那么 你基本上稳赢咯 除非
So you’re pretty much home free, unless you…
搞砸了 搞砸
…blow it. Blow it?
搞砸 你是说破坏气氛
Blow it. You mean ruin the moment?
And how would I do that?
我不清楚 有很多可能
I don’t know. It could be anything from…
…some inane comment to…
…wearing the wrong kind of shorts.
虽然 不知怎么 我看着你
Although…somehow, by looking at you…
就觉得 你不必担心后者
…wearing the wrong kind of shorts.
You’re very hard to please.
是啊 我的偏执可是出了名的
Yeah, well…I am famous for my intolerance.
除了穿对内衣的男人 你生活中还需要什么
And what do you want in life besides a man with the right shorts?
I don’t know.
我只知道 在我找到自己的追求之前 我不会停驻
I know I not going to settle until I find what I’m looking for.
Which is what?
别的东西 我想要一些不一样的东西
Something…else. I want something different. Something more.
Some sort of…counterintuitive love.
Meaning, um….
I don’t know.
我不知道我要什么 我只知道我不要什么
I don’t know what I want. I only know what I don’t want.
如果你还不赶紧脱我衣服 就会越说越无聊了
If you don’t start undressing me soon, this is going to turn into a panel discussion.
Are you okay?
我没事 吃的东西有点问题
Yeah, I’m fine. It’s something I ate.
怎么了 要拿点什么给你
What’s wrong? Can I get you anything?
不 我 我不该喝酒的
No, I…I shouldn’t be drinking.
怎么回事 我要吐了
What happened? I’m going to be sick.
胃溃疡 食物中毒 或者两个都有
It’s her ulcer and perhaps food poisoning. Maybe both.
天啊 两个
God, both.
她必须静卧休息 不能进食 休息
She must just ret. Not eat. Rest?
没错 休息
Yeah, rest, rest.
克莉丝汀娜卧床不起 维琪急着要回巴塞罗那 无心观景
With Cristina stuck in bed, Vicky was anxious to get back to Barcelona and in no mood to sightsee.
等他开完会 能让他打我手♥机♥么
When he gets out of his meeting, can you get him to call me on my cell?
是啊 我被困在奥维耶多了
Yeah, I’m still stuck in Oviedo.
But sightsee is what they did.
克莉丝汀娜这样 我很抱歉
I feel very sorry about Cristina.
哦 得了吧 别假装你担心
Oh, come on. Don’t pretend concern.
I’m sure you kept encouraging her to drink…
这就是餐桌上你对我们俩的表现 可惜我酒量很好
…as you did to both of us throughout dinner. But I can hold my liquor.
她没说她有胃溃疡 是没说
She never mentioned her ulcer. No.
是没说 那是因为她是个有少女情怀的人
No, because she’s a mental adolescent…
喜欢浪漫 她又有点求死情结
…and being romantic, she has a death wish.
So for a brief moment of passion…
…she completely abandons all responsibilities.
午饭后 琼·安东尼奥带维琪到Avilis看古老灯塔
After lunch, Juan Antonio took Vicky to see the old lighthouse at Aviles…
…which she found very beautiful.
I was born near here.
每次来我都会去看望我父亲 不然会有罪恶感 这会不会烦到你
It would be a sin if I came out here without paying a visit to my father. Would that be boring to you?
不会 我觉得这是你第一个真正有趣的提议
No, I think that would be the first genuinely interesting proposition you’ve made me.
I would love to see your father and his house.
我们不能再说下去 要不我就
If we carry on, I don’t think it’s…
没关系 这样很够了 他也不会讲英语
That’s fine. That was great. He speaks no English.
I’m sure my Spanish is going to go.
事实上 他拒绝说任何其它的语言 这是他很坚持的原则
He refuses to speak any other language. That’s an important point with my father, actually.
真的 为什么
Really? Why?
因为他是诗人 谱写西班牙语中最美丽的句子
Because he’s a poet and he writes the most beautiful sentences in the Spanish language…
…but he doesn’t believe a poet…
…should pollute his words by any other tongue.
有道理 我理解 因为一旦翻译
It makes sense. I understand, because of the translation…
…and the things you might lose.
