快过来 坐下 坐下
Come on! Sit down, sit down.
好吧 我下水了 -快快快 太好了
Okay, I’m going in. – Quick, quick, quick… Yes!
这位美丽的小姐 -艾丽西娅
This wonderful Miss… – Alicia.
达利斯 我需要你的帮助
Darius? I need your help.
你去帮我告诉一个客人 船员不能游泳了
I need you tell one of the guests that the crew can’t go for a swim.
Well, I told them it’s not possible because of the dinner,
but they want to hear it from the captain in person.
所以我就去了托马斯的船舱敲了门 但他不在
So I went to Thomas’ cabin, I knocked on it, he’s not there.
里面没有回应 我联♥系♥不上他 所以
He’s not responding. I can’t get a hold of him, so…
Could you just please go and tell them it’s not possible?
帮我个大忙 -你们就不能直接去游泳吗
That would be a big help. – Can’t you just go for a swim?
不可以 虽然那是最简单的方式
No. I mean, that would be the easiest,
but they want us to go from the water slide and…
这一点都不好笑 你笑什么 埃里克
It’s not even funny. Why are you laughing, Erik?
你为什么会在这 -我休息一会
Why are you even here? – I’m on my break.
现在你的休息时间结束了 回去工作
Well, your break is over. Go back to work.
滑梯都还没安装呢 要花好久的时间 我可等不起
It’s not even installed yet, it will take forever, and I don’t have that time.
厨师已经开始做饭了 我需要时间准备
The chef has started the dinner, I need the prep-time.
所以请你一定去告诉他们 我们不能游泳了
So please go and tell them it’s not possible…
I’m not going to go and talk to some crazy Russians.
不是疯狂的 而是富得流油的俄♥国♥人
It’s not crazy Russians, it’s very rich Russians.
Same thing.
先去把这件事情解决了 然后
Go and solve this problem first, and then…
不 这件事到此为止
No! We’re done.
你为什么就是不去呢 -你去游泳又能怎么样呢 真是的
Why won’t you do this? – Go and take a swim. Jesus…
先生您好 -你好
Hello, sir! – Hello.
有什么需要我帮忙的吗 -我就随便看看
Can I help you? – I was just looking.
您想看看舰桥吗 -可以吗
You want to see the bridge? – If possible.
当然了 我可以去联♥系♥大副 他现在有空
Of course. I can get the First Officer. He’s not doing anything right now.
您可以带客人去舰桥那边吗 -当然可以
Could you show the guest the bridge? – Yes, of course.
Welcome to the bridge.
我是达利斯 很高兴认识您
I’m Darius. Nice to meet you.
托马斯 你在吗
Thomas? Hello?
下午好 -下午好
Good afternoon. – Good afternoon.
其实我有个事想说一下 -请讲
Actually… I have a question. – Yes, of course.
Yesterday, I was up on the sundeck.
太阳很好 一切都很美好
And the sun was shining, everything was perfect.
But then I looked at the sails.
船帆 -是的
The sails? – Yes.
And they were… a bit dirty.
哦 这样啊 -是的
Oh! – Yeah.
这样啊 -是的
Oh… – Yeah.

但厨房♥里的食物会放坏的 你不知道吗
Yeah, but do you realize the food down here is going to be bad?
好吧 再见
Okay, bye.
好了 朋友们听一下 你们要去游泳
Okay, guys, listen up. You are going to swim.
所以 穿好泳裤 去主甲板集♥合♥
So, bring your swimming pants, and go to the main deck
抓紧时间 好吗
as quick as possible, okay?
快 动起来 准备去滑道
Come on! Chop, chop! You’re going to water slide.
Have fun!
‘Good afternoon.
‘I hope that everyone has had a great day so far,
‘and that you’re looking forward to the Captain’s Dinner tonight.
‘We would like to inform you that we have a slight change in the schedule.
‘The Captain’s Dinner will be held at 8:30,
‘and not at 8:00, as it says on the daily program.
重复 船长晚宴将在八点半进行
‘I repeat: the Captain’s Dinner will be held at 8:30.
‘Thank you.’
Why the push?
Cos the crew’s going for a… a swim.
It’s a request from one of the Russians.
他们要坐水滑梯 -天呀 那我得去看看
From the water slide. – Oh, my God! This I gotta see.
