*红帆在夕阳下航行 已渐渐远离*
*Red sails in the sunset. Way out on the sea*
*噢 快载上我的爱人 平安归来*
*Oh, carry my loved one. Home safely to me*
*我不惧怕黑暗 你呢 你呢 你呢 你呢*
*I’m not afraid of the dark. Are you? Are you? Are you? Are you?*
*黑夜也显得美好 有月有你 有你*
*Gee, but it’s nice in the dark.With the moon and you and you*
*When we go strolling in the park at night*
*All the darkness is a boon*
*Who cares if we’re without a light?*
*They can’t black out the moon*
*透过香烟光亮 我看见你的微笑*
*I see you smiling in the cigarette glow*
*But the picture fades too soon*
*But I see all I want to know*
*You can’t black out the moon*
*透过香烟光亮 我看见你的微笑*
*I see you smiling in the cigarette glow*
*But the picture fades too soon*
*但我看见了想知晓的一切 它们可不能遮挡这月光*
*But I see all I want to know. They can’t black out the moon*
*我们从不抱怨 也不为警报烦忧*
*We don’t grumble. We don’t worry about alarms*
*当你不小心跌倒 正好跌入我的怀中*
*And when you stumble. You stumble right into my arms*
*当你亲吻我的时候 你可意识到*
*And when you kiss me, don’t you realize *
*That my heart’s like a big balloon*
*And like a love light in your eyes*
*They can’t black out the moon*
*噢 夏日快要到来*
*Oh, the summertime is comin’*
*And the trees are softly blooming*
*山野里的百里香 在盛开的欧石楠中生长*
*And the wild mountain thyme. Grows around the blooming heather*
*你要走吗 姑娘*
*Will ye go, lassie*
*那我们同行 去摘山野里的百里香*
*And we’ll all go together to pull wild mountain thyme*
*All around the blooming heather*
*你要走吗 姑娘*
*Will ye go, lassie*
*If my true love will not come*
*I would surely find another*
*To pull wild mountain thyme*
*All around the blooming heather*
*Will ye go…*
*我要为我的爱人建筑高塔 就在那纯洁晶莹山上*
*I will build my love a tower. From the pure and crystal mountain*
*就在我四周将会降下 山上所有花朵*
*And it’s there I shall rain. All the flowers of the mountain*
*你要走吗 姑娘 你要走吗 那我们同行*
*Will ye go, lassie, go? And we’ll all go together*
*去摘山野里的百里香 在盛开的欧石楠中生长*
*To pull wild mountain thyme. All around the blooming heather*
*我不惧怕黑暗 你呢 你呢 你呢 你呢*
*I’m not afraid of the dark. Are you? Are you? Are you? Are you?*
*黑夜也显得美好 有月有你 有你*
*Gee, but it’s nice in the dark.With the moon and you and you*
*When we go strolling in the park at night*
*All the darkness is a boon*
*Who cares if we’re without a light?*
*They can’t black out the moon*
*透过香烟光亮 我看见你的微笑*
*I see you smiling in the cigarette glow*
*But the picture fades too soon*
*But I see all I want to know*
*They can’t black out the moon*
*我们从不抱怨 也不为警报烦忧*
*We don’t grumble. We don’t worry about alarms*
*当你不小心跌倒 正好跌入我的怀中*
*And when you stumble. You stumble right into my arms*
*当你亲吻我的时候 你可意识到*
*And when you kiss me, don’t you realize *
*That my heart’s like a big balloon*
*And like a love light in your eyes*
*They can’t black out the moon*
怎么了 James太太
What’s the matter Mrs.James?
You better get some good rest tonight.
It’s these 12-hour shifts.
今早我听到了个坏消息 女士 我的Jim失踪了
I had some bad news this morning, Miss. My Jim’s missing.
噢 先别担心
Oh! Try not to worry.
我相信他很快会有消息的 – 噢 我真希望会这样 女士
I’m sure he’ll turn up. – Oh! I do hope so, Miss.
等我有时间喝杯茶了 我想我会感觉好点
I expect I’ll feel better when I’ve have a cuppa tea.
就是这种精神 现在先下班吧
That’s right. It’s finishing time now.
A million bullets for dispatch by the morning!?
但我给你说 那些女孩今天已经连着干了10个小时了
But I tell you the girls have done 10 hours today already.
是 我明白这事是有多急
Yes. I realize how urgent it is.
But you can’t expect these girls to run 14 hours a stretch.
