Somebody else was saying that.
-我说的 -不 你说的话我肯定记得
-Me. -No. I would have remembered.
I told you I had a thing about Sam
and you proceeded to try and get in her pants at every opportunity.
兄弟们 拜托
Guys, please.
You only liked her after you found out I liked her!
没错 因为你在学校演话剧
That’s right, because you did the school play.
-卡巴莱歌♥舞表演 -卡巴莱 因为她也出演了
-Cabaret. -Cabaret. Because she was in it.
她穿了网袜 结果你在台上硬了
And she wore those fishnet stockings and you got a big boner on stage.
Jesus Christ.
无所谓了 她随时恭候阿德里安·基恩呢
Doesn’t matter anyway, she always had a massive wide on for Adrian Keane.
I hated that prick.
能不能不要提到我妹妹 就说起
Can we not talk about my sister in relation to,
A 随时恭候 B 史蒂文的老二
A, massive wide ons, B, Steven’s erect penis?
All right.
-她还是前♥凸♥后♥翘♥吗 说真的 -我不会告诉你的
-Is she still fit, though? -I’m not answering that.
Is she, though?
-我是什么 -苗条健康
-Am I what? -Fit.
-你好 山姆 -史蒂文 你变化真大啊
-Hello, Sam. -Steven? You’ve grown, haven’t you?
-没错 横向发展 -你看起来真棒
-Yeah, sideways. -You look fantastic.
安迪 好久没见了
Andy, longtime.
-你好 皮特 -你好 山姆
-Hi, Pete. -Hi, Sam.
好啦 老弟
All right, big brother?
欢迎 欢迎 欢迎
Willkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome.
山姆 一起喝杯酒吗
Sam. Would you like a drink?
史蒂文 她才刚到这 拜托
Hey, Steve. She’s just got here. Come on.
山姆 一起喝杯酒吗
Sam. Would you like a drink?
-给我来杯伏特加汤力 谢谢 史蒂文 -好的
-I’ll have a vodka tonic, thanks, Steven. -Sure.
-我先去下洗手间 -好的
-I’m just going to nip to the loo. -Cool.
Nature calls.
-你要做什么 -你要做什么
-What are you doing? -What are you doing?
-我要去洗手间 -好吧 我也是
-I’m going to the toilet. -Well, then, so am I.
加里 你疯了吗
Gary! You are out of your mind!
你说什么呢 是你先给我暗示的
What are you talking about? You gave me the sign.
-什么暗示 -你去厕所
-What sign? -You went to the toilet.
加里 你玩真的呀 我都二十年没见你了
Gary, are you serious? I haven’t seen you in 20 years.
Do you really think I’m going to have sex with you in the ladies’ toilet?
好吧 残疾人用的厕所坏了
Well, the disableds is out of order.
-加里 发生了什么事 -我不知道
-Gary. What happened? -I don’t know,
maybe one of them put too many paper towels down the toilet.
实在搞不清他们究竟在想什么 对不对
I mean, we don’t know what they are thinking, really, do we?
不 你是怎么了
No. What happened to you?
什么都没发生 我还是以前那个加里
Nothing happened to me. I’m the same old Gary.
No shit.
那么 想来一炮吗
So, do you wanna?
-奥利弗 待会见 -你要走了
-Oliver. I’ll see you later. -You’re going?
I thought you weren’t meeting The Twins for another half hour?
我改主意了 对了 这玩意应该是你的
I’m not. Oh, yeah. I believe this is yours.
“故障” 私人玩笑
“Out of order.” It’s a private joke.
I don’t want to know.
-那是什么 -现代艺术
-What is that? -Modern art.
纪念碑吧 对吗
It’s a memorial, isn’t it?
没错 纪念现代艺术
Yeah. To modern art.
伙计们 现在是什么时间
Hey. guys, do you know what time it is?
It’s not even 6:00.
答错了 是我们冲进大公鸡的时间
Wrong! it’s high time we got onto The Cock!
Let’s go.
Come on.
伙计 等你忙完了
When you’re ready, mate.
天啊 瞧瞧那是谁
Oh, shit. Look who it is.
巴希尔 疯巴希尔
Basil. Mad Basil!
你们还记得吗 我们以前老来这
Do you remember? We used to come in here
and listen to him talk about fucking UFOs
蜥蜴人 还有水底纳粹的鬼话
and lizard people and underwater Nazis.
Didn’t he spout some bullshit about the Bermuda Triangle
actually being a square?
