就算他不在这 我们也能一起完成
even though he wasn’t there, to do it together.
The view is out to the Piazza at Covent Garden.
(太棒了 亲爱的 太感谢你了)
塞西莉 亲爱的 我爱你 我想你 我等不及要见你
Cecilie, my love, I love you, I miss you. I can’t wait to see you.
半夜的时候 我收到彼得的照片 他是西蒙的保镖
In the middle of the night, I get a picture of Peter, Simon’s bodyguard.
西蒙发过来“彼得受伤了” 我在想“怎么回事”
Simon is writing “Peter hurt,” and I’m like, “What the fuck?”
好吧 就是今晚
Well, this is the night.
你能写你的名字吗 当然 我也可以帮你写
Can you write your first name? Or I can write it, of course.
We’re in an ambulance.
Can you write that?
他说 “他们在追我 感谢彼得”
He just says that, “They were going after me. Thank God for Peter.”
“如果不是他 我就死定了”
“If not, I would be dead.”
没关系 亲爱的 没关系 我跟你说了我们在打仗 我们要坚强
It’s okay, love. It’s okay. I told you, we’re in a war. We need to be strong.
我不知道该怎么办 他说 “我们现在安全了”
I didn’t know what to do. And he just says, “We’re safe now.”
“我们有人照顾了 你只需要去睡觉”
“We’re being taken care of. You just need to sleep.”
第二天早上 西蒙给我发了个语♥音♥
The next morning, Simon sends me a voice note.
因为当时的情况 涉及安全什么的
Because of the situation, with the security and everything,
they told me I’m not allowed to use my credit card.
他不能使用他的信♥用♥卡♥了 因为他的安保团队说
He can’t use his cards anymore because the security team has said his enemies
他的敌人正在根据 他的信♥用♥卡♥消费记录来定位他
are tracing his spending and where he is based on his credit card use.
I wanted to ask you a favor.
If you have an American Express credit card,
I can link it to my account.
他只是想问问 他能不能借我的信♥用♥卡♥用一段时间
He was just wondering if he could use my cards for some time.
It would just help him a lot.
It’s just temporary, like, for, uh,
two weeks or something.
I’m his girlfriend.
他当然会问我 你相信我 我也相信你
Of course he would ask me. Like, you trust me and I trust you,
所以我们当然会互相帮助 这根本不是问题
so of course we’re gonna help each other. It wasn’t even a question.
白金美国运通卡在我的名下 他像说过的一样开始使用
The Platinum Amex is in my name, and he starts using it as he said he would,
but he maxes out quite quickly.
所以他直接向美国证券所付款 我收到了收据
So he makes payment directly to Amex, and I get the receipt from him,
他说钱就在路上 但与此同时
and he says that the money is on the way, but in the meantime,
他想让我去阿姆斯特丹 给他带2.5万美元的现金
he wants me to come to Amsterdam and bring some cash to him. $25,000.
(如果不能按时付清怎么办 不理解我们为什么需要现金))
How on Earth am I going to get that amount of cash?
我借了一笔贷款 取出了一些现金
I took out a loan, which I then took out in cash.
包里有那么多现金 我当时吓坏了
I was super scared having that amount of cash in my bag.
Especially when we went through security.
I was super stressed.
如果他们对钱有任何疑问 我该怎么解释
How was I gonna explain the money if I got any questions about it?
(荷兰 阿姆斯特丹)
我见到他的那一刻 就有安全感了 我最大的问题就是和他分开
The moment I’m with him, I feel safe. My biggest issue was being apart from him.
He was really grateful.
He told me that everything I was doing is keeping him safe.
但几个小时后 安保团队称出现了问题
But within hours, the security team said there was a problem.
出于安全考虑 他删除了自己的Instagram
He deletes his Instagram because of security measures,
然后他让我把我的账户 也设为私密账户
and then he asked me to make my account private.
Take it all away.
他说他们可以通过他 来找到我
He says that they can come and get me through him.
当然我会变得很多疑 这到底是怎么回事
Of course, I get paranoid. What the fuck is going on?
后来 西蒙接到了一个电♥话♥
Later on, Simon gets a call.
他跟彼得打电♥话♥ 并打开了免提 他说
He puts Peter on the speakerphone, and he says,
“西蒙 出现了一个安全漏洞 他们知道你在哪儿”
“Simon, there’s been a security breach. They know where you are.”
“飞机准备起飞了 我不能告诉你 你要去的地方”
“The plane is ready to leave. I can’t tell you where you’re going.”
Peter is asking if he can please turn off the lights in the apartment.