我学了一点西班牙语 不过我没语言天赋
I took some Spanish. Of course, I have no flair for languages.
I read it much better than I speak it.
Maybe I could read your father.
不 问题是他不出版
No, he doesn’t publish. That’s the point.
因为 为什么不呢
Well… Why not?
呆会儿跟你解释 要来点干邑吗
I’ll explain later. Do you want some coac?
好的 谢谢 就一点点
Yes, thank you. Just a very, very, very little.
你气色很好 很硬朗 爸爸
You look good … you look healthy, Papa.
是的 你也是 气色很好
Yes, and you, too, look well.
What do you hear of Maria Elena?
She’s still living with the architect in Madrid.
That woman was the best
I still have erotic dreams about her, at my age.
她也很爱你 爸爸
She also loved you very much, Papa.
真是可惜啊 那么有天赋
What a shame … with that gift of God….
This was my favorite place to read when I was young.
没错 我一开始想当作家 不是画家 画画是后来的事
And, yes, I wanted to be a writer, not a painter. Painting came later.
And I wanted to play music, too.
我只知道我有满腔的 我也不清楚
I mean, all I knew is that I was full of…I don’t know…
强烈情感 我必须找个方式释放它们
…real emotion, and I had to find a way to express it.
Cristina says the same thing.
克莉丝汀娜是个很有意思的女孩 要坐下来吗
Cristina is a very interesting girl. Want to sit?

告诉我 为什么你父亲不想出版他的诗
…tell me, why won’t your father publish his poems?
Because he hates the world…
这是他报复世界的方式 创造美丽的诗句然后
…and that’s his way of getting back at them. To create beautiful works and then…
留给自己独享 我是觉得这样 .
…deny them to the public, which I think is….
My God.
Well, what makes him so angry toward the human race?
Because after thousands of years of civilization…
…they still haven’t learned to love.
They returned to the hotel.
克莉丝汀娜好多了 但还是很虚弱需要休息
Cristina was feeling better, but far too shaky and needed more rest.
Vicky and Juan Antonio dined together at a lovely little restaurant.
比起午餐她放松了很多 喝了很多酒
She was more relaxed than at lunch, and had just finished a great deal of wine.
This time she was enjoying the conversation.
…no place on earth.
My father used to bring me here.

会不会我打的不是时候 宝贝
Did I get you at a bad time, babe?
不会 我正要去吃饭 再打给你好吗
No, I’m just about to eat. Can I call you back?
我就说一件事 保罗和玛丽安在他们住的地方找到房♥子
Let me just say one thing. Paul and Maryanne found a house up where they are…
…that they like even better than the one in Bedford Hills
哦 是吗 呃 信♥号♥♥不好
Oh, yeah? Uh, you’re breaking up a little.
不如 宝贝 呆会儿打我 这家房♥子可有游泳池和网球场
How…? Babe? Call me later, but this house has a pool and a tennis court.
We could both take lessons from Paul’s instructor.
好的 我再打给你 我听不清楚
Okay, I’ll call you back. I can’t hear you.
I love you.
天 信♥号♥♥太差了
God. The connection’s terrible.
来 谢谢
Here. Thank you.
这是什么酒 很爽口 是很棒
What is this wine? It’s delicious. It’s great.
Was that your fiance?
呃 是的 没错
Uh, yes, yes.
Why were you so nervous speaking to him?
Was I nervous?
是的 脸都红了
Yes, you turned red.
是么 我肯定是酒的作用
Well, I’m sure it’s the wine.
Would he be upset if he knew we were dining together?
不 完全不是 开什么玩笑
No, not at all! Are you kidding?
我是说 我知道他不会喜欢
I mean, I don’t think he’d love the basic concept…
…of me sitting with a man drinking wine over candlelight…
但是很快他就会想通其实没什么好担心的 那么 .
…but he’d quickly realize there was nothing to worry about, so….
Would you ever withhold your work from the public out of rage?
没有 我和我父亲不一样
No, I’m not like my father.
相反 我告诉你
No, I told you…
我享受生命 不顾一切
…I affirm life, despite everything.
没错 没错
Right, right.
