I’m kind of like, “Well, this can be interesting.”
早上好 你好吗 很好 早上好
Morning. How are you? Ah, good. Morning.
你在飞机上拍视频了吗 能给我看看吗
Did you take videos on the plane? Show me?
拍了 那感觉就像是最差劲的人
Yes. It’s like the worst person.
That’s what one of my friends would say.
“你能不能别表现得那么尴尬吗” 但我当时真的非常兴奋
“Can you stop being so awkward?” But I was very excited about it, you know.
那里有香槟和鱼子酱 我之前从未吃过鱼子酱
It was champagne with caviar. I’ve never eaten caviar before.
然后还有寿司 那里就像一个完全不同的世界
And then it was sushi. And it was like it was a totally different world.
如果我喜欢某人 我会在他的脸颊上亲一下
If I like someone, I’ll give them a little kiss on the cheek.
当时我的动作很快 但感觉非常自然
It was quick, but it just felt very natural.
(保加利亚 索非亚)
落地后 我和孩子的妈妈 还有孩子 我们上了一辆车
When we landed, me and the baby’s mother and the baby, we went into a car.
当然 我也会借此机会问一些问题
Of course, I take the opportunity to ask some questions.
She tells me what a wonderful father he is,
他仍然抚养支持她们 即使他们已经不在一起了
that he’s still supporting them even though they’re not together anymore,
听到这番话 感觉真的很棒
which was really, really nice to hear.
When we go to the hotel, we check in,
and when we’re walking into the elevator together,
exactly when the door closes,
他搂着我的腰 看着我
he takes me around the waist and he just looks at me
and he draws me in and just gives me this kiss,
我当时心想 “靠 心里小鹿乱撞)”
and I was like, “Oh, shit,” you know, the kind of butterflies…
那动作充满激♥情♥ 那是你能拥有的
It was passionate, and was just the perfect first kiss
that you could have, you know.
-你们一起睡了 -我们一起睡了
You sleep together? -We sleep together.
And then, later on, I could see that he has some marks on his back.
我当时问 我在抚摸的地方 这是怎么回事
I was just wondering, like, what is this? Where, like, I was touching it.
然后他说 “好吧)”
And then he was kind of like, “Oh, well…”
他并不知道具体该怎么说 但他说
He didn’t exactly know how to say it, but it was, like,
他曾在南非坐过牢 我说 “什么”
he had been in jail in South Africa. And I was like, “What?”
Just trust me once more.
Why should I?
他之前在那里做过一笔交易 而他们
He had a deal going on there, and they had
背叛 出♥卖♥♥♥了他
turned their backs against him and betrayed him.
So he had gone in prison on false pretenses.
He was innocent.
因为他是犹太人 所以在监狱里受到看粗暴的对待
He had been manhandled in prison because he was Jewish.
Here was this guy I thought had everything going for him
和我在一起坐在床上 感觉很脆弱
sitting on the bed with me, being really vulnerable.
别转移话题 把邮票给我
Just give me the stamps.
我爱你 亚当 亚历克斯 彼得)
Oh. Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter…
Here’s this kind of person that you want to save,
especially ’cause he has so much responsibility on his back.
Everyone is relying on him.
Even though things had gone very quickly with us,
但当我坐在那里 我感觉和一个人有一种情感上的联♥系♥
but when I sit there and I feel an emotional connection with someone
他们对我敞开心扉 我就是这样的人
and they’re opening up, that’s just how I am as a person.
他开始接到很多电♥话♥ 最后他就说
He starts getting a lot of calls, and, in the end, he just says,
“我们太忙了 我觉得你最好还是回家吧”
“We’re so busy. I think it’s best if you just go back home.”
其实我当时有点失望 我有点想)
I was a bit disappointed, actually. I was kind of like…
I wanted to spend more time with him.
(英格兰 伦敦)
我回到伦敦后 我以为我们的联♥系♥就会消失
When I came back to London, I thought the conversation would die out.
