Sit down before I knock you down!
所以这三天 你除了捕鱼什么事都没做
So for three days you’ve been doing nothing but fishing.
Keep it down.
Do you still believe I did the Stevens’job?
嗯 是的 直到你找我来
Well… Yes, until you sent for me.
如果是你干的 你不会冒着我带警♥察♥来的风险
If you had done it, you’d hardly risk my bringing the police.
-谢谢 -你安全躲了好几天
– Thank you. – As you’ve been safely in hiding…
-我需要你的帮助 -或许我更需要你
– I need your help. – Perhaps I need yours even more.
My superiors at the London office…
这次 我也许能解决一些你的难题 也许是全部的难题
This time I might solve some of your problems, possibly all of them.
That’s too much to hope for.
连续三晚我都在注意 你名单上的其中一座别♥墅♥
For three nights, I’ve been watching one of the villas on your list.
-哪一个 -希沃家 南美来的那对夫妇
– Which one? – The Silvas, the South Americans.
有另一个人也在注意 我已经在暗处看见他了
Somebody else is watching it too. I’ve seen him in the dark.
但我没有办法更靠近 看清那人是谁
I haven’t gotten close enough to catch him and find out who it is.
-他看见你了吗 -或许
– Has he seen you? – Probably.
To do that, I’m going to need the assistance of the police.
当然 我不能和他们接触
Naturally, I can’t approach them.
How do you know he’ll be there tonight?
Somebody gave this to Germaine, my housekeeper.
用法文写的 说些什么
But it’s in French. What does it say?
大意是说 “罗比 今晚离希沃别♥墅♥远点”
Roughly, it says: Robie, stay away from the Silvas’ villa tonight.
“今晚属于我 不是你”
It’s my night to yowl, not yours.
Who gave it to Germaine?
It was left in her shopping basket.
听着 休森 回到城里说服勒皮克
Look, Hughson, get back to town and convince Lepic…
to have the police at the villa soon after midnight.
-你真的要去那里 -当然
– You’re actually going there? – Of course.
但是 罗比 那纸条显然是个诱饵
But that note is obviously bait for a trap.
Someone wants you to go to the Silvas’ tonight.
-我知道 -也许他会杀你
– I know it. – Possibly to kill you.
-请你说服勒皮克 好吗 -好吧
– Will you talk to Lepic? – All right.
听着 如果这只猫没有现身 警♥察♥可能会找上你
Look, if this Cat doesn’t show up, the police might get you…
and the whole thing will turn out rather badly.
也许我今晚应该跟着去 好为你做不在场证明
Maybe I’d better go along tonight as your alibi.
休森 我知道你会有保险上的损失
Hughson, I know you get your insurance rates at a discount…
but why be foolhardy?
Almost everybody in Philadelphia reads the Bulletin.
等等 妈妈
Just a minute, Mother.
The cat burglar’s dead.
亲爱的 你最好开始练习如何道歉 并且用两种语言
Honey, you better start practicing your apologies, in two languages.
You are positive Foussard was the Cat?
我们没有理由捏造故事 是我给报社新闻的
We have no reason to change the story I gave to the newspaper.
我无法给你其它回答 请见谅
I cannot give you another. Now, if you’ll excuse me…
还有一点 勒皮克先生
One more point, Monsieur Lepic.
This is a check for $280,000.
That’s nearly 92 million francs.
由于你的逮捕 不幸杀死了夜猫
Since you caught and, unfortunately, killed the Cat…
在我们看来他是自杀 试图逃避法律制裁
In our opinion, he killed himself, attempting to escape justice.
无论如何,我已经指示公♥司♥支付了 史蒂芬太太的索赔
Either way, I’ve been instructed by my company…to pay off the Stevens’ claim.
我并不愿意这么做 如果寻回珠宝是指日可待
I’m disinclined to do this if recovery of the jewelry is imminent.
-是吗 -这需要时间
– Is it? – It will take time.
I’d say several centuries.
我只是来向你逮到窃贼道贺 局长
I just came in to congratulate you on your capture.
真是圆♥满♥的结局 不是吗
All’s well that ends well, huh?
报纸有了头条新闻 有钱游客们都松了一口气
Newspapers have their headlines, all the rich tourists can relax…
你出尽了风头 也许还会获得来自巴黎的表扬
and you got your publicity and possibly a commendation from Paris.
几乎每个人都得到了一些利益 除了休森的公♥司♥以外
Almost everyone got some good out of it. Except Hughson’s company.
It has cut into their assets.
可怜的弗萨 没有想到竟然会是他 一个普通的酒保
Poor Foussard. Never guessed it was him. Ordinary wine waiter.
