你会看到很多游艇 很多名人 很多模特
You will see a lot of yachts, a lot of celebrities, a lot of models.
你也会为白天的派对 准备好你所有的比基尼
You pack all your bikinis, definitely, for the daytime parties as well.
I am on the phone with Simon,
and he tells me he has just met his new girlfriend.
我让他在米科诺斯岛和我们会合 他照做了
I tell him they should meet us in Mykonos, and he does.
(挪威 奥斯陆)
当时我正要去奥斯陆 去见我的朋友 我的家人
I was going to Oslo. To see my friends, see my family.
And I really wanted to introduce him.
我就一直等着他 他说他第二天就过来
I’m just waiting for him. He said he was gonna come the next day.
I meet Polina for the first time.
她是那种典型的俄♥罗♥斯♥模特 非常年轻 但她很务实
She’s this typical, like, Russian model. Quite young. But she’s very down to earth.
And I really liked her.
他似乎被她深深迷住了 他们看起来很般配
He seems very smitten over her. They seemed like a good match.
听着 我现在过不去了 我过不去了
Look, I cannot come right now. I cannot.
安保团队留住了他 “你需要远离”
The security team had told him, “You need to stay away.”
I felt deeply disappointed.
But what’s most important is actually to keep him safe.
当然 他已经预定了 带私人游泳池的豪华套房♥
Of course he had booked the grand suite, with own private pool.
那个房♥间大约一晚五千美元 非常豪华
It’s about $5,000 a night, this room. It’s absolutely gorgeous.
我知道你不愿意给银行打电♥话♥ 但有时这是必要的
I know you hate to ring up the bank, but sometimes it is necessary.
I need to book some tickets for the rest of the team.
Suddenly need to get so much money for this entire team
他们坐着商务舱 吃着昂贵的晚餐
that is traveling business class, that is having expensive dinners.
感觉就是他们和客户出去 花费达到了一个
Like, they’re going out with clients, and the spend is to another level
that you have never, ever seen before.
这是我一直在做的事 就是开会 不停地开会
This is what I do all the time. Just meetings and more meetings.
两万美元是一笔大数目 他们三天就花光了
$20,000 is a lot of money, and that was spent in three days.
西蒙问 “我们现在要去哪儿 做什么”
Simon asks, “Where should we go now?”
我们决定去糖果俱乐部 也被称为亿万富翁俱乐部
We decide to go to Bonbonniere, also known as the billionaire’s club.
You don’t get in here without paying for a table,
which is normally $2,000.
对这里的人来说 这点钱微不足道 就是喝个咖啡的钱
For people here, this is peanuts for them. This is coffee money.
(无法支付 请换卡支付)
他又刷爆了信♥用♥卡♥ 所以他告诉我去申请更多贷款
He maxes out the credit card again. So he told me to get more loans.
(我就是有点害怕 需要承担这么多的贷款)
别担心 我会完成这笔交易的 我需要支付香槟的钱
Don’t worry, I will finish this deal. Champagne’s on me.
Simon orders in a couple of bottles of champagne.
Before we even have time to try and chip in,
he has already paid for the bill.
Simon is very generous.
(我会补偿你的 我保证)
I take out a loan for $40,000.
西蒙和宝丽娜还在继续他们 小小的夏季旅行
Simon and Polina were continuing their little summer tour.
我想再做一笔交易 但没成功
I tried to do, like, another transaction, and it didn’t go through.
Every second or third day is a new request.
(我需要 尽快)
先是法国 然后他们去了维也纳 他们还去了瑞士
France, and then they were going Vienna. They were going Switzerland.
差不多了 我已经完成交易的97%了
Almost there. I’m 97% done with the deals.
每次他刷爆信♥用♥卡♥ 我就必须去申请新的贷款
Each time he maxes out the card, I have to take out a new loan.
易通宝银行五万美元 挪威银行 1.25万美元 信♥用♥卡♥一万美元
$50,000 Instabank. $12,500 DNB. $10,000 for a credit card.
(意大利 罗马)
“我们在罗马见吧 我们需要去看看斗兽场”
“Let’s meet up in Rome. We need to go and see the Coliseum.”
这辆神奇的劳斯莱斯幻影 带我们参观了所有著名景点
This amazing Rolls-Royce Phantom is taking us around all the famous sites,
比如西班牙阶梯 斗兽场
like the Spanish Stairs, the Coliseum,
the Trevi Fountain to throw a few pennies.
