…那么 岛上的恩怨便一笔勾销
Aye, aye, captain.
是的 遵命 船长
You give me a good half hour to get up to windward, mind you.
记住了 你给我半小时的时间 让我好好利用一下迎头风
I will.
And the best of luck to you, Silver.
祝你好运 西尔维
Silver’s gone.
What do you mean, gone?
For God’s sake, man, will you ever learn to knock?
看在上帝的份上 伙计 你能否学会先敲敲门啊
He’s taken a sack of doubloons…
…and one of the gold bars. What?
…以及一块金条 什么?
Blast and damn.
Ben Gunn, what’s the matter with you? Didn’t you see anything?
本·冈 你怎么搞的?你就没听见什么动静吗?
He must’ve gone right past you, you waif-faced imbecile
他必定有跟你擦身而过 你这个迟钝的流浪汉…
Oh, no, sir. I didn’t see nothing, sir.
噢 先生 我什么都没看见
Just watching my course, like a good seaman, sir. I was.
我一直盯着航向 好水手总是这样的 先生… 我向来如此的
Can’t you overhaul him, captain?
你难道不能追上他吗 船长大人?
Oh, surely, you can sail the Hispaniola faster than a little boat like that.
噢 堂堂的伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥肯定比一艘小船快多了吧
Not to windward. He has the weather gauged of us, man.
迎头风里可不行 他用天气算计了我们 伙计
We could tack about all night and never catch him.
就算我们整晚紧追 也总会距他一步之遥
Of Silver, we heard no more.
关于西尔维 我们再没有听到半点消息
That formidable, seafaring man with one leg…
… has gone clean out of my life.
Perhaps he has found comfort somewhere along the Spanish Main…
也许他在西属美洲的某个地方 养尊处优消磨余生…
… plying his old trade.
As for Treasure Island, the bar silver lies there still…
而在金银岛 还有一些银锭静静地埋在那里…
… but wild horses couldn’t drive me back to that accursed place.
In my worst nightmares, I still hear the surf booming along its coast.
在我最可怕的梦魇里 我听见浪涛拍打海岸的轰鸣声
I sit up right in bed, with the sharp voice of Captain Flint ringing in my ears.
我惊坐而起 那只名叫”弗林特船长”的鹦鹉尖利的叫声 仍在我耳边回荡