爱家的男人 还有义肢
Family man. Wooden leg.
哦 你们不知道吗 噢 当然
Oh, didn’t you know? Why, certainly.
他在战争时失去了腿 真了不起 不是吗
He lost it during the war. That’s remarkable, isn’t it?
A man with a wooden leg teaches himself to climb up walls…
并且在屋顶上 敏捷的就像是四条腿的猫
and to run over the roof with the agility of a four-footed cat.
-那是真的吗 -我想他是有一条腿瘸了
– Is that true? – I believe he had a bad leg.
是的 你表现得很有格调 没有让此消息上报
Yes, you showed such good taste in keeping it out of the newspapers.
我想我该去参加弗萨的丧礼 向他致上我的哀悼
I think I’ll drop in to Foussard’s funeral, pay my last respects.
And at the same time get a look at the real Cat…
who will certainly be there purring.
就一个词 “我知道”
In a phrase, I do.
-那快告诉长官是谁啊 – 他不会相信我
– Tell the commissioner who it is. – He wouldn’t believe me.
-试试我吧 -你会觉得难以置信
– Then try me. – You’d find it hard to believe.
等到我在屋顶上抓住 手握一批钻石的夜猫时
When I catch the Cat on a rooftop with a handful of stolen diamonds…
罗比先生 是我给报社这个消息 你才获得自♥由♥的
Monsieur Robie, it’s because I gave this story…to the newspapers, you’re at liberty.
但是哪一天我在屋顶抓到你时 我会再次叫记者来的
But the day I catch you on a roof, I’ll call the reporters again!
勒皮克 这就是我想知道的啊
Lepic, that’s all I wanted to know.
Good day.
真是件令人不愉快的事啊 罗比
A most unhappy affair, eh, Robie?
Unhappy because it isn’t me down there?
Poor Danielle.
I have a great compassion for her.
I’ll look out for her.
What do you suppose happened to all the stuff he stole?
啊 那是个谜
Ah, that’s a mystery.
The police have looked in everyplace.
-那些伙伴们欠你一句道谢 -为什么
– The boys owe you many thanks. – For what?
你知道的 冒着被捕的危险抓到夜猫
You know, for risking prison to capture the Cat.
喔 那个啊
Oh, that.
但是 你没有理由抱怨 不是吗
But you have no reason to complain, eh?
Could you be a little more specific?
那个美国女孩 她叫什么
The American girl… What’s her name?
喔 法兰茜史蒂芬 怎么了
Oh, Francie Stevens. That the one?
rich beyond your dreams.
When are you going to America?
I didn’t know I was.
你将犯一个很大的错误 如果你不娶她
You will make a great mistake if you don’t marry her…
and return to your native country.
Let’s talk about it at the Sanford gala over the weekend…
你知道的 你必须负责饮食
you know, between your catering duties.
-你没被邀请啊 -我会是
– You are not invited. – I will be.
What costume will you wear?
I’ll figure out something to surprise you.
啊 祝好运
Ah, good luck.
出去 滚出去
Get out! Get out of here!
凶手 杀人犯
Killer! Murderer!
Are you going to make it hard for me to apologize?
You know I am.
要不是我妈告诉我 我还不知道你要面对的事情
Until Mother told me, I had no idea the things you were up against.

Yeah, well…
-现在你有什么计划 -现在什么
– What are your plans now? – Now what?
-那夜猫贼死了啊 -弗萨不是夜猫
– That the cat burglar’s dead. – Foussard isn’t the Cat.
-但是 报纸上 -那个人有一条义肢
– But the newspapers… – The man had a wooden leg.
他不是要偷窃 他是要杀我
He wasn’t trying to rob it. He was trying to kill me.
Then who killed him?
如果我查明了 会告诉你的 再见
If I ever find out, I’ll let you know. Good-bye.
约翰 何苦呢
John, why bother?
这是我的嗜好 追求真♥相♥
It’s sort of a hobby of mine… the truth.
-让我帮忙你吧 -噢 不 谢了
– Let me do something to help you. – Oh, no, thanks.
罗比先生 我想我看错你了
Mr. Robie, I was wrong about you, I think.
You might possibly be wrong about me.
-抱歉 我还要赶公交车 -我不会原谅你
– Pardon me. I have a bus to catch. – I won’t pardon you.
I’m in love with you.
That’s a ridiculous thing to say.
Were playthings.
I’ll make you a sporting, exciting offer.
I don’t know if I’m up to it now.
帮我取得一张桑弗宴会的请帖 我带你去那里
Get me an invitation to the Sanford gala, I’ll take you there.
那是化装晚会 你知道的 你不能没有服装
