We must split up. Watson and I will go to Lancashire…
…追踪扣子的线索 汤姆和杰瑞 我命令你们…
…in pursuit of this button. Tom and Jerry, I’m charging you…
…with getting Miss Red to my flat for safekeeping.
华生 快走
Watson, hurry.
快走吧 来吧 驾驾
Here you are. Come on, giddyup.
I think he’s trying to tell us something.
不好意思 伙计 那是我的铲子
Excuse me, mate. That’s my shovel.
布拉米 这房♥子里面居然挖了地道
Blimey, the tunnel leads right to this house.
汤姆 杰瑞 我的屋子里面有几个警员
Tom, Jerry, there are constables in my house.
你就信我的吧 在这住着的人绝对是我们的首要线索
You mark my words, whoever lives here is the one we’re after.
好了 各位 这位女士就是我们要找的人
All right, men. This is the woman we’re looking for.
哦 好耶 真不错 -我一定会仔细盘查
Oh, yes. I’ll say. -I’ll cover the whole area.
那当然 嘿 我们什么时候开始
Oh, yeah. Hey, when do we start?
安静点 你们这些家伙
Pipe down now, the lot of you.
I put you into teams of two so you can scour the city…
…and find this hardened criminal.
并且注意 旁遮普大使♥馆♥答应给那位抓到犯人的警官…
And in addition, the Punjab embassy has offered the arresting officer…
…a handsome reward.
好吧 小伙计
All right, little buddy.
Why don’t you go pick me up an extra pair of handcuffs?
当然了 朋友
Sure thing, friend.
给你吧 搭档
Here they are, partner.
Don’t forget your billy club.
嘿 我是不是看见了什么人
Hey, I think I see someone.
真的吗?-对 就在那
You do? -Yeah, that way.
站住 以我报酬之名
Stop, in the name of my reward!
I’ve got you now.
好了 女士 跟我走一趟吧
All right, lassie, you’re coming with me.
哦 你在这啊
Oh, there you are.
啊 闭嘴吧
Aw, shut up.
好吧 好吧
All right, all right.
You be waking up the devil with that racket.
杰瑞兄弟 你终于来看我了 是不是?
Brother Jerry, come to see me now, have you?
What brings a scamp like you to me humble house?
很明显她在找些什么东西 是吗?
It’s sanctuary she be needing, isn’t it?
What about him?
要是你觉得没问题 那我也没问题
If he’s okay with you, he’s okay with me.
进来吧 女士
Come on, my lady.
那么 这一次你又做了什么恶作剧啊 杰瑞兄弟
So, what kind of mischief have you gotten yourself into this time, Jerry boy?
You know how I love to hear your stories.
哦 有警♥察♥在跟着你们?
Oh! The police are after you?
The police are here?
嘿 我们干嘛要在这破地方浪费时间呢?
Hey, why are we wasting our time in this place?
额 你看啊 其实从统计学的角度讲罪犯躲在教堂的几率非常大
Well, you see, it’s a statistical fact that criminals often hide in churches.
拜托 你一定要帮我 我是无辜的
Please, you must help me. I’m innocent.
好吧 跟我过来 女士
All right. Come with me, lass.
吼吼吼 看吧?
Ha-ha-ha. See?
没有红发 除了蜡烛什么都没有
No redheads. Nothing in here but candles.
A good policeman always does a thorough search.
What now?
I’m not sure.
Do angels have whiskers?
You two, make yourselves scarce.
Oh, yes.
来听听这个 布切尔
Listen to this, Butch.
哈哈 你怎可真是外行 让我给你秀一把吧
Ha, ha. What an amateur. Let me take a whack at it.
不好意思 伙计 那是我的铲子
Excuse me, mate. That’s my shovel.
Are you boys okay?
Shame on you two.
你们怎么想的 竟敢在这大晚上把女士一个人留下
What’s the idea leaving a lady all alone in the middle of the night?
The thieves are inside?
Don’t be expecting me to go into that snake pit of dancing and laughter…
…跟你们一起唱唱跳跳 天哪
…and rowdy merry-making. Whoa!
Unless you really need me.
嘿 我想走了 我觉得我们该走了
Hey, I wanna go. I think we should go.
对 现在也该走了吧 对不?-别担心 我们可有得是时间
Yeah, it’s time to go, isn’t it? -Don’t worry. We’ve got loads of time.