不 他说那其实是个两个个等腰三角形拼成的菱形
No, he said it was two isosceles triangles forming a rhombus.
他是你的好基友 对吗 史蒂文
He was your best mate, wasn’t he, Steve?
不 他不是我的好基友 加里
No, he wasn’t my best mate, Gary.
他老无所依 我有点同情他而已
He was a lonely, old guy and I felt a bit sorry for him.
没错 巴希尔
That’s right. Basil!
Maybe we’re not the local legends you think we are.
-加里·金 -说给你自己听吧
-Gary King? -Speak for yourself, mate.
You’re barred.
开什么玩笑 太可笑了
I cannot fucking believe this. This is ridiculous.
相信我 加里 没必要啊
Believe me, Gary, it’s not worth it.
-下场双倍啦 -要我说 下场喝透算了
-Have two in the next one. -Have them all in the next one, for all I care.
每家酒馆都要喝一杯 否则就不算数了
We’ve got to have one in every pub otherwise the whole thing’s fucked.
伙计 我早就觉得没戏了
I’d say it was fairly fucked already, mate.
How much more of this do we have to endure?
-才逛了三家 还剩九家 -好极了
-That was three. There’s nine more. -Oh, good.
我♥操♥ 我要吃点东西
Fuck that. I need to eat something.
下家店 我们去弄点吃的吧
We can get some food in the next pub.
As long as it’s reasonably healthy.
This is Newton Haven.
Hardly the heart of the organic revolution.
I doubt it’s the heart of anything.
My wife wanted us to go organic,
问题在于 我更加偏向吃垃圾食品
problem is, I kinda like eating shit.
下个酒吧专卖♥♥垃圾食品 速度来
The next pub does shit! Keep up!
赞啊 我记得这家店
Oh, yeah. I remember this one.
-跨年狂欢 不是吗 -90年的新年那次
-We had New Year’s in here, didn’t we? -’89 into ’90.
你是不是还在台球桌上睡着了 安迪
Isn’t that when you slept on the pool table, Andy?
没错 我还记得呢
Yeah. I believe it was.
-足足睡了六个小时 -六个小时啊
-For six hours. -Six hours.
Thank you for reminding me.
你还记得 你醒来的时候
Do you remember when you woke up,
我们骗你说 你睡了一年 现在是1991年
we said you’d been asleep for a year and that it was 1991
然后你被吓疯了 还把钟给打坏了
and you freaked out and punched a clock?
That was a great night.
你最后把艾瑞卡·里奇斯钓走了吗 皮特
Didn’t you manage to get off with Erika Leekes, Peter?
妥妥的搞定 我必须说 完全是人生的丰碑啊
Yes, I did. Something of a personal triumph, if I say so myself.
-她是那个甜心三明治的那个 -甜心三明治…
-She of the Marmalade Sandwich fame? -Marmalade Sandwich…
The very same.
两个金发妞 夹着一个红发小魔女
Two blondes and a redhead in the middle.
-甜心三明治 -贝奇·索特 那身材啊
-The Marmalade Sandwich. -Becky Salt. Fucking hell.
Wonder what they’re doing now.
Why don’t you ask them?
What do you mean?
我说 那边卡间里 两边金发
I mean, sitting at that table over there are two blondes
and a redhead in the middle.
Shut the fuck up.
我猜左边是艾瑞卡·里奇斯 右边是崔西·本森
I’d say that’s Erika Leekes on the left, Tracy Benson on the right,
剩下的 中间肯定是贝奇·索特
and by process of elimination, there’s Becky Salt in the middle.
That’s the Marmalade Sandwich all growed up.
That is very spooky.
-我们把她们叫过来啦 -别啊
-We should get them over. -No.
Leave the past where it is.
It’s bad enough having to look at your old, ugly mugs.
你这话说的 好像我们快入土的感觉
You make it sound like we’re fucking ancient.
We haven’t changed that much.
-当然啦 史蒂文身材是走样了一点 -什么
-I mean, sure, Steve’s let himself go a bit. -What?
皮特的发型还是那么挫 奥利弗那鬼记号♥还在
Pete’s got the same haircut and Oliver has still got his mark of the devil.
-奇怪 记号♥不见了 -的确不见了
-No, he hasn’t. -No, he hasn’t.
有个东西叫做激光手术 加里
It’s called laser surgery, Gary.
为了不被叫圈仔 这代价完全忽略不计
It’s a small price to pay for not being called fucking O-Man.
这手术也能除纹身 比如你身上的仁慈姐妹