我的生活确实需要更多的运气 看看这能不能解决问题
I definitely need some more luck in my life. Let’s see if this can sort it out.
检查一下这张卡的情况 就现在 这很重要
Check what is going on with the card. Now. It’s important.
Money he had promised me still hasn’t come into my account.
我已经做过了 所以现在不重要
I’ve already done it so it doesn’t matter right now.
对于目前的情况 我们现在需要一个解决方案
We need a solution right now for the current situation.
It’s kind of like a pressure that I have never experienced before
to have someone’s life depending on what you’re doing.
我正面临着安全威胁 有人想杀我
You know, I’m facing security threats with people trying to kill me.
如果他不能用那张卡 出了什么问题 那他就有危险了
If he couldn’t use the card, if something went wrong, he could be in danger.
如果我不帮他 会发生什么
And if I didn’t help him, what might happen?
你为我做的事 我们一起经历的事
The things you’re doing for me, the things we’re going through together,
it’s for life.
这让我明白 你就是我的命中注定
This is what is making me see that you are the one.
独家银行两万美元 北欧联合银行一万五千美元
$20,000, Monobank. $15,000, Nordea.
我们都给彼此一个大大的拥抱 说我们应该很快再见面
We all give each other a big hug and say that we should meet again soon,
在这个美妙的夏天之后 真的
after just like an amazing summer, really.
How much had you taken?
25万美元 这不是我的初衷
$250,000. That’s not what I signed up for.
-很多钱 -是很大一大笔钱
A lot. -It is a lot of money.
I know you have done, uh, too much,
为了我 为了我们 为了一切
for me, for us, for everything.
我知道你累了 你想和我在一起
I know you’re tired and you want to be together,
当然 我也很想
which, of course, I do want as well.
我明白 但一切都会好的
I understand. Everything will be all right.
我很累 很烦 我就是需要一些钱
I was getting so tired and annoyed and I just needed some kind of money.
这时他说 “你可以到阿姆斯特丹来 我可以给你一张支票”
That’s when he says, “You can come to Amsterdam and I can give you a check.”
(荷兰 阿姆斯特丹)
他看起来更冷淡 没有之前那种感情了
He seemed colder. Wasn’t the same kind of affection.
他的眼睛里似乎有一片乌云 我无法看透
There was almost a cloud across his eyes that I couldn’t pierce through.
当我们进入公♥寓♥时 支票已经签好了
When we get into the apartment, the check is already there.
The check is worth much more than the debt I have now.
我们想要在一起 但我能感觉到之间有距离
We’re trying to be together. But I can just feel a distance.
It wasn’t a good night.
(英国 伦敦)
我从阿姆斯特丹回来的第一件事 就是把这张支票兑现
The first thing I do when I come back from Amsterdam is cash this check.
I really needed that check to go through.
我有八 九个债主 你知道
I had eight, nine creditors, you know.
That’s a lot of emails coming down on you at the same time.
I check my bank account every single day.
当四天过去了 我知道我需要给银行打电♥话♥了
When four days have passed, I just know that I need to call the bank.
How can I help you today?
她说 “我们不会兑现”
She says, “We won’t cash it.”
And she couldn’t tell me why.
And that’s when I was just standing on the phone, like,
feeling that I had hard to breathe.
塞西莉 我不明白 我们有)
Cecilie, I don’t understand. We have…
我在问支票的问题 我说“不好使”
I was asking about the check, like, “It didn’t work.”
他说 “好吧 去他妈的 我把钱给了你 所以)”
He says, “Well, fuck it. I gave you the money, so…”
“I did my deal.”
I already done it.
Never hear him so cold in my life.
就像电♥话♥里那个人 已经不再是我的男朋友了
It was like that person on the phone was no longer my boyfriend.
Was no longer my boyfriend.
I… It was just a, uh… just a darkness.
I know I was in deep shit.
(更新 账户停用)
你有九个债主时 你会怎么做
Like, what do you do when you have nine creditors on you?
I called the Amex helpline.
They can hear how stressed I am.
他们说 “别动 我们会来找你”
They just said, “Stay put. We will come to you.”
I was shit scared they were gonna come and handcuff me
and take me away.
The documents that I sent over.
The lies I told on the phone.
I gave him my card.
I tell them everything.
他们说 “你有他的照片吗”
They said, “Do you have a picture of him?”
那一刻他们看着对方说 就是那个男人