There’s a yearning in the heart
Of this young lady
Alone, so very far away from home
Across the crowded pub right in the corner
You’ll find the stupid louts you’re looking for
There’s a burning in the heart of this young bosom
For a big old rock That’s hidden in his hat
没错 中间那位 你看起来身怀宝石钻戒
Yes, the middle one, you see holds the diamond treasury
过不多久 你这老丑猫
But not for long, you dumb old cats
嘿 服务员 我的饮料呢?
Hey, waiter, where’s my drink?
撑起伞 撑起伞 撑起伞走在小路上
Bumbershoot, bumbershoot strolling along with my bumbershoot
风雨无阻 神圣光辉不可侵犯
Rain or shine, it’s divine It simply can’t be beat
撑起伞 撑起伞 撑起伞无人能阻挡
Bumbershoot, bumbershoot Nothing compares to my bumbershoot
丝绸与蕾丝 阶级有风度 我撑起伞乐悠悠
Silk and lace, class and grace My bumbershoot’s a treat
撑起伞 撑起伞 撑起伞可爱又美丽
Bumbershoot, bumbershoot wonderful, fun-derful bumbershoot
在公园里 在小河上 我的恶作剧屡试不爽
In the park, on a lark my gamp is tried and true
撑起伞 撑起伞 撑起伞谁还要肩膀
Bumbershoot, bumbershoot Who needs a man with a bumbershoot?
走的爽 不用说 走完之后我就收收好
Good for walks, never talks and goes in a stand when I’m through
哦 别急 宝贝
Oh, spot on, dear.
哦 不
Oh, no.
兄弟们 快看
Boys, look.
别让他跑了 抓住他
Oy, there he goes. Catch him.
哦 抓住了
Oof! Got him.
抓他 抓他
Get him. Get him.
I’ll take that.
走吧 我们走
Come on, let’s go.
托马斯 那些猫抓了杰瑞
Thomas, the cats took Jerry.
可怜的托马斯 你还好吗?
Poor Thomas. Are you okay?
好啊 这下我什么都见过了
Well, now I’ve seen everything.
哦 怎么看着这些会飞的猫科动物这么眼熟呢
Oh, there’s something familiar about those flying felines.
“Cemetery property.”
啊 就是这样 那三只猫是本地的掘墓人
Ah! That’s it. Those three cats are the local gravediggers.
哦 对对对 我记得我买♥♥过这颗扣子 给一只猫
Oh, yes, yes, yes. I remember selling this button. To a cat.
它前天才来买♥♥的 很古怪的
He bought it the day before yesterday. An odd fellow.
你知道他的名字吗? -哦 不 你知道那些猫 都是闷瓜
Do you know his name? -Oh, no. You know cats, quiet types.
不过过个一两天倒是可以问问 等他来拿裤子的时候
But I can ask him in a day or two, when he picks up his trousers.
啊 我的天
Oh, my word.
你在看什么呢 福尔摩斯?
What are you looking for, Holmes?
什么都想看 亲爱的华生
Almost anything, my dear Watson.
一支鹅毛笔 这可不太好 -一支最近才被拔下来的毛笔
A goose feather. That’s no good. -A freshly plucked one at that.
We find the fowl this feather came from…
…and our thief’s goose is as good as cooked.
大家小心啊 那些会飞的猫在哪都有可能
Careful now, those flying cats could be anywhere.
啊 我的老天啊 是旁遮普之星
Ah! My goodness. It’s the Star of Punjab.
He’s safe.
不只是安全呢 女士 他还拿到了什么东西
More than safe, lass. He’s got a hold of something.
That bloke may have got away with the diamond…
…but at least we got the key.
The key to what?
我们好好检查检查这里 兄弟
Let’s canvass this area, men.
They can be anywhere.
Those criminals are a wily sort.
The reputation of Scotland Yard is at stake.
I don’t see how we’ll get you to Mr. Holmes’ flat…
…with these bobbies bobbing about.
等等 我有个很好的朋友 就是他推荐我去找福尔摩斯的…
Wait. My dear family friend, the one who sent me to Mr. Holmes…
…他就住在这附近 我看在他那一定非常安全
…lives right in this neighborhood. I’m sure I’d be safe there.
Then what are we waiting for?
你好 教授
Hello, professor.
啊 亲爱的芮德
Why, Red, my dear.
I’m in a bit of trouble.
我能进来吗 -当然了 孩子
May I come in? -Of course, my child.