Are you sure this is the right address?
是有一点大 但确实是在 房♥地♥产♥经纪人给我的名单中
It is a little large, but it’s on the real estate agent’s list.
That sounds more like your mother than you.
我们是没有多少差别 这些年在用语上
There’s not much difference between us…
I don’t like cold things touching my skin.
Why don’t you invent some hot diamonds?
I’d rather spend my money on more tangible excitement.
告诉我 什么能让你兴奋
Tell me. What do you get a thrill out of most?
I’m still looking for that one.
I thought we were going to look at the gardens.
I was interested in the architecture.
地中海风格很有时代感 不是吗
Mediterranean, turn of the century, isn’t it?
You never mention your wife.
Never found the time to get married.
You don’t seem to be pushed for time now.
或是你只想在日记中 添加一些有趣的项目
Or did you just come over to add interesting items to your diary?
一个喜欢的名字 述说一位法国女孩和你一起游泳
Like the name and description of that French girl you swam out to.
You are husband hunting, after all.
That wasn’t jealousy you heard working…
merely disappointment in your limited imagination.
Teenage French girls yet.
我打赌你在讨好她 这位高大英俊的美国木材商
I’ll bet you snowed her under… the big handsome lumberman from America.
我打赌你跟她说 你的木材都是上等红杉
I’ll bet you told her all your trees were sequoias.
That certainly sounds like jealousy to me.
别害羞 尽管说出来
Don’t be ashamed of it. Let it out.
-你有些自大 -彼此彼此
– You’re somewhat egotistical. – Fighting fire with fire.
-史蒂芬小姐 -是的 伯恩斯先生
– Miss Stevens? – Yes, Mr. Burns?
-你知道我是怎么想 -关于什么
– You know what I think? – About what?
-你 -我并不在乎
– You. – I don’t really care.
Tell me.
你是个没有安全感 被宠坏的女人 喜欢勾引男人
You’re an insecure, pampered woman accustomed to attracting men…
但你不知道他们是被你 还是你的钱所吸引
but you’re not sure whether they’re attracted to you or your money.
-你或许永远不会知道 -还有别的吗
– You may never know. – Anything else?
你需要的是 我既没时间也不可能给你的
What you need is something I have neither the time…nor the inclination to give you.
哦 那是什么
And just what is that?
Two weeks with a good man…at Niagara Falls
我饿了 打开餐盒好吗
I’m hungry. What about opening that picnic basket?
不行 还没有到达野餐地点
Not till we get to the picnic grounds.
-你早就选好地点了 -我已经选好了
– Which you’ve already picked out. – Which I’ve already picked out.
-很远吗 -喔 再几里路
– Is it far? – Oh, a few miles.
-寂寥 与世隔绝 -当然
– Lonely and secluded? – Naturally.
那么 我们为何开这么慢呢
Well, then why are we dawdling like this?
That’s exactly what was running through my mind.
-嘿 减速 -好让他们追上我们
– Hey, slow down. – And let them catch us?
-让谁赶上我们 -警♥察♥ 那辆追你的黑色车子
– Let who catch us? – The police in the black car…
是的 警♥察♥在追你 夜猫约翰罗比
Yes, police following you: John Robie, the Cat.
喔 天气真好
Oh, lovely day.
Have you ever seen anyplace in the world more beautiful?
Just look at the colors of the sea down there and the sky…
以及山上那些 粉红色和绿色的小小建筑物
and those little pink and green buildings on the hill.
Think of all those roofs you could climb over.
-你刚才叫我什么 -罗比 约翰罗比
– Who did you call me? – Robie, John Robie.
世上最狡猾的珠宝大盗之一 人称”夜猫”
One of the world’s cleverest jewel thieves known as the Cat.
-我在巴黎读过所有关于你的新闻 -你可能读过某人叫”夜猫”但
I read all about you in the Paris paper.
那么 野餐盒在行李箱
Well, the picnic basket’s in the trunk.
我希望你能试着欺骗我 罗比先生
I hope you try to bluff me, Mr. Robie.
然后我能开心的跟你说 我是多么的聪明
Then I can have the fun of telling you how clever I was.
由于我不是罗比先生 是伯恩斯
Since I’m not Mr. Robie but Mr. Burns…
there would be hardly any point in trying to bluff you.
虽然如此 告诉我你多聪明
Nevertheless, tell me how clever you were.
嗯 首先我注意到你是
Well, the first thing I noticed about you was…
听听 一副自满的样子
Don’t sound so pleased with yourself.
我从未抓到过珠宝贼 这很刺♥激♥
I’ve never caught a jewel thief before. It’s stimulating.
-就好像 好像 -像在泡热水澡
– It’s like… – Like sitting in a hot tub?
Here, let me serve.
我第一次见到你 是在坎城的海滩上
The first time I saw you was on the beach at Cannes.
You swam ashore from a motorboat driven by that little French girl.
