You hold your pinkie out, like this,
and that’s the way you throw a proper tea party.
晚安 莉兹
Good night, Lizzy.
总算 噢
There we… Oh!
I’m going to bed.
There just aren’t enough hours in the day.
噢 早上好 叮当 昨晚睡得好吗
Oh. Good morning, Tinker Bell. How did you sleep last night?
啊 我 实际上 我没睡 不过没关系
Well, I… Actually, I didn’t, but that doesn’t matter.
You should go downstairs to your father
-莉兹 -在这里 爸爸
-Lizzy? -Yes, Father?
早上好 亲爱的 漏水好像都停止了
Good morning, my dear. All the leaks seem to have stopped.
I just wanted to make sure everything is okay in here.
是的 好了
Yes. Just fine.
一点儿也不漏了 那么
No leaks at all. So…
奇了怪了 好像是它自己就好了
Strange It’s as if they mended themselves.
It’s still raining outside.
不能想像 这事怎么发生的
I can’t imagine how on Earth such a thing could occur
好吧 肯定有什么原因 我没有想到
Well, there must be an explanation that I’m just not thinking of.
是呀 你肯定会找出原因来的 爸爸
Well, I’m sure you’ll think of it, Father.
-让我出去 -可能就在楼下你的书房♥中
-Off we go. -Perhaps down in your study.
你在那里总是能好好思考 祝你好运
You always do your best thinking there. I wish you luck.
OK 好吧 好好玩
Okay, well, play nicely
是的 当然 再见 爸爸
Yes, of course. Bye, Father.
噢 门关上了
Oh! That was close.
你在做什么呀 这是你的机会呀
What are you doing? This s your chance
Is that why you fixed those leaks?
So he can spend more time with me?
I’ve really been wanting to show him this
OK OK 我们去吧
Okay, okay. I’ll go.
爸爸 你现在有时间了
Father, since you have more time,
maybe I can show you my scientific research.
那个蝴蝶 它跑了 什么
The butterfly. It’s gone! What?
The apatura iris with the irregular wing pattern.
I was going to present it to the museum tonight.
噢 这对我是一个很好的机会 可它跑了
Oh! This was my big opportunity, and now it’s gone
-伊丽莎白 是你放走了它吗 -不是
-Elizabeth, did you release it? -No.
好吧 我也没放
Well, I didn’t do it.
And since there is no one else in the house,
there is only one logical explanation.
-一定是你 -不是我♥干♥的 爸爸
-It must have been you. -I didn’t do it, Father.
我再给你一次机会 给我说实话
I’m going to give you one more chance. Tell me the truth.
我可以告诉你 爸爸 但你不会相信我的
I could tell you, Father, but you wouldn’t believe me.
很好 现在回你的房♥间去 小女士
Very well. Off to your room, young lady.
I’m very disappointed in you.
你知道 我刚才想到 如果叮当在这里
You know, I was just thinking, if Tink were here
how not quiet it would be right now.
You can say that again
OK OK OK 猜猜我是谁
Okay, okay, okay. Who am I?
That’s the exact shade!
那个小修理匠还是有点灵气的 呃
Quite a bit of spirit in that little tinker, eh?
那是当然 实际上 我还是不相信她能被抓到
That’s for sure. In fact, I still can’t believe she got captured.
是呀 按照叮当的机灵劲儿 不像是能被抓到的
Yeah. It’s very unlike Tink to be caught with her guard down.
-我想知道到底发生了什么事 -好了 很快就会知道了
-I wonder what really happened. -Well we’ll find out soon.
是呀 我们一步一步离叮当越来越近了
Yep. With every step we take we come closer and closer to Tinker Bell
She’ll te us what happened.
听着 有些事情你们应该知道了
Listen, there’s something you a should know.
Tinker Bell getting trapped is a my fault!
我摔那个门 想教训一下叮当
I slammed that door on Tinker Bell, to teach her a lesson
后来我想让她出来 可是门卡住了
I tried to get her out, but the door was stuck.
