要暖床的话我俩谁都成 我清楚
…because either of us will do to keep the bed warm. I get it.
Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.
多谢你了 但我们不会跟随便一个人
Well, thank you, but we do not fly off to make love…
…with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.
她是不是总这样 分♥析♥每一丝灵感
Does she always analyze every inspiration…
…until each grain of charm is…
…squeezed out of it?
I guess I have to say that…
…my eyes are green, actually.
I wouldn’t call our reluctance…
要我们欣然接受你的性♥爱♥ 我多分♥析♥一下也不过分
…to leap at your sexual offer being overanalytical.
If you would care to join us for some…
有个正常的社交 比如一起喝点酒 我们都乐意接受
w…recognized form of social interaction like a drink, we’d be fine…
不然的话 我建议你还是去别的桌子试试吧
…but otherwise, I think you should try offering to some other table.
What offended you about the offer?
Surely not that I find you both beautiful and desirable.
冒犯我 当然没有
Offended me? No.
这是可笑 让人恼怒 说实话
It’s very amusing…galling, to be honest, but….
是我的问题 还是真的很晚了
Is it getting a little late?
I would love to go to Oviedo.
什么 你开玩笑吧
What? Are you kidding?
我觉得这挺好玩的 我很想去
I think it would be so much fun. I’d love to go.
克莉丝汀娜 我们能改天再讨论么
Can we discuss this some other time?
在画廊 当我看到你在房♥间那头
When I saw you across the room at the art gallery…
我就注意到 你有着
…I noticed you have…
美丽的双唇 丰满着肉♥欲♥
…beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual.
Thank you.
我不能保证跟你做♥爱♥ 因为我很情绪化
I can’t guarantee the lovemaking…I happen to be very moody.
Let’s not negotiate like a contract.
我是诚心诚意过来的 倾我所有
I came over here with no subterfuge, and presented my best offer.
我希望你们讨论一下 让我有幸能带你们同去奥维耶多
I hope you will discuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo
I have the good fortune to borrow my friend’s plane.
只够坐我们三个 我开飞机很有一手
It’s just big enough for the three of us and I’m a very good pilot.
It sounds very safe.
Think it over.
I hope you’re joking about going.
这家伙挺有意思的 有意思
This guy is so interesting. Interesting?
有啥意思 他想把我们俩骗上♥床♥
What’s so interesting? He wants to get us both into bed.
但一个也成 这次就上你
But he’ll settle for either. In this case, you.
维琪 我不是小孩子了 好么 跟不跟他上♥床♥ 由我自己决定
Vicky, I’m a big girl, okay? If I want to sleep with him, I will. If not, I won’t.
克莉丝汀娜 他根本是个陌生人 即使是你 这样做也太冲动了
Cristina, he’s a total stranger. This is impulsive, even for you…
如果我没听错 他对他妻子用过暴♥力♥
…and if I heard right, he was violent with his wife.
At least he’s not one of those factorymade zombies. You know.
This is a great way to get to know him.
不 一点也不 我才不要去奥维耶多
No, it’s not. I’m not going to Oviedo…
…with this charmingly candid wife beater.
你觉得他的主动进攻很有吸引力 但我不这么认为
You find his aggressiveness attractive, but I don’t.
And he’s certainly not handsome.
我觉得他挺帅的 长得不错 你知道的 他超性感啊
I think he’s very handsome. He has a great look. I mean, he’s really sexy.
你当然这么觉得啦 你脑袋秀逗了
Well, you would, because you’re a neurotic.
Well, you would, because you’re a neurotic.
得了吧 他简直是贱到透顶
What are you talking about? It’s all bullshit.
我绝不会去奥维耶多 首先 我从没听说过有这地方
I’m not going to Oviedo. First off, I never heard of Oviedo.
而且他也对我没吸引力 第三 假使我没订婚
I don’t find him winning. Third, even if I wasn’t engaged
天下西班牙人任我调戏 我也不会挑中这位
…and was free to have some kind of dalliance with a Spaniard, I wouldn’t pick this one.
喂 嘿 我现在不方便说话
Oh, hi. I can’t talk right now.
我正试图从一个可能致命的错误中 把克莉丝汀娜解救出来呢
I’m trying to save Cristina from making a potentially fatal mistake.
什么 不 跟往常一样
What? No, the usual.
I’ll call you back.
I love you, too.
如果我们现在回去 就可以赶快打包去跟他碰头
If we go back to the house now, we can just throw some things in a bag and we’ll meet him there.
I took an instant liking to this guy.
他不是那种墨守成规的人 他富有创造力和艺术气息
He’s not one of these cookiecutter molds. He’s creative and artistic.
Cookiecutter mold?
Is that what you think of Doug?
道格 谁说道格了啊
Doug? Who said anything about Doug?
这真可笑 你就是喜欢 人家接你上飞机到处玩
It’s ridiculous. You like the way it sounds to pick up and fly off in an airplane.
我知道 我不明白我害怕什么 除非我是害怕我自己
I know. I don’t know why I’m so scared, unless I’m scared of myself.
这是个错误 克莉丝汀娜
It’s a mistake, Cristina.
