I’d be curious to see your work.
怎么会 我是说 你一直很针对我
Why? I mean, you are so disapproving of me.
Well, I’ve gotten to know you better.
那会很有趣的 怎么说你也是个加泰罗尼亚画家 这正是我论文的选题
It’d be interesting, and after all, you are a Catalan painter and that’s my subject.
What gave you such an interest in Catalan culture?
I fell in love with Gaud’s church when I was fourteen…
…and one thing led to another.
You also admire Spanish guitar, I hear.
是的 是的 我爱吉他
Yes, yes. I love the guitar.
Would you like to go hear some wonderful guitar tonight?
这个 现在有点晚了 而且
Well, it’s a little late, and…
…I’m a little wobbly from the wine.
You said you could hold your alcohol.
再说 明天我们就要离开这了
Besides, we leave tomorrow.
好吧 很好
Okay, sure. Great.
真是妙不可言 谢谢 谢谢
That was unbelievable. Thank you, thank you.
我转过头看你 你看起来很感动
I was looking at your face and you looked very moved.
没错 没错 我看到那样的表情好几次了
Yes, yes. A few times, I saw a look like that.
对哦 在玛利亚·爱莲娜的脸上 我肯定
Right. On Maria Elena, I’m sure
没错 玛利亚·爱莲娜也那样 如果她看到
Well, yes, maybe on Maria Elena. If she saw…
或听到什么令她感动的 会的
…or heard something that moved her, yes.
You’re still in love with her.
不 我不爱了 不爱了
No, I’m not, I’m not.
That confirms it.
没有 她永远是我生命里的一部分
No, she will always be a part of me.
She’s an important person in my life…
…but for the two of us, something was not working.
What element?
We never found out.
You said you were looking at my face.
Why were you looking at mine?
Was I?
You probably saw my tears.
是吧 当时感动得有点失控
Yeah…I’m a little out of control.
I was looking at your face because I find it very beautiful
真的 当然是真的
You do? Of course I do.
当然是真的 你知道是真的
Of course I do. You know I do.
维琪什么也没跟克莉丝汀娜提 回去的路上她一直保持沈默
On the trip home, Vicky, who had mentioned nothing to Cristina, was silent.
相反的 克莉丝汀娜却在那紧张地滔滔不绝
Cristina, on the other hand, talked nervously.
我一定要向你们俩道歉 我破坏了我们的周末
I must apologize to both of you for ruining the whole weekend!
我真是不好意思死了 太丢脸了
I’m completely mortified! I’m humiliated.
我都不知道是酒的关系还是海鲜的关系 我得了胃溃疡
I don’t know if it was the wine, or the shellfish. Because I have this ulcer.
I just thank God you knew enough sights to keep Vicky occupied.
I had these horrible nightmares that you two would be like oil and water…
在一起的每一分钟都像折磨 可我病得动弹不得
…hating every minute of being together. I just couldn’t move.
Vicky buried herself in work at the library.
She put foolish ideas out of her head and concentrated on her thesis.
But she found her thoughts frequently returning to Oviedo.
Cristina, searching for a means of selfexpression…
穿梭在巴塞罗那的街道 实践她最新的热衷项目 摄影
…wandered the streets of Barcelona, experimented with her latest passion, photography…
…and believed that she had made a fool of herself…
…exactly at the moment of truth with Juan Antonio.
然后 48个小时后克莉丝汀娜向维琪宣布了一件事
Then, 48 hours later, Cristina came to Vicky with an announcement.
维琪 他打电♥话♥来了
Vicky, he called!
什么 谁
What? Who?
琼·安东尼奥 我接完他的电♥话♥
Juan Antonio. He called me just now.
Juan Antonio called you?
是的 他想带我去葡萄园
Yeah, he wants to take me to some vineyard…
品酒什么的 我回答说:”当然可以”
…some wine tasting or something. I said, “Absolutely.”
品酒 你不是有胃溃疡吗
A wine tasting. But what about your ulcer?
哦 不用担心 喝一点点就没关系 重点是他想见我
No, it’s fine. A little wine’s not going to hurt me. The point is that he wants to see me!
是不是太棒了 是 是
Isn’t that great? Yeah, yeah.
真不敢相信 我想都想过他会打电♥话♥给我
I can’t believe it. I never thought he would call.
这不是很好嘛 真替你高兴
That’s great. I’m happy for you.
那天完全 两个女人都失眠了
That night, the two women had trouble falling asleep.
克莉丝汀娜坐在厨房♥里 喝着咖啡写她的诗
Cristina sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee and working on her poetry.
维琪沉浸在那晚的回忆中 发现它越来越不真实
Vicky, too, was lost in memories of a night that now seemed more and more unreal.