我试了 但打不开门
I tred, but I couldn’t,
都是因为我 让叮当和大家都在危险中
and now I’ve put her and all of us in danger.
I am so sorry.
亲爱的 这不是你的错
Honey, this is not your fault.
We a know that Tink can get into plenty of trouble all by herself.
维蒂亚 如果你不在旁边 还不知道会发生什么呢
It scares me to think what would have happened if you weren’t there, Vidia.
I don’t know what to say.
-来一个 信念 -信任
-How about faith… -Trust…
-还有 -还有
-And… -And…
And pixie dust.
And pixie dust.
你够得着吗 柯朗
Can you reach it, Clanky?
就要够着了 只差一点点
Almost. Just a little more.
Here, let me.
不行 被一个大建筑物挡住了
No! There’s a big building in the way.
建筑物 是一座房♥子 那就对了 柯朗 我们到了
Building. It’s a house. That’s it! Clanky! We’ve got it!
-到什么地方了 -房♥子 下来
-What’ve we got? -House! Get off.
-对不起 -我的腿没知觉了
-I’m sorry. -I can’t feel my legs.
我真抱歉 莉兹
I’m so sorry, Lizzy.
I’m so glad you’re here.
You’re my best friend.
我真想变成一个仙子 就像你一样
I wish I were a fairy, just like you.
那样我就可以让花开放 还可以和动物说话
Then I could help the flowers bloom and talk to animals
and fly around with the other fairies all the time.
That would be fun.
Where are we going?
What is going on up there?
I was going to present it to the museum ton ght.
Now the butterfly is gone.
噢 天呀 我 我在飞了
Oh, my! I’m… I’m flying!
看我 哎 我是仙子了
Look at me! Whee! I’m a fairy!
All clear!
-对不起 -噢 当心
-Sorry. -Oh! Careful.
-那是我的耳朵 -对不起
-That’s my ear -Sorry.
OK 叮当在楼上 那女孩把她装在笼子里
Okay. Tinker Bell is upstairs. The little girl has her in a cage.
In a cage?
And there’s also a large human in the house
他不喜欢长翅膀的生物 他把它们钉在展示盒里
who doesn’t like creatures with wings. He pins them up in display cases.
太好了 还有别的吗
Great. Anything else?
噢 还有 那只猫
Oh, yes. The cat
猫 什么猫
Cat! What cat?
-就是那个猫 -就是那个猫
-That cat! -That cat!
芳纹 你是动物仙子呀 我们能怎么做
Fawn, you’re an animal fairy. What are we supposed to do?
-芳纹 -飞
-Fawn? -Fly!
Our wings are wet.
And who knows when they’ll be dry.
OK OK 快跑
Okay, okay. Run!
-柯朗 -加油
-Clank! -Come on!
I’m okay.
我们还是要到那楼梯间去 有办法吗
We still need to get to that stairwell. Any ideas?
也许我们架一座桥 或别的什么
If we could just build a brdge or something
-对 一座桥 -伙计们 伙计们
-That’s it. A bridge! -Guys? Guys?
-用什么造桥呢 -伙计们
-A bridge made out of what? -Guys!
柯朗 你真是天才
Clank! You’re a genius!
呃 噢
Huh? Uh.
It was nothing.
好吧 我们干吧
All right. Let’s do this.
We need some more plates!
OK 柯朗 把盘子递过来
Okay. Start passing them up Clanky.
是 这就来了
Aye, aye! Here they come!
Get ready for more.
呃 哈喽
Oh, hello!
We’ve got a full plate back here!
不 不 不 请别过来
No, no, no. No. No, please.
Get back!
Get back!
萝瑟塔 这就是我想要的东西吗
Rosetta! Is this what I think it is?
对了 这正是你要的 猫薄荷
That is exactly what you think it is. Catnip!
你去找叮当 我们来对付猫
You get to Tink and we’ll take care of the cat!