I didn’t expect anything.
我就感觉我只是多认识他了一些 但我并没有真正“了解他”
I felt like I knew him more, but I didn’t really “know him” know him.
比如我有多特别 我感觉很特别 但他一走 谁知道呢
Like, how special was I? I felt special, but, like, when he leaves, you never know.
我心里在期待 我当时真的希望
I was hoping. I was really hoping
that he was gonna come back.
But then kept going with, like, good morning messages to each other
晚安 还进行视频通话
and good night messages, and FaceTime.
He was, like, tagging me where he was going.
(我也想去维也纳 看起来好漂亮)
当我在工作的时候 你可以听到手♥机♥的响声
When I was at work, you could hear the pinging in your phone,
心里想 “我希望是他发来的消息”
and it was, like, “I hope that it’s him.”
他突然问我 “你的地址是哪儿”
He just suddenly asked me, “So what’s your address?”
Never, ever received a bouquet like that.
想你 想和你待在一起) 亲亲你 抱抱你
Miss you. Wanna spend some time together… Kiss you, hug you.
感觉我们之间有特别的感情 他也是这么对我说的
Feel like we have something special, and he says so to me.
所以我就感觉 “靠 这就是真爱吗”
So I’m kind of like, “Oh, shit. Is this it?”
(谷歌♥地图 伦敦公园路四季酒店)
Ah, it was so nice seeing him again.
我都无法向别人描述这种感觉 就是你真的很想见某个人
I can’t even describe to someone. Like, when you really want to see someone.
感觉你是他的女朋友 这是最好的感觉
Just feeling that you’re his girl is like the best feeling.
(是的 没错 亲爱的)
但后来就很难见到他了 因为他经常出差
But then it was difficult to meet up with him. He was traveling a lot for business.
我准备回我在奥斯陆的家 然后我在想
I was going home to Oslo and I was thinking,
“Well, you can come to Oslo!”
And that was one of the things he said,
“但宝贝 我在奥斯陆没有任何事可做 那里没有我的生意”
“But, babe, I don’t have anything to do in Oslo. There’s no business,”
我当时非常想他 我当时说 “我再也见不到你了”
and I was missing him so much, I was like, “I’m never gonna be able to see you.”
(奥斯陆 欧陆酒店)
You’re kidding me.
你是个那么忙的人 然后你决定乘坐私人飞机
You’re such a busy guy, and you decide to take a private jet
在凌晨三点抵达这里 来这里看我
and land at like 3:00 a.m. to come and see me.
于是我去了他的酒店 还给他买♥♥了个情人节礼物
So I go to his hotel. I bought him, like, a Valentine’s present.
It was a book about having a relationship with a Norwegian.
And then I had made, like, ten things about him
让他很棒的事 都是我自己写的
that makes him wonderful, which I’d written myself.
And then he just asked me,
“我对你的感情很认真 你想成为我的女朋友吗”
“I am serious about you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
我就感觉 “天啊” 这正是你想听到的话
And I’m kind of like, “Oh, shit.” The kind of words that you wanted to hear.
对 然后我们就在一起了
Yeah. And then we were together.
That’s when he said there was something he wants to tell me
if we’re gonna be together.
It was better to be open and honest about how his life was
than to keep it hidden.
He was just talking about this big deal that he needed to get done,
and the deal was worth $70 million,
but the diamond industry is a dangerous business.
He had these threats surrounding his security.
他在以色列有一个安保团队 彼得好像就是团队的头
He had a security team in Israel. Peter was like the head of it.
Threats had gotten worse.
他给我看了一些照片 比如他们邮箱里收到了子弹
He showed me pictures of, like, they had gotten bullets in the mail.
Funeral flowers had been sent.
He had CCTV of an apartment in Tel Aviv.
He had a break-in there.
安保团队告诉他 他在伦敦不再安全