预报说奥维耶多城郊有小风暴 但没什么大不了的
They predicted a little storm out of the town, out of Oviedo, but it’s nothing serious.
不用担心 真的 你看这
Don’t worry, really. As you can see here….
呐 有点颠簸 对吧
There, it’s just a little bumpy, right?
你想试着开两下么 不用了 谢谢
Would you like to fly it? No, thank you!
很简单的 比开车还简单 试试看
It’s easy. It’s even easier than a car. Try it.
清晨 他们到达了目的地
By early morning, they had reached their destination…
…and proceeded to a hotel that Juan Antonio had selected for them.
维琪确认她与克莉丝汀娜住一间 琼·安东尼奥自己住另一间
Vicky made sure she and Cristina had their own room and Juan Antonio had his.
若他因此扫兴了 他掩饰得也真不错
If he was disappointed, he hid it well.
收拾好之后 他带她们去看那雕塑 对他意义深远的雕塑
After freshening up, he took them to see the sculpture that was so meaningful to him.
你笃信宗教 不不 我不是
Are you very religious? No. No, I’m not.
享受生活才是真谛 勉强接受是毫无意义的
The trick is to enjoy life, accepting it has no meaning whatsoever.
毫无意义 你不觉得可靠的爱情 能给予生活更多意义么
No meaning? You don’t even think that authentic love gives life meaning?
这话没错 但爱情转瞬即逝 不是么
Yes, but love is so transient, isn’t it?
I was in love with the most incredible woman…
而最终 她捅了我一刀
…and in the end…w…she put a knife into me.
天啊 真是太糟了
My God, that’s terrible.
Maybe you did something to deserve it.
琼·安东尼奥带她们去吃午饭 他们讨论艺术与浪漫
Juan Antonio took his guests for lunch. They discussed art and romance.
他有说不完的故事 关于他的前妻玛利亚·爱莲娜
He was full of stories about Maria Elena, his ex wife…
He was full of stories about Maria Elena, his ex wife…
他其实是个不错的主人 下午他带她们去看当地景点
He proved to be a good host, and in the afternoon, he took them to see the local sights…
她们沉浸在城市的故事中 不停拍照
…where they enjoyed hearing about the city and took photos.
后来 他们在一间可爱的糖果店买♥♥了糖果和蛋糕
Later, they bought candy and cakes at a charming sweet shop…
手工制♥作♥的 非常美味
…which were homemade and delicious.
他们继续记录这次旅程 维琪依然多疑
They continued to document their trip and while Vicky remained skeptical…
…Cristina had a wonderful time.
一起上♥床♥的事 直到晚上才被重提
The question of sleeping together did not come up until that night…
…and Juan Antonio was a little drunk
You’re welcome.
All right
Now that the day is almost over…
我现在问你们二位 是否愿意来我房♥间 不算不讲理吧
…is it reasonable of me to ask you if you would both join me in my room?
拜托 我还以为已经说好的
Come on. I thought we settled that.
维琪只是说 她订了婚 就要结婚了
Vicky’s just trying to say she’s engaged to be married.
很好 那这就是她放纵自己的最后几天
Great. Then these are her last days of freedom.
不行 听着 这可不行 我有婚约了
No. Look, I’m not free. I’m committed.
你知道我怎么看这事么 我喝过酒之后 说话直得伤人
You know what my theory is? When I drink, I get brutally frank.
我觉得你与玛利亚·爱莲娜的婚姻失败后 你还没从痛苦中走出来
I think that you’re still hurting from the failure of your marriage to Maria Elena…
…and you’re trying to lose yourself in empty sex.
无意义的性♥爱♥ 你这么看扁你自己
Empty sex? Do you have such a low opinion of yourself?
她只是说 她自己得先有爱再有性
She’s just saying it has to have meaning for her, that’s all.
我是说 这城市如此浪漫 这夜晚温暖宜人
I mean, the city is romantic. The night is warm and balmy.
我们都活得好好的 这还不够有意义
We are alive. Isn’t that meaning enough?
我只是来陪克莉丝汀娜而已 我是要结婚的女人哎
I just came along to keep Cristina company. I’m engaged to be married.
我未婚夫英俊潇洒 我只想跟他做♥爱♥
I have a handsome, lovely fiance who I make love with…
…who also holds a very real place in my heart.
说实话吧 琼·安东尼奥
And to be perfectly frank, Juan Antonio…
就算我是个风流女子 我对你也没兴趣
…if I were the type of person who played around, I don’t think it’s in the cards for us.
那好 我累了 一整天没合眼了
So, I’m tired. I haven’t slept in twentyfour hours…
…and that is exactly what I’m going to do.
And you?
我会去你房♥间 但你得好好勾引我
I’ll go to your room, but you have to seduce me.
你好 你好
Hello Hellp
I am just here to have a quick drink…
说声谢谢 然后就回我房♥间去
…to say thank you, then I’m going back to my room.
Did you act in the small film you made?
出演 当然出演了 怎么
Did I act? Yeah, I acted. Why?
希望你能比假装 “过来喝杯酒” 演得更真一点
I hope you were more convincing than you are pretending to have come here for one quick drink.
我是来跟你上♥床♥的 你说对了
I am here to go to bed with you. You’re right.