好吧 我问问她们 – 她没必要问我们
Alright! I’ll ask them. – She doesn’t have to ask us.
A million bullets by the morning!
好吧 来吧女士们 我们必须得做完
Alright! Come on girls, it’s gotta be done!
停车 停下 停到这
Stop! Stop there. Stop right there.
好吧 过不去了
Alright. Can’t go no further.
去布鲁姆斯伯里的乘客 从这开始你们要步行了
Passengers for Bloomsbury, you’re on foot from here.
好吧 嗯 – 这边 女士
OK. Hm…hm. – This way, Miss.
“A million bullets by morning”?
No wonder the audience booed or snored.
We learnt from our mistake.
I would have shot the writers who wrote the picture.
真实性 这才是我们现在所追求的
Authenticity. That’s what we’re after now
Authenticity informed by optimism.
You think I don’t understand to give an audience optimism?
I have three grandsons in the forces.
Your company reputation is founded primarily on comedy.
英国映画年度票房♥冠军是个喜剧 我的
Highest grossing British picture of the year was a comedy. Mine.
And Mr.Buckley here, wrote it.
是 而且也非常有趣 但是
Yes, and very entertaining was too, but…
if we were to capture public imagination and their trust,
我们需要的可不只是 胖胖的警♥察♥从梯子上摔下来
we need more than…fat policeman toppling off ladders.
We need a story to inspire a nation.
给我你真正的梗概吧 Swain先生
Give me a real brief, Mr.Swain.
And I swear, I’ll bring you a picture to win the war.
或者至少能拍部让大家开心的 如果我们继续这么输下去的话
Or at least one to cheers us up if we carry on losing it
So please tell us what it is you want
你已经有梗概了 Baker先生 真实性与乐观主义
You have your brief, Mr. Baker. Authenticity and optimism.
好吧 我来找个故事
Right. I’ll look for a story.
真抱歉 我们让你等这么久太失礼了
So sorry. Monstrous of us to have kept you waiting.
欢迎来到中♥央♥宣传部 电影部门
Welcome to the Ministry of Information, Film Division
我是Roger Swain 你是Cole女士吧 – 太太
Roger Swain. You must be Ms.Cole? – Mrs.
哦 太棒了 请坐
Ah! Splendid. Please take a seat.
丈夫在服役吗 – 他自荐去当一名防空护卫队员
Husband in the forces? – He volunteers as an air-raid warden.
But he wasn’t fit conscription.
He fought in the war in Spain.
太棒了 真棒 现在 关于这份工作
Splendid! That’s splendid. Now, about the job.
We need to cultivate a more convincing female angle in our output.
Mr.Buckley here, has been appointed to
the department as a Special Advisor.
Not “Special” Enough to get paid, obvioulsy
He seems to think, you are what we need.
我说的是 “也许” 她不可能比你手头有的那些小伙子还差
I said, “Might be”. She can’t be worse than the chaps you got
这是 你写的吗
Did you write…this?
嗯哼 – 这报纸本来是拿来裹着我的薯条的
Hm..Hmm. – It was wrapped around my chips.
我 我之前是文案部的秘书
I…I was the secretary at the copywriting department.
但 所有的文案编辑都被召集了
But…all the copywriters got called up.
“差不多牛肉 这不是牛肉 但是还不错”
“So-be-fee. It ain’t beef, but it ain’t bad!
“对 有时 你只能利用你有的东西”
‘Cause sometimes, you have to make do with what you got.”
噢 不错 部里的基本工资是3英镑10便士起算
Ah! Splendid. Ministry wages started at 3.10.
And obviously we can’t pay you as much as the chaps….
所以一星期2镑如何 – 谢谢
so shall we say 2 pounds a week? – Thank you.
你是那种会去电影院的人吗 – 是
You a cinema goer? – Yes.
Then you will be familiar with informationals.
We sandwich them between the support and the main features
让公众得到信息 没时间逃脱
for the public to be informed, don’t have time to escape.
遇到了空袭怎么办 立马躲到掩护底下
What to do in an air-raid? Get under cover at once.
别站着盯着天空 赶紧找个掩护
Don’t stand staring at the sky. Take cover at once!
You will find a page of script equates to a minute of screen time
or roughly 80 yards of celluloid
or it would
if directors who didn’t squander the film stock
as if it were lavatory paper.
说到这 “女士”洗手间是左边最后那间
Speaking of which, “Ladies” Is last door on the left.
I wouldn’t risk the other facilities if I were you.
I thought it was a secretarial post.