嘿 宝贝 没有吵醒你吧
Hey, babe. Did I wake you?
没 没有 我才刚躺下
No, no. I was just going to sleep.
抱歉这么迟打你电♥话♥ 办公室里真的呆不住了
Sorry I called so late. I had to get out of the office.
就出来透口气 喝杯咖啡 随便告诉你一个好消息 听听这个
Get some air, get some coffee, and I had this great idea. Check this out.
Dad has contacts in the American Embassy in Spain.
我可以早点到你那了 工作可以上网 然后我们就可以在巴塞罗那结婚
I thought I’d come early, work from there on my computer and we could get married in Barcelona.
你说过那里是个很浪漫的地方 我们只要去登记一下就行了
You said it was a romantic spot. We’ll just do a quick city halltype thing.
当然回纽约后还要大摆筵席 这样肯定很有意思 你觉得呢
Of course, we’ll do it again in New York…have a huge blowout, but it’d be fun. What do you think?
什么 在这里结婚
What? To get married here?
为什么不呢 告诉孩子我们是在西班牙结婚的不是很美么
Why not? It’d be great to tell our kids we got married in Spain…
…and Dad’s friends would make it real easy for us.
I don’t know what to say.
You don’t sound bowled over.
不 只是 呃
No, it’s, uh…
…it’s just a surprise.
我们反正要在秋天结婚 地点在哪都没关系 我保证
We’re going to marry in the fall anyway, and we’re going to do that, too, I promise.
Yeah. So what’s the point?
但是在那比较有趣有新意啊 我告诉了肯和爱丽丝
The point is, it’s different, it’s exciting. I told Ken and Alice.
我先打给了他们 他们说早知道他们当初也这样做了
I called them earlier and they said they wish they’d done it.
当然 他们指的是在伦敦 不过他们对我们的做法真的很激动
I mean, London in their case, but they were excited.
是么 我 呃 .
Well, I, uh….
You sound a bit reluctant.
我 没有 干嘛不情愿
Me? No. Why would I be?
没有 我
No, I…
我觉得这个主意挺好 非常棒 是个好主意
…I think it’s a fine idea. I think it’s great. It’s a great idea.
没错 我想也是
Yeah, I think it’s going to be good.
我明天再打给你 我知道我吵醒你了 明天再和你详细说 爱你
I’ll call you tomorrow. I know I woke you. I’ll give you more details tomorrow. I love you so much.
Juan Antonio took Cristina to a wine tasting.
之后 他把她带回了他漂亮的家 这房♥子是多年前他从别的画家那买♥♥来的
After, he took her back to his house, a lovely place he had purchased from another painter years ago…
…and which served as his home and his studio.
他还带她看他的画 令她非常高兴
He showed her his work, which delighted her
She loved the colors and the wild, emotional way he applied the paint to the canvases.
From there, it was only one floor up to his bedroom.
他跟她讲起了他和玛利亚·爱莲娜的婚姻 他们俩深爱着对方
He told her of his marriage to Maria Elena, and their deep love…
…and their terrible fights.
他还告诉她他一直不想和别人 在他和前妻的房♥间做♥爱♥ 直到现在
He told her he had not wanted to make love with anyone else in the bedroom they shared…till now.
这次 克莉丝汀娜什么也没吃
This time, Cristina kept her food down.
Juan took Cristina out several more times.
They went to see a new sculpture by a friend of his.
他还带她游玩这个城市他最爱的地方 让她拍了很多照片
He showed her some of his favorite parts of the city, where she took photographs.
琼·安东尼奥对妓♥女♥很友好 他觉得这会是个很不错的主题
Juan Antonio was friendly with all the whores and thought they would make wonderful subjects.
他很鼓励克莉丝汀娜摄影 尽管她总是羞于给他看
He encouraged Cristina’s work, although she was always too shy to allow him to see it.
他带她和他的朋友们就餐 全是诗人 艺术家和音乐家
He took her to lunch with his friends, who were poets and artists and musicians.
Cristina held her own quite well.
同时 一天 维琪去桂尔公园学习 (高迪最著名的建筑之一)
Meanwhile, one day, going to study yet again the Park Gell…
…which Gaud had designed and which figured prominently in her thesis…
…Vicky had a chance encounter.
你好吗 非常好 你在这里干什么
How are you? My goodness, what are you doing here?
没什么 只是来画素描
Nothing. Just doing some sketches.
哦 对
Oh, right.
Well, I didn’t mean to disturb you.
打扰我 不 你怎么会打扰到我
Disturb me, no. How could you disturb me?
We never had a chance to say a proper goodbye.
是啊 你可以打电♥话♥给我的
Well, you could have called me.
没错 我挣扎过 但又觉得有点小题大做
Yeah, I debated it. But I didn’t think there was much point.