我当时害怕极了 他们现在要来了吗 我们锁门了吗
I’m shit scared. Are they coming now? Did we lock the door?
Just seeing someone that you care so much for in danger,
and, like, you can see that he was not doing well mentally.
I could see that he was struggling so much.
最后 他只告诉我 他必须要走了
And in the end, he just told me that he had to go.
他一着陆 就把位置发给了我 他抵达了斯德哥尔摩
When he lands, he sends me the geotag. He’s landed in Stockholm.
(瑞典 斯德哥尔摩)
他来这里了 非常心血来潮
He is here. Very spontaneous.
So I ask him…
The club is basically an ocean with women,
or as I call them, champagne girls.
They are basically like flies.
你放一个烂香蕉出来 苍蝇就会围过来
Like, you put out a rotten banana, and they just attack,
but these girls do the same thing when they see a bottle of champagne.
And Simon is of course paying for this entire circus.
他用现金支付 就为了确保每个人都玩得开心
He’s paying with cash and just making sure that everyone is having a good time.
他们都喝得酩酊大醉 尤其是西蒙的保镖彼得
All of them are quite drunk, especially Simon’s bodyguard, Peter.
This is not an environment that I want to be in.
所以我就待了10到15分钟 然后说
So I just stay for 10, 15 minutes and then just say,
“我们明天再聊吧 祝你们今晚玩儿得开心”
“Let’s talk tomorrow and enjoy your night and have fun.”
第二天早上 我发短♥信♥问他宿醉怎么样了
The morning after, I text him and ask how the hangover is
并问他如果想喝杯咖啡 我们就去喝一杯
and maybe if he needs a cup of coffee, we should go for one,
and then he texts me back.
He’s already in Spain.
(你怎么时候结束 宝贝 卡又不能用了)
(请给他们打电♥话♥ 我现在在酒店)
The Amex card is in my name.
Welcome to American Express.
所以我不得不假装 我是那个四处旅行的人
So I had to pretend that I was the one traveling around, you know.
I understand your card isn’t working.
我帮您联♥系♥能帮助您的人 说或输入)
I’ll connect you with someone who can assist. Say or enter…
我需要知道他到底花了多少钱 住在哪家酒店
I needed to know exactly the amount that he was spending, which hotel he was in,
so they would believe that I was the one using the card.
我们需要走了 我们需要旅行
We need to go. We need to travel.
这让事情变得很复杂 亲爱的
It’s making things very complicated, honey.
几个小时后他再次打来 卡又被禁用了
Couple of hours later he would call again, and it’s blocked again.
Welcome to American Express.
Then I need to call Amex,
and Simon had already told me that this would happen,
that it would be something that I would need to do at the start
to call them and fix this.
(卡又可以用了 什么情况)
The other problem was that the credit limit wasn’t enough.
我们必须让卡能用 让他能用信♥用♥卡♥ 因为他有一整个团队要养
We had to get it up so he could spend it, ’cause he had an entire team, you know.
于是我说 “好吧 但你现在打算怎么做呢”
So I was like, “Okay, but how are you going to do that?”
他说 “我可以雇用你”
He said, “Well, I can employ you.”
然后他打电♥话♥给LLD钻石公♥司♥的人 问我护照的详细信息
He then calls someone in LLD Diamonds and asks for my passport details,
so I can be put into the employment registry.
我只是想说 “我并不是真正在那里工作”
I just tried to say, “Well, I am not really working there.”
他说 “你在这里工作 我是总裁 如果他们打电♥话♥来 你就是被雇用了”
He’s like, “Well, you are. I’m the CEO. If they call, you are employed.”
如果不是大事 我是不会向你要任何东西的
I would never ask you for anything if it was not serious shit.
All these security issues,
你一直在我身边 所以谢谢你 亲爱的 我爱你
you’ve always been there for me, so thank you, my love.
我们当时正处于危机之中 不然我们还能做什么
We were in a crisis at this point. Like, what else are we gonna do?
然后我就被雇用了 我还收到了工资单
So then I got employed. I got pay slips.
-多少钱 -赚得非常多
How much? -Earning so much.
I think it was, like, $94,000 per month.
我发这个单子给工作人员 来证明我赚得这么多
I send this over to prove that I earn much more.
That makes them raise the credit limit like this.
当然 你还是有点担心的
Of course, you are a bit worried,
but he sends me a receipt from Credit Suisse
where he’s making a transfer directly to me.
It’s for $250,000.
It’s more than enough to pay for the amount that he was spending.
(一切都没事 别担心 亲爱的 一切都会没事的)
(希腊 米科诺斯岛)
Mykonos is like a perfect playground.