等一下 等一下 你想先换下衣服吗
Whoa, whoa! Do you want to change first?
哦 亚莉珊德拉 最近怎么样 -我是艾丽西娅
Oh, Alessandra! How are you? – Alicia.
艾丽 -能让我们单独聊会儿吗
Al…? – Can you leave us for a bit, please?
Let’s go inside, yeah?
我觉得你得换套衣服 如果你想
I think you need to change if you wanna go up…
是的 你说得对
Yeah, yeah…
我们到里面说吧 -不 要不
Let’s go inside and talk. – No, no…
你还好吗 兄弟
Are you okay, man?
不错 -是吗
Good. – Yeah?
特别好 -我们还剩下四个半小时
Very good. – We have four and a half hours left.
Until the Captain’s Dinner.
你到房♥间里休息一下 打个盹 我几小时之后就回来
You chill in your room, have little nap. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.
然后我们 一起过去
And we’ll… go together.
Look at you!
你们最近都在忙什么 我特别好 好得不能再好了
What are you all worked up about? I’m fine! Just totally fine.
是吗 -那当然了 百分之百的。
Yeah? – Completely, a hundred percent…

穆♥罕♥默♥德♥ 穆♥罕♥默♥德♥ -干什么呀
Mohammed! Mohammed! – What?
走 我们走 快来 快点
Come! Let’s go! Come, come!
什么 -走
What? – Let’s go!
Oh! Whoo!
来点香槟 -漂亮
Some champagne. – Bravo!
大家玩得开心吗 当然了
Are we enjoying ourselves? Yes!
你站在这里就好 他们会过来找你的
If you just stand here, and they will be coming to you.
好吧 -让我好好看看 好
Okay. – Let me see you. Okay.
很好 -谢谢你 宝拉
Okay! – Thank you, Paula.
就只是一晚上而已 仅此而已 -好的
Just one night, that’s all. – Okay.
达利斯 你能站在他旁边吗 只是想确保
Darius, could you stand next to him? Just to make sure…
好了吗 准备好了吗 -谢谢你
Okay? You’re ready? – Thank you.
准备好了 -好了
Yep. – Yes.
好的 那我们准备开门吧
Okay, let’s get ready to open the doors.
听我指示 好吗
Open on my signal, yes?
然后 开门
And… go.
Good evening.
欢迎来到船长晚宴 -谢谢
Welcome to the Captain’s Dinner. – Thank you.
想来一杯香槟吗 -太感谢你了
Would you like a glass of champagne? – Thank you very much.
晚上好 欢迎来到船长晚宴
Good evening. Welcome to the Captain’s Dinner.
您好 您好
Hi… Hi!
晚上好 本次游轮体验怎么样
Good evening. Enjoying your cruise?
欢迎光临 -您好 夫人
Welcome. – Hello, ma’am.
很高兴见到您 祝您用餐愉快
Nice to meet you. Enjoy your dinner.
哦 您好 夫人 最近还好吗
Oh, hello, ma’am. How are you?
Enjoy your dinner.
Hope the weather’s not too rough on you.
您好 先生 -你好
Hello, sir. – Hi.
欢迎光临 -谢谢
Welcome. – Thank you.
很高兴见到您 祝您用餐愉快
Nice to meet you. Enjoy your dinner.
您好 先生 -晚上好 我是雅尔莫·比约克曼
Hello, sir. – Good evening. Jarmo Bjoörkman…
我有个疑问 不好意思啊
I have a question. I’m sorry.
昨天 我在甲板上 -您说
Yesterday, I was up on deck. – Yes.
风景非常优美 一切都非常美妙
And it was so beautiful. Everything was fantastic.
但是 我看到了船帆
But then, I saw the sails.
The sails?
是的 船帆 -哦
The sails, yes. – Oh…
是的 而且它们是泥灰色的
Yeah. And they were dirt-gray.
Do you think it’s possible to wash them?
啊 这个 我觉得这种情况不太可能出现 夫人 因为
Well, I don’t think that’s possible, ma’am, because, er…
这是一辆机动船 -是的
…this is a motorized vessel. – Yeah.
所以 我们没有帆
So, we don’t have any sails.
Maybe it was the sundeck roof?