你有开罐器吗 谢谢
You got an opener? Thank you.
两天前 你以刚刚从美国来的 康拉德伯恩斯的身份出现在旅馆
That was two days before you showed up at the hotel as Mr. Conrad Burns.
哦 目前还没令人失望 听起来有像伯恩斯先生
Oh, now don’t be disappointing and sound like Mr. Burns.
我就是我 史蒂芬小姐
I can only be myself, Miss Stevens.
那就做你自己吧 约翰
Then be yourself, John.
-我比较喜欢康拉德 -你在说笑
– I prefer Conrad. – You can’t be serious.
我想是时候 你该叫我法兰茜了
And I think it’s about time you called me Francie.
我为了保护我妈妈 在他们试图偷她的首饰之前
I have to look out for Mom. They’ve tried to steal her jewelry before.
所以 当我读到 你的新闻
So when I read about the… you in the paper…
是则小新闻 但吸引到我
just a small item, but I picked it up…
I was sure Mother would catch your eye.
是啊 因为我喜欢她
Well, she did because I liked her.
-目前为止 史蒂芬小姐 -法兰茜
And so far, Miss Stevens…
目前为止 你还没说到 任何关于你很聪明的事
So far, you haven’t said anything that sounds even remotely clever.
别急 接下来我留意到你 一件不寻常的事
Stick around. The next thing I noticed about you was remarkable.
-是吗 -整个晚上
– Well? – All evening long…
你只注意我妈妈 没瞧我一眼
you only looked at my mother, never at me.
-我吻了你 不是吗 -是我吻你的
– I kissed you, didn’t I? – I kissed you.
-我才没有看你妈妈 -你正在想她
– I wasn’t looking at her then. – You were thinking about her.
否则 你不会那么容易对我说晚安
Otherwise, you never would have let me say good night so easily.
I must remember to yell “timber” occasionally.
现在 精彩的来了
Now, here comes some of the clever part.
你不够令人信服 约翰
You’re just not convincing, John.
You’re like an American character in an English movie.
You just don’t talk the way an American tourist ought to talk.
难道你不知道旅游指南上说 别表现得像是一位游客
Don’t you know that the guidebooks say don’t behave like a tourist?
你从来不提业务 棒球 电视
You never mention business or baseball or television…
or wage freezes or Senate probes.
All the things I left America to forget.
You’re just not American enough to carry it off.
告诉我 有多久了
Tell me, how long has it been?
-什么有多久了 -自从你上次待在美国
– How long has what been? – Since you were in America last?
噢 我不清楚 大概四 五天吧
Oh, I don’t know, about four or five days.
-奥勒岗呢 -更之前的两三天吧
– And Oregon? – Two or three days before that.
Name me three deciduous trees indigenous to the Northwest.
听着 你是一个好女孩 但你的想象力太丰富了
Listen, you’re a very nice girl, but you’ve got too much imagination.
You go around talking like that about me…
I’ll wind up in a French jail for something I didn’t do.
Are you going to rob Mother first or somebody else?
在这种情况下 当然是别人
Under the circumstances, somebody else.
很好 我妈喜欢你
That’s nice. Mother likes you.
我想基顿女士 应该是我们的下一个目标
I think Lady Kenton should be our next job.
-听着 -她有在你的名单上吗 她应该有
Isn’t she on your list? She ought to be.
基顿的珠宝非常有名 我知道她的每一个别♥墅♥
The Kenton jewels are famous. I know every inch of her villa.
-我已经猜到你接下来要说什么 -夜猫有一只新小猫了
– I can already hear your next line. – The Cat has a new kitten.
-我们何时下手 -别那么说
– When do we start? – Don’t talk like that.
You’re leaving fingerprints on my arm.
I am notJohn Robie, the Cat.
那警♥察♥为何跟着你 给我看那份房♥地♥产♥清单
Why are the police following you? Show me that real estate list.
我们去的那别♥墅♥并不是出租的 你也知道的
That villa we went to isn’t for rent and you know it.
桑弗家拥有它已经许多年了 我曾经去那里参加过一个聚会
The Sanfords have owned it for years. I’m going to a party there.
你的握力很强 正是窃贼需要的
You have a very strong grip, the kind a burglar needs.
That’s why you came up here, isn’t it?
我们八点喝鸡尾酒 八点半进晚餐 在我的房♥里
We’ll have cocktails at 8:00 and dinner at 8:30, all in my suite.
-我们到时再讨论 -我不能去
– We’ll talk about it there. – I can’t come.
I’m going to the casino and watch a firework display.
You’ll get a better view from my place.
Already got another date.
无论你到哪里 我都会对人说 你是夜猫约翰罗比
Everywhere you go, I’ll have you paged as “John Robie, the Cat.”
8:00 and be on time.
I haven’t got a decent watch.
Steal one.
抱歉 我今天不能和你谈 罗比先生
Excuse me. I could not speak with you today, Monsieur Robie.
